Anime & Manga Looking for a few anime suggestions


what am i doing with my life
I would really like some good romance suggestions. Yuri is great, too.

Shows I have watched and enjoyed are Say I love you, Blue Spring Ride, Sakura Trick, and Toradora. Clannad is definitely on my list but.... they kinda creep me out.... Am I the only one who thinks Moe is a bit creepy??

Anyways if you could tell me a bit about the show that'd be great. I appreciate your suggestions.
I got some but some of them might not be much romance idk that's about it the first one is DateaLive,Angel Beatz,Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon,and idk if this is romance but Shakugan No Shana
Romance anime? Is this finally my time to shine?

Ano Natsu de Matteru- Not heavily romanced based but it does have it. Follows within the same timeline as Onegai Teacher and Onegai Twins

Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai- A pretty good one, but the romance is very light (ie, no kissing or such)

Golden Time- Good romance anime, the couple gets together pretty quickly

Itazura na Kiss- Another good romance anime, pretty good for drama as well

Lovely Complex- Not much to say, a bit of drama and good if you can finish it

Myself;Yourself- Very drama oriented, pretty good if you can stand on of the main characters voices sounding like a balloon having it's air slowly let out.

Nazo no Kanojo X- Very strange anime involving saliva as a kind of big thing, but strangely really good

Onegai Teacher- Strange plotline but very good

Onegai Twins- Takes place after Onegai Teacher, different main characters but still as good

School Days- Really good plot, moving story, and of course I'm just kidding this is just horrible

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso- Dramatic with a lost love feeling to it

Shuffle!- Pretty good Harem anime that the MC picks an unexpected character

I hope this small excerpt from my ever-expanding list helps you at all
Seconding Chuunibyou. It's basically 'gifs the anime'.

As for romance, uhhhh....

Yurikuma Arashi - Incredibly yuri, some drama, interspecies romance between 'bear that can transform into a girl', and 'girl who had best friend killed by bear.' It's also pretty trippy, so you've been warned.

Plastic Memories - Details the relationship between a guy and his Giftia (read as: Android) partner. Lots of drama, lots of feels, but it's very good.
I really liked "My Little Monster".

It's been a while since I watched it, but it's pretty much just a typical anime romance. There's this girl who's really uptight and studious and this guy who's a total clown. It's supposed to be a comedy, and it does have some odd moments where you're torn between wtf and lol.

I liked Say I Love You too, so maybe you'll like this one?

Check out Revolutionary Girl Utena. It's a really neat show from the 90s with a lot of symbolism and an amaaaazing soundtrack. It does deal with some dark themes at times but it does so pretty tastefully so it isn't done for shock value or titillation. It definitely has plenty of yuri elements too, with the main characters of Utena and Anthy.


If you like it there's a movie which is somehow even more out there than the TV show was. It's also drop-dead gorgeous since they weren't working with the limitations of a TV budget. It's technically a condensed retelling of the series but it's not the sort with recycled animation, it kind of goes in its own direction and works pretty well as a sequel given the themes of the show.
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