Love and the Lost God [Inactive]

When Teela was looked at, her eyes seemed to switch back to steely, like an instant defensive switch. She had to hold her mouth when the question arose. Vanity again. Foolish things you do when you feel like you have control of others through looks. It doesn't work on her type though, and she could tell Lucifer wasn't quite that type either.
Heartland smile turned into a satisfied grin, glancing over at Teela. "Greetings, Teela~" He cooed happily. He would've gasped in surprise, he wasn't expecting the other to actually shake his hand so... Gently? After being asked the question, he noticed the disgust and sighed very happily. So that's what he's so fired up about... "These?" Heartland said in a very innocent voice, pointing at the headband. "I thought they'd look cute, I was actually going to give these to a certain someone~" He chimed. "Do you want to try them on? You'd look nice in them~"He said, slipping them off his head and waving them at Lucifer.
Amare chucked at Heartlands actions thinking of just how appalled Lucifer would be. "So, tell me a bit about yourself" he asked Cher.

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"Hi, Teela, I'm new too." Cher smiled wider, dimples now indenting either cheek. It was good to meet someone else in the same boat. She shifted one leg over the other, soft loose blonde waves bouncing around her petite upper frame all the while as she perkily peered up through her lashes.
Teela bit her lip, trying to keep from laughing, but smiling was too late. If she stepped out of her comfort zone, she would be currently egg one of them on. Turning her attention to the trust worthy Cher, she held a thin, long fingered hand out to her, taking into account everyones foreign beauty. She wasn't used to seeing others who were lovely and her age. Black Pawn was the closest thing to pretty and she over did it. Attemping to match Chers bright smile, she slipped into one as well, a little color forming in her cheeks.
Lucifer drops his jaw on being offered to wear those stupid ears. Every single muscle in his face began to show disgust. His posture changed as he bent away from Heartland. He watches as Heartland waves the band at him. 'What does he think of me? Does he take me for a fool?' he thinks as he loses his calm. He releases his right hand out and knocks away the ear from Heartland's hand. He closes his eyes and grits his teeth. He folds his right hand and clenches his fists. With controlled anger he asks, "What kind of an imbecile do you take me for? And what makes you think I'll even wear that contrapation." 'Cute?Did he call me cute?' he thinks. 'One more annoying word and I'll show him who's cute.'
"Teela. I'm Amare, pleased to meet you" he responded warmly with a smile. "I'm sure those ears wouldn't suit Lucifer at all" Amare joked.

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It was hard not to appreciate Teela's kindness, and when she offered her hand Cher gladly took it and attempted the average, yet traditional handshake. "I hope you don't mind me asking where you're from? Your eyes are really..unique." Indeed they were, and Cher possessed somewhat of an envious feeling towards them. They reminded her of a storm in the Caribbean sea. Just when she thought she'd get her response she averted her innocent gaze to the man who'd so rudely whacked the offered ears out of Heartland's hand. Oh how that made her blood boil. Soon enough Cher's fist was balled up and he couldn't hold it in anymore. Abruptly, she stood and marched up to this, Lucifer guy, jabbing her index finger in his chest, and even if it was meant to be harsh it came out as a rather soft gesture. "That is not nice." She was practically shooting poisonous daggers at the boy with darkened eyes.




The room was rather full, tables of students already eating and chattering happily amongst themselves. The sight was rather disgusting and charming at the same time. If Layla wasn't above most of these people she would have been quite happy at the sight. Though she couldn't imagine speaking to such a bunch she had come here for the purpose of having a bit of fun. Her father, being the powerful man he was, had agreed that Layla could transfer into this school if she wished but only if her grades were up. It wasn't a hard thing to accomplish, she wasn't as stupid as she acted after all.

"Boring," She muttered softly under her breathe. Who would she target first then? The group of meek looking students across the room or the bunch that very boldly stood out from the rest of the students. The answer was almost ridiculously apparent. Glancing over her shoulder at her father's attendant she gave a sweet smile, "You can go now, Laurence." He bowed slightly before turning to leave the room, dragging the doors closed behind him to leave Layla with her new classmates.

She crossed to the group in the middle, the flamboyant bundle of students that drew people's gazes, and paused just next to them. Seemed they were already making introductions so with a little sigh she approached and 'meekily' pointed at the only free seat. "Is this seat taken?" She questioned, "Do you mind if I sit?"

Teela blushed deep red and laughed a little. "I am of mixed race, I believe.. My ethnicity is not where I am from." Teela said kindly, trying to wish away the embarrassing red. "Might I ask the same? I haven't seen such a diverse group of people before." She said honestly, then turned to give a girl, similar to the boy with ears, a short nod.
Heartland watches as the other loses his control and knocked the dog ears from his hand. He put on a shocked face, almost hurt as he listens to the words that 'bit' him. He raises his hand to his mouth and looks away, but inside, he was giggling like a kid in a candy shop. "But, Lucifer..." He mumbled. "I was just suggesting... You dont have to if you don't want too..." Now this was entertainment. These other annoying fools didnt compare to when he got someone like Lucifer angry, it was satisfying in a secret sadistic way. Heartland elegantly picked up the headband, putting it on his head this time. "It takes a human to be honorable, but it takes a genius to be daring~" He chimed in a friendly tone, gesturing to his dog ears.

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"ENOUGH!" Lucifer shouted as he pushed away the hand of the dark haired girl. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH WITH ALL OF YOU!!" He frowned at the girl and then at the red-head. Heartland was wearing the band again and spoke something about daring. 'Oh! I'll show you daring. You filth!' His eyes then met Amare. Lucifer then looked around and saw everyone peering at the group. He tried to relax himself and regained his composure. "I'll see you later." he said shrewdly to Amare and left to his seat at the front table. His insides were fueling in rage 'Ughh! I was right all along. I am surrounded by idiots.' he thought as he quickly paced towards his seat, walking like he was going to punch the next person he saw.
Annoyed with her new friend being touched, Teela kicked off, seeming to disappear and within a second, slammed a hand into Lucifers wrist, catching it. "We were being what normal people call polite, imprudent kid." Her voice cut the air it seemed.




To her astonishment she didn't even get a reply to her question, something that shocked her. She couldn't understand the nerve some people had, ignoring her was almost like ignoring a Queen. Still it was very clear she had come at a bad time, what with a sudden argument erupting from the group almost exactly when she spoke.

Childish, she thought sourly to herself as she watched the scene unfold, They are all very childish. The thought almost made her laugh with glee, a feeling of happiness enveloping her as she eyed the various people at the table. Childish, but fun. She figured that she should probably find somewhere else to sit but ignored that urge and took her place at the table anyways. She vaguely wondered with of the pair was more hot-headed, sickly happy for the drama so early in the term.

Lucifer was pacing toward the table when he felt his hand being pulled by another. He turned back with the frown he had and noticed it was the girl that giggled earlier. Trying to keep calm, he pulled his hand."Let go!" he said in a stern, commanding voice. He noticed all the eyes in the hall peering at them. 'So much for being in-discrete with the freshers.' he thinks as he begins to pull his hand and moving forward, dragging the girl with him.
Heartland was concerned with other things, but he made sure to jump up to help Cher, who boldly 'stood up' for him. He liked that. He liked that a lot. He made sure to diguise his eerie satisfaction with a worried face, he held the girls hands, guiding her back to seat. "Please don't be so bold, it was impressive, but wreckless... It's best to be gentle with him." He said softly, his voice almost like a lullaby. He hasnt noticed yet, but there was a newcomer to their humble or not so humble table. Heartland's voice trailed off. Sitting next to her almost immediately as she did, he held out a firm hand. "Hello~ Sorry you had to witness that... I'm Heartland Lambi~" Heartland cooed to the girl with blonde hair and green eyes.

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Teela didn't resist, knowing from examination he was stronger. Still she topped him with speed. She eyed the people watching and noticed his slight discomfort with ease. "If you wish to avoid alienation, I suggest playing along with the vain one. He is the manipulative type though is capable of holding friends with some reasonable people. Poise comes with reputation, and it seems you are one to care." She whispered so only he could here, not really mean, barely icily even.
When she was pushed back, the words of Teela put Cher at ease. She stepped back as the man eft, returning to her seat and running her fingers through her hair with a sigh. Though she was free of sins, Cher couldn't stand cruelty towards others. She simply wouldn't have it.
Lucifer blinked at the girl as he heard some wise advice from her. 'She has a point. This way I'm just dragging hatred with me.' he contemplates in his mind. He loosens up and stands quiet for a while. He then moves his eyes to Heartland and watches him socialize. He notices a new addition to the group and how Heartland has already begun spreading his aura over her. He then looks back at the girl holding his hand. Should he thank her? No way in seven hells. In a forceful movement, he frees his hand from the girl and walks back to his chair.




Shame, Layla thought as the moment quickly dissolved and the room settled, I would have enjoyed to see where that went. She forced herself not to let out a disappoint sigh as a hand was put before her by one of the lads involved in the drama. She eyed him for a moment, taking in the red hair and nice features of the person addressing her at last.

"Layla James," She returned in a soft voice, "It's nice to meet you, Lambi-san." She made a point to give him a tender half-smile with a few bats of her eyelashes, her gaze not meeting his for more then a few seconds in a play of being shy. She was honestly to good at faking innocence then should be legal. She would use it to her benefit though.

Teela released as soon as she felt him ready to yank away. Still, she noticed a slight change. "How ugly.. vanity really sickens me.." She said cooly while he was still in ear shot." She frowned, feeling her guard rise but returned to the group obediently. She felt her stomach churn. Probably the nasty meat she tried. She couldn'thelp but want t turn in, though she liked Cher and felt it would be rude.
Heartland was highly pleased. What a cute, pleasant pet. Could make for a good companion. He bowed his head for her, obviously charmed. "My, my, you're... Cuter than a barrel of kittens. People tell me that I have an intimidating gaze sometimes, so I don't want to make you uncomfortable~"He said, trying to get their gazes to meet once more. Heartland's fascinating eyes twinkled.

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"Don't worry everyone, I'll speak to him, pleasure meeting you all. If you need me, come to the tower, you can't miss it." Amare said as he have them a now and left the table shooting a charming smile to them.

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Lucifer sat back on his assigned seat. He looked at the cold food in front of him and decided to pass on it. He then stared at the group, thinking about what the girl had told him. He peered at Heartland in particular. He noticed how he spoke to the new addition, the blonde. "He is the manipulative type, though." he remembers the girl's words. 'Does that mean he just shows people what they want to see?'. His eyes shrink as he peers at the red-head with the wide smile. Lucifer notices Amare leave the group. Amare's whole body language indicated kindness. 'Maybe there are things I need to change.' he thinks to himself as his plate with the cold food is being replaced with fresh food by one of the maids. "I'm sorry, sir." she says as expresses humility. Lucifer nods at her, still having an involuntary scowl on his face. He begins to eat as he wonders, 'Why couldn't I thank her?'.

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