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Fantasy Lorium Rules

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The Big Boom
So the rules aren't that strict unless like someone really pushes the envelope.

  1. Follow all RPN rules
  2. No Godmodding
  3. No leading monsters to other characters in an effort to kill them
  4. PVP is allowed as long as both parties agree to what degree of lethality
  5. If you send your character into a sticky situation and will die accept your death
  6. Do not be an asshole just to be one. This includes being a dick
  7. Most Space, Time, Destruction, World Bending, Reality Bending, Blood, Mind control, and Body control magic and skills are banned
  8. Necromancy is limited in that you can't control more than 5 zombies or skeletons
  9. Summoning is limited in that you can't have more than 5 summons at any given time
    1. Summons must be approved first before being used
  10. You may only have one character at any given time and can not post a new character until the old one is dead
  11. Please refrain from being overly edgy. A little is fine but don't go too far
First-time offenders will be warned, second-time offenders will not be allowed to participate for two pages, and third-time offenders will be kicked from the game.

A case by case bases may be implemented depending on the severity of the rule broken

Rules are subject to change
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