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Fantasy Mage School OOC (Discussion and Lore Ideas On First Post)



New Member
I still haven’t come up with a good title so we’ll just go with “mage school” for now. I have a draft of the character sheet thread up and ready to go as soon as I finish this one.

Regarding magic, the only system I really know of is Harry Potter, so I guess things are loosely going to be based upon that. I decided that instead of giving guidelines on what does happen, I’m giving limitation guidelines. Basically as long as it’s not god modding or one of these things I think players should have the freedom to do what they want (within reason).

All mages possess elemental magic (fire, water, earth, air, from a young age. Once they reach middle school they can learn charms and such, and once they reach high school they can learn healing.

Limitations on magic
-Healing cannot regrow lost limbs or heal any wound that is immediately or highly fatal.
-Necromancy is not a thing. If someone is dead they’re dead.
-While all Mages have the same powers, the younger they are the less powerful (but perhaps more uncontrollable) their powers are. A grade schooler can not summon a storm for example
-Just don’t be ridiculous please

If anyone has any ideas for limitations and how to keep things fair, PLEASE let me know.

Edit 1: Okay so I’m a dummy and forgot to explain the Bloodline portion of the character sheets. It’s basically like Harry Potter, Pure is born from 2 Mages, Half is born from one mage and one human, and human born is, well,born from two humans

Edit 2: I got a PM asking about this at some point so I’m making clarification here. Blood manipulation is allowed with the limitation of only being able to manipulate your own blood.
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Okay so I will have a lore thread up very soon but first I need to have some things decided for sure. If anyone has any input feel free to reply here or PM me.

First off I need to get limitations on magic more finalized. Second off I need to get more of an idea on the classes.
Posted my character. I'll admit there were a few things that were unclear so I made a couple of assumptions. I'm happy to edit whatever I may need to in order to fit the setting.

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