Video Games LoL Season 7

Samuel James Aran

Human Ninja
So is anyone here a pre-Season 3 Player who's having as hard a time playing Season 7 as I am? Like really I was an ADC main and these days I've had to migrate and find new roles to main because ADC is so squish now...
Haven't been playing that long but adc is the worst role to main right now, even support is better because they have Mage Supports that can carry if the adc is a feeding animal. I main top lane so I don't really play Squish champions, but I would say don't play ADC unless you really really enjoy the role.
been maining adc since mid season 3, and oooh boy i am so tired of this new season. especially with the new meta where apc replaced adcs, it's been a little hard trying to come out on top in bot. but man do i love adc way too much to stop playing :,) that's the only role i can really play without having to look at guides or watch plays or anything like that, unfortunately.
I stick to the jungles and sometimes go mid. Rarely got top or sup. And I'm guessing right now is a bad time to learn adc?
The changes bring tough times for ADCs . . . but if that Star Guardian Ezreal skin is really coming out, then I guess I'm suddenly an Ezreal main :ghostxx:
The changes bring tough times for ADCs . . . but if that Star Guardian Ezreal skin is really coming out, then I guess I'm suddenly an Ezreal main :ghostxx:
I main jinx she can soon one shot people in the next patch. Also its no different being an ADC in season 7 than in 6.
I main jinx she can soon one shot people in the next patch. Also its no different being an ADC in season 7 than in 6.

Jinx is probably one of the only ADCs I can really play. For some reason though I have almost every Ezreal skin . . .
I haven't been playing League as often lately, so I don't really know whats up. Last time I checked Galio looks . . . different.
Jinx is probably one of the only ADCs I can really play. For some reason though I have almost every Ezreal skin . . .
I haven't been playing League as often lately, so I don't really know whats up. Last time I checked Galio looks . . . different.
They made a rework to him so he's now pretty tanky and supportive champ. He resist magic. The jinx skin I want is star guardian jinx and I have star guardian lux
So should i bother learning adc this season or no?

If you want to be proficient in that role, then yes. As much as most say, the role of an ADC is easy to learn, but it is hard to master. Getting a perfect CS score, despite being under pressure, knowing how to properly position one's self in fights, proper kiting and whatnot.

If you want to have fun, I suggest other roles since they can pretty much keep up with the nonsensical one-shot meta.
Thanks i'll stick to my jungle and top lane. Im to used to the roll of a fighter, tank. I do well mid but i keep forgetting im squishy >.<
If you want to be proficient in that role, then yes. As much as most say, the role of an ADC is easy to learn, but it is hard to master. Getting a perfect CS score, despite being under pressure, knowing how to properly position one's self in fights, proper kiting and whatnot.

If you want to have fun, I suggest other roles since they can pretty much keep up with the nonsensical one-shot meta.
When your support is lulu, build ardent sensor and redemption...Well yer not going to die unless you're a monkey. It's an adc meta at the moment because of the buffs to the supports and the fall of most of their predators.
It's an adc meta at the moment because of the buffs to the supports and the fall of most of their predators.

Not really, no. An ADC meta is where ADCs are prevalent in most lanes, including jungle. Quinn is a niche pick, and Poppy is still powerful as hell. Graves is not that dominant compared to junglers that can easily set up early kills. Varus is not really a good mid lane choice, especially with how things are going right now.

Besides, the fact that you can literally ignore botlane and focus on other solo lanes, as a jungler or as a support, and still win the game through various map-wide plays, picks, and rotations pretty much say that ADCs are not that detrimental to victory.

Agressive supports such as Karma and Brand still reign supreme. Defensive ones are effective yes, but they are overshadowed by anything that can help their ADC gain an easier lane advantage through constant poke and kill pressure.

Yes, defensive and utility-heavy supports such as Lulu, Janna, and Nami are very essential to late game. But if an ADC is shit during lane phase, then chances are that ADC is shit the entire game. Unless their team pulls off a miraculous turnaround, of course. Or their team is too fed that their performance does not matter any longer.

The laning phase is an ADCs growth stage. If they can gain enough farm, they cannot gain enough gold, they will have a hard time out of laning phase. And an ADC that can't do shit in fights and skirmishes is nothing but a heavy burden in the form of a walking meat stick that the enemy team will not hesitate to munch on.

With how League games go in the current season, a single death, heck, even a single mis-timed recall can and most likely will cost you a number of objectives, and gold advantage with that.

The threats to ADCs never go away, they only change every so often. Nothing can change the fact that ADCs will always get doved on, assassinated, one-shotted, picked, and ganged up on.
Not really, no. An ADC meta is where ADCs are prevalent in most lanes, including jungle. Quinn is a niche pick, and Poppy is still powerful as hell. Graves is not that dominant compared to junglers that can easily set up early kills. Varus is not really a good mid lane choice, especially with how things are going right now. adc meta is when the adc can actually carry. Calling a meta adc meta, doesn't mean every lane needs to actually be compromised of adc's.
Besides, the fact that you can literally ignore botlane and focus on other solo lanes, as a jungler or as a support, and still win the game through various map-wide plays, picks, and rotations pretty much say that ADCs are not that detrimental to victory.
You can also focus solely on bottom lane and win the game. That doesn't make what I said untrue.
Agressive supports such as Karma and Brand still reign supreme. Defensive ones are effective yes, but they are overshadowed by anything that can help their ADC gain an easier lane advantage through constant poke and kill pressure.
I'm pretty sure lulu, soraka, and janna have been on top.... Just because brand can cosplay bottom lane,doesn't make him meta. Karma is an offensive support,but her abilities ooozze defense. Unless you think putting on an ap scaling shield on the entire team as anything but.
Yes, defensive and utility-heavy supports such as Lulu, Janna, and Nami are very essential to late game. But if an ADC is shit during lane phase, then chances are that ADC is shit the entire game. Unless their team pulls off a miraculous turnaround, of course. Or their team is too fed that their performance does not matter any longer.
Well if the top laner is a pile of shit, then the team has to carry the game 4 v 5. This has nothing to do with my point either.
The laning phase is an ADCs growth stage. If they can gain enough farm, they cannot gain enough gold, they will have a hard time out of laning phase. And an ADC that can't do shit in fights and skirmishes is nothing but a heavy burden in the form of a walking meat stick that the enemy team will not hesitate to munch on.
Lucian is an early game bully. Draven is an early game bully. Not every adc is an ad bitch until late game. Not every adc becomes amazing at 5 items and not every adc plays the same or has the same potential.

irony here is the laning phase is also the incubation stage for all roles.

With how League games go in the current season, a single death, heck, even a single mis-timed recall can and most likely will cost you a number of objectives, and gold advantage with that.
That's how it's always been. I hope you didn't think mistakes were less punishing in previous seasons.
The threats to ADCs never go away, they only change every so often. Nothing can change the fact that ADCs will always get doved on, assassinated, one-shotted, picked, and ganged up on.
The same can be said about immobile mages, badly played zeds, over extended top laners, or badly played supports. adc meta is when the adc can actually carry. Calling a meta adc meta, doesn't mean every lane needs to actually be compromised of adc's.

Prevalent does not mean every lane needs to have an ADC. It means that an ADC can play on any role without having to worry about the repercussions, compared to the current meta.

If you have played early S6, you'll immediately recognize that during that time was the one you call ADC meta. You can play as an ADC without necessarily playing it the usual way. Literally every role has an ADC ready, and the strengths they had completely overshadowed the weaknesses of their roles. Pretty much everybody was picking ADCs simply because they were superior in dealing damage and power pushing, compared to other regular picks. Of course, that doesn't mean that if one picked an ADC in S6 they'd gain an instant win, its simply that ADCs in other lanes have early advantages due to the free ranged harass they can pull off with their auto attacks and low cost abilities.

The ADC meta faded off shortly after a number of patches and fixes, but a few remained strong and relevant in their discovered roles. Like how Quinn can now go mid, instead of top, and create map pressure by constantly roaming to other lanes without having to worry about their lane being pushed as much, since mid has an easier gap to both lanes compared to top. Graves became a monster in the jungle because he can freely powerfarm and show up with an advantage in gold.

Nowadays, you don't see that as frequent during the early S6 days. All you see are strong champions who can dive well and completely destroy their opponents with a few items and a well-timed and coordinated play. Champs such as the ever-present Lee Sin, the monster that is Jayce, the stupid ass scissor bitch that is Camille, and her stupid as hell counterpart Poppy.

And where have you seen a meta whereas an ADC cannot carry? Such a thing does not exist. Not then, not now, not ever. ADCs are a core part of any team comp, they are the ones to deal constant, and sustained damage, at the cost of their survivability. Any ADC can carry, but some may require more skill compared to others, simply due to how the current meta works.

You wouldn't be seeing a lot of Jhin, Varus, and Ashe if the meta did not require utility and damage at the same time. If the meta was all about splitpushing and managing resources, then champions like Vayne, Jinx, and Sivir would be resurfacing and replacing the current ones in frequency.

No matter what happens, an ADC can still carry the game, but with how the meta is, their ability to carry games are overshadowed by powerful solo laners such as Jayce, Poppy, Talon, Katarina, Leblanc, etc. That's why the current meta is not an ADC meta, because they are outshined by other roles., and therefore, become less relevant picks compared to top/mid/jungle picks. Of course, unless you're in high elo, whereas the meta changes every patch, although in varying scales.

The same can be said about immobile mages, badly played zeds, over extended top laners, or badly played supports.

All you're pointing out here are player-made mistakes. Immobile mages usually have high-powered abilities that can make or break a game. It's all about timing and positioning. Badly played zeds, those are to the player's discretion. If they make mistakes, then they shall face the consequence of that. Top laners overextending are not new. It's been there since early S2, and has been abused since then by camping and 3-4 man ganks. Badly played supports as well, if a player does his job poorly, then it will completely affect their gameplay, but not the meta.

Remember, the meta is what is considered as the optimal champion choice, item build path, playstyle and strategy that would lead the player and their team to winning the game. It is not based on info about a certain individual's gameplay, but on a collection of data gathered through a large number of games.
Prevalent does not mean every lane needs to have an ADC. It means that an ADC can play on any role without having to worry about the repercussions, compared to the current meta.
So because adc isn't being played in top and middle every game, it's not a meta where adc's are alot stronger? If not the defining role?
If you have played early S6, you'll immediately recognize that during that time was the one you call ADC meta. You can play as an ADC without necessarily playing it the usual way. Literally every role has an ADC ready, and the strengths they had completely overshadowed the weaknesses of their roles. Pretty much everybody was picking ADCs simply because they were superior in dealing damage and power pushing, compared to other regular picks. Of course, that doesn't mean that if one picked an ADC in S6 they'd gain an instant win, its simply that ADCs in other lanes have early advantages due to the free ranged harass they can pull off with their auto attacks and low cost abilities.
I did play in early season 6 with the caitlyn tops and sucked so bad for a while,but many of those picks still remain. Corki still goes mid because he's just a bad mage. Graves doesn't ever go bot and is now a jungler. And quin is still a cancerous tumor in top lane. You don't need an extreme situation like release sterak's gage to be a adc meta. You just need adc's to thrive enough to be the dominant role. Whther that's being an a solo tank or being enabled by a support or two.
The ADC meta faded off shortly after a number of patches and fixes, but a few remained strong and relevant in their discovered roles. Like how Quinn can now go mid, instead of top, and create map pressure by constantly roaming to other lanes without having to worry about their lane being pushed as much, since mid has an easier gap to both lanes compared to top. Graves became a monster in the jungle because he can freely powerfarm and show up with an advantage in gold.

Nowadays, you don't see that as frequent during the early S6 days. All you see are strong champions who can dive well and completely destroy their opponents with a few items and a well-timed and coordinated play. Champs such as the ever-present Lee Sin, the monster that is Jayce, the stupid ass scissor bitch that is Camille, and her stupid as hell counterpart Poppy.
Then you get a lulu who knocks up the camille, while negating her diving burst. She polymorphs any extra threat and now her team dives the rest of the enemy team who blew several spells and ults. only to be cucked by a 3 item lulu with shields and cc for days. It only gets worse when ivern and any psuedo support is in top or mid.
And where have you seen a meta whereas an ADC cannot carry? Such a thing does not exist. Not then, not now, not ever. ADCs are a core part of any team comp, they are the ones to deal constant, and sustained damage, at the cost of their survivability. Any ADC can carry, but some may require more skill compared to others, simply due to how the current meta works.
Just recently in preseason, up until early march. Where the meme, ad2k17.was still relevant.
You wouldn't be seeing a lot of Jhin, Varus, and Ashe if the meta did not require utility and damage at the same time. If the meta was all about splitpushing and managing resources, then champions like Vayne, Jinx, and Sivir would be resurfacing and replacing the current ones in frequency.
Unfortunately I do see a lot jhin and ashe. It sucks
No matter what happens, an ADC can still carry the game, but with how the meta is, their ability to carry games are overshadowed by powerful solo laners such as Jayce, Poppy, Talon, Katarina, Leblanc, etc. That's why the current meta is not an ADC meta, because they are outshined by other roles., and therefore, become less relevant picks compared to top/mid/jungle picks. Of course, unless you're in high elo, whereas the meta changes every patch, although in varying scales.
Unfortunately when assassins are meta, that's not the case. Before their predators were essentially nerfed into the ground and brought in line with everyone else, a good lb raped an adc before the support could do anything. Now that that's less likely, adc's are strong again. These other bursty roles again. See lulu anecdote

All you're pointing out here are player-made mistakes. Immobile mages usually have high-powered abilities that can make or break a game. It's all about timing and positioning. Badly played zeds, those are to the player's discretion. If they make mistakes, then they shall face the consequence of that. Top laners overextending are not new. It's been there since early S2, and has been abused since then by camping and 3-4 man ganks. Badly played supports as well, if a player does his job poorly, then it will completely affect their gameplay, but not the meta.
All you're doing is saying adc's get dived and die. The end. When it's really, adc's get supported and live through the dives now.
Remember, the meta is what is considered as the optimal champion choice, item build path, playstyle and strategy that would lead the player and their team to winning the game. It is not based on info about a certain individual's gameplay, but on a collection of data gathered through a large number of games.
You seem forgetting that. You should take note of your advice and take note of how the game has been shifting.
So what does everyone think of the reworked Warwick? I like it and seem to have a better time playing him mostly life steal with some atk spd in the jungle. What you all think?
So what does everyone think of the reworked Warwick? I like it and seem to have a better time playing him mostly life steal with some atk spd in the jungle. What you all think?

It's decent, but extremely good with the right hands, and with the right team comp. The bonus movespeed he gets is pretty much what makes him a threat wherever he is at the map, and makes those who do not recall at low health pay for their overstay. He's strong with a semi-tanky build that allows him to stick with carries and sustain off his Q and innate lifesteal, along with the high damage reduction from his E. Overall, he's a good pick when you want to try and get an early lead then transition that lead into being an unkillable nuisance.
Hit ult being a skill shot does hurt a little but even then it makes a good engaged to dive the back row of squishy champs with that crazy range it can get

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