• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Louven High Project.ooc

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


discord.coming soon

1) Post at least 1-2 paragraphs (7-10 sentences)
2) No goddmodding
3) Be respectful to me and everyone else in this rp. If you are being disrespectful to anyone you will be removed point blank period.
4) If things get heated fade to black
5) If there is confrontation between member in the rp please take it to PM don't put the OOC or in the IC
6) Be active, post at least two to three times a week, if you are not active please give me a reason, if you are not active for 2 weeks your character will be removed and your spot will be open
7) I would like to see literate and detailed posts. If there are too many grammatical errors or if your posts are not meeting the requirements, I am sorry but you will be removed from the rp. I do not accept poor grammar, illiterate posts, and short responses.
8) Don't create your own role for my rp, I had someone do that before and almost kicked them out
9) What I say goes, if you are not accepted please do not ask me(ya can't pm me ha!) why I didn't accept you.
10) I will be assigning the pairings so do not ask anyone to be your character's partner.
11) I highly recommend BBcode (mainly cause I just love it), if you don't know how to code the BBcode center is there for you.
Ummmm can't think of anything else so just have fun!!


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