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Realistic or Modern Mafia High (Rebooted and Open)

Wicked Jester

Suit Gangs Infamous Jester


~Welcome to Millennium City~

(RPing is now open, however you can still sign up if you have not already done so.)

(I have the notorious habit of always leaving my signups open, so as long as this rp is still up, you can still apply.)

The city surrounding the academy is a place where undesirables dwell and many who have committed crimes. It is a place filled with the smoke of fellow criminals basking in their infamous reputations. Millennium city only truly comes to life at night...

Millennium High:

We welcome you to our humble abode, and wish you luck on surviving the upcoming school year. Now then. the best advise we can give you is that you should quickly choose a group to fit into, otherwise the consequences of being by yourself can be devastating. There are four groups to choose from; The Infernus, The Family, The Reavers, or The Freakshow... Be careful of which side you choose...

However if you do choose not follow any of the groups you'll be classed into a separate group who are called "The Zeros."

(read more about the different groups in the overview tab)
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((I'm Horrible at scenic intro posts, so um... first class will be CQC, and ya... If you have the CQC class, then just have them head off to the class and we can get started.))
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Lance was sitting on his window sill quietly in his room as he read a book he recently found and got interested into. Without meaning to he got lost in the book missing breakfast and a good portion of the day, however when his phone rang he picked it up and with shake of his head he put it back in his pocket before closing the book. Placing on his combat boots and draping on his trench coat he made his way out of the dorm room. Of course he checked to make sure he had everything from his book bag with the encyclopedia to his stun grenades.

When he was good to go he left his room and locking the door behind him made his way through the south dorm. His face once again buried in his book barely paying attention to where he was going. Luckily for him he knew this place like the back of his hand so he could easily read and walk without crashing into anyone. 'First class is close combat... I forgot to eat again... And sleep..... I'll try again later.' He thought this going in and out of his mind in flash as he continued on his way.
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((oh ya, and for those of you who don't have CQC, you can just have your characters do whatever. If we had more than one teacher, I would have them go do another class, but I'm to lazy to make a second one xD so free period for you people!))
An alarm clock went off in obito's room and then went off. Obito rolled out of his bed and fell to the ground "i hate mondays....." He reached in one of his nearby drawers and pulled out a remote and pressed play. On a nearby dvd player music started to play.

He got up and went over to the mirror. His hair was a mess and he had random spots of a red liquid on his face "perfect" he said smiling. He wiped his face and bent down to pick up a body of a random male student and dragged it across the floor "dum dum dum......another one bites the dust....." He opened his window and tossed the body out "dum dum dum.......another one bites the dust......" He walked over to the corner of his room and picked up an arm before tossing it out the window "and another one gone and another one gone another one bites the dust......" He put on his jacket and put earphones in before leaving his room and headed to class. on the way there he was getting strange looks from people and he simply smiled at them "hey. Im gonna get you too, another one bites the dust....."
Alexei Fairfax

Checking his watch, Alexei saw that it was right on the dot for when class should start, so he pushed off the wall beside the door and entered the room. He'd had an early job to complete, so he'd been awake since four that morning,

Entering the room, he gave a respectful nod to his teacher and stood by the wall as he waited for everyone else to show up, observing the spartan area, which was more of a glorified, roofed arena than a classroom. Checking his coat pocket, he could feel his stiletto was still there, so to pass the time he pulled it out and started wiping the few flecks of blood from this morning's work off.




It was simply amazing what one could achieve with the right kind of connections. After nearly a solid month and a half of tinkering and paying off some of the boys in the metallurgy and communications classes, Fade's room began to take on office-like qualities that simply spoke for themselves. And why should they not? When one was known as an eccentric rich kid from a background of means, one had to live it up in style and make others see only what they desired to see. To act modest and keep the spartan furnishings and gloomy outlook of the dorms would have been ultimately more suspicious than to act along the lines of reputation.

That particular day, however, Fade was not worried about his various activities as Shroud. With a free period before him that was ultimately uncharacteristic for the busy schedule of the school, he was sitting on his bed and maintaining each of his weapons in turn, pouring over the manuals at the same time so that each detail of them remained planted in his memory. His whole line of work surrounded those weapons. They were his sword and his shield. He had not had any challenges or need to use them outside of class in some time, but he was always vigilant for trouble. After all, they did not call the place Mafia High for nothing.




It was just another day at Mafia High. Another day of the routine. Donning his mask and safety glasses, Teflon exited the dorm way before the others woke up and proceeded off to the weight room at a jog, hand resting on his pistol just in case there was an incident. After all, he was a Zero according to the rules. A nobody. Fresh meat before the slaughter. Fair game to anyone who wanted a piece. But even though that was what the rules said, Teflon wasn't about to be a sheep, letting the gangs roll over him like some of the others had chosen to do. No, he would take care of himself and his as he had always done before, and hang on until the very end.

After hitting up the usual mixture of the treadmill, bench press, pull up bar, and punching bag, Teflon returned his items to the bag and ran to the CQC room which was his first class of the day. There would be no greetings to his fellow classmate as the Zero claimed himself a spot in the front and close to the Teacher's line of sight. It was his own way of keeping out of sight and put him at closest proximity to the door just in case something went wrong.

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Alexei Fairfax

After a minute or so, one of the so-named Zeros walked in. As it was with all of them, he had no idea what his name was, but he recognised the skull mask as being one of the Zeros that wasn't to be messed with, at least unless he could get a surprise or team attack on him.

Sliding into the same second row, third-to-the-right desk as he sat in every class, he lazily picked at the scratches and scrapes from years of student scuffles in the room, along with a red stain that had a very high likelihood of being blood. He knew his ways around bodies well enough, and from the size of the spot, whoever's blood it was left the room on a slab at the end of the day.
Vincent looked at his roster for the class and then up at the people who had actually bothered to show up before sighing and standing up. As he stood up, Vincent slid the clips out of his guns cleared their chambers before sliding them back into his waist band. Looking around the classroom again, Vincent thought about how some of the students looked older than he did, before noticing a kid wearing a massive hat sleeping at the back. Pointing at him Vincent said in a rather displeased tone,

"Will someone go wake the freak up, so we can get started, or would you all rather just sit on your assed all day?"

@Ninja God
Alexei Fairfax

Alexei slid from his seat with a grumble, doing his best just get things moving for once. Kicking the hat kid's chair a little harder than normal, causing it to skitter across the ground a bit, he then quickly turned and went back to his seat without a backwards glance.

Once back in his seat, Alexei, impatient, asked "So, professor, do we get started now?" He hoped that was formal enough; He'd never grown up with that sort of thing being taught to him, so it was often hard to tell if he was being impolite or not.

Don Prim Alfredo

"Violence is the question, yes is the answer"

Scar's motto

"fue fue fue~" the strange sound came from the mouth of a young looking lass, she was about a door knob's high and tiny in size. The little girl skipped along the pathway of the school, the speed combined with the wind blew her hair into a crazy mess. The appearance from the outside to others, was a mere black blur of cat ears. She came to a halt in front of the current class; Close Combat.

One little whistle of warning before she slammed the door opened with one kick. A wide grin spread from cheek to cheek. There she stood, sailor suit and all. Cat bag and all. Machete hanging from her hands and all.

"Vincent" she spoke sweetly, yet the seemingly innocent tone if observed closely contained unknown horrors behind it.

"How's the class treating you?" she asked, casually twirling the machete between her hands. A little tune came out of her as she waited for his answer.

vat, I don't even know anymore. @Jesters Court

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Obito arrived to class and looked around. A wide variety of people. Perfect. Killing the same school girls and boys got really dull after a while. He took a seat in the back and started to pick little chunks of meat from this morning out his teeth with his knife



His face remained impassive beneath the skull mask he wore, but his eyes were intense and boring into the Professor's with muted interest. It was not only because he was their professor that he watched him so, but mainly because he looked to be just another guy their age. He had also never noticed him among the staff last year or the year before, so if his deductions were correct ... he must have been a recent graduate of the school. And not only just a graduate, but a damned honor kid as well, for only the best of the best were invited to the staff of Millennium. Deciding to keep watch on the Professor for the time being, Teflon did not react to the order regarding one of the Freakshow members in the back and instead chose to keep his cool. The Freakshow kids were nuttier than squirrel poop as a general rule, and Teflon didn't trust them not to pull something even right there in front of the professor. Some other hack was just as welcome to deal with him if they so desired.

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Lance entered the room with his face still buried in the book as he absorbed every word he read. He gave a nod to the teacher before taking his seat in the front of the class in the middle row. He placed his heavy book bag on the desk only taking his eyes off the book for a moment. Once he was settled he went back to reading Fahrenheit 451. Of course as soon as the lesson started he would place down the book, but as it seemed they were weighting for someone to wake up he just kept reading, turning the page every now and then.
mason brown checked his cellphone. And used his free period in the morning to watch everyone entering the school and watch older tapes on the hallway cameras (using school hallway cameras)

some things that my character see is that is useful

some members from different gangs doing minor Vandalism to the school(different times)(npc)

fade buying some items from students(items that they stole)

some npc doing some other stuff (stuff they would not want other to know about)minor stuff

Turning and staring at the loli girl who just barged into his class room, Vincent sighed and put his hand over his face in a facepalm motion before muttering,

"God woman, less than one day on the job and your already trying to make my life hell... again..."

Turning, Vincent used his toe and slammed the door shut, before turning back to the class and saying,

"Now that the loli is out of the way, lets get started. My name is Vincent Morello, and I will be one of your instructers for close quarters combat. As this is the first day, I can't really teach you much, until I have a baseline of your abilities, so to measure that, I'm going to pair you guys up and have you do a first blood spar. I. E. the first person to get cut or a scrape, or a bloody nose, etc. looses."

Scanning his roster, Vince selected two names and said,

"Ok, first up will be Lance and Alexei. You two get your asses out on to the arena and begin on my mark."

@Peaceswore @ParadoxalPaladin

((oh ya, and btw, @ScarletHood is allowed to just jump in whenever she wants to cause chaos, and she is the principle btw... she's also the original RP owner for those of you who didn't know...))
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Lance closed his book and stood up before he turned his head to look at the rest of the class, just now bothering to even acknowledge their presence. He searched for his sparring partner and when he found him he looked him up and down for a small second before looking away. With that he didn't make a word as he walked to the area, his hands in his pocket and his book bag over his shoulder. "Weapons or no?" He asked simply as he stood a few feet away from Vincent as he awaited an answer.

@Jesters Court @ParadoxalPaladin
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Vincent gave Lance a stupid look before saying,

"Is this class called Hand to Hand combat? No! Its fucking close quarters combat! What the hell do you think genius?"

then muttering under his breath, Vince turned away and began to enter figures on a large digital scoreboard, setting a 5 minute time limit on the clock.

@Peaceswore @ParadoxalPaladin

((also, if I suddenly vanish, it means I passed out, because I am tired...))
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Don Prim Alfredo

"Violence is the question, yes is the answer"

Scar's motto

Prim grinned at Vincent's reaction, then walked away, chucking machete over her back at the door. The throw was so overwhelmingly powerful the blade itself was halfway through the door when it stopped. She whistled, skipping along to the dorms, checking up on any strays. Or people to pick fights with.

Tiny black shoes stopped in front of a dorm room labelled, W7. She whistled once again, then tapped on the door.

this is where I go weird, or have I become even more weirder?

@Whisker /Fade
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Lance sighed as he rolled his eyes. 'That was a stupid question.... When was the last time I slept?' He wondered as he kept a stoic face the temper of the other not fazing him in the least. He was about to go to the arena, but stopped and grabbed his book. Once he placed that in his book bag he stuffed his hands in his pocket and strolled to the arena. When he got there he remained still and blank as he waited for his partner. 'I didn't sleep last night because of family business and that book. I didn't sleep the night before either because of that blackmail thing I had to deal with.... And the night before I had gotten absorbed in another book.... Did I take a nap at least?' He wondered as he waited now slowly starting to zone out, though it wasn't noticeable yet seeing as he had the same blank look.
With a slightly annoyed groan, Alexei got out of his chair and walked to the arena. As much as he trusted his own skills, he had no interest in making any fight a fair fight if he could help it, so situations like these were never good. Sizing up his opponent, he could see that there would be no pushovers today in class. At least he wasn't facing one of those freaking crazies; they'd probably kill him and eat him corpse if they could, and he was happy with being alive, thank you very much.

Lance had quite a few noticible bulges in his coat, so that meant he was going up against quite the kit, although it wasn't like he was planning on taking a hit anyways.

Pulling out both his stilettos, Alexei spun them in his fingers once before taking a fighting stance across from Lance, his whole body tense and awaiting the beginning of the match.
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Lance kept his eyes on Alexei, he didn't get in a fighting stance and he remained relaxed as his hands were stuffed in his pocket. He snapped out of his daze and went straight to observing his opponent as well as the field they were on looking for any possible advantage. 'Alexei, second command of the revers. That being the case he will likely try to take me out in one hit, uses dual stilettos... Good choice for speed. He may try to use shallow techniques to win, so I need to pay attention to that... I don't know his fighting style, guess I will wait and see.' He thought calmly as he adjusted his heavy book bag.
while everyone is busy with first period classes or staying at home. After cutting out some old newspaper from the new York newspaper and gluing the letters to a sheet of paper.Also as been using gloves to make sure there is no finger prints. And sending a cd with there crime on it with the letter. Also with a lock (all of this stuff as been touch with gloves

-the letter read

dear victim

I have info that I would think that

you would not want the school to

know about

the cd is an copy of the proof I have

you must pay me $100 per month if you want this info keep hidden

you have until end of the month to meet my demand

put the money in an empty locker

then put the lock on the locker

do not get anyone else involved

do not tell anyone I am watch you

also no marked bills

or else I tell

from info man

these letter have been send to other students(npc)for damaging the school(asking $100 per month) to five students

when putting the letter on there locker I use my cellphone to access the school camera in the hallway to make sure to find a safe route(also bring spare clothes

Then I put on my mask and cover my hair and body with only my eyes showing I enter the school and put the letter on the lockers. Then I leave(also I wear gloves and clothes that cover most of my body)

then I go off school land and change into spare clothes in public washroom. Then I leave to go back home.
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Vincent saw that the pair was ready and called out,

"Ok you two, you have 5 minutes, until one of you draws blood, or until I call for you to stop. Aside from that, anything goes. Oh, also, If one of you kills the other, your cleaning up the mess."

Raising his arm, Vincent looked at the two before dropping it and calling out as he started the clock.


@ParadoxalPaladin @Peaceswore
"But I cleaned it u-" Halfway through his sentence Alexei sent one of his stilettos spinning towards Lance while jumping backwards, hoping to draw blood quickly and end the match before it started. Lance had the upper hand on him once the fight got drawn out, so his best and pretty much only chance was to get him on a surprise attack.

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