Luke Sorrows


Screaming Mute
                             ~~ Luke Sorrows ~~                                                                                                                              

"There isn't Nothing that pleases me more than Nothing."


Nickname : Phase

Gender : Male

Age : 26

Sexuality : Bisexual

Race : Wraith

Height : 180cm

Weight : 56.5kg

Body Modifications

Numerous Earrings/Piercings

Lip Piercing

Eyebrow Piercing

Intimate Piercings

Clothing Style

Comfortable and Casual


Wraith Mode Basically turns him into a moving Shadow. Similar to a Black Ghost. 

Becomes capable of Phasing through Everything, Invulnerability. 

However He cannot Effect Matter either, stuck in Limbo.

Luke has learned a couple different 

kinds of martial arts and wraiths in

human form are surprisingly stronger than ordinary humans. Being about 

the same strength as a professional

heavy weight boxer.


Can Phase Through Any Kind of Matter and isn't effected by it whilst in Wraith mode, Is basically stuck in Limbo at this point. He thrives when it's Dark, making him a lot hard to see. His Wraith Mode can stun people just from looking at it, it's more susceptable to ordinary humans and can put them in a state of fear and hysteria. The Dark Shadow has a wicked Grin and it's eyes project horrific illusions into the minds of those

that look at it.



Cannot Effect the Real World in Wraith Mode, making him a Ghost, he can however be Seen as a Black Humanoid Shadow. It takes a Large toll on his body when he Wraiths, it doesn't matter how long he is in it, however if he does it multiple times in a short time period he will feel a lot of stress on the body, black cracks in his skin that will deteriorate him. The Cracks heal overtime, but he cannot Wraith mode for a couple days for them to fully leave. Extended use will cause the Cracks to cover his whole Body.


He doesn't really like to socialize much, the extent he goes is to hang out at the Pub run by the Vampire Rose's Mother. He keeps to himself and his Voice is a silky whisper most of the time, others have described it as being very soothing despite the Nature of his Real form. It's very harm for him to form attachments to people, but even when he does it barely shows - almost emotionless, but not entirely if you can get him to smile in Human form it's more than likely you've won his friendship.

Likes :

To Drink

Silence or Close To

Strangely likes being Silent with others.


Hygiene, Not a Neat Freak Though.


Dislikes :


Intimacy with Strangers


Feeling Pain, Headaches


Quirks :

He Rubs his head a lot.





History : Luke Grew up very secluded, as a baby his parents witnessed his powers shift in and out of form, and so they kept him in a room on his own, home schooled him and took their anger out on him. He didn't really grow up happy because of this, his parents blamed him for their problems and they couldn't handle the fact that he was a supernatural, funny thing is they were too but their powers never came into the light. So they didn't know. Luke eventually managed to control his powers and broke free of his parents, they were terrified of his true form and stood down when they tried to confront him. He called the police and they were both arrested and put into mental asylums. Luke was put through therapy before being viable for adoption.


When he was eventually adopted by a single supernatural mom, she raised him with a little more love, it took him a while to adjust but eventually managed to grow his first bond and love for someone. Something he feared. She tasked him with looking after her, it was a big responsibility considering she was a Werewolf, but he managed and he loved her. He still lives with her today and it's his job to look after his Mother, he has also helped out other Supernaturals, the experience from looking after his mother helped in Real Life too. Even though he hates the attention it seems to find him and he guides them without realising it sometimes; he just has a passively good heart that never got to blossom properly.


He isn't unemployed, Luke has a Job working a restaurant as a waiter, and it pays enough for him to live normally. His mother also has a Job as a Teacher. 
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