

Pope of the cheese god Kambert








Lore-keeper and warrior


Maado is a tall and muscular man who towers above the average man and uses that to his advantage when he has to. He has amber eyes brimming with a fire that sparks intelligence and wisdom beyond his still rather young age. He uses the sap of trees to set his hair upright so it fits perfectly with his antler crown, a crown made of two antlers, some strong twigs and a lot of twine. He only has one scar, it is on the back of his head where a small cut had been made when he was little to allow the wisdom of the spirits flow into him.



Maado is a very serious individual who takes his job very serious and will rightly be annoyed if somebody doesn't respect the work he does. Maado can also be described as fairly insane as he frequently talks to himself and can often be found in his corner rambling about things from the past. His insanity combined with his strength, size, prowess and face paint make him a great warrior for their tribe.


From a very young age Maado was taught by his father how to be a lore-keeper like him and his father before him and his father's father before that and so on. Throughout the years he amassed all the knowledge there was to the tribe and then took over the proverbial torch from his father as he passed away on their great journey. Now with this new land before them he is excited about all the new knowledge that will be acquired and how much more important he was going to be to his tribe now.

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