Looking for Looking for a friend right now


That man is playing Gallaga
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Thanks for stopping by.
I'm incredibly down right now and just want someone to have fun and chat with.
Please message me if you're feeling like having a late night conversation about pretty much everything.
Thanks (:
Ah... I don't know about a late night, bc I have school tomorrow, but I'd love to help cheer you up. ^-^

Update: I have to go to bed soon, but I just wanted to let you know:
*takes a deep breath*

You are an amazing person. No matter how much life gets you down or how much people tell you that you'll never be enough or you're inadequate-- these are lies-- those people don't know sh*t. They don't know how amazingly wonderfully beautifully broken and remade you are. They don't understand what you're going through (for that matter, neither do i) and they can't even begin to comprehend how strong you are. How, even when life gets you down, you stand back up. You're still here. You're still going... BE PROUD! You are loved. You are wanted. You are treasured and adored and I guarantee you at least one person out there is grateful that you exist. I know I am. You are breathtaking in your perseverance and inspiring in your resilience.

You are pure awesomeness in human form and don't you ever forget it.

Hope you have a nice night. :)

Remember, life is better cuz you're in it. You're wanted, never forget it. You're worth it. You're pure 100% awesomeness.

Feel wanted.

<3 Going to slep now!
(I can't PM cuz I'm a newbie. I just realized... are you a newbie too?)
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Parallax Parallax Hey, if you still need somebody to talk to and just let some stuff out, my DMs are always open to you. Anytime you feel the need or just want a friend, I'll be there for you soon as I can. :bishiesparklesl:<3

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