Lucas Cardona - Ironclad


New Member
Civilian Name: Lucas Cardona

Costumed Name: Ironclad

Age: 26



Civilian Appearance:

Power: Ironclad possesses the ability to telekinetically control metal. His control is limited to only a two feet radius around him which makes him useless at long range combat. His abilities give him increased control based on how small each piece of metal is. He uses his powers to mainly armor himself in a suit of metal and to increase the power of each punch. While he’s not particularly strong himself, each strike has the strength of his telekinesis behind it. The suit of armor would ordinarily be too heavy to lift and would be too bulky to move, but his telekinesis gives it a full range of mobility. The armor is made up of several dozen metal pieces that allow for increased flexibility. Drawback: The longer he maintains his armor, the less metal he’ll be able to hold onto. He’ll lose control of pieces here and there, and eventually his armor will fall off. With more metal, the less time he’ll be able to hold onto all the pieces. With light armor, he’ll be able to keep the suit for roughly

Costumed Apperance :


Equipment: Metal armor and sledgehammer. Personality: For a heavyweight mutant, Ironclad is ironically cautious and slow to his approach to everything. He prefers to plan things out instead of charging headfirst into situtations. He at first held onto a strong moral code, but as his membership to Sharpers continue, his rules were slowly getting bent more and more. He was more willing to do things he wouldn’t have done three years ago.

Backstory: Lucas Cardona and his twin sister Angela lived above a little mechanic’s shop in Bridgeport with their father. There, both of them learned everything there was to know about automobiles. His father often joked that Lucas was born with a wrench in his mouth instead of a bottle. Lucas enjoyed working at the shop, enjoyed the grease on his forehead, and the purr when a vehicle was fixed. Lucas was only seventeen when his father died while in the crossfire of a gangfight. Lucas never found out which gang did it, but his powers eventually manifested after the event. Lucas was forced to join the Family in order to keep his mechanic’s shop with his sister. The Family assisted Lucas with taxes, licensing, and stuff like that in return for Lucas’s help. It was mostly minor things, but he did it to keep his sister in a good place. His sister manifested her powers a few years after Lucas did. At first he tried to hide her abilities, but they were eventually noticed by the Family. The Family obviously wanted to put her power to good use and they used her as a frontline combatant against her will. Angela killed her enemies, then thirty other civlians. Her powers had the unfortunate drawback of insanity, combined with her limited control, it was a recipe for disaster. Lucas worked out with a deal with the Family, contain and restrain Angela, and he’ll work for them for free. He promised them whatever they wanted as long as they kept Angela from hurting more people. A dozen Family metahumans came down to Bridgeport to try to tame Angela. She killed off half of them before she was restrained. Lucas worked for the Family for a couple of years before Mary came to power. The Family was ruthless and was trying to tame Angela like some kind of animal. Lucas didn’t agree with their treatment of Angela, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Releasing Angela would cause her to go on another rampage, but not doing anything would result her being treated poorly. Lucas came to Mary with a similar agreement, help his sister, and he’ll support her claim to power. Mary agreed and together, they destroyed the Family’s branch in Bridgeport. Angela was transferred over to Mary’s headquarters where she was closely watched and sedated. As per his agreement, Lucas became Mary’s lieutenant and helped her establish her queendom, as long as Angela was treated well. Angela was confined to a large cell with a small security team where she was fed five times day. She spends most of her days in a daze of insanity with only Lucas managing to calm her down. Some days she’ll be like the old Angela who used to fix motorcycles with him, other days she’ll be someone else entirely. Mary broke away from the original agreement slightly and spent hours trying to convince Angela to join the Sharpers. Angela refused under fear of her power. However, that didn’t deter Mary one bit and Mary every day would come down to Angela’s prison to talk to her. Mary consistently promises Lucas that they’ll find a solution to Angela’s problem. She’ll find someone take away her power. They’ll find someone to fix her mind. They’ll find someone to make sure Angela doesn’t hurt anyone further. That was two years ago and Mary’s promises seemed more false everyday.

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