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Fantasy Lore of Lucien's Academy



No One is gonna save you, Fuck your Faith.
(Coding to be added in time)
In this world, there are Humans, and Non-humans, also known as "Mythical Creatures". In this Thread, You will find the Rules of this world, a list of Species to chose from, and a brief history of Lucien and his Academy.

  1. Characters can only be one of the Speicies that exist in this world, any deviation must be approved beforehand
  2. Proper grammar is a necessity, that being said, everyone makes mistakes, no shaming of one another due to them making a mistake.
  3. Mods are to be listened to, everyone gets 3 warnings before they are removed permanently. These warnings will be communicated through a PM from either myself, or a Mod
  4. To become a mod, one must prove to me that they can be trusted to help run "The Academy" through demonstration of Roleplay skills and a short interveiw over PM, further instructions would be given at that point.
  5. No Kill Zone. Killing is only permitted in the case of NPCs, or the removal of a Character from the Storyline.
  6. Duels and Battles between students must take place under the supervision of a Staff member (Moderator)
  7. Respect one another, we are all here to have fun. No drama, No trolling, and absolutly NO BULLYING. Any of these discrepancies will earn you an immediate expulsion from the Academy.
  8. Tag those whom you are interacting with.
  9. 2 character max unless previously apporved
  10. Use the any of "Suppose" "Darkness" or "Clan" in your CS as proof that you have read the Rules.

Species List and Description:

  • Vampire: Pale, red eyes, subsists of different forms of blood, cant go out in direct sunlight. Most have the ability to manimupate physical elements and compulsion, among other low-level magic.
  • Werewolf: strong in human form, can shift between the shape of a large wolf and human form at will, but will lose control of their form at times of extreme emotion. As the moon waxes it becomes harder for the werewolf to keep control of their form
  • Demon: Creature from the underworld, usually born of the pureblooded decendants of Lucifer, but can aslo be created by botched Black Magic rituals. can take a number of forms, but all have the defining feature of sharpened teeth, black eyes and a bodily growth (Horns, tail, spines, etc)
  • Angel: Pureblooded decendants of Michael and Uriel, distinguished by crystal blue eyes and snow white wings.
  • Daemon: Halfblood demon, only born from the union of a human and a pureblood decendant of Lucifer, very, very rare.
  • Nephthalim: Born of the Union of an Angel and a non-angel, they inhheret their angelic parent's wings, but in any color.
  • Shapeshifter: Can take any of five animal forms at full maturity, shifting abilities dont appear till adolecence. (Five forms will be chosen in the CS)
  • Mutant: A small population of humans that were experemented on, some have 'super powers' others odd deformities or growths. (Rare)
  • Faerie Type: 5 types of Faeries, as a whole they are elemental creatures very close to the earth and mother nature, decended from Ancient Druid Elves.
    • Faerie Type: Gaiafae- Resembeles modern depiction of fairies, pretty shimmery wings and pixie dust, elemental magic is Earth, control of earth and vegitation, the most common Fae Type
    • Faerie Type: Incendifae: creatures of fire and heat, dark skinned and firey tempered. their wings are rarely visible, generally made from heat waves. Originates from the Ring of Fire
    • Faerie Type: Lymphafae: often mistaken for Water nymphs in mythology, they do not have wings but can survive underwater indeffinitky, generally having blue tinged skin, control over water and Charm magic(Like a Siren)
    • Faerie Type: Aetherfae: with wings made of cloud-like substance, another Faerie Type mistaken for a greek-myth, this time the Wind Spirits governed by Zeus. They are known for flighty attitudes and speed.
    • Faerie Type: Animafae: the most rare Faerie, wings usually feathered, usually has some sort of Horn/antler type growth, also known as the Greater Elemental Fae, has reasonable control over all elements, including Spirit. (Intangible force that acts similarity to telekinesis)
  • Note: All of the above speceis can be Hybred, except Angel-type and Demon-type, if you have any questions either PM me, or ask in the OCC

History of Lucien's Academy for the Gifted
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