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Fantasy Lost Elders (Dragon rp)

where there is darkness, there can or cannot be light.

but-- always-- where there is light, there is dark.

~some famous guy

- - - - -

That aside I'm going to be joining this. Or trying.
Guys. I'm gonna be absent for a few days. My internet's pretty much gone. I'll be back when I get more or my laptop decides to play nice with me. So, sorry. I won't be posting for a few days.

@Rathalosa You're characters are accepted! I'll add them when I get back. But feel free to start posting.

Oh, and to the other elders (if you're even paying attention to this anymore) I really need you guys to reply. Or even just tell me if you're currently busy. You guys are kinda key to this Rp and I can't carry on without you.

If I haven't heard anything by the time I get back, I'll tag you in another message. If you're no longer interested, I'll have to give your roles to other people. Or change the concept of this completely. It's not fair on the others.

(Or if someone can be helpful, tag the other elders in a message for me. I need to sort this out.)
Im pretty sure the elders that gathered at the tavern are/were waiting for Meredith to reply. Or at least I am.

Ive been checking the thread everyday. Just have nothing to post for a new interaction; my characters are in a stalled conversation and all of the other characters are elsewhere.
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ShadTheWerepire said:
@Ephemeral Epiphany @Flutterby @Rayischo
Tagged for @AriaPsiana389 trying contact the other elders, see the post above. I would love to take your roles so I recommend replying ;)
Hey! I totally wasn't getting notifications for this so I just checked it out to see how far it progressed. A bit more than I could catch up so, considering I only did one post it gives plenty room for you to take my elder role if you desire. I went ahead and deleted my character so you can whip one up.
ff, I really do need to reply. If somebody wants to take over my character or replace her they can, or I'll sit down to post next time I can. I'm sorry. ;-;
@AriaPsiana389 Myself and @A Simple Egg are still here.

If you can give a suggestion as to what to do with my character, I would appreciate it. Like do the elders have a designated meeting place orr should we just wander from the tavern and run into someone?
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Okay. I didn't want to post without checking. Thanks! @AriaPsiana389

Oh hey how ya doing my friend! Been a while since I've seen you. Think it was that rp with Koen and the whole dragon shifter thing?
I was bored and searching for some rps and saw this one here and decided even if it was dead at least i'd check it out.
Yeah we were in that dragon shifter RP together Survival of the Fittest.  I guess this is dead, I haven't bothered looking much through the old system role plays.

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