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Realistic or Modern Mad World


Humanoid Typhoon
Alone, abandoned, struggling to scrape by...we want a happy life but that seems impossible when you're put down at every corner. At least there is hope in a group that was formed a few years ago. Where they bring in as many of us who've had it so rough as they can find. The counselors sound helpful, but not as much as being able to meet each other. Hopefully we'll be able to sympathize and support each other to make it through. Or fall apart trying.





What's your story? ((Are you a counselor, Are you a friend trying to help? And enemy? why did you end up where you are? Anything like that.)):

Other((Whatever else you feel is important about your character)):

All RPN rules apply.

Relationships are fine, but if the clothes come off it all fades to black.

No god modding

1x1 posts limited to 4 when nobody else is posting.
((Yeah, pretty much. There's not really any age limit and there is a building they can all go to, but they don't have to stay there if they don't want to.))

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