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Fantasy Magic School w/ Josh


platonic lesbian
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My Interest Check
Cam slowly got out of bed with a sigh. They weren't excited for school, considering it was the middle of the year and they knew nobody. They were fine with it, and enjoyed the fact there was nobody for them to have to talk to. It was probably better that way, considering they wouldn't have anyone to have to lie to each day. Sure, it got lonely sometimes ,but he decided it was for the better.

Cam got changed before getting food and grabbing their skateboard. they skated to school, letting their mind wander. There wasn't much on their head, but they enjoyed the peace.

When they got to school, Cam quickly put their skateboard into his locker and leaned against it, sighing slightly as they took out their sketchbook. After a while of sketching, they put it away and brought out their notebook to study for their upcoming test. They didn't know what else to do, and didn't know what to draw.

( JoshBoshRosh JoshBoshRosh )
8:04 AM
Evercrest Academy

Under the umbrella of magic, the Evercrest Academy has once or rarely been wild because every day was dull. 'Ever' in Evercrest stands for Mount Everest, the tallest and coldest mountain in the tundra. Crest means the highest achievement. Thus in school, it is the highest pinnacle of the concept of magic.
The sides in every hallway are a wall of rocks. Varying in size and colors, mostly dark, and kept together by cement. The hallways are rows of cells. Each cell has the smoothest black arches on all sides and metal lockers. Hanging on the ceiling of each cell was a gloomy orange light contained in the medieval black metal lantern, a poor attempt at making up for the lack of windows.
However, in every hallway in this school, nothing is fun for the students as every day is the same.
Yet the hallway is always crowded, and you will accidentally be bumped into someone if you blink! Also, there would occasionally be a white rabbit with wings! While students also learned the magical ways of turning their lockers pink and more!
Nevertheless, the Ever in Evercrest Academy stands for the mountain where the campus lives. Also, Crest stands for the highest pinnacle of magic. So to teach the highest point of magic, the students must understand the laws of magic. That is why teachers will force students to read textbooks, leaving a quarter of the time to spare for hands-on activity. Hence it is why the books are thicker than a pillow! Yet the teachers want them to read every page and give them tests on the hundred mark. After reading hundreds of pages, the students are exhausted, but now it's a pain as they need to remember every word of those one hundred pages during one of these tests!
Also, It was the middle of the year too. So the students had already gotten used to the original feeling of awe at the sight of the magic and beauty of architecture.
So the Evercrest Academy is like an egg under pressure until the egg finally cracks during the morning.
Previously there was the cleanliness of the white walls and the marble tiles floors, along with rows of high-quality pots mixing ingredients suited for the product of alchemy. All that is gone when the classroom of alchemists is suddenly in black smoke. All students around campus had heard all the loud noises in that room like fireworks on July 4th. Nobody could tell what was happening inside as the smoke was too thick to see.
Then immediately, the door opened. Alexis was the first to exit the room, followed by other students. They were all covered in black dust like glitter. Alexis's long black hair, red bow, pale skin, and neatly buttoned top; are all completely covered. She looks like a black mummy! As the students behind her look the same too!
" I got to say. That outfit looks pretty nice! " One of the students said jokingly.
Unfortunately, after Alexis exited the classroom, there was a massive crowd of students. Who had nothing better to do but have their phone out, recording the mummified group.
" Idiot... " Alexis muttered while grimacing in embarrassment. She was frowning with her head down to hide such emotions.


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