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Looking for creative RP partners!


sounds gay i'm in
Hi everyone!

So I’ve been creating this idea for a small while now, and I’m looking for someone who would like to roleplay it with me.


This roleplay is set in the modern future, where the extremities politics have divided society into two sections who, on the surface, have found peace between one another after countless riots over conflicting political agendas, which lead to the deaths of thousands. Such activism was considered unethical, and in order to avoid unnecessary loss to the population, the two parties agreed for the first time in decades to split their followers in order to achieve peace. However, this is all a façade to keep the public from raging out again. To them, this is a simple ‘agree to disagree’ scenario that has been resolved by simplistic segregation, but the reality is far different from what it seems.

Internally, aggressive disputing between politicians rages on with a notable body count, yet totally hidden from the unsuspecting public. In fact, such authorities have become so paranoid that they have taken to breeding humans in order to protect them from those who disagree with their capitalistic and greed ensued policies. Such people are willing to kill in order to break down laws they oppose with. These crimes have been kept a secret from the public to avoid mass panic, and it is our job to ensure this remains.

We are both products of our ruling government’s delirious afflictions, yet the politician to whom you were created for has been particularly crazed since his right hand man was assassinated right next to him during his most recent speech. Naturally, assuming it was the politician who I have been sworn to protect, you have been assigned what should have been a simple mission- to infiltrate enemy grounds, find the responsible culprit, and finally, annihilate them.

The Inevitable Twist

In amongst the hub of enforced peace, the concept of love is something that holds people together. During the riots, technological advances were utilised in order to keep civilians from resorting to killing each other in the most vial method of protest to the oppressive regimes that ruled them. Love needed to be established, and quickly. To do this, implantations were given to each person, meaning the first thing their soul mate says to them would be immediately engraved on a random body part. This method was used to identify who belonged with who, and emphasised commitment and the protection of others to preserve another’s happiness and emotional fulfilment. Escaping this implant is impossible. Even for those who were created for the sole purpose to defend those in power. Even for people like us.

If you’re still with me, then hello again! This plot is open to tweaking and changing, so if you’re still interested in roleplaying this with me, then please don’t hesitate in proposing ideas. I want to make this as enjoyable as possible for the both of us.

Onto the more technical stuff…


- I’m very active on this site, and I expect my partner to be the same, so I’m looking for a reply every couple of days. Of course we both have a life outside RPNation, so if you don’t meet this then I will definitely understand. If there’s any reason why you will be unable to respond for a longer amount of time, then please let me know and I’ll do the same for you.

- Please write at least 2 paragraphs per reply with proper detail, description and grammar. I know that the length of replies can vary based on what is happening at the time, but I ask that you avoid one liners at all costs.

- I’m looking for a MxF pairing, yet the real gender identity of my partner does not have to be male. I’m completely fine with a female roleplaying as a male if that’s what you’d like to do!

- I will ask you to create a profile for your character, and I although I prefer face claims, I do also accept pictures of anime characters if it fits.

- I am looking to involve romantic elements at some point (hence the plot twist), but I do not want it to be the centrepiece of the roleplay. I like for them to involve drama, conflict, violence and danger, just to name a few. I need clashes!

- In terms of God-Modding, I don’t mind it as long as it is vague, such as small movements and sentences. If you really feel the need to control my character for any particular reason, then don’t hesitate to ask me! I’m very relaxed, so 9 times out of 10 I’ll be totally fine with it.

I think I’ve covered just about everything. As you can probably tell I haven’t got it all mapped out yet, so I’m looking for a partner who is creative, imaginative, and willing to develop this story and turn it into something intense and well thought out.

If you’re still here, then thankyou for reading my ramblings, and I hope to hear from you all soon!
Ooh political intrigue and backstabbery. I'm definitely interested. I'll drop you a PM in just a moment.

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