Mancers: A War for Reignhart - Rules


That wannabe edgy person tbh

-No auto dodge, meaning you cannot dodge every single attack that is throw at you

-No God Mode, which means you are invinsible to all damage thrown at you.

-Stay with your own character!! You cannot control anyone else in the game without permission from me and the person. Mind controlling ability may differ.

-1 charater per side, meaning you can have a number of 2 characters in the game. 1 for Order, and the other for Chaos.

-Stay PG-PG13. No sexual content of any kind. Kissing is fine, but if you tend to do the dirty, say "scene goes dark" to indicate but no descriptions of that scene.

-Characters cannot die in battles, but will be severly hurt. They will not be able to battle until they heal up. If you tend on dying in battle, go ahead but once you're dead there is no coming back. Feel free to make a new character afterwards.

-You may only switch sides once, but only if the sides will be balanced. You will also have to trade in your Order/Chaos styled ability (if any) for either a another Order/Chaos styled ability or a neutral ability.
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