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Fandom Manchester Academy for Soulmates (Closed)

Name: Lucas Anderson

Age: 17

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Seer?: No

Personality: Lucas isn't very outgoing, but he isn't exactly shy. He only speaks when he needs to, and he's usually very judgy of people.

In his free time, he does photography. People who know him say he has a "childish" taste because of his fondness of sweet food, cartoons, and his stubborness.

Positive Traits: Smart, Witty, Sympathetic, Generous

Negative Traits: Stubborn, sometimes bratty, can be cold to others, can't comfort and listen to people well

History: His parents were both Filipino, though he rarely spoke Tagalog. He was a foster child, taken to 2 different homes until he finally settled with his current parents. He had never been in a relationship, nor does he have much friends, so his parents enrolled him in Manchester Academy.

Plot ideas:

Other: Thread of Fate

Name: "Trinity" Samantha Laverne-Deatroix
Age: Seventeen, will be eighteen on November 23rd.
Species: Human/Fae-a witch with nature based abilities.
Gender: Female
Pronouns: Her/she
Personality: Trinity is a soft-hearted girl, but bitter on the outside. She deals with severe depressing, and often keeps to herself. She expresses herself with visual arts and writing. She revels in any powerful sensation, often putting herself in reckless or dangerous situations. All she wants is to live and feel before she can't anymore. To others, she is a daredevil, a loner type. She has little patience, and will never correct those that make assumptions about her. She has long decided people aren't necessary to her, aside from her family, whom she loves fiercely. She has a good-hearted disposition by nature, but chooses to let resentment and anger overshadow it.
Sexuality: Bisexual/Poly
Soulmate: ???
Thread Color:
Trinity grew up on a parallel Earth where magic was exclusive to a subset of humans that called themselves fae, a rare species that was a secret to the rest of the human race. They mostly dabbled in earth bound magic, but sorcery was not exclusively nature based. She is a rare being, a result of an ancient oath being broken. Her race was once cursed long ago by an ill-motivated and vengeance seeking fae. From then on, any that shared the blood of the fae could give birth to what the sorceress called "the purified." The rest of the race knows them as the forsaken. This is Trinity's fate from birth. Any fae born with this tainted fate meet their demise rather young. If they do live longer, it's a tormented existence for they will have lost every sense until there is nothing left. A slow, torturous death to most. The curse always starts a little differently, some are born with no sense of taste or smell, others with no sense of pain. Some have it much worse from the start. But all forsaken children have lost the one sense that makes them who they are: magic. For Trinity, she was born deaf, without magic to aid her. The only voice that can get through this barricade is her own. Her family always showed the greatest love and devotion to her, but she still grew bitter towards her life and magic. For every year that passes, she awaits her next sense to fade. She wraps her mind in these worries. When will blindness shroud her in darkness, taking the world away from her?

There is only one way for her to save herself, but she resents the cure. After all, the antidote is what put a target on her soul from the start; that is, the other piece of her: her soulmate. The curse chooses those that have broken strings of fate. Now, the only way for her to be saved is to find her soulmate, who's presence will slowly return her stolen senses. They are the only ones she can hear. Their voice, their heartbeat, their breaths, it is the first sound she would ever hear other than from herself. Problem is, the soulmate must share a red string, and nothing else. She gave up on the hope of ever finding her soulmate when she learned that there are only a few rare cases in history of cursed fae succeeding at the task.

Her mother decided to enroll her daughter in this school once she started to catch on that her daughter had given up. Her father agreed out of fear that her reckless behavior would be her downfall. All they want is for her to break the curse and live, but she only aims for death on her own terms. Trinity was meant to be her birthname, but was changed to Samantha due to the fae leader's request. Once she learned of this, she rejected his chosen name, and goes by what her parents wanted for her.
Are you a seer?: No
Theme Song:
Hey Roleplayer!
Muse level: 8/10 Sam (aka Trinity) is the main character for one of my original story ideas, and so I hope to develop her further.
Activity level: 5/10, can check every day, but may only be able to post every other.
Plot ideas: Would like her to revive her relationship with her old partner. And, perhaps form a polyamorous relationship.
Other: Thread of Fate

Name: Jùnjié "Jin" Tsai Gāo
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Personality: Despite Jin's appearance, he's quite the friendly fellow. He has a rather cheery disposition. A bit of a jokester, he typically is light hearted. He is the kind of person to reach a hand out to someone in need, but has trouble being genuine in serious situations. He does have a short fuse at times, especially when it comes to things he dislikes, criticism, or being asked about sensitive subjects. He usually is the kind to apologize first, however, even if the apology is made in some roundabout way. Despite being good natured, he is definitely what you might call a "no f*cks given" type of person. He wants to live life to the fullest, even if that means having to be rebellious. It's not an intentional act against authority, so he doesn't label himself a rebel. He just doesn't let anything stand in his way of choosing his own path.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, possibly bi. Get him drunk enough to find out!
Soulmate: Akira (black), Rosalyn (blue)
Thread Color: Black, and Blue
History: Jin was born in Taiwan in the city his mother was from. At the age of one, however, they both moved to mainland China to be with his father. His parents weren't always soulmates, but his mother tied them together with an artificial thread. When Jin was ten, his mother caught his father having an affair with his red stringed soulmate. Broken hearted, the mother tried to reconcile, but soon realized she was keeping him from his real soulmate. She cut their string herself, resulting in him forgetting her and Jin. The mother and son duo moved to Europe to escape the situation. She wanted a new life for them. Jin was young, but he felt sympathy for his mother. After all, he heard her cries every night through paper thin walls. Despite his efforts to make his mother happy, he did hold some resentment in his heart for her part in losing his father.

When Jin was 17, his seer mother had a vision of his future, or at least what she felt was a vision. He would meet his soulmate in his senior year. They would stay together through college until they were married in their mid-twenties. However, shortly after Jin would lose his wife to a horrible accident. After hiding away for a few days after the funeral, he would return to work and his normal life, a smile plastered on his face. Everyone knew it must be, in part, a façade, but they didn't know yet how deep the pain of loss was for Jin. Even his own mother wouldn't see it, until the day she lost him. A unexpected suicide a few years later.

The horrifying end to this alleged future sent her into a panic, and she chose to intervene with fate one last time by cutting her son's thread. Jin was understandably enraged by this, and the ordeal was rather triggering. He fought relentlessly with his mother, even bringing up his resentment for her past choices. His mother was distraught, and as a last hope to not only keep her son from his old soulmate but also save their relationship, she sent him off to Manchester in hopes he would find a healthier love.

Are you a seer? : Yes
Theme Song:
Hey Roleplayer!
Muse level: 7/10
Activity level: 5/10
Plot ideas: Hmm...nothing in particular at the moment.
Other: He has a scar across the bridge of his nose from a very silly accident. Unless you ask him, he won't mention it. In fact, it amuses him when people assume it's from a fight. He only can speak Mandarin and English. Yes, he has a slight accent. It comes out more when he's excited and talking fast.

He enjoys most kinds of rock and indie music. He's also a big fan of martial arts. He is a yellow belt in karate, and has taken classes in aikido and taekwondo. He has nothing against sports, but he rather partake in yoga or go for a jog.


Name: Guyden "Guy" Blake
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
pronouns: He/him
Personality: Guyden is the quiet sort. He's the listener, the shoulder to cry on, the gentle giant of the group. He typically is very polite and gentlemanly when it is called for, but you wouldn't peg that on looks. Guy tends to get a little lost in his thoughts at times, and can seem very cold due to how straight faced he can be. He's just not very good at showing emotions through body language, and often struggles to express himself. He does so best through his music. That being said, if he is expressive, it's a good indicator that he is feeling that emotion strongly, whether its joy or anger. All in all, he's a very patient kid with a good heart and open mind.

Some of his weaknesses aside from trouble expressing himself include but are not limited to his aversion to be anything like his parents, therefore causing a lack of ambition. He also tends to be very neutral about most things, to the point that people may find him weak minded. If not neutral, he tends to be indecisive, and will always leave trivial decisions up to others. He's very firm on always staying true to himself, however, and will not easily comprise what beliefs he does have.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Soulmate: Genesis
Thread Color: Red
History: Guyden's family was your ideal image of the "American Dream," as they liked to tote it. In reality, they were two individuals who both happened to live comfortable middle-class lives, met in college, and went on to be a successful power couple. His father was a CEO of a large, and boring, accounting company. His mother was an entrepreneur of equally dull business ideas, and had her hands in many pots, including local politics.

At a young age, Guy realized quickly this was of no interest to him. Yet him and his sisters were treated as if they were royalty, and not in the loving spoiled way. His older sisters thrived, but he could never bring himself to stifle a yawn at the dinner table, or be comfortable living such a clean lifestyle. He was raised to be a conservative gentlemen, with noble skills. Piano classes among other etiquette courses were forced upon him at a young age. He learned early that it was easier to do the work, put on a face, and get the grade than try to throw tantrums over it. He enjoyed the piano, at least, but once his talents had allowed him to pick it up quickly, his parents felt it was time for more skills to be added to the list.

They switched him to violin, which he disliked. The sounds that came from each string were beautiful, but he had no passion for it. After much convincing, his parents allowed him to learn the guitar. They figured their proper little son would lose interest in it, but he fell madly in love, sucking up any sheet music he could find with glee. Thus began his "descent," as his parents called it. He also worked to make enough money to buy a bass and learned that, too. The internet was a wonderous place for his hungry mind. Much to his parents dismay, he began to embrace his own tastes, whether that be in music, clothes, or media. In his early teen years, he was grounded quite often for utilizing freedom of expression. His parents sold his first instruments, much to his dismay, and forced him back into pastimes of their choosing. They allowed him to continue playing the piano, and urged him to play violin more. He grew to hate the instruments, and would only play the piano if he was in the right mood. He won't touch a violin anymore. He continued to fight their authority in small ways, embracing his individuality when it suited him. Enraged, they spoke of sending him off to a boarding school, and decided upon Manchester due to its good reputation. They cut him off almost completely financially before they shipped him off. Little did they know, he had no problem with the changes.
Are you a seer?: No
Theme Song:
Hey Roleplayer!
Muse level: 9/10 I always end up bringing some iteration of him back into roleplays.
Activity level: 5/10
Plot ideas: He's a random helpless human that wondered in, help!

Name: Amina Landry
Age: 16
Species: Witch
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Personality: Amina can best be described as self-assured. Although she is young, she was raised to love herself. Whether it be her gender, skintone, intelligence, or witch heritage, her mother raised her to embrace it all. And she did! But she also found other interests along the way, straying from her family's long held ties to mysticism. As a toddler, she would sit on the stone of Jax Square by her mom's feet and read through her small collection of baby science books. Her younger years were filled with explanations of the ordered magic in their world, and thus physics of the world became her version of the "unknown," and it pleased her greatly to figure out the answers. So, needless to say, she is now a well read individual. Her endless curiosity makes her almost annoyingly skeptical. She was the toddler who wore out the notorious "why." That is something that never disappeared with age; she just found better ways to ask the questions. She's pretty straight-edge despite growing up on the darker streets of the French Quarter. She would be considered lawful good. Lawlessness is chaos in her mind. Rules or rules for a reason, and if they most be broken, her view point is to must find a legal way to do so. She has a distaste for laziness, and generally has the viewpoint that if one is capable to offer betterment to society, it is there obligation to do so. Is she a bit of a sarcastic know-it-all? Sometimes. Does she know this about herself? Certainly, and she has very little remorse. She's never purposefully cruel, but she isn't afraid to correct errors or state her piece, and doesn't care if someone doesn't like it.

Once you are her friend, you'll find she's rather dorky, and enjoys a good laugh. She actually has a very lowbrow sense of humor, but does enjoy highbrow comedy. She hasn't quite transitioned into her self proclaimed ultimate form: sexy nerd. Honestly, she'll say she wants to be Maya Angelou or Mae Jemison when she gets older, but she lowkey imagines being Beyoncé in her fantasies. Who doesn't?


Virtues: Intelligent, Inquisitive, Problem-solver, Helpful, Progressive, Confident, Forgiving
Vices: "Aggressive"/Strong spoken, grammar nazi, unflirty, soft spoken until SHE IS NOT (no in between, really...), comes across as snobby at times, horribly Gen Z sense of humor, completely uncultured in terms of pop culture, kind of oblivious in social situation and too literal
Sexuality: Demisexual
Soulmate: Open
Thread Color:
Amina was raised through her early years in the French Quarter. It was not a pleasant time in comparison to most natives. Mostly because she had inherited all her mother's sensitivties to the occult, and there was too much of it to haunt the girl in the small section of town. Her mother, however, used that energy for business, working mornings at a local tourist voodoo shop and giving readings at night. She was a single mom, so times were tough. Her mother loved the French Quarter for the rich ancestral history, but the darkness always seemed to be drawn to Amina. For that reason, her mother moved them out into a newer part of the city when she was ten. Amina would be forever grateful for her mother's sacrifice. With more restful sleep, she was able to throw herself even further into her hobbies and studying. Her mother wanted her to further develop her magic and seer abilities, though, and recommended looking into Manchester. After a couple year talking about it, Amina knew it would make her mother happy, so she looked into scholarships. It was a bittersweet parting, with it having been only her mother and her for so many years, but Amina knew she would make her mom proud, and come back knowledgeable enough to help her mom grow the small shop she had opened.
Are you a seer?: Yes
Theme Song:
Last edited:
Name: Akira Hayes
Age: 18
Species: Bakeneko
Gender: Female pronouns: She/her
Personality: Akira is an incredibly outgoing girl, she wants to be friends with anything that moves. She'll often come off as a bit childish, but she's actually pretty mature. She just believes why act so serious when you don't need to? She doesn't exactly know how to flirt, so her 'flirting' is being around her soulmate and making them laugh. Her love language is 100% touch, and can easily come off as clingly-even to her friends. She'll want to have arms linked in someway, but if they're not comfortable, she will not force them to. Truly, she just doesn't want to feel alone, so she'll make as many friends as possible. She also just can't sit still, unless shes wrapped in a fuzzy blanket and warm-then she'll soon fall asleep...or a cat on the windowsill with the sun on her. If she's by herself, she's probably as a cat. Not only is it faster, but it's also just easier to do. She absolutely hates having her tail touched, so she often keeps it wrapped around her waist. Overall, she's incredibly bubbly and talkative, basically a huge sweetheart
Sexuality: Pan
Soulmate [leave blank if you wish me to choose]: Jin
Thread Color: Black
History (optional): Akira grew up in a rather large family, they all lived together so she's never really been alone. She really likes to just, pop up from her cat form, she likes the surprised look people give her. Her family moves quite a bit, it was never far-since there were so many-but it was still weird not staying in one home her entire life basically. Her family was a big mix of different creatures, but her mother and father are both Bakeneko's. A part of her is excited to get away from her family for a bit, but she'll also miss them greatly. Her parents enrolled her in the academy, thinking finding a soulmate will not only help calm her down, but give her something other than just her family
Are you a seer? [A max of two per player]: No
Theme Song [optional]: Not sure right now
Hey Roleplayer!
Muse level: I'd say a solid 7
Activity level: Pretty active (trying to find a job or two, hopefully that won't hinder anything0
Plot ideas: none
Other: Thread of Fate
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*invisible scrolls! mobile friendly!


  • Name: Genesis Meyer

    Nickname(s): Gen; Gene

    Age: 17

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Straight

    Seer?: No

    Soulmate: KC Curtis

    Plot ideas: None (so far!)

    Other: Thread of Fate

Name: Genesis Meyer
Nickname(s): Gen; Gene
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Seer?: No
Soulmate: KC Curtis
Plot ideas: None (so far!)
Other: Thread of Fate
Height: 5'5"/165cm
Weight: 132lbs./60kg.
Body Type: Endomorph
Body Shape: Pear
Markings: N/A
Body Modifications: ear piercings; tattoos surrounding left thigh & left calf
Genesis is a bit of a tomboy and dresses as such. She always chooses to go for comfort over looks, and her go-to outfits always has at least two articles of clothing that are baggy and/or oversized, one of which being a jacket. Her hair is always in locs and she loves putting accessories in them.
Elise Meyer
close relationship
one woman show

Corey Brown
poor relationship
doesn't regret choosing his business

Baby Brother
Elijah Meyer
3 years younger
close relationship
unnecessarily protective

"You got accepted."

The man slid the unfolded letter across the sleek desk to Genesis, who was sitting across from him. Her back was slouched against the chair, and her legs were spread without a care in a world, and it took everything in him to not comment on her terrible manners. Still, he knew she was self-aware, and only acted as such because she couldn't care less about his opinion--if only she wasn't the one with the advantage in this conversation...

"And..?" she replied, a bored expression on her face.

"And, I'd like you to attend."

"That agreement was just for me to apply, wasn't it?"

"You and I both know we were going to have this negotiation if you were to be accepted."

Gene stared at him for a moment, and then just sighed. Yeah, he was right.

"Then, what's in it for me?"

"Check the envelope."

Gene moved forward to grab the folder and took out the check from inside. Her eyebrows raised.

He better explain, because there's no way he is seriously trying to convince her with this tiny number.

"I know what you're thinking, just let me explain," the man said, gesturing for her to wait as if she were going somewhere. "That'll be the initial payment if you agree to attend Manchester. Every other month, I'll give you that same check to continue. I'll also cover expenses for books, uniforms, and anything else you might need, and will provide that same allowance to your mother-"

"Um, we're not poor, you know," she replied, rolling her eyes. He acts like he wasn't married to their very middle class family before the divorce, and before his business skyrocketed to the point of him getting this annoyingly patronizing. Who refers to a payment for a favor as an "allowance" when you're an equal? Especially when he didn't give a lick of child support...

"..right, my apologies."

"Yeah, your apologies. Anyway, I'm still not convinced. Is this all you got?"

"I'll also help you pay for college tuition once you attend in four years."

"I expect at least half."

"Okay, sure. That's fine."

"What else?"

"What else?"


They stared at each other for another long moment.

"Listen, I need to be extra convinced if I'm going to be uprooted to travel half across the world for some boarding school I couldn't care less about, especially because it's not even, like, fancy or whatever. Whatever you give is the only thing I gain."

"Well, I can pay for you to get photography classes outside of school. I'll find a good program, maybe even an internship or two."

Well, that's more like it.

"Anything else you want?" he asked, seeming hopeful.

"...eh. I don't really know, but that's not for me to find out."

He was silent for a bit, and Gene rolled her eyes once again. What did he take her for? Shouldn't he have expected this? It feels like he hardly prepared for their little meeting--and she's going to laugh in his face if he tries to use money again, because it's not as though he's filthy rich enough to play that card. Besides, her mom didn't raise her to be a cheap sellout.

"You'll get to meet your soulmate. Aren't all girls into that sort of thing?"

"Not this one. Besides, I know you'll just try to take advantage of the situation when we meet."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, as if it were the most absurd notion she could give, and Gene wasn't entirely sure if he was feigning it or not. He didn't wait for her to ask. "Don't be ridiculous. Anyway, I'll pay for your little brother to get those dance lessons he wants, too."


"And I'll get you a puppy?"

"You know I can't agree to that without my Mom's permission." Gene said honestly, although she didn't think she'd be rejected. She didn't have a lot of friends at school, so her mom had being thinking about getting a family dog--she's heard the phone conversations with Grandma a couple times ready. But, just for insurance...

"If she says no, I want a turtle."


"And I want a new phone and laptop."


"And I want two new cameras. One of them has to be a polaroid."


"And I want you to fund my visits back home on any holidays or if I want to see my friends."

"That's completely reasonable."

"You can write this up in a contract and I'll review and sign. If I drop out or if you miss any of your commitments, we'll owe the other 500k."

The man laughed aloud, and it took a moment to regain his composure. Gen frowned.

"What's so funny?"

"--s-sorry, pfft, I just wasn't expecting that. Are you really 13?"

"No, I'm actually 45."

Her sarcasm only made him laugh a little harder, and she struggled not to roll her eyes to the back of her familial line--why was he treating her like a kid? They've spoken a whole 5 times before this, he should know she's not some doormat by now. How annoying...

"Please have the contract in the next couple of weeks. I'll invoice you on my first week of Manchester for expenses."

"Haha, sounds good. Pleasure doing business with you."


Gene knew he wanted her to attend for the sake of his business reputation--a service that manages soulstrings, only employed with seers. It's one of the many out there, but he probably did something right, because it's now successful enough for him to want an heir. She knows she won't take over, but who was she to stop him from getting his hopes up? Then, nice deals like this wouldn't come around. She'll probably just reject him after high school graduation or something--but, right now, she wanted to get home. She had real family waiting.
• extrovert​
• neutral good​
• chill tomboy that will die for her friends and likes taking pictures​
Genesis' intelligence isn't always noticeable at a first glance because of her mellow nature and questionable choices, but she's got quite the head in her shoulders. She's a fast learner, has alarmingly good memory, and is a resourceful person who's good at thinking on her feet. She's very insightful and great at giving advice, and tends to take a realist outlook rather than especially optimistic or pessimistic.​

Along with her intelligence comes an observant nature. Gene is always mindful of her surroundings and the people in them, and is great picking up things like social queues. Her observant side doesn't end externally, either--Gene is also very self aware, and it's very easy for her to identify how she is feeling and why without much internal struggle.​

Gene has always had a big imagination, and is always thinking outside of the box. Her creativity is usually shown in how resourceful she can be, always finding solutions no matter how limited the situation.​

This trait usually takes people off guard as a result of her appearance. Her alternative style and occasional rebellious nature throw most for a loop when she's able to carry any sort of conversation with ease, especially with a relaxed sincerity that she keeps open with anyone. She's great at reading people and has an equally high emotional intelligence. Gene also has really good manners and is aware of what is appropriate in what settings, even in instances when she chooses to disregard it.​

Gene is calm, laid-back, and lighthearted. She's there to hang out and have a good time, and doesnt really get angry or overly excited easily.​

With her strong devotion to photography and the visual arts, Gene is someone who always has an artist's outlook on the world. She tends to find beauty and good in virtually anything and anyone, and often stops whatever she's doing to take random photos of things.​

Being accepting is one of her most positive traits, although the origins can be a bit questionable. Unless whatever was being done wasn't directly harmful to someone, Gene is the type of person to look away and not concern herself. "Well, it's none of my business" is something she's always reciting--but, even putting this aside, Gene is just a forgiving person in general with a low temper. Even if you manage to piss her off, it's pretty easy to reconcile.​

Gene has and always will put great value in honesty. She expects it, and as a result, chooses to give that same courtesy to others she respects. She's also particularly good at wording things to be more digestible if she ever thinks the truth might be harsh.​

Gene is always putting others before herself, and just has a big heart in general. She's the type to stop whatever she's doing and ask someone if they need help, even at her own detriment.​

Thick Skinned
Sensitivity was never a trait Gene really had, and was cultivated even more the years she grew up in public school (kids can be quite ruthless and wild). Insults didn't have too much of an effect on her, and she's never been someone easy to discourage. Plus, as stated above, Gene rather prefers it for people to not mince words.​

Especially when it's for the sake of others, Gene is someone with strong courage and will face her fears without hesitation.​

Gene is actually very passionate about what she believes is right and wrong. However, compared to others, her morals can fall in a bit of a gray area--for example, petty thievery, or trying to get out of consequences by lying. She may not indulge, but she's someone who thinks more poorly on the actions than the person, and is the type who would look away if it were done around her rather than get involved. However, for things she does put value in, Gene will passionately act accordingly, and without hesitation. She will always step in if she sees someone in need of help, and is extremely loyal to her loved ones, all a result of her strong sense of morals and justice. Gene very much stays true to her own values, and doesn't care about rules or breaking them if they get in the way of something she wants to do.​
Self Conscious
Her mellow nature is good at masking this trait, but Genesis is quite conscious about her appearance. She dresses how she likes, but the things she likes is heavily swayed by her feeling too uncomfortable to show her figure. Still, Gene recognizes this and slowly works on her insecurities in her own way.​

Oddly enough, Gene's rashness isn't exactly because she acts without thinking--in fact, it's quite the opposite. Gene is just motivated by having a good time, and is self aware about her first instinct to overthink things. Because of this, she often takes the initiative to stop her thoughts by making a decision in under 5 seconds (seriously, she counts) just to make sure that her fun isn't put in jeopardy. Rash decisions tend to result from this, but they're always consciously made. Sometimes making dumb decisions is more fun than the alternative!​

Gene has a lot of pride when it comes to being capable and mature. She wants to always appear as such, which is honestly one of the bigger motivators of her bravery. Even if she feels like pissing her pants, she'd rather be the first one to go after that flying cockroach and seem cool in front of her friends.​

Gene grew up in the same city her entire life, in the same home her entire life, and around the same people. Sure, it's a pretty big city, but her experiences were still limited, and she's not used to big changes. As a result, Gene tends to get uncharacteristically awkward and freeze up with the most deer-in-headlights expression you can imagine. On instinct, she tends to avoid unfamiliar things, whether or not it's a unpleasant experience. For example, she's used to being the first to jump in and help someone, so just standing there as someone gives her assistance instead is definitely an awkward scenario she makes sure to stay away from. Sometimes, the reason she offers someone help is to stop them from doing so first.​

Gene just loves to have a good time. She will always prioritize fun and lightheartedness over being responsible, which understandably comes with consequences--although, she's usually prepared for said consequences as well, deeming them worth it.​

Poor Prioritizing
Gene cannot time manage for the life of her. She'll get caught up on meticulous things that don't need to be exactly perfect, or just procrastinate things she doesn't care about. And, of course, with her frivolous nature, she'll irresponsibly pursue having a good time over keeping up with her responsibilities. Teenage years in it's finest.​

Being charismatic just comes naturally for Gene, but sometimes, she uses the skill immorally. It's not as though she does this often, but when she thinks poorly of someone, she wouldn't hesitate to be manipulative if it would reap benefits, or use manipulation in any situation if she sees it as necessary.​

Self Sacrificing
Being selfless but also too forgiving is just a recipe for Gene's self sacrificing nature. She knowingly puts herself on the line for others, and will do it tenfold for those cares about. Even if she expects something in return, she doesn't hold it against others if they aren't as supportive of her as she is for them, which often results in her being taken advantage of. This is especially true for the instances in which she forgives others. Still, though, Gene is observant and usually quite self-aware of when she shouldn't forgive someone or when she's being taken advantage of--but she'll still help anyway.​

As stated earlier, Gene will definitely defy the rules if she thinks it's worth it. She doesn't put much respect into authority figures unless she personally believes they deserve it, although she'll still address them appropriately. Her lack of discipline is the biggest fuel for this, since Gene tends to indulge herself when she really shouldn't--for example, blowing all her allowance money when she's reeeeaally craving a burger, or sleeping in (and goodness does she sleep in a lot. Gene is not a morning person).​

Despite her honesty, when Gene feels too strongly a negative emotion, her first instinct is to shut down. She really just needs to be by herself for a moment and cool down, but she's usually to worked up to communicate this and will often leave without saying a word. This is especially true for people she doesn't have respect for, in which case she won't ever try reaching some sort of solution. She'll only respond when she wants, fully knowing it's immature, but too worked up to care.​

Despite her bravery, Gene is always easily frightened. Fears come easy to her, whether it be from a horror movie, bugs, or even a shadow, she can get surprisingly jumpy. This only enhances her courageous nature, even if it's just out of pride.​

With Gene's big imagination comes her always being occupied by it. She could literally spend hours without anything to do but won't be bored, just staring off into space, lost in her thoughts. If she's ever doing a task she's not interested in, this would definitely kick in and delay her finishing it.​
When seasons change
Waffles (only fresh)
Video Games
Neutral/Soft/Dull colors
Baked Goods
Wet Paint Smell
Lazy Days
Getting out of work
Small Talk
Horror Genres
Creases on leather
Jump Scares
Tight Sleeves
Rubbing her neck
Checking the sides of her shoes
Photography/art professionally
Staying still during jump scares
Learn how to sew
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| Name |
Vincent Mayweather

| Nickname |

| Age |

| Species |

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Seer? |

| Personality |
If there existed a personification of well meaning idiot, it would be Vince. He is an incredibly social, extroverted person that loves to make new friends. Even so it's hard for him to escape the stereotype of 'star quarterback jock.' He fills all of the tropes, loves working out, goes to parties all the time, tall and muscular, really really dumb. The thing that truly separates him however is his heart of gold. Vince will go to the moon and back for those he cares about and would do it happily. He loves to be the life of the party and makes sure everyone feels accepted. The one thing he can't stand is bullying and putting down others and he won't stand for it. Unfortunately for Vince he's really dumb and often can't differentiate bullying from playful teasing. While he would never admit it he hates how stupid he is. The jock can often be found leaning into it and making a joke out of it so no one else will. Behind closed doors Vince actually studies a lot and seeks tutoring but for whatever reason he can't understand most things. He is very insecure about his intelligence and often gets emotional when attacked over it. Be it anger or sadness.

| Positive Traits |
Loyal, leader, Outgoing, Charismatic, Athletic

| Negative Traits |
So...So dumb, insecure, gullible, easy to anger, Impulsive

| History |
Vincent's family life was pretty average. A story that's been told a million times. Dad was the high school quarterback, mom was the cheerleader. They fell in love and have been together ever since. Dad went on to be a history teacher and football coach. Out popped Vincent. Dad lived vicariously through his son and forced him into football. Not that there was a problem with that, Vincent took to it like a fish to water and loved it. The family wasn't particularly wealthy but they never wanted for anything. It was noticed at an early age that Vincent had a learning disorder in Dyslexia. Vincent had to work twice as hard at studying just to keep up but even so it never mattered. He made extremely low grades no matter how hard he tried and so became convinced that he was just incapable of learning. This culminated in him being held back a year which only increased the teasing and caused him to believe he was dumb even more.

| Plot Ideas |
Name: Aki Kimura
Species: A special evolution of human called Homo praevalidus
Gender: Male pronouns: He/Him
Aki generally has no fear of speaking what’s in his mind, whether that be straight facts, fear, uneasiness, etc. He's not a flirt, but will attempt to use his looks to his advantage if it calls for it. He doesn't find himself attractive in any way, but most girls and some guys seem to disagree. While he dislikes bad things in life, he has learnt to deal with it and use it as his driving force to push on and to use to his advantage. He has the pride to not cower behind something/someone. If he opens his mouth to insult somebody, he is certain that he can take them and back up his words with his skill. He much prefers defense to offense, as he believes offense makes him look like a monster, a state he fears. He is extremely protective to his friends and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them. His power, along with being a seer allows him to sense 'darkness levels' (ex Ex. Dark past, dark thoughts, dark actions, dark memories.) as well as absorb it and release a bi product of darkness called void as a way of self defense (however, he can only do it once, it's primary purpose is to stun and even then he hasn't learnt the ability yet.).

At first glance, he doesn't look like the type to 'do' hobbies, but he does. He plays several PC games, but prefers games with a well written story rather than PvP games. He can dance, but chooses not to. He hates seeing blood spilled, but will not hesitate to do so if necessary. He exercises daily to maintain form and trains to get a better understanding of his power. He opens up to people much easier and is much more easygoing and friendly when others talk to him (that is if he doesn't accidentally bad-mouth said person). He has a distaste for loud mouths and irresponsible people and respects those who have pride.
Positive Traits: Humble, Extroverted, Usually Calm, Easy to Talk to (If the first impressions don't push people away)
Negative Traits: Blunt, Straight to the Point, Good Intentions Bad Execution, Accidentally Pushy
Sexuality: Asexual
Soulmate: None
Thread Color: None (Seer)
Are you a seer? [A max of two per player]: Yes
Theme Song [optional]: Gravedigger By P.O.S.
Hey Roleplayer!
Muse level: See Alexis
Activity level: See Alexis
Plot ideas: See Alexis
Thread of Fate
*invisible scrolls! mobile friendly!


  • Name: Jay Alvarez

    Nickname(s): N/A

    Age: 17

    Species: Human

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Soulmate: Aurora Peterson

    Seer?: No

    Plot ideas: None (so far!)

    Other: Thread of Fate

Name: Jay Alvarez
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Soulmate: Aurora Peterson
Seer?: No
Plot ideas: None (so far!)
Other: Thread of Fate
Height: 5'9"/175cm
Weight: 152lbs./69kg
Body Type: Mesomorph
Body Shape: Rectangle
Markings: thin scar from his right elbow to the inner side of his right wrist
Body Modifications: N/A
Jay usually just wears casual jeans and a t-shirt, and the occasional pear of heart-shaped sunglasses. His curly hair is always tousled and messy, and is too short to tie up, although he does attempt to occasionally.
Camila Alvarez
close relationship
spoils him to death

Mateo Alvarez
close relationship
where his sense of humor came from

Oldest Sister
Loni Alvarez
9 years older
close relationship
also spoils him. his fashion consultant.

Older Sister
Star Alvarez
4 years older
close relationship
uses him as a servant

Baby Sister
Cleo Alvarez
3 years younger
close relationship
scared of her for a multitude of reasons...

"That soulmate stuff is so dumb, pfft."

"You think?"

Jay threw another ball of popcorn in the air and frowned when he it missed, groaning as his friend marked another tally on the white board. He was behind one point, but the sudden statement had caught his attention.

"Why is it dumb? I think it's cool," Jay shrugged. "My parents were soulmates and they're having their best life. Popped out, like, four kids."

"It's cringy," his friend said. "And that Manchester school? Please, I bet it's a scam. All the guys that go there are prissies."

"Hey, don't be jealous you're not getting any," Jay laughed, and the others started joining him.

"You didn't have to say that, man!"

"Woah Danny, you gonna take that?"

"Like hell I will! Jay, you don't get any either!"

"Nah, the ladies love me~"

Everyone laughed even harder.

Danny continued as he regained his composure. "Well, all I'm saying is that it's probably all a scam. Don't you have to pay to stay there?"

"Yeah? Soulmates are dumb, manchester is a scam, all the guys that go there are prissies, and the ladies don't love me?"

"Yeah," the kid snickered. "What, are you offended?"

"Nah, but I'm gonna prove your ass wrong. 20 bucks says I go to manchester, get a soulmate, and have the time of my life."

"40 says they won't even take you."

"You're on."

One month later, Jay got his acceptance letter to Manchester.

Jay grew up with two loving parents, connected by fate. He's a middle child of four--the 3rd born, to be exact, with the other three being sisters. You can imagine the hell of having 4 women fawn over him and using him as a doll, or being yelled out for being annoying (completely valid, he often does it on purpose), and not being able to say no to the youngest, basically becoming her life-sized manikin.

He loved his family, and they were all really close. He was raised to be open minded and accepting, and although it's expressed in strange ways, Jay always wants to reflect those values and make his family proud. He's definitely a family man, and a bit of a momma's boy.

He's always had an abundance of friends, although when he was in primary/elementary school, he got bullied for certain "girly tastes" and for his sisters always being the ones to come to his rescue. As he grew older, it wasn't really much of a problem, but the odd sense of toxicity in society's standards stuck with him. He lives to challenge them.

That's why he attended Manchester--to prove a point, that love wasn't something "prissy", and that soulmates were a natural and exciting thing. That's what his parents always showed him, anyway.

When he told his family, they weren't very surprised, and said it was pretty typical to do something like that out of spite. The goodbye consisted of his younger sister taking over his room...
• extrovert​
• chaotic neutral​
• meme lord that needs to take it down a notch​
Jay can and will be friends with absolutely anyone, no matter how different the personality or how much their interests lack. He just loves making new friends and meeting new people, and doesn't like the feeling of excluding anyone from anything.​

Social interaction is an absolutely breeze for Jay, although he isn't always as skilled at dealing with tense atmospheres. Still, he does his best to mediate and can usually be a good diffuser, even if he isn't the best--this, of course, doesn't apply to when he's part of the instigation.​

Jay acts like a dumbass, and he's very aware of that. He quite honestly likes coming across as unintelligent, since proving people wrong is an especially fun hobby of his. It's nice to be underestimated.​

It's not secret that Jay is the class clown. He's got natural humor and good timing, which only adds to his charisma.​

Jay is forever and always a man of his word, no matter how absurd and chaotic that word may be. Both for serious commitments and stupid declarations, Jay pulls through all the way.​

It's hard to compliment him on his stamina, but Jay definitely has admirable body coordination and naturally fast legs. Part of this is attributed to his body type, and other is doing Zumba with his Abuela.​

Open Minded
This is mostly a result of his liberal upbringing, especially given that he personally experienced bullying for not being "manly", or whatever that means. Jay is someone who's always open to a new perspective, a new experience, and new ideas.​

This is definitely all on his family. Jay is the kind of guy who will keep the door open for the people behind him, even if they come in groups, and is quick to be appropriately helpful to others in a police manner. Yeah, he'll definitely crack some jokes along the way.​

It's really easy for Jay to put himself in others' shoes in attempt to offer compassion, and he does it often. He's always offering emotional support for anyone, no matter how little he knows them.​

Jay already dealt with his phase of overwhelming insecurities, and has since grown to love himself and his appearance with open arms. He'll never let it get to a point of arrogance--well, maybe sometimes, but not really!​

Being optimistic was absolutely expected of Jay given his demeanor. He's easy to discourage about virtually anything, and has always been one to look at the brighter side of things.​

Jay has a big heart and will always show it to people he values. He's very honest about his feelings for his friends and family, and will take it upon himself to express it, sometimes randomly.​
This is yet another trait that takes one glance to establish. Jay has the mentality you'd expect of a high school boy, and tends to get annoyed at dumb things, has poor priorities, and will hardly ever take the high road.​

Jay's immaturity has already been established, so his spiteful tendencies aren't really surprising. He is always someone who does things just to prove people wrong or as "revenge" if he gets pissed off, and can keep quite the grudge until he feels he's gotten even.​

Once Jay makes up his mind, it's rare for him to change it. He may be open minded, but Jay is fully aware of his sweet and accepting nature, so he often immediately thinks of himself being right and it's hard to convince him otherwise.​

Jay tends to stick himself in others' business, especially when it's a friend or family member he believes is in need of some sort of help. He also tends to gossip with others out of this nosiness, and, no, it's hardly ever out of concern.​

He's always making jokes, and is also immature--it'd be pretty odd if some of them weren't a little crude and gross here and there. They're usually stupid, though, like fart or poop jokes. Something about stupidity really makes Jay crack up.​

Jay actually does very well in school, but he's always doing his work at the last second. He's like that with all his responsibilities, really.​

It's a bit contradictory, but Jay can get very bitter internally, even when he doesn't show it. Despite being a positive person, Jay can also be very pessimistic, especially when it comes to his own endeavors. He just doesn't have a lot of faith in his luck.​

Jay is opening minded, but stubborn. That's pretty hypocritical in and of itself--and, yes, he definitely calls people out on their stubbornness in an argument if he feels they aren't even bothering trying to listen to his perspective, but would probably do the same thing. No, isn't fully away of this, because he wholeheartedly believes "it's different".​

Attention is definitely welcomed and sometimes encouraged. Jay loves getting acknowledgement for literally anything, especially for his jokes. Laughter is enough for him, though. Other than that, he can be a bit of a show off, and it can sometimes be a little annoying.​

Wildness is probably Jay's first trait. He quite likes chaotic environments, anyway, since they're fun, and is always a number one contributed to a loud gathering. He has some manners for the sake of being a gentleman, but please, don't ask Jay what correct fork to use, or the difference between "business" and "business casual", or when would be the correct way to refer to anyone by their last name, unless they're a teacher. Also, yes, he talks and laughs while he eats.​

His flirting is usually just part of his humor, and he'll flirt with anyone, no matter their gender or age. When it comes to actual flirting, he just resorts to sincerity rather than joking around, although he'll probably end up laughing after every other sentence just because he could feel awkward.​

Jay is shamelessly cunning, and won't hesitate to take advantage of others for the sake of himself and/or loved ones. He's pretty open about this side of himself, and will make suggestions to others to make similarly morally gray standpoint and prioritize themselves. Sometimes it can be taken a step too far, because when it comes to hurting others, he won't hesitate to do so if he finds it necessary, and does it without remorse.​

When Jay feels betrayed, or if someone he cares for is hurt, his first thought is to hurt those that were the reason for it. He would be the first to argue that, yes, revenge does feel good, and that it's satisfying to harm others when they've done the damage first.​
Social media
Track & Field
Teasing others
Being underestimated
Bold colors
New things
Making friends
Proving others wrong
Reality TV
Close mindedness
Grape flavors
Reusing Jokes
Lime Green (the color)
Tiny Objects
Shaking his leg(s)
Tapping his fingers/shoes
Wiggling toes
To figure what he wants to do in life
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  • Nicolai.jpg Name: Nicolai Morozov
    Age: 16
    Height: 6'1"
    Species: Human
    Gender: Male, He/Him
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Seer?: No
    Personality: Nicolai is a fairly easy-going individual, despite his disability. He finds pleasure in the little moments in life rather than getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of a world in the fast lane. To those that meet him, he seems to always have a smile on his face and sometimes a slight jab at his blindness through jokes. However, Nicolai is a fairly socially awkward fellow, as a lot of times people don't know how to treat him despite his requests not to do so. He finds people's pity rather insulting and would prefer that if they were going to pity him that they just leave him be with his sculptures or piano instead.
    Positive Traits: Optimistic, Forgiving, Laid-back, Reserved, Creative, adventurous and Alert
    Negative Traits: Easily distracted, quick to push people away, distrusting, sometimes a bit condescending and self-depricating.
    Nicolai was born as a blind child to Ramona and Viktor Morozov. His parents thought that their child would turn out to have a difficult life. But as he got older, they realized he was definitely much like his mother. She was artistic and loved music to the point of having a grand piano in her home along with her own art room. It was these two rooms that a young Nicolai lived in. His mother was amazed that he could learn to do either and encouraged him to continue with the hobbies. It was through these hobbies that he earned his acceptance to Marchester Academy.

    Plot ideas: None as of yet

    Although blind, he learned to play piano via instruction and "learning by listening" as he calls it. He has several homemade sculptures in his room back home, though they lean more towards his wild imaginings than anything realistic.
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Finnabar Mac Canna






The simplest way to describe Finnabar is a chaotic well meaning storm of emotions. As a Púca he constantly walks the line of benevolent and malevolent which just adds to his wild nature. He is the type of person that likes to help people and be friendly but can often put people off by his intimidating aura, despite the fact that he is quite short. He has a quick temper but it usually disappears as quickly as it came. Even though he doesn't look like it he is incredibly hardworking and has nothing but respect for those who work hard. For him success or failure doesn't matter it's all about how much effort you put into it.

As a Púca he is able to change his form, but due to the race's isolation what they can and can't change into has become limited. Now he can only turn into those that his race is most remembered for. He is equally likely to use these forms to either mess with people for his or someone else entertainment or to help them out. For example one day he might turn into a dog and chase someone around who is scared of dogs while the next day if he sees someone who needs a fluffy companion he will turn into a rabbit to give them something cuddly to hug. Although he will never feel guilty about something he himself has done wrong, he is incredibly sympathetic to peoples problems if he didn't cause them.

Positive Traits:
Sympathetic, Helpful, Hardworking, Strong

Negative Traits:
Reckless, Mischievous, dense, blind to his own faults

Finnabar was born into the last small community of Púca that remain, that community being from rural Ireland. growing up in such a small community Finnabar would grow tired of seeing the same people day after day. He wanted something more something that his small time life couldn't provide him, and he wanted to listen to is Púca nature. He wanted to help/mess with more people and that wasn't possible in that small community. His parents although reluctant agreed to help him get off his feet and send him out into the world. First they had to do some research.

Both Finnabar and his family were shocked to see just how much their race had fallen out of the minds of the world. They had fully known how small their race had become in numbers but never dreamed that they had been so badly forgotten. So it was that Finnabar gained a new goal, to get the name of the Púca back onto the mind of the world, but to do that he would need to strike it big. The end result of the Mac Canna's search was Manchester Academy. If Finabar could successfully attend that school and make a name for himself then people would start to relearn about the Púca. Plus finding him a soulmate only made the school look even better to them. With all that in mind they signed up Finnabar, and shipped him off to Manchester.

Plot ideas: (Optional)

For balancing reasons limiting his transformation ability to those the Púca are most well known for in Irish Lore
Horse: A white horse with black patterns similar to Celtic runes across it's skin.
Dog: A white furred Irish Terrier
Cat: A White furred Manx cat with splotches of black in it's fur
Rabbit: A white furred Irish Hare with black fur around it's paws.

Wikipedia link for those that want to know more about the Púca
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*invisible scrolls! mobile friendly!

  • Name: Julia Hugon

    Nickname(s): Jules

    Age: 16

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Soulmate: N/A

    Seer?: No

    Plot ideas: Maybe developing romance with a seer, since most of them don't have soulmates, or getting a crush on someone with a soulmate and having an unrequited love.

    Other: Thread of Fate

Name: Julia Hugon
Nickname(s): Jules
Age: 16
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Soulmate: N/A
Seer?: No
Plot ideas: Maybe developing romance with a seer, since most of them don't have soulmates, or getting a crush on someone with a soulmate and having an unrequited love.
Other: Thread of Fate
Height: 5'2"/152cm
Weight: 141lbs./64kg
Body Type: Endomorph
Body Shape: Hourglass
Markings: stretch marks on the center/lower center of her body (lower stomach, thighs, etc)
Body Modifications: One piercing on each earlobe
Julia prefers cute clothing with a more natural and free feeling--she loves to wear skirts and short dresses, and her clothing is usually lose to get a nice draft going! She often has her nails and make up done, and her curly hair is usually left out and natural, with varying hairstyles. She has large, thin-rimmed, golden glasses that she wears with most outfits, and adores strawberry patterns on anything.
Ruth Hugon
good relationship
thinks overworking is equivalent to giving support

Henry Hugon
good relationship
don't understand each other but he's loving

Maternal Grandmother
Inès Thomson
close relationship
gives the best hugs

Maternal Grandfather
Michael Thomson
close relationship
always knew just how to make her laugh

Julia was born an only child to an average middle class family, in a small town full of absolutely nothing.

Both of her parents were working full time jobs, so she was often left with her maternal grandparents during her daily free time growing up. She was a quiet one, so she didn't have a lot of friends, but did have around one to two solid ones all the time growing up. She'd hang out at their place a lot as well, but also loved spending time with her grandparents. She was extreme close with all of them. Julia was never really lonely, nor did she ever get bullied, but Julia naturally wished she had more time with her parents.

She loved reading comics or watching TV, and it was always something fantasy-related. Julia constantly had her mind in the clouds, always daydreaming about her in a suit of armor or gown up in a tower. She used to read when she was younger a lot, but as she got older, didn't take as much interest in books for some reason--most of her attention was on forms of entertainment that made her feel more immersed visually.

Julia has never had any romantic experiences. Not one. She's never had a crush, never gotten asked out, and quite honestly, her experience with guys is extremely lacking. Still, she's always yearned for the exciting romance she sees in these fantasy worlds, and the concept of soulmates in their world has always excited her. It's not as fun without the action and adventure aspect, but who was she to turn down a good story? Even when she really wanted to experience romance like her peers, she'd be comforted by the fact that at least one person out there was meant just for her, to love forever.

She often looked up to her grandparents regarding her excitement about soulmates. They were a perfect example of a string gone right, the kind that society led you to believe was what made soulmates great. They were each born on completely different ends of the world. They spoke different languages, had completely different careers, but met once on a vacation, saw their tied string, and fell in love at first sight. They lived long-distance, sending letters back and forth for nearly half a decade, until they married and moved in together at the current house shared by the family.

Julia was 13 years old when her Grandfather passed away of cancer.

The news was devastating to everyone, especially her. She had always been exposed to happy endings and excitable futures, and the prospect of death was something that had never crossed her mind. She took the newsflash of mortality especially hard, and went through a depressive phase full of negativity and doubt about the future.

After a year or so of therapy and the support from her living family, Julia managed to overcome her woes. It was her grandmother in particular who reminded Julia that, despite his passing, her grandfather lived a long and happy life, and died with everyone he cared about by his side--it was a happy ending, just in a different way. She assured that once he was reborn, they'd be reunited once again. Isn't that what soulmates were for in the first place?

Once again, Julia looked up to their love, and decided that she wanted it even more than she had thought.

That's why she applied to Manchester Academy the first chance she got. Her parents actually weren't too supportive at first; she didn't have much real world experience whatsoever, and it was very apparent to them that their small town lived in quite the bubble compared to how it was in most cities. She was still super young and naïve, so it felt uncomfortable for them to send her off all on her own to a boarding school--but, Julia was determined, and did a lot of her own research to present to them. The school seemed strict enough for them to feel somewhat safe, and (courtesy of her grandfather's searching), one of her paternal aunts who happened to live in the area offered to watch out for her. These was definitely welcomed by her parents, and especially by Julia, because even she was nervous about the new transition.

Her other two best friends had applied as well, and they all planned on going together--but, only Julia was accepted. There were some tears shed, but she still planned on going, even if it was intimidating to be in a completely new environment on her own. She couldn't wait to find her soulmate and have exciting experiences, worthy of her own story that others would look up to just the same, and never forget. Just like she wouldn't ever forget Grandpa.
• Introvert​
• Neutral Good​
• sweetheart who thinks she's the main character to a wattpad story​
Julia is someone who feels strongly in general, so it's only natural for her feelings of empathy and care for others to be as strong as they are. She is someone who will lend even the most random stranger and ear, and the type to cry with someone for their own grief. She has a huge heart and is always expressing it for those around her.​

Being as compassionate as Julia means being willing to give up virtually anything of hers for another, no matter how much she wanted it herself.​

Julia is someone who can find the fun in anything, especially with her very limited childhood. She can find almost anything exciting and interesting, especially if it's something new.​

Julia just loves to learn about anything new, and honestly enjoys every subject at school because of this. She's the type to go down rabbit holes of information when she's introduced to new information, and would probably do really well on a quiz show.​

Julia has a strong sense of justice and and how to act on it, especially in regards to others. She is always upholding herself as such, and quite honestly prides herself on it. She's always sincere and faces everything with honesty and integrity, no matter how minor. She always keeps her word, is extremely loyal to those she loves, and is the first to apologize when she recognizes a wrongdoing, even if she's still angry at the other person.​

No matter how minor something is, Julia will be thankful for it. Despite her relatively peaceful upbringing, she is always constantly aware of how great she has it, and will always be sincerely happy with any favors or gift done by another, no matter how small. She always makes sure to repay it, as well.​

Along with her nobility comes trustworthiness that Julia will take to her grave. Any secret, commitment, or promise will be kept as such, and she often goes to great lengths to keep it that way.​

When Julia starts something, she always has to finish it. This is especially present in her schoolwork, because she's not exactly the smartest student, but will spend hours studying to make sure she understands the material and is staying on track.​

Julia is a very organized individual, and is always keeping things neat and tidy.​

Despite her naivety, Julia is actually quite mature for her age. She is responsible, thoughtful, knows when to set aside her pride, and isn't too spoiled. She doesn't lose her temper easily and is usually aware of herself enough to not let her emotions cloud too much of her logic.​
Between "fight or flight", Julia would definitely pursue the latter as an instinct. She's easily intimated and can get nervous pretty quickly, to the point where she may give up opportunities in exchange for being comfortable. She is extremely against taking risks--well, not exactly, but when it comes down to the decision of making on, she'll often backpedal on any bold decision. When put on the spot for something, her mouth tends to dry out and she'll have trouble getting a word out, but a billion things will be running through her head--she'll freeze up, and the moment she collects herself, she's gone.​

Julia's mind constantly has a lot going on. Usually, this keeps her entertained on her own, especially because she tends to be more quiet, but this also results in her second guessing herself or taking to long to do things, as she gets meticulous. This also hinders her from getting over her fears, especially when there's a lot at stake stake.​

Julia thinks a little bit too well of the world, and doesn't even know it. She's too trusting, and will make decisions based on whether or not she trusts a person in her gut--the problem is her gut sucks at making decisions. Her sense of danger is very weak, so while she's aware of the existence and possibilities of scamming and betrayal, she wouldn't be able to catch it. She can't tell if someone is lying, and while her first instinct for something she's hesitant about is to reject, that hesitation could always come too late.​

This usually comes as a surprise, but Julia tends to believe she deserves a lot of things that she wants, simply because she is a good person. While it's understandable, it doesn't exactly take into the fact that sometimes things just don't play out that way, and that getting everything she wants isn't necessary to live a successful life she believes all good people deserve. For example, she definitely believes she's entitled to a soulmate, and that it just wouldn't be fair for her to not have one out of the billions of people on this Earth. She'll probably take it quite hard when she realizes she doesn't.​

Julia is someone who tends to go with the crowd. She's the type of girl to second guess herself and change her opinion after hearing the consensus, and really likes to keep up on what's trendy. She cares a lot about what people think about her. Still, this doesn't apply to things she's passionate about, such as morals.​

As stated earlier, Julia feels very strongly. She doesn't exactly cry easily, but her feelings are quick to be hurt and it can take a little while for her to get back up after being knocked down.​

Being a dedicated handworker often comes with this vice. Julia is very particular about everything she does, and always wants it to be the best it can. This often results in her giving too much of her time to things that may not matter, and also being a bit too hard on herself when it doesn't come out the way she expects things to.​

As a result of being a perfectionist, Julia tends to want to do things herself just to make sure it's as she intends to. She's very aware of this trait of herself, though, and is quite good at keeping it to herself when working with others, as much as it kills her. She just doesn't want to be rude. It's for this reason that she really prefers working on things on her own, because she knows how frustrating it can get.​

Julia may do her best to avoid confrontation, but she absolutely will not shy away from it if she feels it necessary. Especially for things she feels strongly about, Julia will absolutely start an argument about it, although she'll try to be as civil as possible. She tends to always want to get the last word in, and sometimes, can get a bit ahead of herself, making it difficult to consider another's point of view.​

Failures, losses, and tragedy--or anything negative, really--are often internalized when Julia experiences them. She looks to herself and her own actions before anyone else's, and because of her love of those around her, is more comfortable finding faults within herself than accusing others. This is also a result of her controlling nature, because when something is her own fault, it means she has the power to fix it. There are plenty times, though, where it's not the case, and it can be pretty hard on her.​
Reading Comics
Watching TV/Movies
Fashion Design
Making Things
Personality Quizzes
Her tiny feet
Miniature Anything
Strawberry Patterns
Rap (don't let her softness fool you, she's a rico nasty stan)
Overly Sweet Things
YA Novels
People w/out personal space
Making fun of others
Squeezes things when nervous
Adjusting glasses (will try to do it with them off)
Biting lips (they're always cut)
Finding her soulmate

Stop being so timid

Stop going with the crowd

Get a pet bird

Graduate top of her class

Get lots of scholarships!

Study abroad

Have her own fashion line


Visit her Grandma's home country (France!)

Get better at public speaking

Get better at talking to new people

Get better at talking to people

...get better at talking

Learn how to waltz

Learn how to dance at clubs (do they really just jump up and down?)
*Make friends with someone who goes to parties and ask them​

Go skiing

Take a nap on a meadow

Grow a garden

Have a tomato tree

Join lots of clubs!!

Learn the ukulele

Learn how to do nail art

Call Grandma every day

Eat more protein

Stop falling asleep so early

Grow out hair

Pray more often

Start watching mainstream shows

Walk an hour a day

Learn to cook

Go to a convention!

Go cosplaying with a group of friends

Make friends

Be funnier
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Name: Alexandra Smith
Age: 17 Years
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Seer?: No
Appearance: b9c8566e34eb0262b8ff616ca2356d2e.jpg
Personality: Alex is a quiet soul, often keeping her thoughts of others to herself. She has seen many things that could, if given the time and the chance, change her for better or for worse. Despite this, she always walks with her head held high, her mind set on one goal; helping others when she herself may need help. As courageous as that may seem, she went through something that in the end changed her. She wouldn't wish that on anyone else, though it does pain her to see people hurt, which may be the reason why she will go to great lengths to see others in a better state then she herself is in.

Positive Traits:
  1. Kind
  2. Open to others thoughts and opinions
  3. Welcoming
  4. Good listener
  5. Helpful
Negative Traits: (4+)

  1. Secretive at the best of times
  2. Awkward
  3. Moody
  4. Quiet

History: Alex doesn't remember what happened to her parents and the stuff she does remember are things that she wished she could forget. Time and again, she often finds herself thinking about those that she has lost and how she could've saved them, if she had the chance to of course. As a young girl, she always took the time to see others points of view, and what others thought of her. She always strived to change for the better so others wouldn't judge her just because she was parentless. When she learned what soulmates was and that she herself had the chance to find one, she went off to find the one person that was hers. Even though she hasn't found that person, she still hopes that one day she'll fall at their feet, not literally of course, and realize who they are.
Name: Evie Cook
Age: 17
Species: Human, but from a world where most have powers
Gender: Female pronouns: She/her
Positive Traits:
Approachable: While she seems pretty straight forward and emotionless, she actually gets along with people very well. She seriously couldn't care less about what others think-in a judgemental way. She thinks every person is unique in their own way and actually really enjoys seeing that.
Calm: It's very hard to get a rise out of her. She mostly has a straight face on, except for the occassional smile or frown as she's thinking. The most expressive you'll see her is when you get her talking about something she enjoys, especially if you enjoy that topic also.
Curious: She's naturally curious about a lot of different things. She won't always show it, but you'll know either by her questions or her watchful eye.
Honest: This girl will say anything on her mind. She doesn't believe in beating around the bush and will just tell you how it is. She'd try her best to not hurt your feelings-especially if she knows you're a sensitive person-but she wouldn't want to lead anyone on into thinking something else.
Meticulous: She notices a lot of the fine details in different things, and will sometimes look into them too closely. She tends to be able to read people well, especially after knowing them for a while.
Quiet: She won't say much unless she feels like she needs to. She'll be polite and make conversation with someone, but as soon as she doesn't want to, you'll know.
Negative Traits:
Blunt: While she is honest, and she tries her best to not hurt others feelings, she is pretty blunt. A lot of the time, she won't exactly realize what she's saying until she says it.
Daydreamer: She'll often be caught day dreaming when she's not busy or if she just has a lot on her mind. Most times it'd be her thinking everything through and going through all of the different ways something could end up happening.
Emotionless: She's the type of girl that just doesn't exactly get how to deal with others emotions. She gets hers, but even then she just doesn't know how to express them as easily.
Nosy: Her curiosity can often come off as nosy. She tries her best to not get into others business, but she's a huge people watcher. She also tends to ask more questions when she's trying to understand different things, especially emotions.
Unrelatable: She's unrelatable in the way that it's difficult for her to emphathize with others. Otherwise she's super easy to get along with.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but bi-curious
Soulmate [leave blank if you wish me to choose]:
Thread Color:
History (optional):
Evie's world is very similar to our Earth, but the only difference is that powers are a fairly common thing in this Earth. Her family came from a very small town in the middle of the country, and her home was even further into the country. Her mother was almost never home, constantly travelling for work, and her father was a relatively closed off man, except when it came to her younger brother. The siblings were never incredibly close, especially with how much time her father and brother would spend together. Evie was often left to her own devices throughout the day, which is why she's very fond of animals and the outdoors. She had always believed in spiritual beings, whatever they are, so she'd often roam about in the fields and woods around her home just thinking. She'd always been quiet. Even from a young age she just didn't talk very much. At school, she'd often get in trouble for her bluntness, but she never understood the reason why, she had thought that people were supposed to tell the truth. From her time outdoors, she grew a love for plants, and does her best to take care of any that need it-of course, her powers definitely come in handy with that. She would often watch her father and brother interact and notice how different and the same they both seemed. When she turned 15, her mother wanted her to experience the world, and took her out of the small town and into different cities when she travelled for work. She liked and didn't like it. It wasn't the same as being able to go outside with fresh air, but she'd never seen so many different people and so many new things. While her mother worked, she'd walk around the neighborhood or sit in the commons area of wherever they were, and would either read or watch all of the different people interact. She had never thought she'd get along so well with her mom, but it definitely changed as she went on business trips with her. Her mother wanted her to be able to find someone and, secretly, learn about emotions and how to handle them-but she'd never actually say that. So she signed her daughter up for Manchester Academy to get out and meet some new people, and hopefully her soulmate
Are you a seer? [A max of two per player]: No
Theme Song [optional]: Lavender's Blue from the Live action Cinderella
Hey Roleplayer!
Muse level: I'd say a solid 7
Activity level: Pretty active (I have no life lol)
Plot ideas: I just want her to learn about emotions
Other: Thread of Fate

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