Looking for Blue Exorcist RPers?


Percussive Mafioso
Hey guys! I've had this Blue Exorcist RP going for a couple of months now, and it was getting really good too...but my partner suddenly dropped off the face of the earth, and I'm still awaiting word on whereabouts. I guess you could say I'm worried about her ;-; So while I wait for her return, I figured I'd try to start up another one just so I don't get too bored for the time being.

Anyway...I have the tendency to bounce between semi-literate and fully literate, depending on how I'm feeling or my flow of ideas...I also play both canon characters and OC's, because I have my own that I have paired up with Mephisto...and yeah. ^^ I also have no problem with smut or romance. NO YAOI, PLEASE. I also have the preference of RPing over email...I discovered it's a lot more convenient.

So yeah. That's about it. Let me know if anyone's interested! :3

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