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Realistic or Modern Look On the Brightside

Orpheus Ester
Orpheus wandered the isles, going shopping. None of the people in the gang were really bothering him so he decided doing his own thing would be fine. He looked over his shoulder and watched as Max was literally touching everything he could just for touching things. He rolled his eyes and pushed his hand away. "Y'know, the police are gonna kill you if you do that." He said casually. Of course they wouldn't kill him, but he didn't really know any other way to get him so stop so it worked. He looked over at him and put his hand back, shaking his head. "Nooo, you're lying." And at this point Orpheus knew Max was just doing it to annoy him so he shook his head. Max looked at the freezer section. "Can we get ice cream?" "No." He said, shaking his head and getting mint chocolate chip. "But you're getting ice cream." He complained. "Yeah, this one is for me. Not for you." Max whined and grabbed the ice cream, threatening to throw it to the ground and Orpheus took it from him. "Jeez, I was just kidding you little brat." He teased as he ruffles Max's hair and continued walking with the cart.


Jackson Day

Jackson was on his way to his apartment, looking down at the time it was about 8:00 pm then and he decided after a long browse around the streets he was ready to get going home. He held a bag of little things he bought for himself here and there, but nothing major. He looked inside of it. He had some pride flag earrings and a new jean jacket, but nothing other than that maybe besides little toy figures from cartoons and things like that he enjoyed collecting. He then continued walking, excited to get home. He felt so happy here and was ready to start his life. He had finally finished college and was ready to get himself a job and make a living. He smiled widely. Though, as he continued to walk his smile started to fade. He had no idea where he was. The place he was in didn't look like anywhere he stopped by before and now he was scared he was lost. He pulled out his phone and bit his lip, trying to get himself a GPS.


// started from when Jackson joins the Voids, to avoid any confusion or whatever. c:

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Finnick Elliott Silverfox

It was one of the weekends he'd had Skylar and realized he had no food in his apartment the kid would eat,So he took the two-year old to the store. Once they got there he got out and let him run inside, smiling a little bit at his excitement despite it being 8pm, almost his bed time. The boy continued giggling happily as he looked down the isles before stopping and seeing someone with purple hair "Finnie look!" he said excitedly and pointed before Finnick blushed and wandered over to him, scooping the boy up "Hey it's not nice to point" he said before realizing who it was and feeling his cheeks blush bright red and looked away, unsure if he should say anything or not, especially in public, The kid just frowned cutely and was nearly the spitting image of Finnick despite being his nephew. "I sowwy!" he called adorably to the boy with the sweetest, most Finnick-like smile.

@modest mouse

Blue = Finnick

Pink = Skylar​


Silvana 'Baby' Garth

Slivana opens her eyes, being greeted by the sun peeking through the blinds in the hotel room. She rolled over and checked what time it was, neon lights displayed 8:43 pm. A groan escaped her lips as she got out of bed and began to make it, once that was finished she got dressed. Silvana walked into her kitchen, if you could even call it that, she grabbed an apple and a water bottle before walking out the front door of her room. Luckily, she didn't work that morning or night, so she walked right out the front doors of the hotel after waving to the other employees. The downside of where the hotel was located? It was right on the edge of Eagle and Void territory, the front door takes you right into Void, where if you walk around the building you're in Eagle. Silvana quickly began to walk around the building, being careful not to get caught by one of the Void members, again.

((@ anyone))

((i'm glad i checked the OC tab bc i didn't get a notif))

((and i just changed the times i put it too early))

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Ryder was walking casually down the sidewalk, a usual trip for her, to clear her head. She'd beaten the crap out of another Eagles kid after he'd called her a slut. Some of them weren't the brightest, thinking her harmless enough to approach without a weapon of any kind, and what had happened to that kid occurred. He'd probably just go crying home to mommy and daddy about his black eye and broken wrist. Wimp.

Usually no one was out this late at night, not daring to be out on the territory of a gang at war with another, so Ryder never really payed attention to her surroundings when taking these late night 'adventures'. Realizing she was nearing the edge of their territory she sighed, turning and preparing to head back, before colliding head-on with a rather... stringy-looking kid. Tripping over a loose piece of concrete, she ended up sprawled out on her side next to his feet.

"Hey! Watch it!" she yelled at him rather rudely, pulling herself off the ground and glaring at him as she straightened out her trademark leather jacket. Narrowing her eyes she looked at the kid, her arms easily slipping into their usual pose of being crossed at her chest.

"You Eagles think you can just march onto our land whenever you want, huh?" she spat at him, assuming that anyone with the balls enough to be out this late had to be from either gang, and she didn't recognize the kid," I've kicked the shit out of one of your kind today already, but I'm
dying to do it again."

She moved forward towards him, her eyes gleaming with fury and her fists clenched at her sides.

(Giving you some room to decide for your character what he does/says
@modest mouse )

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Aralyne sat near the edge of the gangs territory, about a block away from where the border was. She buried her head in her hands and sighed, upset about the events of the day. She had messed up what she had to do that day and had gotten nothing accomplished. She felt terrible that she let herself down. But she held her head high and didn't let it get to her until now. She started crying, sobbing even, letting her mascara wash her face and snot drip down her face. She was a hot mess, but she was alone, so it was ok to be one.

Orpheus Ester
Orpheus looked behind to see the boy pointing at him and smiled sheepishly until he saw Finnick and blushed, looking up at him and smiling awkwardly, knowing that he couldn't really say anything friendly because if anyone found him he'd be in real deep shit. He released a sigh and looked over at Max who obviously wasn't planning on helping as he looked over at Finnick and said, "Hey, is that your boyfriend?" Orpheus blushed deeper and shook his head before looking over at Finnick apologetically, not wanting to sound like a dick for not saying anything.



Jackson Day

Jackson looked at the girl approaching him in surprise and stepped back warily. "Oh, uh, s-sorry I got lost and-" He bit his lip. His phone didn't help him much with getting a GPS. He didn't really want to get into any fights, he wasn't good at that sort of thing. He looked up at her "I was on my way back to my apartment and I got a little lost. T-This is my first day here and.. S-Sorry!" He mumbled nervously. To think today was going so well...


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Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He blushed deeper when he heard the word boyfriend and looked away before wandering down the aisle he was in anyway and let Skylar pick out his nuggets, of course going for the dinosaur shaped ones. He let the small boy grab the nuggets and carried him the rest of the way down. He continued glancing at Orpheus with a small blush as he tried to ignore him though was finding it stupidly hard to do so, He just set Skylar down and watched as the boy took the bag of nuggets up to the counter, struggling to put them on so he just sorta tossed them, Finnick smiled genuinely at his determination as he went over and was about to pay but the boy picked up a sucker and held it up to Finnick with the cutest puppy eyes, Finnick sighed and gave in "Alright alright" he said as he took it and let the cashier scan that too, continuously glancing at Orpheus in the process

@modest mouse
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"Lost? Oh poor spoiled brat," she spat up at him again, still not convinced he wasn't an Eagle. She was possibly an entire foot shorter than him, but that'd never stopped her before. She'd backed him up against a wall and was standing, fists clenched, with fire in her eyes. Staring up at him for a long moment, she squinted, finally thinking this through instead of just raging.

"How the hell could you 'not have been here before'?" she asked him, still in a menacing tone. Stepping up so the top of her head was just beneath where his nose was, she looked up at him. Still with narrowed eyes, she seemed less certain that this was an Eagle. And she DIDN'T harm civilians unless they had it coming, and this one seemed too... innocent.

@modest mouse


Orpheus Ester
Orpheus watched him walk away and git his lip, blushing as he continued to walk. Max followed him to the register quietly Orpheus glanced over at Finnick with a blush and looked away quickly. He pulled out his phone and texted him. "Sorry" He sent before paying for the stuff and going to walk out. Max insisted on holding Orpheus' hand as he did so. He looked up at Orpheus. "Can we see a movie?" He asked, smiling up at him innocently. Orpheus rolled his eyes. "I dunno, probably." He said, hoping none of the Eagles would bother him into doing a rumble or something like that tonight. He wasn't one for starting fights but he'd play his part if he was forced into them. It wasn't really that he didn't like Voids though, it was just a survival of the fittest situation and apparently since he was one of the more rich he had to stick to the status quo or whatever.



Jackson Day

Jackson looked down at her and sighed quietly. "W-Well, I just moved here the other day. I still don't know my way around the city, that's all. I'll go get out of your hair..." He mumbled, trying to back away from the situation as quickly as possible so he could get home. Then he'd probably just watch cheesy movies until he passed out on the couch with an animal hoodie and pajama pants on or something like that.





He started to move away and she caught him by the arm, with enough strength behind it to hold him in place.

"Where in hell's name do you think you're going?" she said, finally realizing that he probably wasn't part of the Eagle's gang," you're going to get yourself killed idiot."

She let go of his sleeve and held her hands at her hips, her elbows at either side of her. Still glaring at him, although less ferociously, she figured if he wasn't Eagle he had no idea where he was. And, if he managed to anger her in such a short time he was sure to make some dangerous enemies wandering around without a clue like he was.

@modest mouse

@Elephantom your character should be getting involved here soon if we follow the original overview~


Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He heard his phone buzz in his pocket and could assume what it was so he chose not to check it until he got out and into his car, Which he did within 10 minutes. He strapped Skylar into his car seat and ruffled his hair with a small smile, then got in the front seat and checked his phone

It's okay, You look cute today

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.bc1128e1b2c93d40964714ba1c7fd5a1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.bc1128e1b2c93d40964714ba1c7fd5a1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He sighed quietly and just set his phone in his lap, staring at it for a moment before turning on his radio and blushing as Colors by Halsey came on and just sorta banged his head on the head rest a few times "Finnie what are you getting yourself into..." he muttered to himself before getting his phone out to text Tim about anything happening tonight, mostly to tell him he may not be able to appear as he had Sky.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.bc1128e1b2c93d40964714ba1c7fd5a1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.bc1128e1b2c93d40964714ba1c7fd5a1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Boss
Hey, anything happening tonight? I do have Sky though so I need ample warning beforehand as I'm not sure that I could get someone to watch him in time if you end up needing me

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.bc1128e1b2c93d40964714ba1c7fd5a1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif.bc1128e1b2c93d40964714ba1c7fd5a1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@modest mouse @Elephantom



  • heart_border__blue_purple_pink__by_revpixy-d6a2jsc.gif
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Tim was walking by the road, making his usual, daily patrol around the road, near the borders that seperated the Voids from the Eagles, the latter being quite disruptive of following said rules. Now, he really wasn't a very active man, nor was he too invested in outdoor activities, yet his patrols were more forced, than voluntary. The Eagle's superiority complex, often prompted its members to perform obnoxious, irritable trespasses to their territory. His phone rang momentarily, signifying a message.

Hey, anything happening tonight? I do have Sky though so I need ample warning beforehand as I'm not sure that I could get someone to watch him in time if you end up needing me
Nobody needs you right now, Finn. But you could always put some oranges cleverly designed to 'look' like you, which I suppose will trick your son into thinking that 'it' is 'you'

Tim looked up from his phone, having sent his message, he quickly spotted Ryder having a conversation with a rather shady looking individual. He quickly closed in, brows furrowed and visibly irritated, he interjected into the conversation.

"Yes, you're going to get yourself killed, 'idiot', especially by my hands, if you don't explain yourself right now, idiot."

(Sorry, I know, the post seems a bit too forced.)

@modest mouse @Smoaki @Finnick)
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Orpheus Ester
Orpheus was on his way to his car when he finally received a text back and smiled a little at the message. He put his phone in his back pocket and got into the car quietly. He glanced over at Max to see if he had buckled himself and then started driving to the movies. He was kind of happy he didn't have to worry about any big fights that day or anything. Once he made it to the parking lot he pulled into the drive way.

It's okay, You look cute today
heh, thanks. if you want we could meet up sometime later.. i don't have any plans, so..



Jackson Day

Jackson looked over at the girl and bit his lip. "Then what do you expect me to-" He then saw as a older looking man showed up and bit his lip quietly. "W-Well, I was on my way back home and I just moved here yesterday and I got a little lost.." He mumbled, wondering why all these people would even be up this late and be awake enough to pick a fight. Even he himself was tiring out.

@Elephantom @Smoaki

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"Look kid," she responded, nodding in respectful response to Tim's being there," I don't know who you are and why you're here, but I can't trust you're not just going to go squealing to the Eagles that you saw us so close to the border. Heck, I don't even know if every word coming out of your mouth is a lie."

Her eyes narrowed more fiercely again and she crossed her arms across her chest. It was hard to tell anything with this kid besides that he was obviously confused and scared.

@modest mouse @Elephantom


Finnick Elliott Silverfox

He looked at his phone as he started his car before pulling out of the parking lot with a sigh, he quietly drove to his apartment while listening to music, Once he got there he shut off the engine, glancing behind him to see Sky completely passed out in his car seat and smiled, taking a photo of him and sending it to Orpheus, Taking note of the message from The boss and sighed quietly as he got out of the car and quietly shut the door, then opened the back to unbuckle the very sleepy Skylar and careful lift him out.

Making his way upstairs while managing to balance the kid on his one arm, leaning on his shoulder and opening the apartment door with his other hand he stepped in, slid his shoes off and shut the door behind him, then laid Skylar on the couch and tossed his pokemon blanket over him. He sighed softly "Finnick what the hell, If anyone catches him here you're so fucked" he muttered to himself as he glanced back down at his phone, eagerly awaiting a reply. He didn't even know why he cared so much about this... Eagle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__black_white__by_revpixy-d6b0pnl.gif.e941648e81293057eec8b8a9347308fc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__black_white__by_revpixy-d6b0pnl.gif.e941648e81293057eec8b8a9347308fc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It's okay, You look cute today
heh, thanks. if you want we could meet up sometime later.. i don't have any plans, so..
Sure, You know where I live, I'll probably be there all day, as you saw I have the kid this weekend...here look at him sleeping *View attachment*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__black_white__by_revpixy-d6b0pnl.gif.e941648e81293057eec8b8a9347308fc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/heart_border__black_white__by_revpixy-d6b0pnl.gif.e941648e81293057eec8b8a9347308fc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@modest mouse



  • heart_border__black_white__by_revpixy-d6b0pnl.gif
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Silvana 'Baby' Garth

Silvana was half way around the building before making eye contact with a group of Void members, although they didn't chase after her, they would definitely go run to their leader and tell him they saw her. She let out a frustrated sigh as she began to walk faster, closing the gap between her and Eagle territory. Once she stepped into the territory, Silvana felt relieved and began walking at a normal pace, after walking for a few minutes, she saw someone sitting on the ground... crying? The person looked quite familiar, but she wasn't too sure. Walking up to the person, she realised that it was one of the higher up people in the gang. "Aralyne?" She spoke with her thick Russian accent, that surprisingly hasn't faded any. "Why are you crying in the street?" Silvana asked, a concerned tone in her voice. She stood about two feet away, unsure if the girl wanted her company.

Aralyne jumped up, and tried to scoot away from Silvana. "Oh. Oh my god" She said, quickly wiping everything form her face. Her tears, the snot. She have a pained smile and tried to cover up the obvious fact that she was crying. "I was looking around these parts of town." An obvious lie. "Looking for some v-void twerps to mess with." She gave a weak laugh, her eyes still watery.

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