Lost in a Story (For SkyFlames)

Elise brushed her light brown hair behind her ears as she walked down the sidewalk. She hummed along to a song that was stuck in her head at the moment. It was a windy day and dark clouds started to gather above. She didn't pay no mind to it; she was on a mission to buy her current boyfriend a gift for his birthday.

Several rain drops fell and she felt them hit the top of her head and face. With a sigh Elise ran down the street to avoid the rain at all costs. "Come on come on!" She cried but then it started to just pour and she had no choice bu to take shelter in on the the buildings next to her.

Elise shook some of the water off of her and looked around and saw she was in the library. The librarian was already telling her to shush and giving her a mean look. Elise had some books checked out already and they were late. She smiled nervously and decided to scout around a bit until the rain stopped.

Her favorite section was fantasy, she loved reading about fairies and magic and mermaids and all of that stuff. She walked into the fantasy section and looked at several books, making a checklist in her mind of books she would check out next time. The more she looked the more she felt a strong urge to find a certain book. She didn't even know what this book was but she had to find it. She searched desperately and then she found it. It had no title and the cover looked plain. She took it off the shelf and looked at it a bit before opening it up randomly and seeing a strange circle on the page with runes all around it. She put her hand on it suddenly a bright light came from the circle and swallowed her. The book fell to the ground and she was no longer there.

She felt the cold ground beneath her and she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She wasn't in the library anymore, and she wasn't anywhere she recognized. "H-hello?" She called out.
A heavy fog hung in the air, thick as soup and when a wind passed through, it swirled about in an eerie manner. At a time like this, when one couldn't see their hand in front of their face, it'd be foolish to travel about, and yet several people were outside, worried sick to their stomachs.

However in the sea of fog, was a tall lanky man. He held a lantern in one hand, clasping his long trailing cloak in another. Dark hair with green eyes, normally Reth would be considered a handsome man, but tonight he was distressed. Another child disappeared from his town, and everyone was ordered to go looking for her. However, Reth had very little hopes. All of the children who disappeared never returned home, and they've been missing for almost a month now.

"Sarah!" His voice cut through the fog like a knife. "It's Reth, come back home! Your parents have been worried sick."

A voice called out from the darkness. Reth lumbered towards it with his lantern held out, and saw an outline in the darkness.

"Sarah? Sarah, is that you? Oh my goodness, we've all been worried sick."

As the light illuminated Elise, Reth's face scrunched up in confusion. "You're not... Sarah."
Elise could hear people calling out and she didn't know who they are. she saw the light come through and a male's voice call her Sarah. She covered her face from the sudden light and then squinted her eyes to see this man. "No, I'm not Sarah." she said, and looked around. "And where am I?"
His eyes roamed over her body, assessing her clothes. They were very different and for that night's weather, it didn't look like she was well dressed. Reth couched down and dimmed the light on his lantern, so as not to scare her. Up close his eyes were of a rich deep green, almost like emeralds and a warmth emanated from them.

"As of this moment you are along the border between the Forest of Kor, and the town of Winchester. Tell me, if you are not Sarah, then who are you? Where are you from?"

Unclasping his cloak, Reth threw it over Elise's form. Underneath the man wore a green tunic and tan linen pants, both of which looked well worn.
She didn't know what to think of this man all of a sudden who appeared. Was she being Punk'd by some friends of hers or something? She thought he did have pretty eyes, though hers was a lame light brown color just like her hair. "Forest of Kor and Winchester what?" She asked confused at the names he gave her. she didn't understand them at all. "And my names Elise and I come from a city called Atlanta, ever herd of it?" She asked. She did feel a bit cold and was thankful that he gave her his cloak to keep warm.
Reth's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He lifted Elise to her feet, standing at his full height of six feet. This was rather unsettling, her not knowing where she was at.

"Come, I'll take you back into town."

He brightened his lantern and led the way back on a small narrow trail. Bramble lined the way back, catching onto his cloak and their pant legs.

"The forest of Korr is a most dangerous place. No one steps inside it unless it is daylight and avoid it like the plague at night. I'm surprised to find you so close to here." He regarded her with serious eyes. "As for Winchester, it is my home and the closest town is several miles away. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it."

Faint lights shined through the dense fog, the lights of Winchester. They were getting close.

"Elise you say? And you're from Atlanta?" He shook his mane of dark hair. "I'm afraid I haven't heard of such a place. Are you sure you haven't fallen and hit your head? Then again, your face is unfamiliar." 
((I'll be back, I have to make dinner. Might be able to post before I have to go to bed.))
She looked around at where she was at. It was eerie and she didn't want to be left here alone so she left with this guy. She looked around the unfamiliar place with curiosity, her heart that loved fantasy wanted to know more and more about this place.

"I think I'm from a different world. The last thing I remember was going into a library and finding a book and then I woke up in this...place." she said as she looked at him. "I didn't get your name either."
"You may call me Reth."

He held the lantern up higher, trying to illuminate more of the ground as they walked. Up above the moon was a golden sphere and clouds hung low and thick - a most dreadful night.

"A different world?" His frown grew deeper as they continued walking. "My, I think you have hit your head. When we get back to my cottage, I'll see if you suffered any injuries. Books are for reading my dear, last I checked you couldn't get suddenly sucked into a world."

Although that thought was unsettling. To believe that his own world and the villagers within were part of a story was a terrifying idea. What if they weren't real? What if they were creations of a writer? Reth shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He reached over and pinched himself hard. There was pain. That was good.

"We're here," he murmured.

A small group of people gathered around a building. Many of them held lanterns and in the center of the group was a woman. Her face was in her hands, and she stood hunched over, crying. Another man, perhaps her husband, gently stroked her back, but it looked like he too was ready to sob.

"Have you found her Reeth?" A man, clothed in the same way as Reeth, rushed over and inspected Elise. "This isn't Sarah. I don't think I've seen your face before miss."

Suddenly the group of people swarmed over, their faces curious and eager.

"Is that Sarah?" bustled a maid.

"That's not her..." replied an elderly woman.

"Where is Sarah then?"

"Lost more than likely... They've all been lost." The child who said this got whacked smartly over the head.

"Well if she isn't Sarah, who is she?"

"That isn't Sarah," boomed Reth. "She's merely lost and I found her near the forest."
As Elise walked into the town with Reth she looked around seeing these people huddled together. She saw some lady and guy crying. They were repeating that name again. Sarah. Elise didn't know who this Sarah was or why they were looking for her, she was lost. She thought that she'll turn up eventually. she kinda hoped that.

Elise didn't do well with close spaces as they swarmed her, her eyes darting back and forth among the unfamiliar faces. She felt herself panicking a bit and tried to calm herself down before she hyperventilated. The only way she knew how to calm herself down was humming a song her mom sung to her when she was little.

She stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything in case she did hyperventilate.
The poor thing looked like she was panicking. Reth reached in between the crowd of people, grabbed hold of Elise's hand and dragged her out. The man gave a very apologetic smile and shouted some excuse about her suffering from a concussion, thanks to a fall.

"Look ill," he murmured into her ear, before hauling her off.

Reth walked swiftly behind the rest of the buildings, using the cover of shadows to hide their presence. Unlike the modern world with their street lights, the only lighting that existed here was the moon, and strange floating candles. They hovered ten feet off of the ground and emitted a golden, almost orange colored light. Reth looked non pulsed about them, making a beeline to his cottage. He opened the door by breathing on the lock, heard it snap open, and walked inside.

It was pitch black, but Reth's lantern quickly flooded the place with light. It was a small cottage, compact and cozy. Curtains hung from a tiny window and in the corner was a cot where he slept, two chairs sitting alongside a small table, and a hallway that led to other rooms.

"Now you sit on the bed while I get some more light in here."
The world was so strange to Elise, she couldn't comprehend it. She heard about getting lost in a book before but she never thought it could be literal. She wondered if anyone in her world missed her. Her boyfriend no doubt and her family, and maybe friends. She didn't know how she would get back home.

She missed her world, the electricity and everything. But this world didn't have anything like that, they lived off of what they had. "What's going on with those people? Who's Sarah?" She asked Reth as she sat down on the bed.
He bustled around his home, lighting candles and putting out the flame in his lantern. Reth returned with some gauze and bandages.

"Now lets see about your head. I'm pretty sure you suffered some sort of concussion. Maybe you've forgotten where you're from."

Of course this man wasn't going to accept Elise's reasoning for being in the world. Sure magic existed, but there was no way he lived inside of a book. But when he examined her head, he found nothing. Puzzlement filled his green eyes.

"You aren't... Injured." He sat back on a stool, regarding Elise in a new light. He looked like he was about to say something about her being from another world, but instead changed the topic. "Sarah disappeared from her bed sometime tonight. Her parents checked in on her, saw she wasn't there, and rang the alarm. Children have been disappearing for almost a month now and we don't know why."

Perhaps she was the reason why the children left... Perhaps she was sounding like a lunatic because she was the one stealing them away.
Elise knew she didn't have a concussion. "I'm sorry to hear." She said when he told her what happened. She looked around a bit awkwardly, she was in some other guy's house n some other world inside of a book. She kind of hoped she was dreaming so that when she woke up she'll be back in the library with a book laid out on the table she was reading.

She tried to think of something else to say to lighten the mood a bit or something. "Uh...I never said thanks for all this." She said. "I know I must seem weird to you, and you and this whole place is weird to me, but I'm not crazy." she said defending herself a bit in case he did think she was crazy. She heard what the villagers said as she left too.
Issabelle always had a knack for fantasy. She would dream of princesses, dragons, mermaids, fairies, witches and more. Always daydream, Always pretend.

Issabelle tilted her head back, thinking about of the things she would do if she were ever in a fantasy world. But its would never happen, she knew tha. Her carmel colored hair cascading down her shoulders. Her mom enters her bed room. "Issa, would you like me to take you to the libary now, i'm done with all my work."

"Sure, just let me get my bag." She says with excitement in her voice. issabelle grabs her bag puts her drawing books pencial pouch and get in the car.

Be back tomorrow, i really like the roleplay story, )
(( Umm.... ._.;; We already started this rp and the title says it's for Skyflame... I'm sorry ^^;; I don't mean to sound like a Bad person or anything. :( ))
Sorry.................... :( i just thought added just one more person make it a lot more interesting.
It's ok i just really, really, liked the story line. haha i just really really love fantasy and erveything about it )

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