• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ma•sq•ue•ra•de - sign up


elena alvarez can i get an amen

full name:
(its in the future so make sure its not a real place)
are you an elite or lower?

personality: vices/ virtues or a paragraph

Why were you invited to the ball?:
At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?:
What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?;
Who do you think the murderer is?: (leave blank until all are accepted.)


biography: major events or paragraphs

do after all are accepted.

extraoocsign upic
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full name:
maylin knights


november 8

st. lucient, muryvationt.


are you an elite or lower?

personality: vices/ virtues or a paragraph

Why were you invited to the ball?:
I.... Wasn't, actually. My mom is… Well, we’re from the lower parts - although you lot would call us the poor. My brother and I were lucky enough to get a job serving at the ball for the Guineveres. We even got fancy dress and everything, it was so surreal. Figures that my one break in this world ended in a murder mystery.”

At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?:
“I needed the bathroom, but I’m awful at directions and I’d never been anywhere so big before. I spent a long time wandering around the hallways, and I was just beginning to give up when I found them. The Guineveres. My dad was killed when I was young, I guess it reminded me of that, and I just… went into shock. Couldn’t think, couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe. I stumbled out and saw their daughter there, looking at me, and then screaming. I think I took off after that. All I could think was that I needed to find the bathroom.”

What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?;
Everyone thinks I did it. The daughter, the police, the whole damned world. Probably even my brother. But I - I didn’t do it, I swear. The Guineveres were kind enough to give me and my brother a job. I didn’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt anybody.”

Who do you think the murderer is?: (leave blank until all are accepted.)

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full name:
carson gates


may 29th

wellyarn, yuglatin.


are you an elite or lower?

personality: vices/ virtues or a paragraph

Why were you invited to the party?
“I’m the Guinevere daughter’s bodyguard. Or was. I’m not sure of my status as of current, but… yeah. I attend all of the Guineveres events and functions. My job is to serve, and to protect.”

“At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?”

“I was doing what I always do. Protecting [ name redacted ]. It is my job, after all. The Guineveres are very rich, very prestigious, and they like to flaunt every good aspect about themselves. It only makes sense that they hire a bodyguard for themselves, and for their daughter. I just never thought that anybody would actually murder them.”

“What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?”

“I was hired to do one thing and one thing only. I’ve been protecting the Guineveres for a long time. Many years, actually. I’m beating myself up they I let this happen. They trusted me, they counted on me. Now they’re dead. And it’s all my fault. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

Who do you think the murderer is?: (leave blank until all are accepted.)

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esme - twenty one - february 20th - rêver, la grâce - pisces - elite

personality: vices/ virtues or a paragraph
Why were you invited to the ball?:
At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?:
What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?;
Who do you think the murderer is?: (leave blank until all are accepted.)


biography_ wip
relationships_ wip

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c a t h e r i n e | l a r s s o n ;
name: catherine ulla larsson
age: 27

pronouns: she/her/hers
orientation: heterosexual


s t a t s
date of birth: may 2nd
place of birth: Apollo City, Villician
zodiac: taurus
elite/non: elite
virtues: patient, practical, responsible, level-headed, authoritative, mild-mannered
vices: blunt, calloused, uncompromising, stubborn, cynical
face claim: cate blanchett


i n t e r v i e w
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet erat quis elit ultrices fringilla eu vitae leo. Fusce nec auctor urna. Nam mauris felis, sodales sed ipsum sit amet, suscipit fringilla dolor. Donec lectus neque, convallis sit amet vulputate id, pellentesque at mauris. Ut accumsan non diam sit amet consequat. Pellentesque sed quam tempor, bibendum odio a, efficitur lorem. Phasellus eu auctor libero. Ut ante augue, efficitur non nibh consequat, pretium dignissim eros. Etiam euismod lacus a nisl consectetur bibendum. Donec elementum urna nunc, non aliquam nibh interdum hendrerit. Vivamus sit amet egestas purus.

Fusce dignissim metus eget turpis rhoncus viverra. Duis interdum magna ac ornare finibus. Proin tempus commodo ex. Sed vehicula euismod nibh, non rutrum justo vulputate eu. Ut id purus vitae nisl egestas lacinia vel ut quam. Mauris in mattis urna, eu gravida est. In porttitor erat in neque accumsan suscipit. Nulla ultrices, libero eu bibendum imperdiet, eros mauris placerat magna, eu imperdiet lectus dui eu ligula. Curabitur eget augue lorem. Nunc scelerisque ligula eu aliquam molestie.

Pellentesque et ligula non mauris eleifend congue. Praesent interdum faucibus justo, sit amet efficitur nibh tristique quis. Vivamus est eros, tristique at tortor ut, hendrerit molestie justo. Sed ullamcorper imperdiet tortor, a pulvinar metus viverra at. Morbi interdum fermentum neque nec sollicitudin. Cras vehicula mollis eleifend. Donec libero lorem, sagittis nec auctor quis, accumsan eget mi. Quisque tristique porta nisl nec ornare. Sed rutrum venenatis nibh sed feugiat. Sed malesuada tincidunt ipsum ut elementum. Vestibulum dapibus sapien id risus imperdiet ullamcorper. Ut commodo ipsum non elit feugiat, sit amet iaculis tortor consequat. Fusce tristique feugiat maximus. Praesent faucibus, eros ut dignissim cursus, justo magna rutrum nisi, id ultrices lorem augue non nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
coded by dwale
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" every rose has it's thorns—her's are just sharper "
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The Twins

mon cher = my dear
artiste(s) = artist(s)
sœur = sister
estimé = esteem(ed)
Mon dieu = My God!
arme = weapon
spatule = spatula
élite = elite
frère = brother
paire = pair
invités = guests/invitees
cri = cry/scream
tueur = killer
famille = family
opportunité = opportunity
intérêt = interest


Augustus McCloud
Full Name: Augustus McCloud
Age: Twenty-four (24) years old
D.O.B: 24th of August
P.O.B Wrightsville, Easterncrest
Zodiac: Virgo
Are you an Elite or Lower?: "I am an elite, mon cher."


Personality: Augustus is a charming young man. He has a disarming smile, and his voice is as smooth as silk. He would never wish ill will on anyone, with his gentle personality. He's a bit stubborn, skipping meals and not taking breaks when working on a masterpiece. He is easily offended by insults to his art, as he takes great pride in his work.
Why were you invited to the ball?: "I am an artiste, along with my sœur. I am the yang to her yin, and together we make the finest artworks."
At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?: "My sœur and I were entertaining some of the guests' questions regarding our profession over wine. Unfortunately, before we could finish the conversation, we heard a scream-- which came from the daughter of the estimé hosts, the Guineveres."
What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?: "Mon dieu! I cannot believe I am being accused of such a thing! My sœur and I simply do not have the capability to. The closest thing to an arme I've ever held is a paintbrush. And, well, a spatule, but that is when I'm cooking pancakes."
Who do you think the murderer is?: ---


Biography: Augustus and Augustine were born to a rich family. They had everything they could want: money, a home, good education. Their parents had originally planned for them to inherit their family business when they came of age, but the twins took interest in something else when they were still mere children-- art.

On a particular trip home, while they were looking out the window, they managed to catch the sight of a man on the sidewalk working on something colorful on a wooden stand. He was holding a small brush, and with every stroke of his brush, a trail of color was left in its wake. The twins were amazed.

They asked for the tools and equipment needed in painting, like the things the man had, for their birthday. So they had something to do while waiting for the day to come, their mother suggested to draw and color on paper. At first, their drawings were only scribbles until they slowly developed into actual figures.

When the day of their birthday came, they were ecstatic. They loved all the presents, balloons, and the cake, but what they really loved was what they asked for. They would go all around the house, trying to find the perfect spot to paint a scene. Eventually, they grew talented at what they loved, and their parents, seeing that they were enjoying themselves and the people seemed to admire what they created, supported them.
Relationships: ---
Augustine McCloud
Full Name: Augustine McCloud
Age: Twenty-four (24) years old
D.O.B: 24th of August
P.O.B Wrightsville, Easterncrest
Zodiac: Virgo
Are you an Elite or Lower?: "I am an élite."


Personality: Augustine is a pleasant young lady. She is a caring, loving, and overprotective sister. It's hard to see the two not with each other. Never one without the other, as some say. She and her brother are very similar to each other, with their stubbornness and their pride for their art.
Why were you invited to the ball?: "As my frère said, we are artistes. Although I am not as... poetic, as him, I can agree that we make a fine paire."
At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?: "My frère and I were speaking with the other invités regarding our line of work when we heard a cri. Frankly, I was quite terrified when I learned of what happened to the Guineveres. To think that it happened right under our noses..."
What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?: "I am an artiste, not a tueur. Plus, why would I want to kill them? They've done nothing but good to my famille and I, with the invitation to the ball. It was supposed to be an opportunité to gather more intérêt in our artworks."
Who do you think the murderer is?: ---


Biography: Augustus and Augustine were born to a rich family. They had everything they could want: money, a home, good education. Their parents had originally planned for them to inherit their family business when they came of age, but the twins took interest in something else when they were still mere children-- art.

On a particular trip home, while they were looking out the window, they managed to catch the sight of a man on the sidewalk working on something colorful on a wooden stand. He was holding a small brush, and with every stroke of his brush, a trail of color was left in its wake. The twins were amazed.

They asked for the tools and equipment needed in painting, like the things the man had, for their birthday. So they had something to do while waiting for the day to come, their mother suggested to draw and color on paper. At first, their drawings were only scribbles until they slowly developed into actual figures.

When the day of their birthday came, they were ecstatic. They loved all the presents, balloons, and the cake, but what they really loved was what they asked for. They would go all around the house, trying to find the perfect spot to paint a scene. Eventually, they grew talented at what they loved, and their parents, seeing that they were enjoying themselves and the people seemed to admire what they created, supported them.
Relationships: ---


Code by Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf
Vada Moon


| b a s i c s |
name| vada gabrielle moon
nicknames| v, love
gender| female
age| twenty-three
d.o.b| november 7th
p.o.b| st. augustine, wichester

zodiac| gemini

| b o d y |
height| 5'3"
weight| 130lbs
hair| mocha brown
eyes| hickory brown
distinguishing features| freckles cover her nose and cheeks, her cupids bow is intensely creased
style| very cleaned up and proper. nice blouses with slim jeans and flats with simple accessories and makeup.

| p e r s o n a |
vices| short fuse, stubborn, bull headed, head strong
virtues| passionate, brave, adventurous, optomistic
talents| making people smile, getting into trouble
likes| adventures, random acts of kindness
dislikes| the cold, water, being alone
fears| drowning, being forgotten

Why were you invited?
"I was invited apart of the attendance of my father. He was the one originally invited, but due to a frank illness, he advised me to make a presence... I don't really do parties."
At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?:
"Around nine fifty? Oh... why I was getting a glass of champagne. Earlier, I was caught in a conversation that was so unproductive I started yawning! It was so rude of me, I had to excuse myself, and then I heard the scream. I hope their daughter is alright... Such a horrible thing to witness."
What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?
"I was actually late to the party. I couldn't find the right earrings... Silly me, and the same man had been fallowing my every step since I stepped foot in that house. I believed he offered me a drink early on, but I declined."

Who do you think is the murderer?
| l i f e |
> born to a mother who had schizophrenia
> as an infant, her mom believed her "friend" (hallucination) was watching over vada while she was taking a bath and nearly drowned her child
> father took full custody of vada and put her mother in a hospital with visual rights (as in when Vada was old enough, she could visit her mom in the hospital
> she was raised by her single father in st. augustine who is a very wealthy and successful man

f.c. Jessica Sikosek

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full name: Chadwick Iskander Barnes
age: 32
dob: November, 22
pob: Olivier, Livida
zodiac: Sagittarius
are you an elite or lower? Elite

personality: Barnes is something of an old soul. He finds many things to be silly or a waste of time and he doesn't allow himself to indulge in 'useless games.' He prides himself on being emotionless, while still being able to read other people with ease. He tends to be very secretive, and not just about his emotions. He seems to have some sort of idea that the whole world is waiting for the slightest sign of weakness from him to screw him over. This brings him to hold his true feelings close and leave them mostly unspoken.
However, he is not quite as discreet as he imagines himself to be. The moment he sees or hears of something he doesn't approve of, he will quickly let the other person know about it. Quite frankly, the thing that most saves his reputation is his money and the charitable things he does with it. He is definitely something of a strange old hermit, despite the fact that he is still young. But when he does decide to leave his secluded mansion, he makes sure to put on a good show for his hosts; perfectly tailored suit, flawlessly styled hair, and a perfect smile bestowed on anyone who meets his gaze. Sometimes, if he likes his hosts enough, he might even be convinced to tell a joke or two. When that happens, for that brief instant, he may act his age and even seem sincerely happy. After all, he used to be the biggest prankster in his boarding school.
Why were you invited to the ball?:
'What an impertinent question. Why on earth wouldn't I be invited? I may not be the richest man here, but no doubt my money and reputation had something to do with it. That aside, my family has also had many previous encounters with the Guinevere family. They would be rude not to invite me.'
At approximately 9:57PM, July 31st, what were you doing?
'If you must know, I was outside. The party had gotten far too crowded and I needed to step out for air. No need to judge me so quickly however, as I was soon joined by a young woman who refused to leave me alone. She will attest that I am innocent....if she wasn't too drunk to remember.'
What gives us reason to believe that you did not murder the Guineveres?
'Me? Murder the Guineveres? Honestly, for you to even suggest such a thing is laughable. As I told you before, our families have had good relations in the past. And honestly, what would I gain from killing them? I already have money and I despise the spotlight. Think what you will, but even I can see that this was a senseless, barbaric act.
Who do you think the murderer is? TBA

Barnes certainly has a spotted background. He was born into an average family, with an older brother and sister who pestered him constantly. They were neither poor nor rich, but his parents liked to live a little above their means. Eventually, their lifestyle caught up to them and they knew they would have to live more reasonably or fall into debt....unless another way could be found. His father took to gambling; the lottery, slot machines, casinos, he frequented them all. Somehow it turned out well for him, earning the whole family a sudden place in higher society. Both of Barnes' parents took to higher-paying careers, as they were both too attached to their new status to lose it. Barnes' older siblings were too independent to stay around for long; his sister ran away from home on her sixteenth birthday, while his brother disappeared shortly after he turned twenty-one. Barnes, however, was more than happy to stick around to bask in his parents' wealth. They both passed away shortly after he turned twenty, leaving him to manage their thriving estate. He took well to that responsibility and developed their fortune further. He became a bit of a loner as he grew older, until he almost despised leaving the family mansion. Of course, he still feels pressure to keep up the estate his parents created, so he makes certain to keep up good appearances whenever he can.

relationships: TBA

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