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[div class=bg][div class=film][/div][div class=pic1][/div] [div class=note]
love me like xo
moonchild. x weldherwings
[/div][/div] [class=bg]width:100%; height:400px; background-color: #94bed1; postion:relative; margin:auto;cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/232c090ebdd37ae4bc17adb54e1e0344/tumblr_inline_ol4nwhvSwg1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important;[/class] [class=film]width:100%; height:400px; background:url(https://alpha1.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/alpha-background-pattern-300x297.png);[/class] [class=pic1]width:350px; height:250px; background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6d/12/69/6d12690a36c6c248c5835bd4c82fb20a.jpg); background-size:cover; position:absolute; top:40px; left:28%; transform:rotate(-5deg); border: 10px solid white; box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #79a6ba;[/class] [class=note]width:500px; height:193px; background:url(https://i.imgur.com/xq25HDZ.png); background-size:cover; position:absolute; top:160px; left:47%; transform:rotate(5deg)[/class]
[div class=bg][div class=film][/div] [div class=1][/div] [div class=2][/div] [div class=pic3][div class="info info03"]
[div class="scroll"]Likes - Spicy food, hanging with friends and meeting new people, taking photographs, collecting cameras, sunsets, the beach, exploring

Dislikes - Feeling trapped or under controlled, being isolated, linear equations (even though he's really good at them), writing essays for assignments, not a fan of American hotdogs for some reason

Personality type โ€“ Protagonist: ENFJ-T โ€“ an extraverted diplomat.

Strengths: Tolerant, reliable, charismatic, altruistic, and a natural leader

Weaknesses: Overly idealistic, too selfish, too sensitive, fluctuating self-esteem, and struggles to make touch decisions

brief history.

the pigeonholed student.
Yoo Minseok was born as an only child into the lives of Kim Dae-Hyun and Yoo Young-Jae, two of the top leading scientists in South Korea for their time. Their reason for bringing a child into the world? Well, for science. They wanted to see what life would be like for a child surrounded by endless opportunities to work in the field of science.

the perfect student.
He was in the top of all his classes growing up. Amongst the higher grading students, he was like a God. However, this made him an easy target for those who didnโ€™t excel as much as he did. Jealousy was a large issue, apparently, and would often result in Min-Seok being caught in fights. From an early age, he learnt that if he reacted back, it would only make matters worse. So, he would just take the beatings and return home afterwards. His years at school were never the best. In fact, it was probably one of the most depressing times of his life.

the exchange student.
And so, he did just what his parents wanted him to do; to enter the field of science at university and continue exploring the wonderful world of science. Because of the constant studying, he felt like he never had the opportunity to socially interact with others as much as he wanted to. He was nineteen years old when he finally had his first kiss and make-out session; he had been her study partner as they worked on a project together. They were able to continue this for a couple more weeks until one day, his parents walked in on them during a make-out session and forbid the girl from coming to their house.

He had his first real fight with his parents that night, claiming that they were so controlling of his life. They, of course, denied it and said that what they were doing was for his own good. Despite his anti-depressant medication, Min-Seok found himself spiralling every so often to the point that one day, he decided it was time to just end it all. He practically inhaled a bottle of pain killers and wished death upon his life.

He wasnโ€™t so lucky.

Min-Seok spent two months in hospital after his suicide attempt; he had issues with his organs from the overdose that required him to stay for the long period. But he also managed to get teamed up with a therapist and doctor who believed that he was right; that he needed to go off on his own and discover the things in life that he was passionate about. And that was how he was able to convince his parents to let him study abroad in America.
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=pic1][div class="info info01"]
[div class=1a] full name
yoo minseok
[/div] [div class=1a] nickname/s
[/div] [div class=1a] age
[/div] [div class=1a] dob
twentieth of june
[/div] [div class=1a] pob
daegu, south korea
[/div] [div class=1a] gender
cis male
[/div] [div class=1a] sexuality
[/div] [div class=1a] studying
bachelor of science
[/div] [div class=1a] face claim
seol wondae
[/div] [/div][/div] [div class=pic2][div class="info info02"]
[div class=1a] height
180 cms (5'11")
[/div] [div class=1a] weight
63kgs (130lbs)
[/div] [div class=1a] hair
Black - short to medium cut
[/div] [div class=1a] eyes
black irises - monolidded with aegyo sol presense
[/div] [div class=1a] body type
[/div] [div class=1a] body mods
helix piercing on right ear
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[div class=tag]basics[/div]​
[div class=flex] [div class=flexleft] [div class=tag]NAME[/div] [div class=tag]nickname[/div] [div class=tag]age[/div] [div class=tag]birthday[/div] [div class=tag]hometown[/div] [div class=tag]major[/div] [/div] [div class=flexright] augusta grace buchanan gussie 20 june 15th los angeles, ca public relations [/div][/div]
[div class=tag]appearance[/div]​
[div class=flex] [div class=flexleft] [div class=tag]hair color[/div] [div class=tag]eye color[/div] [div class=tag]height[/div] [div class=tag]build[/div] [div class=tag]body mods[/div] [div class=tag]face claim[/div] [/div] [div class=flexright] dirty blonde blue 5'6 ectomorph pierced ears clarissa muller [/div][/div]
[div class=tag]persona[/div]​
[div class=tag]personality[/div] spontaneous, loud, sarcastic, enthusiastic, bold, blunt, stubborn, anxious [div class=tag]likes[/div] sunshine, the beach, dogs, making tik-toks, swimming, chocolate chip cookies, listening to music [div class=tag]dislikes[/div] super spicy foods, chocolate ice cream, staying inside, boredom, thunderstorms, fake people
[div class=tag]tidbits[/div]​
- youngest of 3 kids - has 2 older brothers so she saw and went through some shit - grew up on the beaches of san diego - swam and surfed every free moment - dabbled in dance and other sports but stuck with dancing - stopped dancing junior year of high school to focus on studies - got into her first choice university - created her tik-tok account (@augusta_wind) in the middle of her first year - by her junior (third) year, she had 20.2 million followers
[/div][/div] [div class="splash button"] [div class="pic pic1"][/div] [div class=name]augusta buchanan[/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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