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Fantasy Magirose Hybrid Academy [Main IC thread]



~*~ Lost In A world Ill never understand ~*~
[div class=Background][div class=Body][div class=Image][/div][div class=Text][div class=Title]Welcome to Magirose Hybrid Academy! [/div][div class=Divide][/div]


we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Magirose Hybrid Academy!

you have been accepted here because you are a hybrid of an animal and human, given this you must learn to hone your skills and senses as well as recieve a normal education!

school will begin soon! we hope you will attend!

~ Headmaster Fredricks

here are the rules of the chat:

1: no ooc drama

2: no killing without permission!

3: romance is allowed but nothing past kissing cuddleing and such, in otherwords no outright smut

4: please no one-liners, I wont ask for a paragraph but please two to three lines MINIMUM

5: do not post until I accept your character!

6: I will only allow three characters per person

7: please pm me if you wish to play the headmaster

8: no mary-sues or gary-sues

[/div][/div][/div] [class=Text] text-align: justify; padding: 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; color: #84bddd; line-height: 1.5em; [/class] [class=Background] max-width: 700px; min-width: 325px; background:url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/0fb0632802d2e76ce00c0c2fca5236ea/tumblr_ne306guP5A1t7pgfno1_1280.jpg) repeat center fixed; margin:auto; padding-top: 2%; padding-bottom: 2%; min-width: 300px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=Body] max-width: 600px; background-color: #05254b; border: 1px solid #11111d; width: 90%; color: black; margin: auto; text-align: center; padding: 20px; min-height: 300px; border-radius: 0px; [/class] [class=Image] background: url(https://orig00.deviantart.net/4685/f/2012/178/4/9/black_rock_shooter_by_micchan22-d5517iq.gif); margin: auto; height: 175px; background-size: cover; background-position: 40% 42%; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 33px; position: relative; z-index: 2; border: 1px double #11111d; opacity: 0.9; [/class] [class=Title] font-family: Noto Serif JP; text-align: center; font-size: 24px; margin-top: 5px; [/class] [class=Divide] height: 1px; width: 85%; background-color: #84bddd; margin: auto; margin-top: 20px; opacity: 0.6; [/class]
Wren LeRouge

Wren sat in her dorm room, the springy mattress molding around her small frame as she gazed outside at the winter wonderland that existed outside, the glistening snow , the hanging icicles, the frozen solid lakes, perfect for ice skating...with that last thought she glanced at her bag where her ice skates were kept , longing to feel them on her feet so she could go skate on the large frozen pool though she knew she couldn't yet though soon she would be able to, she also wondered who her dorm-mates are, she heard that Klara was going to go here though she wasn't sure which dorm Klara would be in. suddenly something small and furry pushed its way up under her arm and into her lap, it was her pet snow-fox Phantom, Wren gently pet the furry creature who nuzzled her hand in response

She just was walking towards her dorm as she just sighed' i wonder how sissy is doing' she thought as she hasn't seen her in a long time all she wanted to do is swim but she couldn't since it's cold she liked the cold she was abadoned by her parents so she started living with her friend 'sister' she hasn't seen her for three years she missed her dearly she just dragged her lodgue as she found the dorm room as she sar a farmilar face her friend' sister' "wren" she say as she just saw her as she was happy her shark tail was swinging side to side she hasn't had good sleep lately she was really happy to see her as she saw the creature Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Wren LeRouge


"Wren" she heard a voice say so she turned towards the sound to see her 'sister', her heart nearly skipped a beat, its been three years since she has seen Klara and all of the sudden here she was standing in front of her "Klara? Is that really you?" she asked, tearing up, and Phantom hopped off of her lap and snuggled Klara, confirming Wrens suspicion and wren hugged Klara tightly, nearly crying "I've missed you so much"

She just felt wren hugged her" hey phantom hey wren" she say as she felt the hug was too tight" i missed you too it been like three years" she say" okay okay your hugging me too tight" she say trying to be cool she didn't want to cry in front of her she was put in a orphanage after wren left she just looked down she just sighed" it's good to see you again" she say as she just poked her making sure it was her that it wasn't a dream she just looked tired she forgot to take her meds today she just was watching her sister Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Alden walked down the hall, his hands in his jean pockets, slouching. His fluffy black wolf ears twitched as he heard cries of joy. His tail swished as he walked right past the door they were coming from, ignoring. He growled quietly. Why did people have to be so happy all the time? His footsteps got heavier as he thought of his parents. Why did they have to die? Why did he have to be put in the stupid orphanage, with all the little children. Thank god for this school, let him get away from that shit of an orphanage.
Luna sat in her bed, curled up in a ball, shaking. She was scared that she wouldn't know anyone, she was scared that they would make fun of her, or tease her, or beat her up. Her ear flashed with phantom pains of fangs piercing it. She got out of bed wondering who her dorm mates would be. I really hope Chi Chi is my roommate. she thought, she didn't want to be alone with strangers.
Wren LeRouge

Suddenly, she tons of footsteps coming from the dorm next door "Ill be back klara, stay here" Wren said, sipping on her shoes and opening the door that opens up into the large dorm building that contains all of the dorms, phantom scurried to her side and she peeked out to see luna in the hallway so she smiled and waved "oh...hello, Im Wren" the small, white haired girl with white fox appendages chimed happily , her fox tail swaying happily, phantom bounding out jumping around her attempting to lick the strangers face with little yips of exitement, Wren chuckled "leave the poor girl alone phantom you probably scared her!" she exclaimed and phantom obeyed and slinked back to his masters side "Im so sorry ma'am he's just excited, he really doesn't bite" she said apologetically petting phantom with her free hand, him curled aroung her other, his head resting on her shoulder to keep him from taking off again
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Luna yelped at the sudden appearance and tackling of the fox. She fell and hit her bum on the ground. "Oh I...it's fine," she said, slightly shaken by the happening. She wanted to leave but she realized that would be rude. "Wh...what's your name?" She asked, wondering what she was like. I hope she's nice. She thought not wanting to be made fun of for her stutter.

She was bored as she was looking around as she got up from the bed she was wondering where her sister was she just followed her voice” wren” she asked as she followed the voice she just was happi to be with her again she didn’t want her to lose her again Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Kuroko.jpg Mentioned: No one Interaction: Open
Kuroko silently walked into the school, A small stuffed panda was clasped in her hand. She looked up to the school and sighed, Going to school meant talking to people..Why do her parent think it's a good idea to make her go to this school, let alone making her live her for the time she is enrolled. Whatever she'll just have to make it through the year without any social interaction, Not hard....Right?
she heard Klara behind her again "oh hey, just introducing myself to the neighbor" she said in a cheerful tone then came out to help up luna "im wren and thats Klara and seems phantom introduced himself already haha" she joked "what hybrid are you?" she asked curiously
Interactions: Open!
Mention(s): N/A
She had to admit, she was a bit nervous. This would be her first time stepping foot in an actual school and she was a whirlwind of emotions. Being home-schooled for nearly all of her life, Korra had no idea what to expect of the academy but she was she was beyond excited! And anxious . . . but happy . . . but also a bit overwhelmed. See, as stated before, she was a whirlwind of emotions

As she first took those slightly hesitant steps on campus Korra forced those apprehensive thoughts to the back of her mind as she walked with that dazzling smile of hers on her face. "So, first things first, dorms," she muttered to herself as she looked at the map of the school in her hands. Truth be told to Korra it was a bit dumbfounded at how confusing this map was. Maybe it was just her lack of experience when it comes to reading maps but beyond confused when trying to understand this thing!

She tapped her left hoof in concentration as she read the map before shrugging with a slightly frustrated sigh. Without much more thought she decided to do what she does the best . . . improvise! "Guess I'll just have to wing it," she murmured with a shrug as she folded the map and stuffed it in the pouch around her waist. Despite this minor setback Korra felt her positive mood be barely effected by it as she walked into the school with a slight pep in her step.
Lori smiled as she waltzed about the school’s commons, her tail swinging behind her. She was, admittedly, lost. No, she wasn’t lost... she was very lost. This was probably due to the fact that she didn’t have a map. It’s not that she didn’t want to get one, she just had completely forgotten to. Glancing around, she noticed another hybrid. Broadening her grin, Lori walked up to the hooved hybrid ( DisasterBi DisasterBi ), and cheerily said, “Hiya! I’m lost! Do ya have any idea where the dorms are?”
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She just looked at her sister as she smiled” oh okau” she say as she just looked at the girl she was sometimes cold all she wanted to do was bite on something she liked chewing on stuff she almost killed someone when she was little not knowing about powers she hated her parents for abandoning her she was alone until her sister found her alone and cold she was sick that day she still had her accent but she was embarrassed to embrace it she don’t trust anyone but her big sister Limerick.Grimoire Limerick.Grimoire
Interactions: Open!
Mention(s): T Tinytiger28
Korra took a sudden halt with her steps as a shorter girl came her way and ultimately stole her attention. She raised an eyebrow as she spoke and couldn't help but to chuckle under her breath. "Well, it's funny that you ask because I know just as much as you do," she said, with a sheepish smile as she rubbed the back of her neck. "But hey! How about we go lookin' for them together?" she suggested, her toe a bit giddy.

She took a once over of the girl before her curiously. She quickly deducted that she was either younger than Korra or at the very least really short. She stuck her hand out to the snake hybrid and beamed brightly at her. "I'm Korra Mercer, but you can call me Kor if you'd like, pleasure to meet you!" she introduced, trying to sound as friendly as possible. She wanted to make a good first impression, those were always the most important!
Wren LeRouge


she soon kind of grew bored and glanced around a bit then turned to her 'sister' and luna "wanna go explore with me? maybe we will meet someone new!" she said with a grin and waited for their response, excitement steadily growing inside her and she began slightly bounce, Phantom seemed to be hyped up as well yipping occasionally with exitement

(just to letcha know, Phantom is considerably smaller than a normal acrtic fox, and wren is very small as well)
Lori grinned back. “You to! I’m Lorietta, by the way. Most people just call me Lori, though.” She said, tilting her head slightly to the side. Her tail twisted thoughtfully, causing a quiet rattle to ring through the air. She perked up suddenly when she saw the map in Korra’s hands. “Ooh! Is that a map?” She asked curiously, leaning to the side a short bit to see it.

(Edit: Keep forgetting to tag. Sorry! DisasterBi DisasterBi )
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Interactions: Open!
Mention(s): T Tinytiger28
"Lori? That's such a cute name!" she pointed out with a slight nod. The rattling of Lori's tail caught Korra by surprise. She didn't really expect her to . . . rattle? Though she has seen quite a few types of snakes back home, a rattlesnake was not one of them. "Noisy thing you got there, yeah?" she playfully teased with a raised eyebrow as she pointed at her tail.

Korra looked down in her hands and nodded slightly. "Sure it, though I'm a little twisted around tryin' to read it, heh. Maybe you'll have a better luck reading it than I did?" she wondered aloud as she held the map in Lori's direction. Her ear twitched curiously as she did so. "I've never been too good at reading maps. I'm more of a figure it out as I go type of person yanno?"
Alden heard many whispers in the halls as he walked to the (perhaps nonexistent if there isn't one) courtyard. He was sort of feared? Many people disliked him, and a lot more strayed out of his way. The other students knew he was deadly with knives, and he carried two around at all times, ignoring teachers yelling to put them in his dorm.
Lori giggled. “Yeah, I’m famous for not reading instructions.” She peered at the map for a moment or two, before pointing to the main entryway. “Well that’s probably the main entrance,” She turned to a building in the middle of the commons. “That’s the shop thingy, which means...” Lori trailed off, staring blankly at the places around them. She pointed to the left, “Guidance is probably that way-ish? Probably. Maybe? Hopefully. Possibly.”
DisasterBi DisasterBi
Once he got to the courtyard, amongst the murmurs of talking Hybrids doing their homework, he stabbed a knife into an empty wood table, and sat down, his tail draped on the edge of the seat.
Alden flipped through a math notebook, skimming his notes. He had a test soon, but he was caught unprepared because he had been ranting to a random kid who had been whistling that it was fucking annoying and he needed to stop.
Chini was, admittedly, rather nervous. This would be her second year at the academy and there'd be changes. Chini wasn't a big fan of change. As she made way onto campus, her tail stuck between her legs, she slipped out the thin map she'd received prior to school beginning. It had been sent out since the school had undergone some new changes and they wanted all students from before to find their way with ease as they had done the year before. Walking onto campus with her luggage wheeling behind her, Chini took a couple breaths and stayed calm. Time to find the dorms! With that, she checked the map and made her way to the building, nestled softly beside the woods beside the school. Of course, she didn't make it there without any incidents. As she had been wondering about who her roommates would be and all they would do together, she ended up running into one of the older students. She apologized, talked to them a bit, and laughed. Indeed, she was like a sunflower. A simple symbol of happiness and liveliness. Perhaps that's why she loved them so much.

Soon enough, Chini reached the dorms and made her way to the room she'd been assigned. East Wing - Room 1. With a bright smile and a couple of nerves, she opened the door and slipped into the dorm. Upon entering, she heard nothing. Strange, seeing as she had wasted a great big chunk of the morning earlier on. Sniffing the air, however, she found that there had been people in here. Perhaps they had gone out for a bit. She continued on into the dorm, looking around to see if anything had changed. Not really. She made her way to the bedrooms and checked them. I suppose they didn't pick theirs. Chini checked each one and decided at last, to take bedroom B. It had more places for her to cuddle into a wall and hide.

Chini began unpacking her stuff seeing as she had nothing better to really do. As she did, her little pal Gale, her pygmy goat, jumped up onto the bed. "Gale? You silly boy, what are you doing here? You should be in the car with big brother." She laughed, though she probably should be angry. Ever since they had saved Gale he'd been very close to her and they never really left each other's side. Truly a best friend. She stopped unpacking and gently pet her pals head, who butted it a bit in response. She stopped and continued unpacking, though it took a bit longer with Gale constantly knocking over the folded laundry. She didn't much mind and rather enjoyed his company. He'd always been a big support to her and she was very happy that he was around.
Luna bounced a bit where she stood her arms behind her back "I......I don't know..." she said her head down. Then she saw Chi, then immediately ran to, and tackle hugged her. "Chi!" She yelled "Are you in the same room with me?" she asked not noticing that she was obviously in dorm 1. Her mouth spread into a wide grin and her fangs showed.

jaylen jaylen
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