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Realistic or Modern Lockhart Academy


Daydream Queen

I expect you to be creative with your outline. Here are some things to think about when creating your character. You may bullet point or write description paragraphs. Whatever conveys your character best.

Meet _________[Add Name Here]​


Nickname/Spy Name:






Relationship Status:


Appearance [Add gifs/photos here, only real no anime]

Skin Tone:


Eye Color:

Hair Color/Style:



Body Type:

Clothing Style:









History: How did you get here?

Family life?

anything significant that happened in the past.
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Meet Raven.

Full Name and Spy name:

Her full name is Raven Cortana Morningstar, but according to Government facilities, she is known as Widow.


She is 16 and- Jace dude you're hogging all of the readers attention, come on! Julie why must you be like this? Because you are boring. Let me take over! God fine.

Sorry reader for that mind numbing voice-HEY!-Anyway, what he was trying to say was that she is one of the youngest agents to actually go on log term missions. How cool is that?!


The reasons that they picked her out of so many others were because of her ridiculous observation skills, secondary to that, her ability to blend in perfectly into any surrounding. She has all of the basic spy skills, but these are the hypersensitive ones. According to her, its like every detail is vibrating at her. Sometimes they float around in front of her face, forcing her to notice them, other times when in stressful situations its like they're screaming at her to notice, which usually ends in her figuring out something no one else could. She is like the modern day Sherlock Holmes, but better.


She is a pretty liberal person for a cis female. Like...She likes guys, but she fights for the ones that don't. Weird huh? What did you mean by that? Its nothing wrong with- Oh god Al not this again. OH BITE ME. You know good and damn well we don't have physical bodies. We are in Ravens head- I WISH WE DID SO I COULD HIT YOU SO HARD YOUR GRAND KIDS WILL FEEL IT. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that, we're the Boxes. At least that's what she calls us. My name is Julie. I'm Jace. Im pissed. You're always pissed. Her name is Alec. Short for Alexandra. We don't know why its spelled that way either.


She was born in Dallas Texas and deeply misses it. She says that she is gonna go back one day.


She was born August 13th 1999.

Relationship Status:

Raven isn't really a long term relationship person. Or an any term relationship person. The last time she was romantically attached to someone they stabbed her in the back...Literally


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/-Shadowhunters-on-set-isabelle-lightwood-38746502-638-613.png.399117a158e67e96ed3fffc3385e8706.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/-Shadowhunters-on-set-isabelle-lightwood-38746502-638-613.png.399117a158e67e96ed3fffc3385e8706.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has tan skin, as she is Mexican.

Eye Color:


Hair Color/Style:

Her hair is black and really long.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/fallen-gothic-girl.jpg.e339763b96baa6a5cbef2e5b33490240.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/fallen-gothic-girl.jpg.e339763b96baa6a5cbef2e5b33490240.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


None. Raven is like super dedicated to her job and knows that piercings might ruin her cover whenever she is undercover.


Its the same with tattoos. Honestly Raven- Oi! I was talking! Not anymore bitch.

Body Type:

She has a hourglass figure, she doesn't appreciate it as much as she should because she sees it as an inconvenience at times, but a superpower other times. Its easier to seduce someone for information than you think.

Clothing Style:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2358b5e_THISONE.jpg.3371941d8a4a60bc0bf73091347c99aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2358b5e_THISONE.jpg.3371941d8a4a60bc0bf73091347c99aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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She has a fairly dark personality. Sarcasm is her first language, Spanish is her second English is her third, Russian is her fourth, German is her fifth- wE GET IT-FINE JEEZE. Raven is nosey as hell. She likes to know things that others don't. She is pretty trustworthy...Well as trustworthy as any spy is. I mean she can hold a secret with her life but if you piss her off... She is very loyal. She is also very rebellious. That's what makes her hard to work with. If she doesn't agree with something she might not do it. If it seems like the order is reckless and pointless she will most certainly not do it. Above all, she is dangerous.


Let me do this one, im the only one who pays attention to what she likes.

She enjoys going on missions.

She likes her weapons.

She likes motorcycles.

She has had a crush on Deadpool for the
longest time now. Next to that, she has also had the biggest crush on Logan (Wolveriene) just as long as she has Deadpool. She is in love with them both.


I know what Raven hates, so im taking this one.

She hates this dude named Francis. He stabbed her in the back. She still blames herself for it, but still hates him. He could have paralyzed her, luckily, he was shit at stabbing.

She hates being pulled from missions.

hates when people try to dig into her brain. She almost punched her psychiatrist.


Raven does not fear much. Many would day she is fearless. The one thing she is afraid of is that she will lose control. She is afraid that she will lose the bit of sanity she has left and hurt the person she loves.



Hand to Hand combat

Keeping secrets


Blending in

Going Undercover for long and short periods of time.

Trust issues. They are a huge help, because if she didn't have her trust issues, she might not have been here today.


The boxes. Hey! We are not a weakness! I'm going to agree with dumb ass here, we aren't a weakness. Yes we are. Only thing we do is criticize, taunt, judge and make sarcastic comments. ...Touche. We do make her second guess a lot of things...

Her trust issues. They are both a gift, and, a curse.

Her lack of emotions at some times. Like we said. Modern day Sherlock.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/820ec68d2033527d23f0da8fc97a8b08.jpg.09f2bdf92d3d48d3d54ac2e56b775168.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/820ec68d2033527d23f0da8fc97a8b08.jpg.09f2bdf92d3d48d3d54ac2e56b775168.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Tragic backstory is unlocked at level 10 in friendship.

Family life:

She doesn't have one. Parents hate her, siblings are dead.


Her cycle-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Moto_Guzzi_Italian_motorcycle.jpg.b7ab0f5930a42da4546d09a30fae0b78.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127967" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Moto_Guzzi_Italian_motorcycle.jpg.b7ab0f5930a42da4546d09a30fae0b78.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ryder Jensen

Nickname/Spy Name:

Age: 21

Ability: Air/Wind manipulation

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Birthday: June 21

Relationship Status: Taken - Rose Skylar



Eye Color: A striking deep green with brown specks.

Scars: A scar that runs down his back diagonally.

Hair Color/Style: Dark brown tousled hair.

Tattoos: He has 3 tattoo's total. One that runs down his right arm, it being a dragon draped with chains. Another that is on his left bicep, it only says the name Cleo with an electrocardiogram line going through it, it's not huge and he doesn't tell anyone about it. The last is a Rose also located on his left bicep, which was a drunken impulsive decision that he doesn't regret.

Body Type: He is lean but quite built due to his training and going to the gym.

Clothing Style: A shirt, leather Jacket, and dark jeans. You'll probably see him shirtless a couple times too.


Personality: Ryder is quite the charmer, using his attractive demeanor to charm his way out of compromising situations. He's typically a blunt individual, lacking the skill of being able to sugarcoat at times. He doesn't take lightly to being threatened or feeling threatened in any way, if he does, it usually resorts in him being violent. He's sarcastic and witty, two qualities that can seep out at any given moment. He's also very protective over people he cares about.

Likes: Animals, Sweets, sex, drinking, rainy days.

Dislikes: noisy people, being threatened.

Fears: Putting people in dangerous situations.

Strengths: He's excellent at hand-to-hand combat and he can handle a weapon quite easily. He also has great reflexes.

Weaknesses: His emotions get the best of him and leave him vulnerable during battle at times. The scar on the lower half of his abdomen renders itself as a weak spot and if an opponent hits it, he is usually momentarily stunned for a few moments.


History: Ryder grew up in the bad parts of the town your parent's warned you not to go anywhere near. He has a mother, she's as loving as she can be, and he had a sister. Although the environment around him wasn't the best, he was taught that he where he came from shouldn't restrict him from doing something better, and truthfully he needed to do something better with his life in order to pay for the oncoming medical bills.
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Rose Skylar Grey


Name: Rose Skylar Grey

Age: 21

Nickname/Spy Name: Greyhound

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Dating Ryder Jensen

Birthday 02 April 995

Hometown: London - England


Skin Tone: Fair

Scars: A 4 inch long scar down the left side of her back.

Eye Color: Chestnut when's she upset, honey when's she's content or happy.

Hair Color/Style: Rose has mid-length brown hair, which she usually wears up in a ponytail. Her hair is naturally wavy.

Body Type: Rose has a slim but toned body, with built up muscles from years of training.

Clothing Style: During training, Rose only wears practical clothing, meaning skinny jeans or pants, tanktops and usually leather jackets - all in black but outside of it she's not afraid to wear daring and revealing clothing.

Ability: Rose can shapeshift into any person she has met, she cannot however shape shift into a person made up in her imagination, and she had to be able to visualise their appearance.

Personality: Rose is a reckless and impulsive person. She enjoys partying, drinking and boys, often getting herself and others into trouble just for fun. She considers herself a novelty, as she is always pulling off crazy stunts and makes the wise crack for entertainment. Rose can be very sarcastic and sharp-tongued at times. She always has a smart ass comment ready whenever someone says something antagonistic to her, and always bites back with a witty insult. She doesn't hesitate to speak her mind, and can be extremely stubborn in her opinions. Although Rose is not necessarily conceited, she is very aware of the fact that she is beautiful. She is rather proud of her body. Despite her sarcastic nature, Rose remains a social creature. She's adored by many and looked up to. She can be friendly, warm, not shying away from meeting new people, and has considerable skill in social interactions. Rose also is shown to be adept of using her feminine wiles. She has shown an ability to seduce men and sweet talk them into giving her what she wants.

Likes: Smoking, alcohol, chivalry, wit.

Dislikes: Arrogance (unless it's her own), waking up early, people acting like they have a better moral compass than her, her parents, Insects, the cold, racism

Fears: Losing those she loves, losing control, the dark

Strengths: She's fast, agile, she's a master at hand to hand combat, she's an amazing actress.

Weaknesses: When it comes to long distance fighting she's always at a disadvantage because she hates using guns, she considers them cheating when fighting. She's over protective, too trusting and loves too dearly.

History WIP

Family life: WIP

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Meet Nala Handson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca4a48a1b_ShayMitchell.png.f000978ad7550190d000a642e5000ea1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca4a48a1b_ShayMitchell.png.f000978ad7550190d000a642e5000ea1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Nala Handson

Nickname: Mystique

Age: 21

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Relation Ship: N/A ~((PM Me))~

Birthday: 14 Febuary 1995

Hometown: Lanao del Sur, Philipines

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e25ad2c9043180d23a1242406718e217.png.c003602b57f4815498471d0382800786.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e25ad2c9043180d23a1242406718e217.png.c003602b57f4815498471d0382800786.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Skin Tone: Olive undertones

Scars: One that runs all the way down her back

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color/Style: Dark brown, normally in waves and is either in a tight bun or down.

Body Type: Her body is neither slim nor curvy, she is what she likes to call a perfect middle.

Clothing style: She goes for a more simplistic style, mostly blacks, greys, and whites can be found in her closet. She likes wearing tight fitting clothing, never goes for anything loose or ill fitting due to the school she's in.

Ability: Nala has a
regenerative healing factor meaning she can repair herself in the same amount of time she was damaged. Nala is almost invincible but if she is impaled through the heart and the object that impaled her is not removed then she will not be able to resuscitate.


Persona: Nala has always known what she wanted, from her first day in Pre-K she was number one. Nala is what most call...well a bitch. She doesn't have much tolerance for silliness or others ignorance. She can be found studying or training, not really knowing how to take a day off. Some say she wound up so tight it's a wonder she hasn't blown her top yet. On the outside, she is cold, calculating and silent. She puts up a front so others have nothing to hold against her when its time to be serious. Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. Usually, she is interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments. Well-organized and hard working, she works steadily towards identified goals. She can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. From a young age, Nala has taught herself how to keep herself ahead of the game. If she's not the student with the highest scores, the highest rank or first overall she has no reason to live...or so she's been told.

Likes: Order, Being First, Studying, Training

Dislikes: Chaos, Lightening, People who don't take things seriously, Ignorance

Fears: Her Father, Failing, Fire, Lightening

Strengths: Combat, Weaponry, Intelligent, Born Leader

Weaknesses: Lack of Emotion, Seeks approval from teachers, Overthinks, Doesn't take in account others emotions


Nala's father was apart of the Navy Seals when she was younger, causing them to move around every two years. This effected Nala in that while she was able to easily adapt to any situation thrown at her she was unable to connect to those her age and have normal friendships. When her father was around he made sure to use strict discipline with Nala sometimes using the same tactics he used when training with the seals. By the time she was in middle school Nala had become the perfect little seal, there was no room for mistake with Nala's father.

By high school, Nala's father was discharged from the seals giving him time to concentrate solely on training Nala. Nala was top of her class, joining every sport, and clubs possible all while going home and to go through a mock attack created by her father. There was no room for failure with her father because with him, failure = death. If she did, however 'fail' then she was forced to sleep in the basement on a cot under the pipes.

She didn't find out about her ability till one day where her father went a little too far. Her father decided to up her training by coming at her unexpectedly as she was walking up the steps. While he attacked her Nala slipped and fell from the top step, falling down to the main level with a sickening thud. In the police reports, it said that Nala had had a nasty fall and had broken her neck causing instant death. Nala was dead for exactly 20 mins before waking up in the back of an emergency vehicle. Word quickly spread through the town, calling her a miracle. Quickly after her father tried everything to see how far she could go before she really could die. When word spread to the Academy, Nala was quickly recruited and thus ending the chapter of her fathers tyranny.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mruw8vdeZJ1sfz8t3o3_400.gif.d5fbfb903b40ae50c20108fbcb937724.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mruw8vdeZJ1sfz8t3o3_400.gif.d5fbfb903b40ae50c20108fbcb937724.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Meet Kiara Vox

Nickname/Spy Name: Foxtrot

Age: 18 almost 19

Ability: She knows everything about someone. She can go into someones mind. She can see things through their eyes, she can hear their thoughts, and know their weaknesses. This is Clairvoyance. She uses her Clairvoyance to find out her targets weaknesses and seduce them.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Hometown: New York

Birthday: June, 22 1997

Relationship Status: She has a bit of commitment issues, since she usually "distracts" people




Skin Tone: Brown

Scars: One on her hip

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair Color/Style: Dark brown, curly hair with dyed tips

Piercings: stomach and hips

Tattoos: None

Body Type: She is curvy, so basically she has an hourglass figure

Clothing Style: She is usually wearing something black. her outfits are a bit tight or revealing. EXAMPLE


Personality: Kiara is a rebel. She does what she wants. She doesn't have a care for the world. She uses her beauty and body for her advantage.She can get herself out of any situation. She is very athletic, and knows how to use her powers. She can be childish but serious when she needs to be. But she is always sarcastic.





-Being the best



- Disappointing others



- Losing control

-Her past still haunts

-trucks (you'll learn why)

- Her ex


-She doesn't get easily attached to people

-she's good at seducing people

-she is very stealthy

-she is better at hand to hand combat


-talking about her family


History: Kiara has no family. The one she used to have left her a long time ago. She can still remember their bodies being rushed to the hospital. She can still hear the frantic screaming. She remembers the day as if it was yesterday. Her family was going to dinner on a late night. Suddenly a truck driver that was driving on the wrong side of the road hit them. It happened so quickly. Everything went black, all you could hear was the sirens of an ambulance. She could remember herself trying to help her sister, who was already dead. Suddenly she felt a hand pull her out of the car. She could still see her parent being pulled out, covered in blood. She still can't believe that she survived the crash. That night she lost all of her family, even her unborn brother that her mother was carrying, had died that night. She suffered some injuries, but other than the she was physically fine. But mentally she was a wreck. After a month of some counseling she was placed in a foster home at age 6.

At first they were nice people, but they weren't her family. She would usually spend her time in her room. Her foster parents tired to do stuff with her, but she refused. They then thought something somethings was wrong with her, and took her back. This was the same with the 6 other homes. They either took her back because she was weird or because she knew too much about them. Like how she know a parent's daughter was drinking under age or how the parents took her in for the money. she even ruined a marriage by tell the mother that her husband has been sleeping with the maid. But it all ended when her last foster family had a son that she was romantically involved with. At the time she was 16 and he was 18, so they kept it a secret. But soon he started to use her past against her and started to make her feel weak. He started to verbally abuse her and sometimes sexually harass her. He then started to be more sexual and more abusive. When people found out, she was pulled out of the family and a distant aunt took care of her and trained her.


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