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Fantasy Lofi-Champloo

The ronin was originally going to be the one doing introductions but when the other man who introduced himself as the fiddler came around, he pretty much took all of the attention to himself and Muhen. Interestingly enough, Havel decided he liked it this way better. While he never liked large groups and the current group was already straining his comfort zone. The demon swordsman silently slipped by the blind woman again, who had jumped earlier for some reason. Perhaps she didn't know he was so close which was understandable. Havel was silent in the best of times and a damn ghost in the worst. When you have other characters and personalities that are so social and straight forward, like the ones who just arrived, Havel tended to fade. Not that he didn't enjoy fading in such manner. The Englishman didn't like standing out. This also applied to combat. Whenever Havel drew his sword, he called all attention to him. The big, icy eyed man wore malice around him like a damn miasma.

As they walked, Havel kept pace several feet behind Muhen. The vagrant was all too used to taking the lead and Havel was all too willing to letting his idiot luck lead the way. Somehow the man managed to have scrapes with death and leave with the most minor of wounds. The ronin just attributed it to dumb luck. Complete and utter fool's blessing. The Gods truly do love their fools. Still, it meant that Muhen leading was the best choice. Chances were that he would survive any ambushes or surprise attacks. The blue eyed man couldn't say the same for everyone else.

"If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to ask." The ronin said to the female warrior just behind him, before turning to address the others, "That goes for everyone. Eyes open and don't be afraid to ask for some help if the need arises. Vagrants and ronin like ourselves are powerful individually but together we are terrifying." It wasn't much but he decided he might want to give a little more than what Muhen's blunt call to arms was.

Mx.Trinity Mx.Trinity @Dearwolfy dr xenon dr xenon Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
Muhen heard Havel offering his aid shortly behind himself.

"I'll ask you for your help over my dead body."

He gave Havel a smirk over his shoulder.


As the group moved forward for some time on the dirt road the distinctive sound of Cicada's began to die down and was replaced by the growing sound of more and more crickets. The once colorful woods surrounding the road began to turn shades of blue and black. The moonlight cascading elongated shadows across their path. As the night drew closer it seemed as if the groups tensions grew tighter as well.

However if there was one blessing of the evening it was the nice change of temperature. It was cool now, easier on the muscles and better for walking in any case. It would serve to help the group conserve their energy for anything that may lie ahead. After 20 minutes of walking their path Muhen could feel the groups irritation and tension, they were all probably thinking the same thing.

Are we following this guy to our deaths?

But anyone who thought that weren't unaccustomed to traveling with Havel and Muhen. This was where their journey truly began. A ways down the road the silhouette of another person could almost be seen. Sitting between a split in the road. Or was that just the darkness playing tricks on the eye?


The Devil
"Ah.... Evening weary travelers. You seem to be in a hurry to reach somewhere.... No?" There was a person there, and he just talked to them. Not only that but he was holding something. One might mistake it for a weapon if not for the melodious tune it made as the strings were plucked, revealing the item to be a plain old Shamisen. As the group got closer, they can see that he wore simple robes and had a straw hat on his head. After strumming a short tune, he placed the instrument on his lap and reached into his robe. His eyes locked onto the group as he.... pulled out a pipe.

"Well I don't know where you folk are heading but I have some dire news...." The man started as he packed tobacco into his pipe. "The path behind me is sadly blocked by fallen trees. It would be a whole week before the villagers can clear the path." He went about lighting his pipe before taking a pull and blowing out s neat smoke ring.

"A rather unfortunate thing, no?" The man said with a knowing smile as his eyes scanned each person standing in-front of him.

Mx.Trinity Mx.Trinity @Dearwolfy dr xenon dr xenon Elekta Kount Elekta Kount shadowz1995 shadowz1995

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