Louie Stilts


The very small smurf
Description: He wears a torn jester outfit and hat and he's stopped caring about washing off the blood from his hands at this point so they're covered in red. he uses a Jester staff with a chain attached to it along with Rift portals as weapon. As for his actual physique Louie is tall, but not very strong, suppose most would see him as a tall beanpole.

Age: 19

Race: Void/Undead

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Place of birth: The Void

Faction: None

Personality: Louie Stilts doesn't put much value in friendships, he has many contacts but not many friends or relationships due to his enjoyment of travelling and mischief, his enjoyment of pranks and mischief is also why he is part of every faction, and yet none of them. He helps anyone who could help him and stays away from those who seem to not be worth the trouble.

History:Louie is a wild card among the factions, he travels freely over the lands using his void powers, living day by day in a new area depending if it fits him or not. This rapid travelling has made him establish plenty of contacts in each faction and works as a spy to many underground societies in each of them.

He was born inside of The Void itself which his father had brought them into in order to let Louie's undead mother give birth in a safe and quiet space. After the birth Louie remained in The Void and was brought up within it by his father since his mother could not survive within it for longer than a few minutes thanks to Louie's fathers abilities. Louie only saw few glimpses of the outside world when his parents left to get food. He was raised and taught by his father within the Void since it was considered to be safest for him due to their troublesome past, however they were unaware of the effect that The Void could have on even Void demons.

After a while Louie started changing mentally, however his parents, who were so used to him, didn't notice the subtle changes, and before they knew it he had gone completely mad. "And that's where I come in, oh pardon should probably introduce myself, I am Louie, or well, I'm the other part of him I suppose you could say, or maybe I'm the original? Ah who cares, what IS important on the other hand is what comes next, now I'll just hush and let you guys enjoy the rest of this little psychopaths backstory" And when Louie's father returned to his son for the final time Louie went into an enraged rampage, The Void had completely clouded his mind and had split his personality in two, one that was calm and solemn, and one that was mad, murderous and unstable "Now most people would most likely say that I am the second one, however in my opinion I'm just simply the fun and entertaining part of this little bugger, I mean I was the one who got him out of that dark, empty place that he'd been kept in by those two boring mortals he saw as family. But man oh man have things been interesting from that point forward, I'll let this guy explain it though, I'm not much for storytelling" After killing his father Louie opened a rift and took his first steps out into the real world, his mother looked at him, horrified when she saw the blood that covered her only son that carried the corpse of his father, as he saw his mother for the first time in ages, since she'd been kept outside of The Void to not deteriorate, all he saw in her eyes was fear and disgust and so, he killed her too.

After killing both his parents Louie's bloodlust dissipated and he regained consiousness, and as he saw the bodies of his parents he knelt down and wept, both scared of the new world that he'd entered and ashamed of what he'd done.

Louie couldn't live with the shame of murdering his parents, however he also refused to leave them, thusly he opened The Rift into the void and tossed the corpses of his parents into The Void so he would see them every time he would use it and be reminded of what he could do if he didn't keep himself in check.
"Not that that really helped, I mean he still from time to time ends up killing a civilian village here and there, accidentally teleporting only half of them into the void or other pleasantries, but anyway, I'd say that is pretty much that's all there's to it, he killed his parents, started living on his own with the corpses of his parents and other victims within The Void and works for whoever pays best, oh yeah and the Jester costume was my idea, you see? I told you I am the funny one"

Likes/Dislikes: (bullet point form)
+ The Void "Yeah I'm a pretty big fan of that place too, I mean it's where I came from so..."
+ Children "Pfft, just because you had shit parents doesn't have to mean that you can only handle kids"

- Murder "Whuss"
- Killing "Buzzkill"
- His other self "Hey! That kinda stings you know"

His undead inheritance gives him the ability of slow aging and he won't bleed out even if he'll lose a limb, his father and living inside the Void has let him become well adapted in The Void and summoning portals

His stable part of himself does not enjoy fighting and will much rather run from a battle than even try to talk his way out of it. His unstable part is clumsy and to agressive for his own good so it really doesn't care about wounds, even if it might put itself out of action. "What? I enjoy the thrill of it and sometimes I get a bit carried away that's all"

KiKi Kitsune KiKi Kitsune
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