Lost [Inactive]

TheCannibalChicken updated Lost with a new update entry:

Roleplay beginning

Ok, the rp has officially started. You are free to post your introduction posts, whilst you wait for mine.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Lily was sitting in her seat, staring out the window at the looming trees as they passed by. Light, faintly green due to the thick foliage, filtered through the leafy canopy into elegant rays that speckled the forest floor next to the road. She seemed sort of day-dreamy, a thoughtful gleam in her eyes, a dreary but entranced expression marking her facials. Lily had always thought there was something special about forests, being an animal-lover as she was... The silence of the wilderness was strangely eerie, but at the same time, stunningly beautiful. From a sudden jolt of awe that came with understanding after her long moments of thoughtfulness, she seemed in shock, only for a few seconds, holding in her breath with awe of the mysterious splendor of it all. She wanted to show others the beauty she saw in the wilderness... But she simply didn't know how. Some people, no matter how many times they're dragged to the forests, read books where such beauty is emphasized, or watch such animations and movies with the same goals, never saw it. As if they would always be blind to the fascinating realm that was the more wild places of nature, too busy admiring the progress of mankind alone. The girl pitied these people, that they would never be able to experience what she felt now... Further more, she pitied the world's diminishing wildlife and habitats. Even if one didn't care for animals, surely they could agree that a walk through a forest was more enjoyable than a trek through a city stinking of smog and polluting smokes?

Shiloh was sitting in the seat behind Lily, examining the albino girl's fascinated expression, returning it with her own perplexed one. She did see what Lily saw in the woods, just a smaller fraction of the splendor. I don't get it... Shiloh thought among her confusion, glancing out the window as well. While she saw the sunlight dappling the forest floor, the fluorescent light sifting through the leaves... But compared to Lily, she was still somewhat blind to the greatness of it all. Maybe no completely, but continuing in these metaphorical terms, we could say that Shiloh's eyesight was poor compared to Lily's. But then, Lily was blind to the rest of the world; the albino girl could not see any of the beauty in human culture of intelligence, nor in accents or human talents and accomplishments. It's as if you can't see one without being blind to the other. Shiloh reasoned thoughtfully in her mind, staring out at the trees and foliage-filled corridors of the forest, and wishing she could see what Lily saw, for just a moment to experience..

Joshua was tapping one foot, looking out the window as well. His mind raced with the excitement of swimming, camping, and the like. He recognized that his hyperactivity was building up again, but he had left his medications at home, so what was he to do about it. "Hey! Reggie!" He seemed to call to his befriended, hoping maybe he could try to calm himself down with social interaction? Unfortunately, this was a mistake, as social interaction would simply make him more hyper. He was now kicking both feet back and forth, unable to keep still. He glanced briefly behind him to Shiloh and Lily, both girls looking out their windows with thoughtful gazes. He two seemed 'blind,' but Josh was one of the unfortunate beings who only saw half the splendor of mankind, and half the beauty of the wild, never fully in either. These people were often common, giving reason for why most people didn't 'gush' over the works of mankind, and most didn't 'gush' over the earth's wilds. These 'neutral' characters, though they could understand the importance of saving the environment, or the advancement of technology, simply could find no particular awe in either.
Kali looked up from her book, her favorite book, The Fox and the Hound by Daniel P. Mannix, which was well worn, and read dozens of times. Though the book had some dark undertones it always grounded her, maybe it was the familiarness of it, maybe it was something else. She gazes out the window, enjoying the view now that they were away from town. She appreciated the beauty of nature and enjoyed being surrounded by it. Something about it just called to her, nothing judged you in a forest, you just are. She had definitely decided a hike through the woods was in order at least once during her time at this camp, if not more than that. She figured she'd have some free time, she wasn't a very social person and not because she didn't want to be but because she wasn't a very talkative person to begin with. She comes off a little cold at times but that wasn't her intention, she just never let anyone get very close to her. No one can hurt you that way after all. Her thoughts were interrupted when she hears Joshua call out and she leans back against her seat and returns her gaze back down to her book.

Fred quietly sung with the song currently playing on his MP3. It was Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer. He didn't know how that even got into his song list but eh, it's a good song. "You gotta keep your head up..." he sung quietly. The volumes wasn't loud, it wasn't too quiet either. It's just loud enough that Fred could hear some people chatting from the back and of course, Joshua shouting. He was rather used to this, since he'd been with these people for a long time (at least to him). Since the noise attracted Fred's attention from his MP3, he decided to look around a bit. He saw Kali reading a book and he had to lean forward from his seat a bit to make out the title. It was The Fox and the Hound. Why was she reading that? Not that it's a bad thing, of course. But why was she reading that? Fred didn't know. Then, Andy Grammer's song ended and Safe and Sound by Capital Cities played. "Ooh, this is good." he said while he softly tapped his foot along with the rhythm. Fred liked this song. Sadly, he didn't have anyone to direct it to. The girls only thought of him as their friend, why bother? Heck, some even think of him as some kind of... school stranger. He liked all the girls, not romantically of course, unless something really weird happens, like one of them trying to kiss Fred.

YEAH, RIGHT. Like that would happen.

Alexa gazed out the foggy bus window, taking in the beauty of the forest outside. She had always appreciated nature and it's gorgoeus ways. Nothing could beat sitting outside under a tree with a good book, letting the smell of fresh leaves and growing flowers surround you. Everything about that thought was perfect. It was the animals, though, that really caught her attention and filled her heart with wonder and joy. The simple nature of dogs or the intelligent purpose of cats, all of it was fascinating. Alexa's eyes trailed back to the interior of the bus, from which she could hear Fred singing a song softly to himself and Josh shouting something inaudible. Alexa smiled slightly to herself from where she sat at the very back of the bus, in one of the farthest seats. She had a shy nature, and though she liked her classmates very much, they often made her nervous and even sometimes scared. She tended to be quite awkward and giggly around them, which usually ended up with her messing something up, so she rather stuck to the back of the crowd and kept her mouth shut. Returning her gaze to the beautiful green foliage, Alexa rested her head against the back of her seat, yawning soundlessly.
Jen strained against her seat belt, too curious to sit still. She managed to kneel on the seat, face pressed against the glass looking at the wondrous expanse of forest as it rushed past. She was so excited and nervous to get to their destination, she'd never done anything like this before. IT was especially scary because they were all high school kids, and she was away from her parents. She turned, still kneeling on the seat, with her back to the front of the bus and lent on her folded arms against the back of her seat looking over at the rest of the passengers. Directly behind her was Lily, and behind Lily, Shiloh. She smiled broadly, doing her best to swallow her fear of being away from home,

"This is gonna be so much fun. I'm so excited, I can't wait to see the place. Can't you?" She was unaware of Lily's reverie, sweet as Jen was, she wasn't great at reading people.
Lily didn't turn, obviously still focused on the terrains outside that flashed by in their brilliant shades of green.

Shiloh glanced to Jen as the girl tried to communicate with the albino, concern gleaming her green depths (Of her eyes, that is.). "She's in one of those 'trances' again." She calmly explained, pushing back a lock of black hair. She cast a worrying glance to Joshua as well; the poor guy was literally trembling, as some with severe AHAD as his often did. "You forgot your medications, didn't you?" The girl called, and Josh gave a nod, expression obviously worried. "Well... Try your best to stay calm... Take a deep breath..." Shiloh began advising and instructing, and Josh began doing as directed.

(I apologize for the shortness, I was a bit busy. )
Megan was almost buried in her chair. she slept trough almost the whole ride. with her cheek against the window. then she just woke up out of no were. she had her iPod on and her favorite song was playing rise and fall from adventure club. she looked around some people were chatting, Kali was reading and Fred was also listening to music. she looked out window the forest was so beautiful and peaceful. she was super excited about this trip because she loves nature and it's beauty. while preparing for this trip she studied this forest but she never actually been here. so she toke a little logbook with her to do a little of her own study and research. the first thing she is going to do there is just explore the place and go for a hike. than a million questions popped up in her head are we almost there yet? what is the power runs out in the cabin? did i pack everything? than she grabbed her bag and just digs trough it and takes a bottle of water out drinks something and starts to calm down, and just goes back to sleep.

Jen blinked "Oh, OK." Jen said quietly. She sunk low with just her eyes popping over the edge of her seat. She looked around at the others, her empathy stretched out to Joshua, but she still felt a little distant from everyone. The thought of being without her parents crept back up on her. Feeling desperate she started to root around in her backpack, feeling for her toy rabbit. She knew it was babyish... but it comforted her. She hugged it close to her chest and turned back around to face the window, curling up as best she could.
(Gah! Sorry, I didn't know this had already started.)

Mazey let out a sigh as she leaned back into her soft chair, her strange dark amber eyes glancing upwards to look into the forest that was buzzing by. She knew that most other people in the world loved to stay inside and play video games or read, which is also something that she enjoyed highly of as well, but she also loved to take the time out of her agenda to just sit back and enjoy mother nature. The sights, sounds, smells, and everything in between always took her breath away with its flawed beauty, a beauty which many also didn't have the eyes to capture.

Still staring out to the array of greens and browns, ignoring the chaotic noise spinning all around her for a moment of peace, Mazey thought about what this camping trip could benefit to her. It's such a nice day and the weather shouldn't become too fluctuated in the next few days or week. Plus, it's nice just to take a break and be with people who she actually knew.

As that last thought slipped through her mind the dark redhead couldn't help but cast her eyes to the other people in the bus alongside her, a smile fining its way onto her lips in one easy and fluent motion. It would indeed be nice to finally hang out with her friends on her own terms and own time for once.
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