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Fandom Magic 2.0 Character sheet


One Thousand Club


Physical age (When they stopped ageing)

Year they came from (late 70's and beyond)

Mental age (their actual age)

Staff/wand (describe it)

Appearance (Either describe or show a picture)

How they found the file (optional)

Code Name: Administrator

Real Name: (She won't tell)

Sex: Female

Physical Age: 18

Year they came from: tbd

Mental Age: 600

Staff/wand: Her gloves are what allows her to alter the world and herself with spells.

Type of File: Territory File: Rumours say that she's either a creator of the virtual reality or she killed one and stole their file because she can change other files besides hers. Her powers allow her to alter the place she's in, alter herself and NPCs, summon anything in it and control it with her mind. Basically she can create a limited space where reality bends to her will.

Alignment: True Neutral.

Guild: Avalon Brigade: A dark guild created by her, wizards are not required to follow any rule and are encouraged to brake them. The only restriction is that they can't betray the guild itself or their members. They all have a code in the form of a tattoo on their tongues that will erase their own file if they dare to divulge any kind of information (by any means) about her or the guild. (This is a requirement for entering, giving her permission to place that code in their files)
Name: Porter Robinson

Sex: Male

Physical age: 26

Year they came from: 2012

Mental age: 87

Staff/wand: Porter, having fully bought into the "wizard" schtick, has taken it upon himself to fashion an oaken staff the likes of which would make Gandalf jealous. It stands at 6 feet tall and bears a large ruby at the top, though the circuitry required for his spells is located nearer to where his hand meets the staff rather than in the ruby. Being that he is not particularly fond of subtlety, he makes sure all of his magic appears to originate from the ruby.

Appearance: Porter is a big man, in every way imaginable. He stands at 6'4 with a frame and full beard to match. He dresses as he feels a wizard should, in blue robe and hat, with a never-ceasing twinkle in his brown eyes. His large figure and booming voice make it borderline impossible for him not to be noticed wherever he goes.

How they found the file: Porter was a graduate student in computer engineering when he came across the evidence that the world was a simulation. Upon digging further, he was noticed by the Wizard's Guild and informed of the entirety of the situation. Being a history buff, Porter's mind was immediately filled with all the possibilities available to him through the exploitation of the file and agreed to all rules set forth on the condition that he could dress like an actual wizard while time traveling and have no restrictions on where he was able to travel. He is occasionally contacted to do some bounty hunting work on behalf of the guild when they are short-handed, but he tries not to make a habit of it as he feels it distracts from his goals as a wizard.

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