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Realistic or Modern Mafia High (Rebooted and Open)

Obito leaned back in his chair and grinned evilly 'the assassin looking guy versus the book worm looking guy.......god I just wonder who will win!' He thought and chuckled "this'll be over quick....."
Vince turned back and looked at Obito before saying in a mocking tone,

"You seem rather confident... would you care to be up next then Mr. Confidence? We could give you an easy fight like that sleeping freak over there. Or if you prefer an enemy whose awake, we could possibly give my grandmother a call, I'm sure she could teach you to never judge a fight before it starts."

Vincent points to Xerxes who is still passed out on his crushed desk, despite having been sent flying by Alexei.

Obito stuck his long tongue out before putting it back "I'll take my chances with the soon to be corpse over there than you're walking plague of a grandma......." He gave a evil laugh and sighed "or we could go toe to toe and once I'm done we'll have no class!!! Heheh its perfect~"
When mason ran home. mason remember that he do not have a free period in the morning but the afternoon. mason start running to school. mason thought to himself " I am really hoping that I did not miss much of class."
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Lance hadn't taken his eyes off of Alexie, knowing well what his gang did he simply waited. 'He will do the first move... He wants to get his ov-' Before he could finish his thought the knife came flying at him. In complete reaction he brought up his book bag and with that the blade was wedged into it perfectly, no blood was drawn.

He let the bag once again hang from his shoulder before he grabbed the knife and placed it in a pocket inside his trench coat. With that he looked at Alexie and didn't do anything as he watched. Wanting to see what the other would do he opened up his bag and took out a book titled the Lord of the Flies. "....." Not saying much he looked at Alexie and with skill through it straight at his head. This book was hard cover so it could make him bleed if a corner hit him, of course this wasn't his way of ending the fight. He just wanted to see something before he made his move.

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Warily holding his fighting stance, Alexei watched as Lance pulled out a book and chucked it at him. Despite his side movement, it hit his side lightly, but his coat kept the damage to a bruise without blood.

Throwing his other knife was out of question; he would be left weaponless. Keeping his emotions in check he stared down Lance, before an idea popped into his head.

Rooting around in coat as if looking for something, he suddenly flipped the hand out of his coat, miming a throw. It wouldn't give him much of an opening, but it would give him a good idea of Lance's reaction times which, as he had seen so far, seemed to be fast.
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Lance watched as Alexie rooted around his coat. Paying attention to his shoulder he waited, and when the faked a through Lance wasn't aware it was a bluff and with that moved to the side. Seeing it was a fake he didn't stop in his movement. Having complete focus on the other he ran straight toward him at a very past track star pace. When he was only a few feet in front he pivoted to the side and placing his hand in his coat pulled out his steel baton. In one swift motion Lance flanked the other and sent a strike to the man's wrist in an attempts to disarm him. Of course he was still paying full attention to Alexei's movements his main focus was on the hand with the knife, but he still was wary of the rest of his body.
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Letting out a painful grunt, Alexei dropped his knife as the baton cracked against his hand. While it hurt, the weapon was overall a bad choice; the blunt end wasn't going to easily break skin without a good swiping hit. Time to get dirty, he thought to himself, and he pulled off his coat before trying to catch it over the other man's face and, hopefully, eyes. After he threw he immediately crouched and grabbed his knife, hoping the coat would at least buy him time if it didn't his its mark.
After deliver the firm hit to the others hand he took a step back right away away, and just in time to as the coat was thrown over him. He didn't just stand still and struggled with the coat, he quickly moved to the side to avoid any straight forward attack. With that he threw the coat off of him before he moved up and once again aimed to strike the man wrist with more force this time. If that worked he then moved his hand up and hit Alexia hard over the nose with the baton.
Using his newly regained knife Alexei was just able to parry away Lance's blow and roll back out of reach. Seeing that this fight was by no means going his way, in one last ditch effort he flicked the knife upward from his hand towards Lance's face and dove forwards, trying to knock his legs out from under him.
Lance brought his book bag up using the same method to catch the flying knife. Just as the blade struck the bag he saw that Alexie had made a dive for him, he was about to step back, but he had seen this move a bit to late. So he was taken down. As he fell he prepared for the impact by bringing up his head and making most of his arms absorb the hit so his back was safe. He wasn't bleeding yet or caught in a daze since he was prepared. Tightening his grip on his baton (which didn't fall out of his hands) he deliver four hard blows to the side of Alexie face. With enough force to make him bleed if he got hit.
Seeing that Lance wasn't fazed and was bringing down his baton to Alexei's face, he made a split second decision to take the hits; just not on his face. Turning sideways he felt four sharp cracks upon his back, and a slight trickle of blood coming from the skin, but he continued his sideways twist to get a ways away from Lance and pull himself off the ground. This game wasn't over until they knew he was bleeding, and it wasn't yet big enough to make a stain, hopefully. He just had to keep eyes off his back to the time being.
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Lance stood up and backed away from Alexie. Keeping his eyes on his opponent he moved over to his bag and picked it up before taking the knife out and putting it in his pocket with the other one. He looked at Alexie and was quiet as usual keeping his eyes on him. "..........." He looked down at his baton and narrowed his eyes at it. ".......... I clean this every night." He commented as he noted the specks of fresh blood that was on it.
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Alexei stayed back, making sure to keep a very reasonable distance between the two of them. "I'm sure you do. That's mine. Well... the man I met this morning's, really. Seemed like such a nice guy, but business is business. I don't quite have the grooming techniques you do when things get... a little messy. Honestly, this happens a lot. I've learned to be careful when sitting on stainable chairs."
Stepping onto the arena, Vincent grinned before saying,

"Well at least my successor has redeemed him self a bit after that completely stupid question earlier. Anyway, if either of you feel the need to pussy out and go see the nurse, be my guest, if not then go take your seats so we can get the next match started. As mentioned before, the next match will be between Obito and because my poor old grandmother is safely absent, Xerxes.... who still needs to be woken up.... ugh."

Pulling out one of his pistols, Vince threw it tomahawk style, sending the butt straight into Xerxes face.

Sitting up with a jolt, Xerxes looked around frantically to see what hit him when Vince pointed at him and said,

"Get to the field, your fighting."

Confused even more, Xerxes slowly stood up before walking onto the arena and saying,

"Dear oh dear... what
have~ I gotten myself into?"

@Peaceswore @ParadoxalPaladin @Penance
Lance walked past Alexie and grabbed his book that he had thrown, placing it back into his book bag before he took out the daggers and threw them at Alexie's feet. "I don't need those." He said simply before giving Vincent a small nod. With that he turned his back to Alexie and made his way back to his seat. When he got there he sat down and pulled out his other book and started to read.
Walking back to his seat, Alexei rubbed his hand a bit before half-turning to Vincent. "Thanks. I have to make a few more arrowheads in metallurgy today, and it is a pain to make new ones of those. Although, i may still have the molds lying around somewhere..." He fell silent trying to think of where he left all that stuff. His room wasn't organized, so it wouldn't be fun to sift through if he wanted them back.

Breaking out of his thoughts, Alexei decided it was time to carry a bit more on him; maybe add another knife when he got the chance and it probably would be best to keep his bow on him as well. But, back to matters at hand; he was anxious to see how the fight went down, it was a good measure of the skills of his opponents, and every bit of info helped.
Obito had a giant grin across his face as he walked out to the arena "hohoho this is gonna be fun......." He eyes his new prey up and down and put his hands on each of his sides ready to pull out his knives "ready....?"

@Jesters Court
Taking out his pocket watch, Xerxes replied,

"Umm... ya sure I ----"

Suddenly growing quiet, he stared at the watch, before his head twitched in an natural and he began to mutter,

"late... Late... I'm so late.. I'm late oh I'm late... I'mlateimlateimlateimlate"

As Xerxes continued to stare at the watch his twitching became more violent and frantic, before Vince noticed,

"----Aw Shit..."

Stepping in, Vince calmly used the butt of his pistol and slammed it against Xerxes neck, causing him to fall unconscious before saying,

"Hush little rabbit, Don't say a word..."

Then looking up at Obito, Vince said,

"Sorry, but I didn't want to be literally cleaning you off the walls after class, so I dealt with him. But, considering how you now don't have a partner because of that, I guess I should be nice and allow you to choose your opponent. You can pick anyone in this room that's currently conscious. So Obito, whose it going to be?"

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Obito groaned "aww he was starting to look interesting!!! Finnneeee......." He looked around the room and grumbled "nothing looks fun........you!" He said pointing at vince "i wanna fight you! You're already here so it should be fine yea?"

@Jesters Court
Vincent shrugged before saying,

"I'll call the cemetery and tell them to start digging, because its your funeral..."

Then in a mocking and overly dramatic manner, Vince pulled out his phone before giving Obito a "when ever your ready boy" look, and turned his back on Obito and began dialing.

@Jesters Court Jinx walks in the room intensely staring down at her hands repeating over and over in her head.'Why aren't my fingers in someones eye sockets right now.'
Vincent grinned, before his arm flashed, and behind his back, literally caught the blade headed for his knee. Then, in the same motion he turned, and threw the blade underhand faster than the eye could see, cutting off a few of Obitos bangs, but not touching him. Then addressing the class Vince said,

"Listen up people! Lesson 1:

Always strike to kill, if your enemy presents you his back, you damn well better kill him with your first move. Getting caught in a drawn out battle is only a waste of energy."

Kicking off the ground at an absurd speed, Vincent covered the distance between him and Obito in less than a second, where he used his momentum and gave Obito a massive round house kick to the hips, before saying,

"You chose to be fancy Obito, you aimed for my knee thinking I wasn't expecting you to ricochet the blade, when in fact, I presented you the entirety of my back expecting to catch the blade anywhere that wouldn't be lethal. I knew the two places you weren't going to aim where my neck and my heart. You don't have the killer instinct to aim there boy... and until you do, its my job to break you..."

Grinning with a face and aura fit for the devil himself, Vince gave Obito the hand beckon motion like in kungfu movies.


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