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Realistic or Modern Love comes softly/ little house on the prairie



Appearance (realistic faceclaim/picture)
Family: (parents siblings, rich or poor?)
Bio (simple):
Extras (if any):

  • 3ec8facf63bb6d3e30b054b562424fe3.gif

    Full Name: Randall Talbot Callahan

    Nicknames/Aliases: Randy

    Age: 27

    Place of Birth: Victoria, Republic of Texas

    Gender: Male

    Relationship: Married

    Occupation: Rancher, Former Texas Ranger Cavalryman - 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment, ”Terry’s Rangers".
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Name: Elizabeth Holt

Age: 24


miss liΩ.gif

Personality: Elizabeth has the nickname 'Mouse' for a reason. She knows that she's plain looking and a rather plain individual, and she uses that to her advantage. She's very quiet, soft spoken and feminine. Elizabeth is easy to get along with, and the image of the perfect housewife and the least suspecting individual there is. She's religious and believes in good deeds, and the power of those good deeds carrying for decades to come. Her loyalty is undying, and she's fast to fall in love and to forgive those who have wronged her.

Likes: Sewing, cooking, cleaning, traveling.

Dislikes: Boisterous men, prejudice and liars.

Backstory: Elizabeth Holt was born Elizabeth Strathmore, both of her parents hailing from London. They came over when she was just a baby, and they set up a general store business in Virginia. The business grew from one store to three, and they began to rake in money. In spite of this, they never owned any slaves. The Strathmore's were Jewish and they didn't see any real purpose in owning slaves, because of the Exodus. Elizabeth married her husband Eddie Holt when she was seventeen, and she bore him a son named Henry. Eddie was killed in a dispute over some land that they owned on their farm, and Elizabeth was forced to move back with her parents and her infant boy. As slaves began to flee the south, Elizabeth and her family saw no choice but to help them on their way to freedom, hiding them in their grandiose mansion. Not only this, but Elizabeth began to work as a spy for the Union, wanting to do what she knew was right in her heart.. and living in the smack dab middle of Virginia, there was plenty to relay.

Shortly before the war started, she discovered a small band of confederate men camping on her property, one of them turning out to be the love of her life, Randall Callahan. The sparks and deep connection were instant, and soon enough they had to move their relationship to long distance when the war began. Henry had began to refer to Randall as his 'daddy', and soon enough, Elizabeth found out that Randall was going to be a father to a biological child as well. Knowing her letter would most likely not reach it's intended final destination, Elizabeth rode to Gettysburg herself and told Randall the news on the surgical table. As soon as the war was finished, Elizabeth and Randall were given the go-ahead to marry so long as Randall resigned himself from the Confederacy and kept his daughter and grandson safe on their journey out west. With their masses of wealth, Mr. Strathmore gifted them money to build their own ranch and start a new life.
Name: Emma Graham
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Strawberry blond hair
petite build
hazel eyes
Her father (Clark) was a hard working farmer. He believed in working for what you get in life, nothing is ever handed to you. With that being said he wanted to give his children everything he could. He sent them all to school, but made sure they knew the meaning of hard work. Her mother passed away when she was 5 and her father remarried when she was 7. Her step mother (Marty) raised her with all the love she could. She is the oldest of child of 4. Her stepmother had a son before she married her father, and they went on to have two more children. They all currently live in Kansas on her family farm.

Bio: Emma moved to Sleepy Hallow with her Husband Willie A year ago to start a life of their own. Emma's father Clark followed to help with the build of their home. Emma and Willie made a deal for a slice of land a few miles out of the city and they got to work day and night building a cozy little house with a barn to match. Three months after arriving to the new town their home was built and Clark headed back home to let the young couple begin their life. The next six months were amazing. Emma got a job as the local school teacher and Willie was farming and doing odd jobs around the town. It wasn't long until Emma had the feeling their family would soon be growing by two little feet. After getting the opinion of the towns doctor Emma rushed to tell Willie. They were both excited about the next chapter of their life. Little did they know the next chapter of their life would not go as planned. Emma was home writing a letter with the wonderful news to her family, when a knock at her door would change her life forever. The same doctor that Emma had shared the amazing news with just a few weeks earlier, was now telling her that her Husband Willie was dead. He was knocked off of his horse while hunting hitting his head the wrong way on ground. His friends rushed for help with no time to spare, unfortunately they were to late. Emma felt her breath slipping away, in just a few weeks she became a mother and widow. The weeks following the funeral of her husband Emma isolated her self from the town. She spent the weeks trying to figure out what she was going to do. The biggest decision was if she should go back home, of stay on the land her and Willie put so much work into. Pushing her fears aside Emma wrote a letter to her parents explaining all the recent events, that she would love for them to come visit soon but she was staying there. She was going to raise their child in the home their love made. She got her job back as the towns school teacher and pushed forward.
It's been a few months since willies passing. Emma has been working and paying their loan of the best she can. Her baby bump is starting to slightly show, but the subject of the baby and Willie are still sensitive. While most expecting mothers are excited and glowing, Emma is more reserved about her pregnancy. She id terrified deep down, she is struggling with her decisions. She is worried about how she will afford to raise this baby alone and take care of the farm while working. For now she is just moving forward with what she can, trying her hardest and trying not to show anyone how much she is really struggling.

Personality: Emma is very strong willed. She is hard working and hard headed. She puts her heart into everything she does. After Willie died she became really reserved, she is afraid to open up to anyone. When you finally break her outer shell, you will meet a bubbly, loving goof ball.


being alone

Job: Teacher

Extras: WIP
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f694fa103bee9c24e4e99866b2051cb1.jpgName: Nairobi Carter
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Height: 5'3
Appearance: Carmen Ejogo

Family: (If anyone wants to be a family member of hers, let me know!)
Nairobi comes from a wealthy family

- Father-- Nairobi's father is very much alive, and is also married, but not to her mother. Nairobi's father is from old money, which makes Nairobi entitled to parts of his inheritance if he dies.
- Mother-- Nairobi's mother had passed away in France and left Nairobi in the custody of her fathers.
- Stepmother-- Nairobi is acquaintance with her stepmother; let's just say the two do not see eye to eye.
- Stepbrother-- Nairobi is okay with her stepbrother, though it does take time for her to get used to having a sibling. (If anyone wants to be her brother let me know!)

Bio (simple):

Nairobi was born on a ship, while her mother was on her way to France to work in a new household. Originally, her mother had been working for the Carter's ever since she could remember. But William, Nairobi's father, had been engaged during the time and let's just say that Evangeline's mother, Nala, and her father felt the chemistry between one another. That is how they created Nairobi, and when news spread around the manor that William had fornicated with a servent, William's father had no other choice than to send Nala to France. Before William could even know about the child, Nala was sworn not to say a word, or else when the child is born, she will never know William in the future. William's father was a reasonable person, to say that least, and he said that if anything should happen to Nala, the child, Nairobi, would be brought back to the states. William's father made arrangements for her to be given to a long time friend of his, that was overseas and that was the last William heard from Nala. Fast forward to when Nairobi is fifteen years old, and her mother had passed away and all the truth about the past began to come out. Before she knew it, Nairobi was on a boat to America, where she would meet her father for the first time.

Nairobi's first encounter was very awkward and for quite some time, she never referred to William as her father. The language barrier was hard at first, but William looked for a tutor that would teach her English. Nairobi's french accent can still be heard, but it is not thick. Nairobi was given good tutors and was also kept quiet from the outside world as if her father was ashamed of her. Nairobi never asked her father about her mother, nor did he ask what had ever happened to her. Nairobi has been living her life day by day in the Carter manor and keeps to herself without trying to bother others. Nairobi has also taken up making dresses because when she was in France, she would help her mother sew and make dresses for the family they were with. The dresses were grand and gorgeous and very bold. Nairobi still makes dresses because she feels that it is her way of connecting with her mother. Another thing that her mother had taught her was medicinal herbs. Her mother was somewhat seen as a nurse in the household, and whenever someone would get sick, her mother would be there making medicine made up of herbs and other natural resources. Nairobi was always fascinated by that kind of work and the end results really paid off.

Nairobi as soft and angelic her features may look, however her personality makes it hard to comply. Nairobi is stubborn and often times cold towards those she feels threatened by. Though she can be very kind, loving and sweet towards people she grows close too. Due to her father hiring tutors for her, Nairobi has become very grateful and uses it to her advantage by always educating herself as much as possible, which is something that her mother didn't get the chance too. Nairobi keeps her nose in a book, and many people in the household are very surprised at how quickly she can retain a piece of information and how her responses are always either detailed and well-thought-of, or they are simple yet hold such meaning. Nairobi thinks differently then everyone else, she has a thing for wanting to read a persons body language, how they interact with others, their actions and just the kind of persona they put out. Nairobi is also very helpful and will normally be seen in the kitchen helping the other servants out before her father yells at her to remind her that is not her place. Nairobi has trust issues and it is due to the fact that she had such a big past hidden from her and it finally dropped on her when she was about the age of fifteen. Now she is eighteen years old and still has a hard time opening up to others, due to the wall she has built. This makes her seem as though she is quiet, but there is a whole other side to Nairobi that nobody has ever seen before.

- Making dresses
- Gardening
- Cooking
- Education

- Spiders
- Thunder
- Cold weather

- Even though dressmaking is fun, she really wants to open up her own medicinal shop of only organic remedies.

Extras (if any):

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