Magical Days (Me and Smoof Criminal)

Sylvia, or rather Sylver at the moment, stared at the entrance to Howleon. She was not expecting to be given a mission like this from the Head Mistress at Hawksburn. She walked up to her old school like any normal first day of school only to find her waiting for me there. Miss Hawkburn said she wanted to talk to Sylvia and she said of course.

"I need you to spy on Howleon and find out of they are cheating at the tournament." Miss Hawkburn said.

"What? How? I'm a girl, not a boy." Sylvia said with a raised eyebrow.

"Like this." She snapped her fingers and a soft glow appeared around Sylvia, and in just a few, kinda uncomfortable minutes later, there stood Sylvia, but looking more like a boy. "See? Your boy name will be Sylver and I already got you enrolled in their classes. You'll become a girl at night so don't worry. Make sure no one finds out your secret, because if that happens the spell will wear off and there's no way you can use this spell and you'll have to find a way to leave the school without being noticed." Miss Hawksburn explained.

And that was how she found herself in this situation right now. She looked utterly horrified standing here. She didn't feel like her old self, Miss Hawksburn made sure she was a weak boy. That sucked, cause she tried to run like this and got tired so fast. With a gulp she stepped onto the campus and saw all the boys. Most of them were goofing off and chatting like buddies and playing sports.

"Watch out!" One of them called and she turned and a ball hit her/him square in the face. She was knocked down and her glasses fell off and she groaned in pain. Those guys just laughed and continued playing. she opened her eyes...and her vision was blurry. She had good vision as a girl but she sighed cause now she was practically blind as a guy. She sat up and tried to find her glasses. "I'm already going to hate this..." Sylver sighed.
Vincent left the locker room and approached the field. He sighed as his fellow teammates accidentally nailed a passerby.

"Watch out!" they called, but too late it was. The victim's glasses fell off and he looked to be in quite some pain. His teammates picked up the ball and didn't even bother to help.

"You idiots! Don't just ignore the person you hit!" The ball was near him so he dashed forward and blasted it far off.

"Aw, Vince, why!?" A teammate groaned, along with others who were muttering. Vincent ignored them and approached the boy on the ground. Handing the glasses back to him, Vincent offered his hand to help the victim up. "Hey, you okay? Sorry for my teammates, spoiled brats. Oh, are you new here?"

Vincent didn't recall the person's face and green hair wasn't too common at Howleon, so he figured he would have remembered them. "If you're new though, I can help you get to where you need to go."
She felt someone hand her the glasses and she put them on and she could see again. She saw someone there and was talking to her, she stood up thanks to his help. "It's fine..." she muttered and picked up her bag. "Yeah I'm new...I'm need to find my dorm." She handed him a slip of paper with the number on it. She looked around still a bit uncomfortable with this boy body of hers. She hoped in some kind of gym, if they have it, she wouldn't have to get dressed around them. She would lose her cool right then and there. She predicted she might get bullied here cause of this stupid look her head mistress gave her. It sucked
"Yeah, I'm new... I need to find my dorm." The boy said, while handing Vincent his information sheet. The boy was looking around uncomfortably.

Poor guy, first time here and already assaulted! Must be worried about more incoming projectiles...

Vincent sighed and patted the boy's back, "No worries, if any balls come flying, I'll knock them aside!" He then looked down at the slip in his hand and his eyes widened. "Hot dog! You got a nice room! I think you got it all to yourself, I don't remember anyone else there. Though I guess the downside is that it's farthest from the showers. Come on, I'll show you to your room."

He started walking towards the dorm, pointing towards various buildings and explaining what was in them. "Oh yeah, what's your name? I'm Vincent, but you can just call me Vince."
"Oh...I'm uh Sylver." she said as she walked with him. At least he was nice enough unlike all these other guys. If she was her girl self all of the guys would want to be around her and help her, but this wasn't the case. At least Miss Hawkburn got her a room all to herself. She couldn't imagine having to share a room with a guy. she smiled a bit. "That's great." She was so not going to shower when any of the guys was around.
OOC: Just making the assumption it's Sunday since I figure new students to boarding school come the Sunday before to settle in. :big grin:


"Ha ha, nice to meet you, Sylver."

Vincent glanced at Sylver, who looked really thin. "Don't worry, man! I'll show you a nearby all-you-can-eat buffet! It's the best! We aren't allowed to go though, so lets make it a secret mission. By the way... where's your stuff? Is that all you brought?"

"YO VINCE!!" They had reached the dormitory, and a voice from above called down. "HEY MAN LOOK WHAT I GOT!"

"Ah, that's my room mate..."

From the fourth floor, a window was wide open and a grinning face was staring down. Then, a large rolled up poster was unleashed down the side of the building. It was a full-body poster of one of the bikini models. "YEAH MAN! YEAH! SAY HELLO TO NATASHA!"

Unsure of what to say, Vincent pretended not to notice the turn of events and looked at Sylver, "So yeah, fourth floor is where you are at, lets head on in."

He then entered the dorm and went to the elevator, pressing the UP button.
"I think all my other stuff is here already.." She said, and ignored the guy from above shouting about a poster. A lot of these guys are pigs... She thought, making notes to never date these guys if given the chance too. She stepped into the elevator with Vince. "Uh thanks for helping me earlier and showing me my dorm. I probably would still be lost if it weren't for you." She said actually meaning it. The layout of Howleon was so much different than Hawkburn. For one it was a bit smaller, and not as bright. They had a large field surrounding it. Back at Hawkburn the dorms and the school were all one building, with a really large indoor pool and crystal chandeliers and all the works. Looking at this place it made her miss Hawkburn a lot.

When the elevator opened there were a bunch of jocks there in the hallways talking about some girls she knew from Hawkburn and how they were sneaking out tonight to try to prank them and steal their underwear. It kinda made her mad hearing this as she walked on by.
"Pathetic, right? Kinda sucks it's all guys, this is what happens when there's just too much testosterone."

They were in front of the Resident Advisor's door and Vincent knocked. "Hey, new student, I'm taking him to their room."

"S-sure, one moment." The door opened and a shaky looking face popped out. He stuck his hand out for the info slip, which Vincent just realized he had still been holding, so he gave it to the RA. "Okay, let me get the key, be right back."

Moments later, they were given the key, which Vincent handed to Sylver. They went to the room and opened the door. "Alrighty, guess you can settle in, I'll be over in my room. Come on over when you're ready and we can hit the buffet." As he said this, Vincent's face turned soft and dreamy as he imagined the steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, macaroni and cheese, sweet n sour chicken, chicken fried rice, black bean burritos, and more all piled onto his plate.

"It's a multi-cultural super buffet with everything! Only twenty-one dollars, drink included! Also, we are meeting up with three ladies from the girl's school nearby, so dress to impress!"

He turned to go, but remembered something. "Oh yeah, my room will be the one with the loud music blaring from it, along with my room mate's horrible singing voice, ha ha!"

With a casual wave, Vincent left.
"Huh?" She said as he was leaving. She didn't even know what time it would be, how late they would get back if she went. No one at the girl's school knew that she was over here on this mission, Miss Hawkburn said she would tell them that I was taking a year off for special magic training. If any of her friends were one of these girls they were meeting it would be so uncomfortable! And she would have to leave before it got too late!

She rushed to her room and got everything unpacked. She sighed at how miserable it looked so she casted an illusion spell that only she would be able to see, to make it look like her old dorm room back at Hawkburn. That way no other guys could see it. She was talented in illusions and was pretty much top of all her classes.

She was second guessing herself if she wanted to go or not. "If I go, it would be really awkward and I would have to leave early. If I don't go...I don't know! Ugh!" She freaked out and flopped on her nice bed. "Being a boy sucks!" She whined. Miss Hawkburn said she should try to go out and do boy things with the boys but Sylvia just couldn't.

She immediately got dressed in something that looked nice to her. It was a white shirt with pants and a jacket. She guessed it was was pretty much all she had at the moment. she headed over to Vince's, dodging some other jocks along the way who were pushing each other, and knocked on his door.
"Can you turn down the music, man? Ears are bursting here." Vincent threw the magic textbook he was reading down to the ground next to his bed. He was horrible at magic, he had come to accept that, but it didn't deter him from trying still. He figured it was like fitness, you keep at it, it will come one day. "We need to hit the beach again, next weekend maybe."

*Knock knock*

"Yea-ello! Oh hey, wow, you really took my advice to the limit." Vincent surveyed Sylver's outfit. He waswearing an impressive ensemble, even with a jacket. To Vincent, the weather seemed a tad warm for anything more than shorts and a t-shirt. "You going to be alright in that? Kinda stuffy out. We will also have to do a little physical activity to get past the guards."

"That's only 'cuz you can't do magic, you moron, heh, the rest of us just go to "that spot" and make an earth-elevator." His room mate chimed in while turning the page to his naughty magazine.

"Oh yeah... well I'll be with Sylver, so it should be fine. Oh hey, I forgot to ask, but how are you with magic, Sylver?"
"Oh....uh...not that mom sent me here to get better at it.." She made up on the spot with a nervous laugh. "Though growing up around all my sisters I learned some things from them." she hoped that was okay, and not suspicious sounding at all. "And I need to ask, how long will all this take? Cause...I need to be back before nightfall..." She said, looking nervous. Her stomach did gurgle a bit, she was starving. she was never this starving as a girl, at most she ate half of a plate of food, but she felt like she could eat a horse now.
"And I need to ask, how long will all this take? Cause...I need to be back before nightfall..." Sylver said nervously, stomach gurgling.

Vincent and his room mate both gave a friendly laugh at this. "Well, we should definitely stay long enough for your stomach to be happy, ha ha. But, c'mon, whats the hurry? Did someone tell you about the ghost?"

"Ohh man, that ghost... that vengeful spirit... don't ever make eye contact, it will suck your soul out." Vincent's room mate said ominously.

"Quit it, Wataru, don't mind him, Sylver, I'm sure its just some illusion magic by some aye-hole. Let's get going. Later Wata."

Walking past Sylver, he headed towards the elevators to go down.
"Sorry if I'm uh...being weird..this is all just new to me." She explained as they got into the elevator. She shifted a bit awkwardly on her feet. "So how exactly do we get by and leave for the buffet?" At the girl's school they were allowed to go out, but they had a curfew at least. And they weren't allowed to bring any boys over or hang out with boys from Howleon, but even she has done that at one point. hung out with a couple of the upper classmen here. She hoped she didn't run into them.
"Well, from my observations, dear Watson, the guards have a very simple and boring route. You can tell they have no heart in their job. So, there is a spot where if you run fast enough, you can go through a blind spot in the patrol, then once you reach the gate, you just gotta hop over it." Vincent said all this with a twinkle in his eye while winking, then gave a thumbs up. "Just don't get caught though, I remember this one guy that got caught... haven't seen him again. But no worries, you are with a pro! Plus, if you have magic, it will only be easier!"

He went behind the dormitory, moving like a ninja. Turning the corner, he smacked into someone. "Oof! Sorry about that, oh hey Sensei."

A grumpy looking man glared at the sheepish Vincent. "Where do you think you are going? There is nothing behind the dormitory of pertinence to a student now, is there?"

"Er... well, I'm... showing my new friend around! They are new here, and I was just showing them where not to go!..."
"Right, just showing me where not to go." she said quickly. Man this place is like a prison compared to Hawkburn! She thought as she looked up at this Sensei and he was pretty scary looking. "So we'll just be leaving now!" And she took off with Vince, though she got wore out pretty easy in this body. "I need to work out more..." She panted with her hands on her knees cursing Miss Hawkburn again in her head. "I don't think I could keep up if we have to run more."
They managed to escape the hawk-like sensei, who ambled after them for a moment, before huffing and moving on to whatever he was doing. Most likely going back to smoke behind the dormitory. "I need to work out more..." Sylver panted when they stopped. "I don't think I could keep up if we have to run more."

Vincent nodded, he was extremely well-conditioned from his sports, but that was only because he didn't bother spending too much time on magic. He enjoyed reading about it, but whenever he tried it... he just simply found it more productive to exercise his body instead. His magic grades were barely passable already, but he knew in a few years, that would be unacceptable and he would be expelled. However, he had read about illusional magic, based on altering the water in the atmosphere. He also wondered why there was such a lack of information on water magic in the school library. Common sense dictated that magic could be more than just fire and earth manipulation.

"Hey, do you by chance know any illusionary magic? If so, we can take our time passing the guards."
"I do." She said. "I know a lot about it...again from growing up with all my sisters." She said with clarification. "I could use that to easily lip by the guards." She nodded and they went until they saw the guards. She closed her eyes and made it seem like a few drunk girls appeared and were all over the guards and distracting them while casting an invisibility spell over them. "Come on." She said and walked out
Vincent was flabbergasted when Sylver performed his magic. Several very intoxicated and attractive females appeared and started bothering the guards. Vincent's mouth had dropped and stayed down as he somewhat followed Sylver. His head followed the scene like a sunflower the sun, as one of the females proceeded to rub one of the equally flabbergasted guard's round belly.

"H-hey, you know, you could become very popular at Howleon with this. Wow..." When they reached the fence, Vincent flexed his fingers and then took a stance. "Behold, my grand magic. Terra forma!!"

What he intended to be a rising staircase from the ground became a muddy mess, splattering over Vincent. With a sheepish grin, he looked over at Sylver and scratched his head. "Guess we should climb?"
"I don't really want to be popular." She said as she started to climb the fence. She flopped over the top and almost lost her footing and fell to the ground but luckily hung on. She dropped down and looked around. "Where to now?" She asked vince when he climbed down
"All we gotta do now is follow the path through the woods, it will lead to the edge of a park, near there will be a road leading to town. Oh, and don't worry! It's much shorter than it seems when just explaining." As they traveled, the afternoon sun dipped a little.

Hm... they seemed nervous about getting back before nightfall... Wonder why though? Do they become a werewolf under moonlight or something?

Vincent inwardly chuckled at the thought of Sylver bursting out into a green werewolf.

Would be totally BAMF though...

They reached town and Vincent led them to a bench near a busy intersection. He pointed a block down at a sign saying Fayfall's Endless Plate and Cup Buffet, ALL YOU CAN EAT!, which was made with magical neon glow. "That's where we are eating. We are meeting the ladies here, luckily we are about fifteen minutes early. I'm going to go over to that store and get some new clothes, ha ha. I texted them earlier about you so they should be expecting you too. Why don't you wait here for a moment, I'll be back in a jiffy."

Vincent fast walked across the street and went into the nearby clothing store.
She stood there awkwardly stuffing her hands into her pants. She took her phone and texted her friends to see what they were up to.

Wat r u guys doing?

going 2 the zoo wbu?


She couldn't tell them still and sighed as she waited for Vince. She could see a couple of girls she recognized but didn't really know starting to come up. They were giggling. "Hey there~!" They waved and walked up. "You must be that new guy. I love your hair!" One of them ruffled her hair and she awkwardly took a step back laughing a bit nervously.

After finishing checking out, Vincent ducked behind the alley and quickly changed.

Changing time... .05 seconds... awesome, I can officially become a superhero.

He unbuttoned the side pockets of his cargo shorts, which were a dark gray color, and messed them up so they didn't look too new. He then slipped on a white shirt with the logo Search & Rescue. He also tossed his dirty shoes aside and slipped into a nice pair of Howlers, a popular brand of shoes in Fayfall. All set, he exited the alley and went back to Sylver, which he saw already had the ladies all over him.

"Ha ha, hey there! Sorry for the wait. I see you've already met, but this is Sylver, a new student." Vincent turned towards Sylver. Then, turned back towards the girls and introduced them as well. Let's go get a table, there is a magic show special tonight too in half an hour at the buffet."
(( XDD ))

The girls giggled as they sat down at a table. A girl sat down right next to her and leaned in close. "Is your hair natural? Or did you dye it?" "Are those contacts too?" another asked.

"All natural..." She replied nervously. "I'm going to get some food." She grabbed a plate and headed to the buffet, and actually filled her plate up. She went back to the table and started to eat, finding herself eating all of it.
Vincent joined the fray as he went around piling on the meat, veggies, and fruits. He loved them all, whether they were vitamin C bombs, cancer sticks, protein, or sushi, he was indiscriminate. As they ate, Vincent found out more about the girls from Hawksburn. He realized that water magic was one of the main focuses over there. Eventually the subject got onto the annual tournament. They were passionately teasing and joking about how each of their teams would dominate the other.

"Oh yeah?? Well, you won't be able to fool us with your illusionary bikini model squad, we have fire to evaporate the water! Then we will spray you all with mud!"

However, what was just light-hearted camadarie, sparked the attention of a group of boys a few tables down. They got up and came over, sneering. "What's this? You wenches think you stand a chance against us? Tell it to our no-loss record, heh."

Vincent sighed, "Great, these douchebags can never mind their own business."

The alpha of the pack stared at Vincent and laughed. "If it isn't the loser who can't use magic. You've been trying to join the team since the beginning of time! How's it going, have you learned to do more than light cigarettes?"

Vincent clenched his fist under the table and tilted his head a little.
Sylvia didn't know what came over her as she heard these idiot guys bragging about winning all the time and then making fun of Vince. She stood up against them with a frown. "Leave us alone you douche bags." She said to them. She didn't look threatening like this, they could easily over take her and knock her flat on her face or something. She was tired of hearing these guys gloat over their victory at the end of every tournament. "What gives you the right to bully everyone and be mean like that?"

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