Logan Mattrick


Personified Salt Shaker

Name: Logan Mattrick

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Position: Military

Personality: Logan is no-nonsense, with no sense of humor. Efficiency is the name of the game, and perfection is the rule. Despite his strict mindset, he knows not everything can be perfect, and lets unpredictable mishaps pass by with minimal stress. The few times he isn't in his normal mindset, he's incredibly laid back and will leave problems for his normal self to deal with later.


  • Weapons
  • Fighting
  • Puzzles


  • Selfishness
  • Baseless assumptions
  • Pointless arguing
  • Drinking

Special Skills:

  • Years of working as part of a team, as well as leading a team.
  • Experience fighting in multiple environments and weather conditions.


  • Military mindset can be hard to change.
  • Doesn't tolerate idiots in command, and is vocal about it.
  • Struggles to see things on a personal level.

Bio: Logan grew up in a military family. Both his parents served in the military, as well as his two younger sisters. Logan was the black sheep of the family, however. While everyone else took on support roles that rarely saw combat, Logan decided to become an infantryman. After talking to several recruiters, infantryman was deemed too boring, and he switch to paratrooper.

As a paratrooper, Logan became well versed in combat tactics on an individual, squad, and unit level. He earned several commendations over the life of his service, and became a well-known Sargent Major among the paratroopers. After serving for twenty years, he decided to retire and pursue his hobby of gun collecting and restoration. Before he could begin his new life, he was offered a job working for the FBI. And so Logan joined the FBI, ready for what is in store.
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