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One x One Lost connection (character sheets)



A succesful failure

Lost Connection


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Muse A.


Once wild and cheerful kid, is now an overworked and serious adult. He had to go back the one place he never wanted to visit again. The town he spent his childhood in. Not something bad without something good, he mets a guy he used to be best pals with.

Muse B.


Happy go lucky guy who has spent his whole life in the same old town he grow up. He's now running his family business: a restaurant. He meets his old pal who isn't like he used to be. IS he able to bring out the old persona of his friend back?


Muse A and B are childhood friends and they used to be inseparable, and they even dated in high school. However as they got older muse A's left the town to study abroad. Slowly but surely the two of them lost in contact. Muse B continues living in the town spending their childhood and adult years there. They accidentally meet when muse A visits their old hometown, muse A's grandparent has died leaving a big house with tons of old items to them. Muse A and B go to a local pub to chit chat and memorize their past spent together. Muse B almost doesn't recognize muse A who has changed so much. Once cheerful and wild kid is now reserved and silent, they are not happy to be back at the town. They make a deal: muse A will stay in the town so long it takes to clean up the grandparent's house and muse B will help.

♡coded by uxie♡

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