Luke Del Rio


Awesomeness Prophet
Name: Luke Del Rio

Age 16

Sexuality: Hetero


Powers: Wind Manipulation: Able to manipulate the wind to use as a weapon or to increase the sharpness of a bladed weapon if he uses one or his hands so he can do epic lethal karate chops!

Weaknesses: Is unable to fully control the Wind/Air around a person so he won't be able to suffocate a person if they are breathing the air near them


 Believes himself to be a laid-back kind of person who enjoys a good book , instead of getting into trouble with the higher ups, though sometimes he does get dragged into trouble due to his loyalty to his friends (If he does make any) all the while muttering "That we shouldn't be doing this" or "I would rather be learning more about my powers." or even "This is too damn troublesome", all the while in combat he is the guy you look too for combat tactics as he is very well-versed in all sorts of warfare arts due to his reading habits


Bio: Luke Del Rio was born and raised on the Island of Maui in the state of Hawaii in the Town of Lahaina, to a former Captain of the US Navy Seals and a Hotel Executive, both normal but somehow he gained his powers slowly and at the age of seven, he was trying to stick up for a friend of his at the school he went to, and got into a fight with a bully only for him in a fit of rage to thrust his palm out as a gust of fierce wind lifted the bully and sent him flying through a nearby window into the headmaster's office, Luke was looking around and noticed all of his friends looking at him with faces that he will never forget..those of fear, so he ran, ran back to his house and hid in his room until his parents came back from work..

sadly his parents agreed to hide him so their reputation won't suffer and train him to use his powers rather viciously not knowing that they were slowly pushing away their own son, as time grew and his powers slowly grew he finally grew enough courage to run away after finding out about The Mutant Academy in the MainLand of the US, he decided to email the Headmaster their and explain his story hoping to be admitted to attend, after that he bought a ticket using his father's credit card then got on the plane with his belongings and traveled to the mainland in search of the school

Other: Carries around his iPod and his cellphone at all times along with his wallet, iPod has mostly Rock, RnB and Hip-hop in it as well as his cellphone

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