
St. Boethius

The Pious Philosopher


Name: Lucifer/ Satan

Age: immortal

Personality: Sadistic, whimsical, sarcastic, cruel, arrogant

Power: immortality, [SIZE= 16px] invulnerable, super speed, strength, etc.,  healing factor.[/SIZE]

Magic:  illusions, power over hellish elements, astro-projection, 


Lucifer was God's most powerful servant, having no superiors other than God Himself. All other members of the Heavenly Hosts were subject to his will, including the other Archangels. He was reputedly also the oldest and most beautiful angel in all of Paradise. However, Lucifer's glory and power fostered arrogance, leading him to believe that he was a being of perfection. When God created man in his own image, Lucifer refused to bow down to them. Corrupted and consumed by his pride, he deluded himself into thinking that God was incompetent and he was the rightful ruler of the universe.

As a result, Lucifer gathered up an army of rebellious angels and attempted to storm Heaven. In turn, God sent Michael - the only angel skilled and powerful enough to match Lucifer in combat - to meet the rebels in battle. Despite Lucifer's best efforts, Michael emerged victorious, tearing away Lucifer's wings before casting him and his minions into the pit of Hell as punishment. His name was stripped from him, and he earned the title "Ha-Satan" (the Adversary). His treachery against his Father earned him imprisonment in the lowermost Circle of the Inferno, where his bitter tears and the icy winds generated from his ruined wings created the Cocytus, a frozen lake.

Being trapped in the belly of Hell distorted Lucifer. His inner ugliness, caused by his hatred and wickedness, slowly became reflected in his outward appearance, transforming him into a brutish, fearsome abomination. His fellow rebels also suffered, becoming the first members of his new demonic hierarchy. In time, Lucifer attained dominion over Hell, plotting a means to destroy Paradise, kill God, and drag the last of his beloved human race into the mouth of the Inferno.

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