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Realistic or Modern Lockhart Academy


Daydream Queen

This is my first time writing in a diary, so I guess I should start with my name...

My name is Katrina. You can call me Kat. I'm 21 years old, studying at Lockhart Academy. Honestly, there's nothing extremely special about me. I'm 5'2", mousey brown hair and brown eyes; I'm not a celebrity, I'm not related to or friends with a celebrity. But... I do lead an unusual life.

Ever since I was little I have been able to see everyone's lies... They usually just appear to me like text going across a screen. From what I know, I was never struck by lightening, dropped in a vat of chemicals, or had my DNA altered. It just happens. It has always happened. But at Lockhart, things are going to look up for me.


Welcome to Lockhart Academy, together we can achieve greatness.

Welcome one, welcome all to Lockhart Academy, where you will learn how to become a spy. You have been chosen because you hold a great supernatural gift that could come in handy for becoming a spy for the CIA. Our campus provides all the comforts you need: dorms/housing, food, and classes that will value and build your skills to becoming successful members of our team.

Come to Lockhart today, together we can achieve greatness.​
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