
Shiki slashed wildly at the walkers kneecaps but soon she foolishly realised that her blades were no match for the massive machine's impenetrable armour. God, what were these things made of? As the walker turned and loomed over her, Shiki looked up into the face of Ingrid, her eyes wide as the woman screamed something at her. She was pressing and pulling all sorts of buttons in the machine and a cannon was pointed in her face.


Shiki went to roll out of the way but it was too late. The cannon was fired and... wait... Shiki (who had crouched down and closed her eyes, pretty sure the inevitable was coming) looked up to see Ingrid's suit frozen solid.

'Ha!' Shiki barked gleefully, jumping up, ready to run away. She knew when she could win a fight and this wasn't one of them. She was gonna get as far away from the city as possible. Maybe steal a couple of horses on the way out (and pick a dead pocket or two).


Another arm cannon was pointing at her, this time from the male walker. Groaning, Shiki dropped her Katana's (not that they were making much difference, she was just used to surrendering) and raised her arms in the air, looking at the man with disdain.

'I am going to ask you one simple question, and you are going to answer it. Understand?'

Shiki raised her eyebrows and then nodded to the cannon.

'Ain't got much choice have I,' she said sweetly, a small bemused grin on her face. Under the smile, Shiki was furious. His accent... it was familiar... it was if they were...

'Where is the Magi?'

Shiki stood staring at him, her face neutral. So that was what they were after, Imperial scum, she should have realised who they were, especially as magic was involved. She licked her lips and contemplated his question. There had been rumours around the city of a petrified man in the Jinso mines. She had questioned one of the miners (after buying him a drink or two) in the pub.

'Yeah,' he'd said, scratching his beard, his hands stained with a lifetime of dirt. 'It was bloody weird, we found him but when we tried to move him, it wouldn't budge. And it gave off a strange like.. I dunno... well it just felt strange, that's all.'

Her and Kylo had been going to check it out after they'd found the letter, more so in hope to find any information about Nae. She swallowed at the thought of her sister, of Kylo, dead and twitching on the floor. Her eyes narrowed. If she told this man her info, he'd probably just kill her anyway. No she had a better idea.

'I know where the magi is, and believe me, you're lucky you're speaking to me,' she said, placing a hand on her hip, looking up at the massive walker as it loomed over her, giving the man a confident smile. 'It ain't exaclty common knowledge. I just happen to be,' she raised a hand to tap it against her nose, 'in the know. I can take you to him. For a price.' She hadn't meant to add that last part to the sentence but she couldn't help it, she was a gambler after all. Part of her was hoping once they'd found the magi, she'd find a way to sneak off with her life, leaving them and the magi to it.

Just as Ingrid was beginning to fear that it would be the end for the imperial trio, Rex regained control of the situation. By this time the streets were mostly empty and a cold silence fell over it; most people had evacuated the area in flight. However, the female that struck at Shiki was still there; she was forced to remain by the magic blaster Rex had pointed at her. 

Ingrid was also surprised to see that Tina was still alive, although she seemed to have a damaged eye. She shuddered at the sight and turned to watch as Rex began melting the ice that froze her suit.

As the ice began to melt their victim came more clearly into view for Ingrid. The ice had made her windoe difficult to see through, but as soon as the girl's features were visible, Ingrid nearly jumped out of her skin as if shed seen a ghost. 

"You...How did you escape?!" She demanded. Sensitivity returned to her suit and she could move it again. She pointed, "it looks as though our search is at its end; she is the magi! And it looke like she's an escaped magi!" Ingrid announced. 

@DemetrioMachete @RachelLS @transcendantviewer
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"The price for your information is you living. You must be thirty degrees of stupid, trying to bargain with an Imperial Soldier." Rex was not amused with Shiki's antics. It made him want to smack her with his cannon.

Rex leered at Shiki as Ingrid made her accusation. This was the Magi?

"That so...?" he pointed the cannon with increased aggression. 

"Looks like you will be coming home with us, then. Engineer, if you please. Prepare a capsule for our cargo." Rex didn't know much about the walker's functions besides its offensive beams. He thought Ingrid would have some "special maneuvers" that required some knowhow to access. If there was none, then carrying Shiki across the sea would be a problem.

"Nnnrgh... Sergeant? Engineer?" Tina's voice, wavering in strength, called out from her damaged walker. 

"Right here Private. Ingrid believes we have met our mark."

"Sergeant.." Tina called back. "I.. I cannot see."

"Steam in your eyes?"


There was a brief pause, as Tina waved the air in front of her face. Bitter and cold.

"No sir. I am injured."

Rex had missed the battle between Ulfgarr and Tina, unable to realize her suit had been penetrated. 

"Once the Magi is in tow I'll give it a look. For now, use your ears.. listen for enemy reinforcements."

To this order, Tina sighed wearily. Taking a deep breath, she began watching with her ears...

Despite the accusation of Shiki being the Magi.. Shiki's own words pinged at Rex. She said she knew of another Magi nearby. He felt that if this was true.. they could have two Magi in one trip! With a thrust in posture, Rex glared at Shiki once more.

"You have nothing to gain, here. So I want you to think about what you have to lose, when you consider your next words. Is there another Magi in this town?"

@RachelLS @Enuky K
'Ah... Wha?'

Shiki stared at Ingrid, tilting her head to the side, her mouth open and gaping.

'Honey,' she said, giving her a look that showed she thought she was crazy. 'I don't know what on earth you're talking about.'

But the woman was adamant; she really believed she had seen Shiki before. The only time this had happened was when Nae was around. Indeed, Shiki had used it to her advantage, many times before, especially when hiding from the law.

'Stop getting me in trouble,' Nae had scolded her, hands on her hips. Although the two were completely different in character, they were identical twins after-all, down to the same hair-cut. As much as Nae hadn't liked Shiki's shenanigans, they had saved them plenty of times.

And this woman recognised her. The only way she would be able to recognise her was if she had seen someone like her before. Someone with magic capabilities.

'You have Nae,' Shiki whispered hoarsely.

Shiki nearly threw herself at the woman in an uncontrollable rage. The only thing stopping her was Rex's blaster which was still pointed in her face. She was shaking though, pure adrenaline pumping through her veins.

She wanted to shout it... no to scream it. Finally after all these years, she had a clue to Nae's whereabouts. And it was with these Imperial scum-bags. But she had to think logically (and calmly) about this. If they thought she was Nae, they would take her back across the sea and to where Nshe was. Her heart jumped in her throat and she gave a wide smile.

'Shit, you got me,' she said raising her hands. 'Wasn't easy but yah uh... I got away, you know... uh with magic and stuff.'

This was not some of her best work. But she'd been put on the spot, you know?

She smirked as she heard the other female walker talking about her injured eye.

'Ha fucking ha,' she mocked, confident in the knowledge that if they thought she was magi, they wouldn't kill her. Hopefully.'I ain't got no sympathy for Imperial bastards like you. You could all rot in hell for all I care.'

She smiled sweetly at the male walker, baring her teeth.

'What did I just say? Yes moron there's another magi in town. And I can lead you to him. I ain't getting in no capsule though. I either get to lead you to him, walking, or you just take me and me alone.'

She had seen the way his eyes had lit up at the thought of capturing another magi. She took a deep breath, trying to quench the anger that roared in her belly.

'I'm coming Nae,' she thought, clenching her fists.
With a studder and jettison of steam, Tina managed to get her Walker moving. She didn't hear any enemies.. but she heard Shiki.

"Hell..." she murmured, just loud enough to hear. A bloody smirk found her dying face.

"We of the Empire do not fear Hell. No, we will amass our armies at Hell's gate.. we will conquer Hell. Its demons will be our slaves."

"Rant over, Private. Deep breaths." Rex cut Tina off, and she complied; taking deep breaths. Rex cautiously looked around, spotting the mines out in the distance. He motioned for Ingrid and Tina to follow, as he jabbed Shiki in the stomach with his gun arm. She would feel the heat of it linger on her clothes.


As Shiki lead the Imperials towards the mines, looming at the entrance, Rex took a quick glance back. It looked like a band of Romoshi soldiers were riding towards Jinso. *Too late you backwater dogs,* Rex thought to himself, as the team, lead by Shiki, descended into the mines. The entryway and tunnels were large enough to accomodate the added girth of the Imperial walkers. 

As they journeyed downward, deeper into the mines, Rex pondered to himself where a Magi would hide in this place. The walls were all lit with lanterns, and the paths were relatively straightforward. It would be hard to get lost in here. Hardly an ideal hiding place.

Eventually, they reached the deepest portions of the mines. Coal, Granite and Iron jutted out of the walls. In the center of the space, was a humanoid shape. It was about 6 feet tall, give or take, and appeared to be wearing a tribal mask of sorts, with a great deal of feathers on both the mask, and its garbs. It appeared to be standing upright, with its arms crossed; but what caught the soldiers' attention most.. this being was made entirely of stone. Rex, feeling optimistic, didn't think that Shiki was pulling their leg. No, this person was...

"Petrified..." Rex whispered to himself, as he moved closer, inspecting the stone man's dimensions. "This Magi was petrified, somehow." as soon as his fascination ended, he motioned Tina over to assist him in moving the petrified Magi. She passed by Shiki.. Tina was far bent out of shape. Her skin tone was paler, her cuts had not healed, her injured eye was shut fast and the other appeared to be bloodshot. She was in no condition to lift something.. but at the same time she wasn't fit to watch the hostage, either.

"Engineer if you please," Rex spoke to Ingrid as he lowered into a lifting position. "Keep your gun trained on the girl. We've got a great haul." Tricked and deceived, textbook Imperialism.

As the two soldiers tried to move the petrified Magi, a blue light seemed to flash through the room. Accompanying the light was a sound, like a whale's cry, but audible to human ears. This caused Rex and Tina to step back in surprise.

"Sergeant... what was that?" Tina asked Rex.

"I.. I don't know. Got this feeling all of a sudden, like we're being watched." Rex looked around the spacious cavern.. no one there. He moved back towards the Magi, about to move it again when that same blue light and sound hit his ears again. Now he was alarmed. What exactly was going on? Without provocation, the blue lights and whale sounds came back again, but this time they wouldnt go away. The whole room was blue, Rex and Tina backed away from the Magi, as the eye sockets on its stone mask...

Turned white.

With a sudden jolt of energy, a flash shot out from the petrified Magi. It struck Tina, who let out a short scream as she was disintegrated into a pile of fine ash, magitek suit and all. Rex looked over, but failed to see her ashes.

"Tina? Tina!? Where did you go!?" he turned back towards the Magi, its eyes still white. It dawned on Rex.

"This thing... even though it is petrified, it is still alive!?" before he could retreat, Rex met the same fate as Tina, struck by a white flash, and turned to ashes. Now both soldiers were dead, but Shiki and Ingrid remained untouched.

Within the recesses of Ingrid's mind, a voice would project itself. It was but a whisper, androgynous from male or female.

"K i n d r e d  S p i r i t . . ." it called to her, as the magi's white stare faded. The sounds and blue light, persisted. In fact they seemed to grow more intense.

"S o  f a r  d o w n , y o u r  s t r e n g t h  h a s  r e c e d e d . . . t h i s  s h a l l  b e  r e m e d i e d ." Without warning, the statue's eyes began to glow white. Unlike the fates of Rex and Tina, however, this petrified one had a different plan for Ingrid. A flash filled the room, and that flash seemed to be absorbed by Ingrid. Strange sensations would begin to assault her senses. Her veins seemed to swell, as though she were a vampire, sucking somethings blood. Her muscles would tighten, and then her very soul seemed to send out a chilling pulse to her physical body. The whale like noises stopped, and the blue light faded from the room.

"G o  n o w . . ." the whisper said to Ingrid and Shiki, seeming to lose strength. "D a n g e r . . . i s  a p p r o a c h i n g  s w i f t . . . !"

@Enuky K


(I hope this was satisfactory.. I felt a bit rushed.)
After Rex cornered Shiki, Ingrid resumed her quiet role. She let the two soldiers take charge of the mission, and it seemed the search for the second magi would continue. Ingrid made no complaints but trudged along accordingly. 

As if the bitter cold and blackness of night weren't enough, their search brought them to the caverns of the Jinso mines. An unending darkness faced the group from the tunnels, and Ingrid shuddered at the thought of going in. Still though, they marched onward. The ravaging winds from outside the mine created a shrill whistling sound that rang through the mines. 

It wasn't long before they found what they were looking for. In a large opening in the tunnel, a statue like figure was there. It appeared to be the magi. Ingrid examined the peteified being with great interest until the first flash. Already, she knew this was serious. In her experience with magitek she'd been exposed to magi energy many times... and she knew that this was a lot of it. 

The second flash sent a wave of worry over her, but it wasn't long then that her concerns were answered. The stone magi-- presumably --was speaking. In the next instant Rex and Tina were no more, and Ingrid was fearing that she would be next. 

The girl closed her eyes and accepted the inevitable, but a sudden surge of energy through her body caused her to flinch, and shake uncomfortably before it began erupting blasts of electrical looking magi. Something from the suit ruptured due to the blast, destroying it, and the poor scientist appeared unable to help herself. 

She climbed down from dead suit. Her hands were spewing bolts of magi, and she was trying desperately to stop it. Ingrid began crying out in her desperation, "this can't be happening; I can't go back like this. Why won't it stop?!" She said. 

After years of being sucked dry of her magi, it had returned. Only, now Ingrid was unsure of what to do about it. She couldn't return to her positon as imperial engineer so long as she couldn't conceal her problem...

It seemed with Rex and Tina gone and her new issues left her distraught. She wasn't paying attention to their prisoner anymore, although they needed to make haste to escape the mines. 

@RachelLS @DemetrioMachete @transcendantviewer
Shiki scoffed as Tina ranted about hell, and how iImperials were gonna fuck everyone up and blah blah blah. She found it hilarious.

'Alrighty then,' she said with the sort of tone that indicated she thought the lady was crazy. 'Hey sarge, I think you might wanna leave this one here, she ain't right in the head.' As she was told to march, she gave a backward glare at Rex before giving him a wink.

'Sure love, follow me.'

She lead them to the mines, all the while unable to stop thinking of Nae. If she found a chance, at any point, she would interrogate that engineer, get the information she so desperately wanted. She needed to know if Nae was ok. If this woman had recognised her, hopefully that was a good sign, that Nae was still alive and well.

In what conditions though? After the way Shiki had seen these people treat the city, she shuddered to think.

As they reached the mine, she saw Rex turn to look back and she did also, spying the Romoshi soldiers riding towards Jinso. After working out what had happened, they would most probably follow their trail to the mine. As much as she hated the military, she really hoped they didn't track them; more so for the soldiers and their family's sakes.

They travelled deeper into the mine, and finally came across what the walkers had been looking for, a petrified human. The Magi.

The engineer was told to watch Shiki, and she rolled her eyes, looking at the woman. She was definitely not a soldier. She didn't seem much of a fighter either. In-fact, she looked absolutely scared witless.

'Hey,' she said, trying to get her attention. 'Doll, look it's ok, don't worry. When I escape, I absolutely promise,' she made an X sign on her chest, smiling a sweet sweet smile, 'that you won't bleed that much.' Her finger went to her sleeve where she lightly played with a dagger that was pressed against her skin.

If they'd hurt Nae...

The whale cry made Shiki jump in alarm, two daggers in both hands and by her side. She scanned the mine warily, echoing Rex's sentiment. She definitely felt like they were being watched. The whole room had an overwhelming sense of... well presence. She couldn't put a finger on it. She took a step back from the group, her flight reflexes about to kick in.

Suddenly the noise was back again and she crouched down, watching the petrified human, unable to look away. Then Tina was suddenly disintegrated and so was Rex and all Shiki could do was stare at the piles of ash on the floor.

She had never seen magic so powerful.

She turned to look at the petrified magi again, eyes wide and suddenly the room was white and Ingrid was absorbing it all.

As the voice entered her mind, Shiki shouted in alarm, raising her daggers, hating that there was something here that she couldn't see, that she couldn't touch, maim, kill. She stared at the statue warily, grip tightened. But just as quickly as this whole thing had started, it was finished, leaving just the two of them alone and silent. Shiki's breath came out as pants, and she was shaking slightly.

Taking a deep breath to try and compose herself, she looked at the engineer who had now climbed out of her suit, staring at her hands that were shooting bolts of magi round the room. Shiki had to move out of ones way as it smashed into the wall next to her, causing rubble to fall at her feet.

The mine now felt very very claustrophobic.

'This can't be happening; I can't go back like this. Why won't it stop?!' the engineer said, and Shiki had to move out the way again, another bolt coming dangerously close to her.

The voice had said danger approached. That would be the soldiers they saw earlier on. They would be on their trail now, with horses and lots and lots of weapons. They needed to get out of here fast.

As much as she wanted to chop Ingrid into tiny pieces very very slowly until she had told everything she knew about Nae, now wasn't the right time. And she suspected she needed this woman.

She could maim her later.

She grabbed her by the shoulders, staring at her in the face, her eyes hard and stern.

'We need to go. Now,' she said fiercely. 'When they find us here, they'll kill us both and I don't know about you but I'm way too pretty to die.'

She studied the woman's face and shrugged her shoulders.


If they went out the entrance they came out of, they would be chased down by the soldiers and their horses. Surely there must be another way out of the mine.

Another bolt, more rocks falling but this time, Shiki had to pull Ingrid out the way to stop her getting snowed under by rocks.

'Sort your shit out!' Shiki shouted, glaring at Ingrid, pulling her along the tunnel. 'Now I don't know how magi works, not really, but can you work out another way out of here that isn't the entrance? And can you do it without crushing us to death?'
Ingrid was still struggling with the magi spewing from the palms of her hands to pay much attention to the pirate woman, who was oddly enough protecting her from the collapsing rocks. The engineer desperately wanted it to stop... but bolt after bolt of magi was sprung through the tunnels and into the darkness. The caves were flashing with bursts lights and rocks were falling... everything was happening so fast, and Ingrid's entire body was becoming hot. "Why won't it stop?" she kept repeating, her voice wavering on the verge of tears.

Suddenly, Ingrid was jerked forward and narrowly avoided being crushed by a large rock. She stumbled aback, and for the first time since her episode started paid attention to Shiki. The mine was collapsing and outside there were armed enemies waiting. Ingrid took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying her hardest to remember. Remember what it felt like to control magi... 

It stopped. Ingrid's hands were trembling violently, but they were no longer erupting Magi. 

"A way out...", Ingrid said aloud. Shiki had already started dragging her forward, and Ingrid was significantly slowing them up. However, her thoughts were running like wild fire. How to get them out. She was the engineer, after all. 

"We have to go back", Ingrid said, suddenly pulling Shiki to a stop. "This way, trust me".

Ingrid led the two back to where the dead walker was partially knocked over to the ground. She popped open the front port and motioned for Shiki to go first before pushing her forward. Now that the engineer was at work she was much more confident and less submissive. "Get in", she said, climbing in closely after her and pulling the port shut. The two were cramped, and qucickly Ingrid instructed Shiki on how to sit in the driver seat. Ingrid climbed into the cramped floor board and opened up a small door under the dash, exposing a series of mechanicas and valves. She gripped something from within it and shot a blast of magi into it. 

The suit roared back to life, suddenly ready to return to work. The magi power source was drained during whatever the petrified magi did. Ingrid would have to stay in the floor continuously powering it, but it would operate. 

":You have to drive it", Ingrid called up from the floor board, "We'll blast our way through the mine and exit from the back side of the mountain", she added. Shiki would find that being charged with such raw energy, the suit was especially powrful. It could move much faster, and its magi cannons would have no trouble blasting the mine to make a new exit. 

@RachelLS @DemetrioMachete @transcendantviewer
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When Ingrid motioned for her to get in the walker, Shiki shook her head and glared at the woman. It wasn't that she was claustrophobic. She was used to being cramped in tight spaces with people; ships weren't the most airy of places. But this thing? There was something about it that gave her the heebie jeebies or maybe it was the fact that one of these monstrous machines had just demolished a whole city, murdered a fuck load of people and killed one of her friends. She didn't like or trust something that had this much power.

'Darling, do I have to?'

[SIZE=10pt]Ingrid seemed quite insistent and with a sigh, Shiki was pushed into the contraption. Clambering inside, Shiki [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]maneuvered[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] her way in and was confronted by the control panel. [/SIZE]

'What the hell is this?'

Sitting in the driver seat, Shiki looked down with confusion at the buttons, levers and flashing things and almost kicked Ingrid out of the way to get out again. She could navigate her way round an ocean, direct men and women on a ship through a storm but this seemed may more complicated in this moment.

Suddenly the walker was roaring into action, and Shiki nearly fell from her seat. Taking in a deep breath, she peered down at Ingrid, listening to her instructions.


Holding onto the handles, she raised her arms. Unsurprisingly the walkers arms raised too.

'Right!' she said again, slightly more confident now. Using the pedals just in-front of her seat, she moved it forward, beginning to find her footing. There were so many button and levers to press and pull but she reckoned she was safe just moving the walker for now.

Following the route round, the two women came to the rear of the mine where the path just circled back round to the main road, and eventually the entrance.

'What the hell do I do now?' She asked, looking down at the control panel.

Down in the town of Jinso, the soldiers had arrived. Roughly 80 in rank, with a number of horses, panthers and bears in tow. Rather than embrace advanced technology, Jinso's military had instead gone the route of coaxing the feral predators of the Eastern forests and mountains, and getting them war ready. Of these feral beasts was the apex panther, and the thick, omnivorous bear. They served as a sort of "shock trooper" to the Romoshi army. 

The soldiers stood at attention, as their commander dismounted his horse. He was an older gentleman, skin somewhat dark from days in the sun, with greying black hair tied into a ponytail, as well as a full mustache. This was Retainer Doramund the First, one of the highest ranking soldiers known to Romosh.

"At ease, men." the Retainer's firm, aged voice called out. "Our scouts have told your superior officers and I that this town has fallen under Imperial attack, that the Empire utilized a strange offensive armor, and that there were only three enemy units in number."

This caused some distress amongst the ranks. Three imperials ravaged an entire town?

"We must make this attack global news," Doramund added on, sternly. "Indeed, we have suffered a mortal blow, but we should do all we can to ensure the Empire cannot administer another sneak attack to our allies in Fyelli, nor to the neutral nations of Vaars and Barbaros."

"Sir," one of the officers spoke up.

"What of the town? Should we reclaim it, or leave it?" Doramund weighed his options.. it was likely the Imperials were still in the town. At the same time though, they could have moved on; and there were innocents still in Jinso's walls! Doramund's decision was quick.

"Retake the town, find survivors of the Imperial attack, and proceed with evacuation efforts. If you find any escaped convicts, cuff them. If you find the Imperials, kill them." 

The soldiers were dismissed, and they spread out all across the town. The panthers were ideal for sniffing out survivors. Quickly, they were lead out of their homes, and sent out with escorts, likely to the capitol.

Romosh presence was back over Jinso, with soldiers patrolling the town... though they did not head for the mines, assuming the Imperials had no business up there.


Inside the mine the rocks were steadily collapsing around them, and the noise each crashing rock produced was the best indicator that Ingrid had about their surroundings. Overtime, Ingrid noticed the background noise wasn't changing, and it was beginning to concern her. 

At last Ingrid abandoned her post in the floor boards powering the machine, and climbed back above to assees the situation. It seemed they were still wandering around the collapsing mines. 

Shortly after Ingrid stopped powering the suit it started slowing down. 

"Let me", Ingrid said, reaching for a controller and aimed the magi canmon to the wall. The engineer fired, sending a blast of magi into the tunnel wall. It was enough to break through, but the suit was completely stopped with no way to store energy. 

The blast left a large opening in the wall, and it led to outside the mines in what looked like a forestforestry mountain. 

"Get us out of here", said the engineer as she hopped back into the floorboards. She began charging the suit, but the blast into the wall sped up the collapse of the mines, and soon the mines would be no more. 
As the cannon blasted through the wall, the mine began to crumble round them and Shiki wasted no time, moving the walker forward, slow at first as it began to charge up then at a sprint as the engineer worked her magi into the suit. Just as they were clear, behind them the mine collapsed and Shiki turned back to look at the fallen rocks, the collapsed tunnels, giving a low whistle.

'Jeez, that was close.'

She couldn't be in this thing right now. She needed to get out. She needed fresh air and she needed to get her head around what was happening. Most of all she needed answers.

Pushing open the suit, she jumped out, landing on grass. They were on the side of a mountain on a ledge that looked over the surrounding forest. There was a natural pathway leading down and through the greenery, a good escape route.

That didn't concern Shiki right now.

As Ingrid came out of the suit, Shiki was in-front of her, holding a knife to her throat.

'I don't give a shit if you have magi,' she hissed in the woman's ear, her mouth close to her face, close enough for Ingrid to feel the warmth of her breath. 'Magi won't stop me running this knife through your throat. It won't stop your blood filling up your windpipe, suffocating you to death.' She cut into the skin, only a little, to show she wasn't playing around. 'You recognised me which means you know where Nae is. My twin sister.'
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When at last the walker emerged from the mines, Ingrid peered up from below the dash and to the outside world. Her fearful expression was replaced with a look of more confidence; she was happy to see her work was so successful. They were able to survive a dismal situation, she reflected as she glanced by to the collapsing mine. They were fortunate to escape, and it was all owed to Ingrid's engineering. 

Her celebration was cut short however, as a delayed issue was brought back to her attention. Ingrid slowly climbed down from the machine after Shiki, but before she could even catch her breath she was being held at knife point by the prisoner... She was now the prisoner, it seemed. Ingrid stood with her back as straight as a board, and the hairs on her skin were sticking straight out. 

"I... I...", Ingrid stuttered after the pirate made her demands. The knife cut into her skin, and Ingrid could feel the warm sticky substance of her blood running down her neck. Her face was turning red because she wasn't remembering to breathe, and too terrified to speak... In physical conflict, the engineer melted like butter. 

Within the Imperial Capital...

As the Imperial team carried out their mission, little did they know, their superiors were observing from afar. In a dark, locked up room, two men watched the Imperial attack via a Scrying spell. The two men were none other than Emperor Grendel himself, and another, draped in an elaborate and colorful outfit.

As Rex and Tina were disintegrated by the very Magi they sought, the colorful man let out a sly laugh.

"Oh my.. hoist by their own petard." he cackled, as Grendel merely grumbled. Their attention quickly snapped back as Ingrid, Grendel's most brilliant engineer, seemed to ally with her own hostage, and blasted their way out of the mines, but not after Ingrid retrieved her magic powers back. It was at this point the Scrying was dispelled. Grendel's expression was hidden mostly by his beard, but it was easy to tell he was fuming. His compatriot could only laugh.

"You know what this means, Emperor?" the man asked. "We've got a traitor on our hands! All traitors must die, as you say. But alas.. with no.. *cough* compentent *cough* magitek brainiacs to provide maintinence, how are we going to fight this war?"

Grendel seemed to mull over it, before he came up with an idea.

"Gather up our strongest ground regiments, and board them on our largest airship. One way or another we are going to get an army across the sea." his voice was the command of all, but his confidant couldn't help but question.

"But all your boats are torn apart by monsters, m'lord, and your airships never leave the ground!"

"My idea was to have some of the sturdier and stronger Magitek engines lift the airship up as it produced propulsion.. the primary problem with our airships is their weight.. they can't lift themselves off the ground. But if we can get it off the ground.. it will fly."



Grendel's orders were soon carried out. An amassment of 5000 soldiers, 300 tanks, and 10 Magitek armors were boarded onto the IFM BEOWULF, the Empire's largest airship. As the engines ignited, several workers in bulky Magitek vehicles surrounded the airship, and with their extensive power and lifting strength, they managed to heft the thing off the ground. Sure enough, after it left the dirt, the airship gained altitude, and then speed, as it flew off for Romosh. Today would mark the first time an Imperial vehicle left its lands...





Ingrid and Shiki would soon hear it. The sound of a thick, heavy droning that carried on for miles. Even beyond the treetops, it would become visible. It was a massive airship. Ingrid would recognize the sound of the engine as an Imperial design. Ordinarilly, Imperial airships were too heavy to leave the ground, due to their armor and cannons. But this airship was in Romosh, and landing near Jinso. If either woman knew what was good for them, they'd get their asses moving before the Imperials found them.
The droning was accompanied by a rustling in the bushes and heavy footfalls. The stench of death crept in like a deadly fog, seemingly suffocating the remains of the battle-damaged town. As the droning of the airship waned and the ship landed beyond the treetops to the west, the sound of the rustling could be heard louder now. And then they could see it; a large, gray-skinned man with a white beard and fierce red eyes. He stood with a slight hunch, as though tired and barely able to command his legs forward, his shoulders in a relaxed state and his arms hanging by his side, but in his grasp, a black, smoldering, immense axe. The sinister weapon left a trail of soot in its wake, as though it were burning up, but it never broke. The blade of this massive weapon dragging behind him, the man steps into full view; the scars of battle decorating his form and a single, massive burn on his chest, just over his heart. The bear of a man grumbles and looks around to get his bearings.

@Enuky @RachelLS @DemetrioMachete
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Shiki pressed the blade closer to Ingrid's throat, her face in-front of hers, her head tilted to the side. The woman was a nervous wreck! Stammering, shaking, going bright red; Shiki almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

'Jeez, you'd be crap under interrogation,' she said with a sinister smile, flicking the blade up and down against the woman's skin. 'Although I feel we should find out, don't you?'

Before she could take any further action, a sound from the sky caused her to look up in alarm.

'What the?'

All around her she could hear deep droning, the wind picked up and sang in her ears and then suddenly, right above them was an airship flying past bearing an Imperial insignia. It was heading for Jinso, but they were most probably branch out and find them if they didn't get a move on.

Shiki took a step back from Ingrid, and pocketed her knife.

'Right well, no hard feelings eh?' she said, extending a hand for Ingrid to shake it. Whether she did or not was up to her. 'I'm guessing we need to get a move on. They ain't gonna be best pleased with you and your my ticket to Nae. That means from now on, I'm gonna be your shadow.'

She flashed a wide grin, as though the mere thought of Shiki following Ingrid everywhere was the most wonderful idea in the world. She was evidently a very fickle woman. Staring out into the trees for a bit, her face scrunched up as she tried to think of a plan.

'I'm thinking we should head to  Fyelli. I'm guessing you don't know the way so it's lucky you have an expert navigator with you. I'm Shiki by the way.'

Another wide grin and a delightful pretend curtsey, just as another noise caught her attention and she turned round, swiftly drawing her twin Katana's. Looking towards the bushes. Whatever it was, it didn't smell great and Shiki wrinkled her nose, her facial expression showing her disgust. When the giant man emerged, she gave a shriek of horror, falling back behind Ingrid, this time being the coward.

'What the hell is that! Kill it! Kill it with fire!' she screamed, holding onto Ingrid's shoulders, pushing her forward, keeping a barrier between herself and the walking corpse.

Walkers she could deal with, magic she could deal with. But definitely not the dead that didn't stay dead. As a superstitious sea-woman, something like this didn't bode well with her.

(That was such a good read, transcendant hahah)

Ingrid was waiting for her life to be cut short when suddenly the sound of nearby drones began drawing closer. Ingrid was released then, and she took a step away as Shiki did the same. She turned to look towards the source of the sound and resisted the urge to keep crying... this was no area for the engineer. She needed to be in the safety of a laboratory. 

"You're wrong; I can't help you now", Ingrid started to say, her voice shaking. She couldn't get Shiki into the empire's magitek facilities. They would both be apprehended, and now... she thought about her problem. After being rid of this issue once, there she was again with magi. She could never return to her work for the empire, a fact that brought a sick and empty feeling to her stomach. Ingrid didn't say anything to introduce herself, and next the unthinkable happened. 

A beast of a man emerged from the bushes, carrying a scary axe. Suddenly, Ingrid was pushed forward by a cowardly Shki.

"What the", she said while taking in the man, "we're gonna die", she said, finally bursting into tears. She held a trembling hand forward out, planning to attack-- or at least attempt to --if he were to make a move. She and Shiki were slowly stepping away from the beast, "we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die", she said, the palm of her hand sparkling threateningly. What would this monster do? 

(thank you for the tip, Rachel LOL)
Minutes after the heavy droning flooded the ears of all, it stopped. The engine of the airship had been disengaged...

The reclaimed Jinso was already on full alert. The empire was attacking yet again! The leading force of the Romosh reinforcements, Retainer Doramund, ordered his men into a defensive formation. Archers were readied, beast tamers got their companions riled up, and the many swordsmen lie in wait.. what would come out of that airship?

A missile. 

There was a whoosh through the air, followed by the loud bang of an explosion. Out of the massive airship an armada of Imperial tanks treaded out, already engaged and ready for combat. It was an outright Blitzkrieg. The walls lf Jinso quickly crumbled to pieces as the tanks fired their explosive ordinance, taking out many of the soldiers trying to defend it. After the walls fell, the troops began to march on the town. With barely any resources or man power left after the opening attack, Doramund and his men were quickly defeated.

Afterwards, troops began to spread out around the town.. searching for loot, for survivors, for Ingrid. Others were given orders to commence preparations for attacks on other Romosh cities and towns, until only the capital remained. Those soldiers, hundreds in number, marched off in various directions. 

A scouting platoon of ten soldiers had followed the path made by Rex, Tina and Ingrid into the mines, and were alarmed to discover the piles of dust, as well as the improvised exit. They followed through the path Ingrid's walker had made after clearing it out. 

It wouldn't be long until Ulfgarr, Ingrid and Shiki heard the sounds of armor clad footsteps.. as the first Imperial rose over the hill, and laid his eyes on them. Since he was out looking for her.. he recognized Ingrid immediately.

"INGRIIIIID!!" he cried, readying his rifle to fire upon her, when he caught notice of her companions... the large man in particular sent danger signals all throughout his body. As his fellow soldiers arrived at his call, from his belt he pulled a grenade. He'd blow them all to smithereens!

The pin was pulled, and after calling his Grenade out, it was tossed... the other soldiers had their rifles ready to fire.

Would would this trio do?



The undead monster of a man grumbles, turning towards the commotion before roaring unintelligibly and turning from the approaching mass of soldiers, moving as quickly as his sluggish form could carry him. He sprints towards the two women and continues running, but his motions make some semblance of intelligence obvious.
Just when Ingrid didn't think the situation couldn't become any worse, a group of heavily armed soldiers could be heard marching up from behind. 

The soldiers arrived and one of them called Ingrid's name out, causing her to turn just in time to see a grenade thrown in their direction. 

The engineer didn't wait after that. She noticed the zombie appeared frightened of the soldiers as well; he was running awa from them now. 

Ingrid took off running behind him. It seemed like their only hope to escape the soldiers, and any minute now there  could be an explosion. 
[SIZE=10pt]Keeping Ingrid [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]in-front[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] of her body, the two women cowered, falling back, trying to get away from the walking corpse. As Ingrid kept repeating 'we're gonna die,' Shiki was muttering an old sea shanty under her breath, a ward to fend off Siren's and sea monsters. [/SIZE]

Suddenly all she could hear was the word 'INGRID' being shouted and she turned to find the scouting party almost on top of them.

'It just gets better and better,' she grumbled, taking off at a run to follow the woman she presumed was Ingrid and the dead monster that were both running away from the eager man with the grenade.

An explosion caused the trio to be flung forward, and Shiki fell to the ground, her head smacking the hard earth. In a daze she got up, and pulled Ingrid to her feet. Their third companion was already up and lumbering away.

'You need to do something!' Shiki screamed at Ingrid. 'We either try to run and they shoot us in the back, or we fight. What will it be?'




The first volley of gunfire rang out. The soldiers failed to adjust to their targets beginning to move, and so they all missed. There was a command to reload, followed by the sound of their repeater rifles cranking and ejecting a spent bullet. They barreled down the hill, regrouping around Ingrid's magitek. From the sound of their jargon, they had "secured it", and were going to return it to get it repaired. Two of the soldiers stayed behind to guard it, while the remaining eight tailed after the trio.

By now they had gained enough distance to where the Imperials, only average in perception, had lost them in the brush. They fanned out in groups of two, scouting around for them.. 

Now would be a good time to run.



Ülfgarr grumbles as he lands heavily against the dirt on the other side of the bushes that they'd hidden behind. A deep snarl appears on his face as he reluctantly crawls away from the encroaching armed forces. Not even he could handle such an overwhelming opposition. 
Ingrid just took off running in the direction of Ulfgarr, deeper into the forest setting. The air was frighteningly cold with temperatures dropping into the night. She could hear Shiki suggesting they fight as they ran... Impossible, thought. It was clear to Ingrid that this Shiki perceived her magi as more than it was. She couldn't face an army, thought Ingrid. 

The engineer rushed around the back of a large bush, dropping to the ground and lying low. The zombie did the same, making much more noise as he did so. 

"Sit still", Ingrid hissed at him as he crawled away through the crisp, frozen leaves that littered the earth, seeming to forget that he was a zombie. She whispered to shiki next, "All we can do is hope and pray they don't find us. If we move or try to fight we die", said Ingrid as she tried helplessly to get comfortable on the ground. It was so damp and cold... and she figured it would be a long night of waiting. The engineer didn't think venturing theough the darkness would be a wise choice; they couldn't see and it was nearly impossible to move without crinkling the dead leaves. Under the cover of night perhaps they would live, but the mountain side was becoming dangerously cold. 

@transcendantviewer @RachelLS @DemetrioMachete
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Ingrid didn't even give Shiki an answer, just sprinted past her into the forest. Watching her and the corpse run away was actually pretty funny and she probably would have laughed if, you know, they weren't being chased by murderous scum and all that. Shrugging, Shiki set off at a sprint behind her, voices of the soldiers becoming further away the deeper they travelled into the greenary. When Ingrid and Thing (the name she had decided there and then to give him), threw themselves into a bush, Shiki followed, landing next to the engineer.

'Jeez, it smells as though someones died back here,' she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust, before nodding her head at Thing. 'No offence mate.'

As Ingrid relayed her instructions, Shiki rolled over to peer through the trees and watch the night sky. She could hear men shouting in the distance, but it was further off now. They wouldn't be able to follow their trail till the morning.

'Got it. We have to wait here until they bugger off, right?' She placed her hands on her stomach, tapping gently. It didn't look like the past events had perturbed her that much. In fact, she looked pretty comfortable lying on the grass and she gave a quiet yawn.

'Jeez, I'm tired. Wake me up when they go ok? Or if I snore. Although don't startle me to much or I might try and stab you... so maybe you shouldn't wake me. But then I don't want them to hear us, so maybe you should. I dunno,' she shrugged her shoulders at this point, burrowing herself into the damp ground. 'I leave it up to you.'

And with that, Shiki seemed to drift off into an easy sleep. She had slept through storms that had knocked her ship back and forth. Lying on a cold wet ground was nothing compared to that.

@transcendantviewer @Enuky @DemetrioMachete
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