magic mirror RP Epicfaerietale and wllwtenn 1v1

William was on his way home from work when he had a weird urge to enter a magic shop that was right across the street from his apartment. when he entered a bell attached to the door rang. He noticed a mirror in the corner almost instantly he found himself looking into it. He started to think about his parents and zoned out. once he noticed that women at the looking at him he jumped pulling the mirror over and breaking it.

" sorry"

He ran out of the door and across the street to his house slamming the door
It was late into the afternoon and not surprisingly there were no customers coming in to the store. Willow sucked in a breath of air and shook her head before getting up from the stool behind the counter and busying herself with something. She was just starting to sweep up the year's worth of dust when the bell on the door rang alerting her that she had a customer. Looking up she saw a boy who looked to be just out of high school who had stumbled in with no real desire to other than boredom.

"Hello Customer," she said, leaning against her broomstick. "Is there anything that I can help you with?"

Her comment seemed to startle him as he jumped back causing something in the store to knock over. It was just as the door to the shop slammed that she realized what it was. The broomstick fell to the floor with a distinctive
thwack as she went to inspect the broken mirror. It had been an old family heirloom with a frame made of braze and glass that despite its age showed no cracks. Picking up a shard from the ground she bit her teeth and then looked back at the door.

The end of the month was nearing and it would soon be the full moon. Without the mirror she would not be unable to return to the magical realm and perform the ritual that would renew her strength. It was possible to go a few months without this but she could not go on for a period as long as a year without there being dire consequences to her health and body.

After sweeping up the shards into the corner she flipped the sign on the door from "Open" to "Closed" and locked up, having seen from the window where the boy had ran. She gave two sharp raps to the door, her foot tapping impatiently.
William looked out of the eye hole to see the women that owned the shop across the street from him. he panicked but couldn't think of what to do so in his nervous haste to think of a idea, he swung the door open


He said in a nervous voice,he started sweating. he was so nervous is started to effect his health, wasn't good around people in general and it was even worse around girls.
"Are you, by any chance, unfamiliar with the phrase 'You break it; you buy it?" she asked, her voice calm as she looked up at him. Her face quickly changed into that of an angry woman and she pushed herself in, kicking the door behind her. "Or does it give you some sick thrill to break a person's possessions?" Looking over at a potted plant she focused on it and sent forced it to grow, a large leafy vine shooting and wrapping and his ankle. "I don't think you've begun to realize the dire mistake that you have made." Despite her angered face her voice was still calm though it only helped to add to how frightening the situation was playing out to be.
after being pushed out of the way he started to panic even more as she already found him out. then the plant rapped around his legs he just froze up. thinking to himself "what the hell is this am i has to be a dream no way this is really happening." he pinched himself and cringed noticing it hurt really bad. his eyes widened and he looked out the girl. his vision started to tunnel and her voice started to be drowned. "what is happening"he thought. before he could even try to answer or think about her question he passed out on his floor
While in the middle of her monologue about making him suffer for what he had done Willow didn't realize that he was starting to go into shock. She had just began to scratch the surface of how she would make him pay (which actually wasn't as malevolent as one would assume with the way she was currently handling the situation. "You will become my apprentice and-"


Willow cringed a bit and turned around just as he hit the ground. Pursing her lips she paused to take a deep breath though it was more shaky than intended and didn't help to calm her down. "Why is this happening to me?" she grumbled, releasing him from the plant's grip. Leaning down she looked at his face which while pale from fear still showed signs of life. Placing her hand on his chest she let out a sigh of relief hearing a heartbeat. She hadn't killed him but as always by choosing to let her more passionate side take over she had created trouble for herself. Now what?

Through a considerable amount of effort Willow was able to pull him over to a moth eaten couch in the living room. Pausing she let out a breath and placed a hand on her back. "I'm getting old." she mumbled, looking over at his unconscious form as if her comment would solicit his input. When he remained sleeping she shook her head and then looked around before deciding to make herself comfortable. It wasn't long before she had made her way into the kitchen and had put the kettle on the stove and had put her feet up with a book that she had absentmindedly grabbed from one of his shelves.

William opened his eyes and sat up in his couch

"wow...that was the weirdest dream ever"

he said getting up and grabbing some orange juice out of the fridge. you drank straight from the bottle and then walked back into the living room sitting at the couch and turning on the tv. he drank some more orange juice and flipped threw the channels. he placed the juice down and looked at willow sitting in the chair then back at the T.V.

"Hi lady........wait...LAdy"

He jumped up and ran for his home phone to call the police
Willow was just turning the page in her book when he woke up. Rolling her eyes Willow swirled her finger in the air, sending a leafy vine over to Will and snagging his jeans. "Now, now," she said, dog-earing her place in the book before closing it. "You interrupted me when I was getting to the best part." Her footsteps clacked in the hallway as she passed by him and took the phone, casually melting it in her hand.

"It's good to see that you're still full of energy." she commented, grinning as she looked over at him.
"who are you..want do you want"

william looked at the girl a bit fearful because she had just melting ihs phone in her hand. he thought about running but couldn't because of the vines.

"look ill pay for the mirror just leave me alone"

William said with a shaky voice
"That was a family heirloom, you know." Willow said, her voice melodramatic as she wiped at an imaginary tear. "Of course it is priceless." She clutched her hand to her chest and leaned against the wall as a wounded sigh passed her lips. "I'm sorry but you cannot pay me back with money. The only way that you can pay me back is," she flushed and then looked at him with shy eyes. "Free labor." Willow grinned and let out a frightening cackle unexpected from someone with her appearance.

"As I was saying before, human-dog, you will be working as my apprentice. That mirror that you broke was not some ordinary looking glass passed down from generation to generation. That mirror is older than this realm itself." her voice had taken on a darker tone and Willow seemed paler in the face as she spoke. Taking in a deep breath she released Will from the grasp of the plant. She had to be careful with her magic now and use it sparingly until the mirror was repaired.

"That mirror is a portal to my home. It can only be fixed by the one who broke it."
william listened to key words such as "human-dog" and "Realm" and "Apprentice".He thought about these words very carefully and could only come to one conclusion...she was a nut and escaped from a mental institute. when the plant let him go tho he remembered that people cant control plants on whim and started to get really confused.

"So you want me for you for free and help you build a mirror?"

William said with some sarcasm. This was maybe the first time he had have ever spoken to a girl with such ease.
"You're voice gives me a headache." Willow grumbled, trying soothingly rubbing her temples. "You can sneer all you want, dogboy, it doesn't change the fact that you are mine now. There are security camera in my shop that I can show to the police. Of course what the police will do to you isn't even half as bad as what I could." Folding her arms over her chest she looked over at him with a forced smile. "Do you still choose to laugh at what I say?"
with a blank look he remembered what she said about how she needed him to fix the mirror "That mirror is a portal to my home. It can only be fixed by the one who broke it."

"well you need me more...because im the only one who can fix the mirror"

will said with a smile as he looked her in the eyes and folded his arms

"since it is my fault i broke it so i will help you but first you haft to ask nicely after that i will do whatever you want"
"W-what?" Willow asked, her nose crinkling. How was that it that a lowly mortal had realized it so easily? Was her age finally catching up with her; had she let it slip about her vulnerability? Her eye brow twitched in annoyance and she looked away from him, taking in a huffy breath. Willow almost wanted to laugh knowing right then that what probably hurt her the most was her pride. "I could have the life squeezed out of you." she mumbled, stubbornly looking at him.

An angry sigh passed her lips, not because he was being smug or even that he was dangling her weakness in front of her. What bothered her was that he was able to stand up to her after shuddering at her mere existence only moments before. It pained to be in this position.

"Hmph." she mumbled, looking away from him. "Please. I need your help."
William smiled and extended his hand grabbing hers and shaking it

"alright then you'll need my name im William,nice to meet you"

William wondered why he was able to stand up to her let alone touch her all he knew is that he felt like she was ok or something to where he could talk and not be afraid.
"Willow." she said, pulling her hand from his grasp and curling it into a fist. A sigh passed her lips as she let her hand fall to her hip and then turned around. "I suppose this has been enough excitement for you for one day. Please return to my shop tomorrow at 3:00 sharp." She was exhausted right then but she would never let him know it. Looking over at his phone she rolled her eyes before morphing the melted metal back into its previous shape. Nodding her head she big him goodbye and left the apartment as if nothing had happened.
(OOC srry for the shorty)

he walked back into his living room and plopped down on his couch face first.

"im so screwed"

he looked at the television and dosed off asleep.
Willow didn't like the thought of a mortal having the upper hand on her though right then she didn't know what to do about it. Somehow he had seen through her wording and knew that she needed him much more than he needed her. Sure she could threaten him with her magic all that she wanted but if she was too careless sooner or later her magic would dry up and not only would she be no more than a mortal but her age would catch up with her and would probably kill her.

"I really am old." she mumbled, fingering a lock of her wavy hair. How could she have put herself in such a situation?


The next morning Willow was up at around the same time the sun had just began to rise. With business being as slow as usual she spent most of the day cleaning the shop, sweeping the floors and cleaning the windows. Every now and then a passerby on the street would stop to look at her but quickly hurry off when she noticed them. A tired sigh passed Willow's lips as yet another child looked up at shop and scampered away after catching her gaze.

"Where is that whelp?" she mumbled, flipping the 'Open' sign to 'Closed.' Her cat rubbed up against her leg, briefly earning a smile from Willow who had clearly been having another bad day. "Oh, Tabby. Why did I come to this world thinking that it would be any easier than home?" she asked, scratching the cat behind the ears.
William swong the door on and walked in with some sacks of food. he had his orange work vest on with his white button up shirt and pitch black pants. he placed the sacks by the door and walked to the counter. he took the vest off and threw it in the pile of sacks then looked at willow. he was sweaty and tired from all the restocking he had done all day because the person that was suppose to take his shift just dumped it on him, but he was to much of a coward to tell them no.

"sorry I'm late, it was food stamp day and i had to stay late at work,I'm sorry"
"I suppose after all of your work you would like to sit down and have something warm to drink?" Willow asked, leaning forward and grazing his cheek with her fingertips. "Well," she said, looking at him underneath her eyelashes. "too bad!" Her hand dropped from his cheek and breathy laughter passed her lips as she got up from the stool from behind the counter.

"We have a very long way to good and not enough time to stop and smell the roses." Walking over to the windows she pulled down the blinds, shutting out the sunlight and the curious glances of the people on the street. "Seeing as this is your first day I'll try not to work you too hard." she said, looking back over at him. "Although I am still pretty beat up about you breaking my precious family heirloom..."

Tabby rubbed up against Will right then as if to apologize for his master's inhuman behavior.
during her monologue William paid more attention to the cat then her by mistake. he picked it up and scratched it underneath its chin.

"thats a good little kitty"

william laid the cat down and looked at willow only to catch the very last word she had said. he pretended to hear every word she said so that he would haft to live threw another one of her EPIC rages with a plant and nearly giving him a heart attack.

"alright crazy,lets get started then"
"Crazy?" Willow said, her voice even despite the look on her face. "Do you think that I'm crazy?" The only plant in the shop right then was a daisy on her counter which while cute would hardly be able to grow much without breaking the flowerpot in the process. Not to mention Willow wasn't exactly in the position to be wasting her magic on some boy because she was being a hot head.

"Well," she decided, shrugging her shoulders and smiling. "I can't wait to see what you'll have to say when we're finished." Walking over to a door in the back she opened it and motioned for him to follow. In the back room there was a large wardrobe with silver handles. Opening it up she revealed revealed a black void. "Stick your hand in here." she said, her voice completely serious.

William walked to the wardrobe and looked into the dark void that was inside. he was a bit freaked out and started to think about a billion reasons not to stick his hand in there. But he knew that it would hurt him because that would be counter productive for willow.he raised his bad arm and reached closer he only hesitated for a split second then placed his hand inside of it.

"now what"

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