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One x One Man and Monster Character Sheets


One Thousand Club
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Appearance: (notable things not shown in face claim)
Biography: (1 paragraph or more)
Personality: (1 paragraph or more)

Species Description: (if not human)
Ability Description:
Notable Strengths/Weaknesses:

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Name: Nicolas Reed; goes by Cole now.
Age: 26
Profession: Technically unemployed, but unofficially he is a member of The Ivory Hands, which is a middle-rank group of supernatural beings that offer their bodies and magic for hire. Basically, if you have money and know how to get in contact with them, they will do everything from watching your dog, to robbing a bank, to assassinating a celebrity. Cole does not get paid for his work so he has no income, but he gets food and shelter from the Ivories in place of money.
Appearance: There are three things to notice about Cole; first, he is remarkably tall (6’7) as if he has been put on a rack and stretched; second, he is remarkably skinny (only 180 lbs) and has little visible muscles despite his strength; third, it is not uncommon for him to have deep bags under his eyes or for his skin to take on a sunken, sick appearance.

Biography: Cole was a (much shorter) college graduate with a degree in psychology and English who moved away from home into an apartment when four of his best friends. They did everything together, which includes partying, participating in the local theater group, and trying to find jobs for their worthless degrees. Overall they were doing fine and were happy, but they were a bit wild of a group who did not mind breaking the rules once and awhile if it meant having some fun. Well, the five friends decided to go on a weekend trip to explore a series of abandoned mines located in a private mountainside; they climbed over a fence to get into the mountain area so they were not supposed to be there and they had not told anyone where they were going. So, when one of the group got stuck in a small opening, basically trapping the group in a dark maze, there was little hope for survival especially when the flashlights died. They kept a fire going inside of there for a while using their clothing and anything else they could find, but the smoke-filled air and rocks cutting off the circulation of the friend stuck in the hole; he died still stuck in that spot. Using the same fire that killed him, the group was eventually pushed to eating their friend and through that, they opened up the path back to the surface.

Using a fire torch. the group tried to find their way back outside, but they quickly noticed that Cole was looking and acting differently. At first they thought he had snapped due to the long period trapped in near darkness and the fact that he had just eaten his friend, but when their friend started growing taller and growing fangs, they realized it was something else. However, it was too late. Cole killed his friends before any of them found their way to the surface.

For three years Cole remained on that mountainside, trapped in his wendigo form and killing any mortal that passed through. His slaughter only stopped when he attacked and was defeated by a group of vampires, led by Jasper. who managed to knock him out, take him back to the city, and find a way to reverse the transformation. Cole worked for this vampire and his group for over a year (the way he dressed during that time) before it became too much and he left the group only to find another, although slightly less sadistic and criminal, group who offered him food and protection in return for loyal service. Cole has remained with these people since then, never attempting to make contact with his old friends, family, or life.

Personality: Cole used to be a wild sort with a love for musicals, theater, and long nights out in the town with friends. He was fairly popular and well liked, but this person is long gone. The events that preceded and immediately followed his first transformation into a wendigo haunt Cole daily. After all, the hunger pains in his gut are a constant reminder of what he has done and could do again. In order to reduce the risk of hurting others, Cole tries not to get involved with many people, and when he has to get involved, he keeps the interactions short and at a safe distance. He is far more friendly when talking over the phone or over video calls, but in person, he appears tense and uncomfortable… because he is. He can’t relax or he could hurt people, and that is something that he wants to avoid as much as possible. That being said, he has to eat the flesh of dead people, and he forces himself not to question where his group gets the bodies and if they deserved to be killed or not. That is a dark thought process he tries to ignore. Even still, nightmares are constant issues that Cole faces any time that he tries to sleep, so he simply does not let himself sleep very much. People often mistake his new ‘neutral’ expression as anger or a good display of intimidation, but he really is just tired and hungry, and therefore irritable.

Sometimes, when he thinks he is alone and has his chemical-soaked mask on, Cole will let himself relax a bit and in these moments you can truly see who he used to be. He was a good guy with good intentions who was normally singing and dancing without fear of being overheard or seen. He does not want to hurt, but now he is willing to if it means that he does not have to kill. That being said, he does not enjoy it and would much rather spend his days entertaining people. He is still trying to come to terms with the thought that he is not human anymore and therefore cannot interact with humans like he used to.

Species: Wendigo (ex-human)

Species Description: A wendigo is a frightening creature that still looks humanoid, but is bony, thin, and unnaturally tall. The beast has claws and fangs built with the purpose of ripping apart flesh and bone with ease. And this makes sense because a wendigo's purpose in life is only to feed on humanity. Wendigos possess no sanity, but they are capable of fighting with intelligence and stalking their prey until the best moment to feast. Wendigos are unable to eat or drink anything besides human flesh and blood (living or dead); even a few drops of water will make the wendigo nauseous; eating vegetables or raw animal meat will make him bend over in pain for hours.

Wendigos are rarely created on purpose. A wendigo can only be born when a human with even a drop of magical blood inside of them (typically someone descended of a witch many generations ago) commits an act of cannibalism on another being with at least a drop of magical blood. Once the first bite is taken, there is no going back to being a normal human.

Although there is no going back to being human, one can recover their human appearance and mind as long as they are extremely disciplined and strong of will. See, if a wendigo eats from a living human, they will transform into that beastly state; if they fail to eat anything at all then they will also transform in a subconscious attempt to stay alive. However, if you manage to stop yourself from eating living flesh for a long period of time and only consume the body of the dead, then your humanity will reappear. Oh, it will be near impossible to control the hunger that never goes away and craves for living humans, but that is the best case scenario. It is rare for a wendigo in the wild, transformed and surviving only on primal instincts, to regain their humanity without outside assistance.

Ability Description: Transformed, a wendigo has incredibly strong and sharp claws that can cut through flesh with ease and even through metal. Additionally, their jaws are just as sharp and have a bite force that can shatter bones. In human form though, both claws and fangs are missing and will only regrow when he is starting to lose control; this in-between state is dangerous for everyone, including the wendigo himself since his mind is rapidly switching between sanity and primal hunger.

In both forms, though the wendigo has inhuman senses and skills. The abilities that have been enhanced include seeing in the dark, reaction times, physical strength, speed, healing, smell, hearing, and even taste.

Other Notable Strengths/Weaknesses: Outside of wendigo abilities, Cole has other strengths and weaknesses. For one, he has no physical training whatsoever. He does not know how to fight professionally which means that he has no choice but to rely on his beast instincts during battle to keep himself out of harm's way. Additionally, these beast instincts never kick in when someone else is in danger, and when they do kick in, they often result in him performing actions that he is unconscious of. When it comes to facing other magical beings, he is extremely weak to mental attacks; all of his focus is on keeping his own monster in check so anything that distracts this mental focus may cause him to pounce on someone and/or automatically make him victim to the mental attack.

On the positive side, Cole has been learning to shoot a gun ever since he arrived in the city and he has been getting better and better at it. In fact, among the Ivories he is one of the best nighttime shooters due to the fact that he does not need night vision goggles or other visual assistance. And, as mentioned, he has incredible reactions times and instincts, so even if he does not fully know how he is doing it, most of his instincts make him a deadly close combat fighter.

Other: He often wears a hospital mask around his face or has a cloth on his person that has been soaked in strong scents such as herbs or chemicals. This is to reduce the chance that he smells blood or the impact of blood on his senses. This mask, in addition to his tall form and irritated expression, makes most average people intimidated.
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Name: Jasper; his original name was Anatole Rostova
Age: 204; claims to be 27
Profession: Jasper works for a criminal organization calling themselves Indulgence. It employs many bloodthirsty creatures in the service of any monster (or man) who desires to harm, feed on, or use humans. They kidnap mortals and offer their mind, bodies, blood, and even souls to their patrons in a hotel/brothel looking establishment; even the staff are known for being beautiful and/or unique beings and are considered to be part of the full package, even if all you get to do is look. Jasper serves as a scout specifically, meaning that he tracks/stalks potential targets, and if he thinks the patrons would be interested, Jasper brings them in… he also tends to track runaways too which is where his combat skills come in.
Appearance: As a vampire, Jasper naturally has flawless, pale skin that has no scars or blemishes. As such, it is not uncommon for him to dress in fairly revealing clothing for his own pleasure as well as for the pleasure of those around him. He dresses in a way that draws people’s eyes and is often considered fairly flamboyant, it is as if he is always about to go out clubbing or something, but the clothing is always of high quality. His hair has a single streak of red in the front as well, although he has to redye it every few days due to his vampire constitution pushing out the dye so quickly. And, if you look very closely, you will see that Jasper’s dark brown eyes are actually just super dark red which is an unusual trait to have.

Biography: Jasper, once known as Anatole Rostova, was a boy born during Russia’s industrial revolution. Due to that he was forced to work in textile factories for most of his youth, and he hated it with every fiber of his being; Jasper not only wanted better for himself, but he knew that he deserved better. And he would do anything to make his destiny come true. He never hesitated to steal from the factory he worked at or sabotage his coworkers if it meant that it made him look better or get a promotion. He miraculously managed to rise fairly high in the factory hierarchy due to his merciless methods, but it was never enough; he always wanted more money and power. He kept going deeper and deeper into crime and corruption until he was too far into the game to back out. What started out as just stealing a spare spool of yarn or two ended up with him using the textile warehouses he managed into a place where smuggling occurred and contraband could be stored.

Unknown to him, one of the smugglers he was dealing with was a vampire who had grown increasingly interested in the ambitious and ruthless boy. This smuggler, who went by the name of Dolokhov, asked if Jasper was willing to abandon his current life if it meant that he would have more power than even a king; without even asking for details Jasper agreed and by the time the sun rose the next day, Jasper was a vampire. As all newborns are, Jasper was always hungry and near-mindless due to that hunger, and Dolokhov made no attempts to quell Jasper’s hunger and instead let the boy go on a rampage within his very own factory, killing every worker in the building.

It was only after this point that Dolokhov left Russia with Jasper at his heels; the pair remained together for around a century. It is here that Jasper learned languages, culture, about supernatural beings, and how to fight against mortals and monsters. At the century mark though, Jasper fled from his creator all the way to America. He quickly joined up with Indulgence for protection in case his creator returned, the companionship that he found himself craving, and a chance to gain more power. Only at this point did Jasper start to drink mage blood and, although there were occasional gaps in his diet, he maintained his witch diet most of the time.

Personality: Jasper is going through a common vampire phase where caution has been thrown to the wind in favor of an “I’m invincible” mindset characterized by dressing in ways that don’t fit the society you live in, picking stupid fights, flirting with everything that moves, and generally not caring about anything besides yourself and fun. It’s not uncommon for vampires to shut down their emotions and empathy at one point or another, but instead of going cold, Jasper instead took on a fiery personality. He seems to possess no fear whatsoever, not even when he is minutes away from death, as well as no regret about anything he has ever done in his life. “Shit happens, get over it” is generally the attitude he takes when it comes to trauma that he caused or is going through. Confidence emanates from him at all times, even when he is failing he seems to do so with an attitude that displays no doubt or anxiety; this confidence is often what makes him a successful flirt more so than his appearance alone.

Generally, Jasper is a lively person who finds fighting and teasing fun, but even his murder attempts are built out of a playful origin. It is rare for him to get angry, but when he does it normally has to do with someone being an extreme bore or talking about his creator. He may be open about every other part of his life, but his creator and the first century of his life with that creator are taboo topics that most people have learned not to bring up and/or push for more information about.

Although he is working for a powerful and dangerous group, Jasper still seems to have an issue with authority and taking orders. This is particularly due to the fact that he is confident that his skills and/or appearance are enough to convince the leader of Indulgence to forgive him, and the boss has repeatedly let Jasper get away with literal murder and disobeying orders. After all, an employee with intense drive and willingness to do literally anything even at personal risk is a rare and valuable asset to any criminal group.

Species: Vampire

Species Description: Vampires take the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ to heart. These vampires are not like the kind found in most movies or stories, for they can survive on the blood of any creature, not just humans and animals. Meaning, a vampire can survive perfectly fine on the blood of the dead, on other vampires, on demons, or any other creature with blood inside of them… but there are risks and rewards for doing this. Assuming they eat only, or a lot of, the same species then the vampire will take on the traits of said species. Sometimes they even take on the personality of the victims if they restrict their diet to certain ‘archetypes’ such as artistic or depressed. Humans are the most basic and common food source due to their larger number and weak bodies; this is why most vampires look and act human. Vampires consider their food of choice their chosen “diet.”

For example, vampires that feed on killers and criminals are the most violent of vampires, practically slaves to their bloodlust. It is easy to make them go into a frenzy and they love a fight. Also, they can read and learn things about people/vampires by the scent of their blood. In comparison to that, a vampire that only feeds on other vampires need to feed more often than most due to the inefficient energy exchange; their hair tends to turn white and their eyes constantly glowing red. Their fangs are larger and their skin so pale they seem dead. They are clearly not human in these cases but they have power over their vampire kind, able to control a single vampire or even group of them through will alone.

Unless the vampire has fed extensively on a species (such as werewolves) to resist it, vampires will burn in the sun until they are only ashes but it takes time direct sunlight for this to happen; in short bursts the vampire will only suffer from a bit of pain and become far weaker than they are at night, inside, or in the shade. Even those that feed on werewolves and have gained some sunlight immunity cannot be out there forever, they can just do it longer and with fewer drawbacks. The other ways to kill a vampire is fire, aka burning them until there is nothing but ashes, or destroying their heart; the heart is the core of a vampire so if you destroy that, then you destroy them too.

Vampires cannot be born or created magically, they have to be humans first and then purposefully created by another vampire. It is impossible to do accidentally. This is because the process involves the human and vampire to be exchanging blood at the same time; the vampire drinks from the human while the human drinks from the vampire.

Ability Description: As discussed, a vampire has different abilities depending on what species or what kind of human they feed on. However, there are some overall abilities that all vampires will have no matter what such as enhanced night vision, speed, strength, and senses. Some diets improve or reduce these abilities though. Their fangs are their only physical weapon, and due to that, never go away; most vampires keep their mouths closed when in public even if it means that they tend to cut their own tongue and gums on the incredibly sharp fangs.

In Jaspers case, due to his diet being centered around witches, warlocks, and other types of human mages, he can use magic to some extent. This naturally makes him incredibly dangerous. The type of magic that this type of vampire can use is mostly restricted to blood and shadow magic, two things which understandably come a bit more naturally to vampires, but if a vampire drinks a lot of mage blood or maintains this diet for a long time then they are likely to develop a proficiency with other elemental magic such as ice, spirit work, plants, and in rare cases, even fire.

Notable Strengths/Weaknesses: As a vampire whose diet is centered around mages, he is a formidable foe due to the magic under his control, but Jasper is also a deadly physical combatant due to his long life giving him plenty of time to perfect his fighting style which often involves blades of some kind. Additionally, due to his diet, Jasper has a high resistance to magical attacks in mind or body; curses and attempts at reading his mind are often blocked without him even trying.

Downsides that come from his diet include his eyes glowing whenever he uses magic; vampire eyes naturally glow/turn red whenever they are feeding, angry, or in extreme pain, but a vampire that feeds on witches also have to deal with their eyes glowing a vibrant blue as well. This drawback makes stealth magic attacks near impossible, tells all other vampires what type of skills you have, and adds more risk to being discovered. Additionally, the magic that vampires cast seems to have a draining effect on the vampire's blood supply, making them thirsty more often. There is a limit to how much magic a vampire can cast before they have to feed on a mage again. Plus hunting mages, in general, is one of the most dangerous groups a vampire can target due to a witches skill over fire spells.

Other: Jasper led the group that found and captured Cole, but it was the leader of Indulgence who managed to reverse the transformation. Jasper brought Cole in because he figured that their patrons would be interested in such a rare beast sort of like a sideshow attraction, and he was right. The pair ended up spending a fair amount of time together, but despite that, Jasper volunteered himself to track down and kill Cole for running away from Indulgence.

Name: Arianna Jamison
Age: 24
Profession: Currently a cashier at a pet store

Arianna stands at about 5'3" tall, which is short for even your average female. Stemming from her father's genes, her skin is normally tanned in appearance, blemish free since her bout with acne back in high school. She doesn't even have freckles, though she does have an odd shaped birthmark on her left wrist. It's almost shaped as though someone took the bottom two points of a star away, leaving the rest imprinted on her. She normally dresses to impress; despite the fact that she grew up in a family of all boys, she knows how to have a girly side as well.

Arianna wasn't actually born into the Jamison family as she thinks she was. She wasn't quite adopted, either, not by normal means. The world that they live in, you see, isn't quite 'normal' as one might think. There are monsters everywhere, supernatural creatures that haunt the night and shadows of the day. The Jamison family, plain and simple, are humans-- but Arianna is not. She was left on their doorstep as an infant, with a note saying that she had to be protected at all costs.

Tessa Jamison took her in instantly, but Henry was a little more cautious. They already had two sons, Michael and Luke; what kind of danger would this young baby bring them? But as soon as she opened her eyes, Henry fell in love with her, and they decided to raise her as their own. Arianna wouldn't remember anything about Tessa, considering Henry had been right to be wary. Arianna is a lure, which means she draws all kinds of supernatural energy and creatures to her. A fight with a rabid werewolf would cost Tessa her life, and send Henry, the boys, and Arianna running for their lives.

They found a town with a witch who offered to help them. She charmed a necklace for young Arianna, one that she would have to wear always. It would make supernaturals think she was human, just like the rest of them. Henry stressed the importance over the years of her wearing it, without so much telling her exactly what it was. Instead of it being a supernatural charm, she just thought it was a family heirloom, something her mother wanted her to have.

Since then, they've moved around a few times. Luke got a girl pregnant and fell into drugs, and that's when things started to fall apart. His drug use almost tore the family apart, but after a few years of him being absent, he finally decided to get clean and come back to them. Michael didn't forgive him, and hardly visits. You can see the disappointment in Henry's eyes when he looks at Luke, but Arianna was just happy to have him back. They're the closest out of all of them.

Arianna, having grown up with two older brothers, isn't afraid to get rough when she has to. She stands up for herself, and says what's on her mind usually before thinking it completely through. She's impulsive and impatient, and prefers things to be done her way, on her time. If you can't do that, she'll do it herself. It's something she inherited from her father, despite the fact he isn't actually the man who helped create her.

On the flip side, she does have a pretty caring heart, but not for just anyone. For her family? Sure. Friends? Sure. Random people? It just depends. Sure there are some people her heart goes out to, but then again there are some where it doesn't. She's very blunt and honest, and doesn't shy away from giving her opinion sometimes even when it isn't asked for. She forgives but doesn't forget, and isn't afraid to put her all into whatever she's doing or going for.

Species: Human ("Lure")

Species Description:
An exact description is unknown at this time, but for whatever reason, Arianna's kind simply 'lures' the supernatural to them. Whether it's their blood, their soul, or something else entirely is unknown.

Ability Description:

Notable Strengths/Weaknesses:
-Her strength would be her bravery, considering she's not afraid to stand up for herself or what she thinks is right.
-She's not very strong physically, though she does run, so she's alright at cardio.
-One weakness (other than physically) is that she sometimes doesn't know when to quit. She may take something too far, whether it be her opinion, a joke, or anything of the sort.
-Another weakness is she's a terrible shot with a gun (though a beast with a bow).


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