Luna Fang

Rumble Fish

The Paradise Hunter

Luna Fang








6'5 ft


150 lbs

Human appearance:



Wolf appaerance:




Anthro Appearance:






Luna Fang is a Lycan of little words. She doesn't speak often and mainly makes her opinions or thoughts clear through expression. A stoic individual, she runs her pack very tightly but tries to be fair to everyone. She is easily irritated or annoyed by disorder and can be stressed out by any disruptions or threats that come their way. But if she does feel this way, she'll try not to let it show for the sake of the others, but will shut herself away until the feeling goes away and there is no real knowledge of how long it can take. It is generally a bad idea to push Luna too far as the Alpha has been know to have violent outbursts if pushed too far. 

As the Alpha, Luna Fang is incredibly strict on how things are run and does not stand for any kind of nonsense or insubordination from any of the others. The only ones she tends to give leeway to are those who are very young or elders, who Luna Fang respects deeply.

In her attitude towards humans, Luna is often conflicted on what she should think about them. On the one hand, she can understand their struggles and their desire to live in peace just as her race does, but on the other hand she does not appreciate some of their methods and is especially intolerant to them coming into her pack's territory or threatening any of her family. While she will not attack unprovoked, she will fight if given no other option and will try to avoid conflict if possible. Despite this, Luna Fang does wish there was a way they could take down the humans and remove the threat, but she does not act upon this wish due to the knowledge that this would have a devastating effect on her pack.

Luna has a strong maternal instinct, tending to watch over younger members of the pack and teaching them when she can as well as being extremely protective of them. This also ties into her sense of duty to protect her pack from danger. Having been born as a wolf, she retains many of the instincts that her canine counterparts will have. She frequently goes outside the territory to seek out new hunting grounds and will go after prey if she sees the opportunity, even when the pack's food supply is stable.


Luna Fang is a strong leader and an able tactician. She has a strong sense of sight, smell and hearing even in her human form due to her heritage. She has the same strength as other Lycans which is significantly more powerful than that of a human. Luna's stubbornness could be considered somewhat of a positive as she is not easily swayed in her decisions and will stick to her guns whatever the cost. 


Luna Fang does have a hot temper which can cause her to be destructive or make bad decisions and her stubbornness can cause her to come across as cold or selfish. She is also a very solitary individual who tends to shut herself off from others when she has a lot on her mind and won't open up to others.


Luna Fang was born in 2000 in Yellowstone National Park. Her mother was a white wolf named Amadahy and her father was a Lycan named Lapis, who was driven away from his family when humans attacked and went to live in Yellowstone to get away from them. She lived peacefully with her parents and two brothers for several months, but after about six months her mother and brothers were killed by poachers, causing Luna Fang and her father to flee deeper into the forest. After some time, Lapis showed Luna Fang how to shift forms. It was when Luna was five years old that she first met humans along with her father. They tried to co-exist with them in the town, but the longer they stayed, the more they realised that they had the illusion that Lycans had been completely wiped out. However as time went they began to come across Lycans who lived among humans in hiding, as the penalty for being discovered was death. 

Lapis began to round up the Lycans who he found in hiding and took them into Yellowstone to try and build a community. They lived in peace, unaware of the plague that struck the human population. Luna stayed close to her father throughout her adolescence, watching him rule the pack and learned about leadership skills. When Luna Fang was twenty, her father was killed in a hunting accident by a grizzly bear. Since then Luna Fang has been leader of the pack, trying to keep up the peace that her father had established. 


Like all Lycans, Luna has the ability to shapeshift into a wolf and also a hybrid. Her wolf form is primarily for hunting purposes, whereas her Anthro form tends to be used for fighting or to intimidate. As she was born in her wolf form, she prefers to be in her Anthro form as it is a compromise between the two.


Luna's Anthro form stands at roughly 6'10 ft.


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