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Fandom Locked Up with Fear- Characters



One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Important Notes:
  • Batman appeared in Gotham in 2013, so 6 years ago.
  • Dr. Mayson does not work Tuesdays.
  • 7:00 am- Ivy
  • 8:30 am- Riddler
  • 10:00 am- Harley
  • 11:15 am- Hatter
  • 12:30 pm- Lunch
  • 1:30 pm- Scarecrow
  • Jonathan injects the smuggler with the fear toxin right in front of Mayflower
  • Matthias starts working on the cure with more passion than before
  • Edward secretly repairs something he knows is Tiedrich's job, prompting the pair to have another conversation.
  • Matt gets Caster to pay for and support his fear toxin cure research, obtaining staff to assist Matt's efforts. It's not openly done but not secretly either.
  • Bolton and his men invade the island and the Initial lockdown occurs. Nonessential staff (Basically anyone that isn't a guard,) are allowed to leave, but they have only a few minutes. After that, the gate closes and nobody is crossing it again.
  • The big meat of the lock-down. Bolton starts enforcing his new rules.
    • Threats, murder, strict rule enforcement, probably Bolten speeches.
    • Supplies start to dwindle over this time, causing people to become a little more desperate. Prisoners/patients don't get priority and their portions are shortened first.
    • Edward gets in trouble and almost killed by Bolton, but Tiedrich saves him and gets hurt in the process.
    • The supervillains and many of the other inmates escape Boltons control aka riot partially out of the need to survive (after all, they were not getting first dips on dinner). Classic Arkham chaos (like in Arkham Asylum but no Joker). Jonathan has his fear toxin back. Tiedrich is surviving in the villain's wing of the asylum.
    • Bolton learns about the cure in progress and makes it Matthias' main job. Make it or die/starve
    • Jonathan targets the guards and specifically Mayflower once he learns about what Matthias has been doing.
    • Mayflower is forced to use the first dose of the cure on himself just to give himself a chance, and once it works, Bolton starts using it on his guards.
    • Symptoms of the cure start taking effect on the guards, but Matthias is fine.
    • Bolton tells Mayson about his plan to kill a bunch of innocent prisoners in order to save on food.
      • Mayson tells some of the doctors close to her
      • Matt overhears and spreads the info around like wildfire
    • Matt gives Tiedrich a flash drive of his research. Tiedrich gives it to Edward who destroys it after memorizing it as a "skrew that manipulator"
    • Bolton starts to think that Matthias is on the side of the villains and purposefully poisoned the guards. He gets violent with him, which prompts the doctors and remaining Arkham guards to riot too.
      • Prompted by Matt being forced to reveal that Bolton plans on killing a large number of innocent prisoners to save on food.
    • Chaos, and through a series of events, a large portion of Arkham patients escape, including many supercriminals.
    • Tiedrich gets shot while helping Edward out of the asylum and is left in critical condition.
    • Jonathan and Matt run into each other, Matt expecting to die, but Jonathan spares him to make him suffer more.
  • Jonathan and Edward go into hiding. In a similar time frame, Matthias would likely leave or even be let out of the job, as most of his patients will no longer be within the facility. Tiedrich's medical bills start to increase and pile up.
  • Teidrich starts working for Edward thanks to building a report with him in Arkham and the high medical bills
    • Go to Penguin's Casino to get some quick cash, some information, and generally boost their assets. Plus fun
    • Gala/charity event for rich people where Bruce is in attendance, they sneak in to steal some information (codes, personal info, something).
    • Classic riddled trap for batman!
  • Jonathan is making and improving his toxin and Matthias is mostly just unheard of but is starting to have symptoms from the "cure" he used on himself.
    • He starts to record himself and what happens around him.
  • Matt runs into Tierdich (and Edward) and a line is drawn in the sand, their relationship ruined.
  • Matthias returns to find Jonathan and allies with a local mercenary/muscle for hire
    • DRAMA across Gotham with a bunch of characters we have yet to play around with.
  • Matthias and the Merc find Jonathan
  • Jonathan and Matthias start to work on a cure for the cure. At the same time, Jonathan joins up with Joker for a big plan that involves combining the laughing gas and the fear toxin into the most deadly gas Gotham has ever seen.

Character Sheet

(picture reference)


Full name:


Nickname(s) or Alias:





Languages spoken:

(picture reference)




Hair colour:


Eye colour:

Scars/distinguishing marks:

Preferred style of clothing:











Level of education:

Past job titles and descriptions:

Current job title and description:

(picture reference)


Patient Number:

Threat Ranking: None (1). Low (2). Mild (3). Moderate (4). High (5). Severe (6).

Treatment Ranking: Compliant (1). Responsive (2). Indifferent (3). Resistant (4). Defiant (5). Hostile (6).





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Matthias S. Mayflower
Arkham Asylum Psychologist & Therapist
Character Sheet



Full name:
Matthias Sampson Mayflower

math-I-us sam-son may-fl(ow)er

Nickname(s) or Alias:
Matt & Matthew (Most common name that has been used by friends and some associates.)
Matty B (A nickname given to him solely by Tiedrich. To this day, Matthias cannot figure out what the B stands for.)
Dr. Mayflower (Professional name.)
Little Sammy (Used by Ellie.)



March 10th, 1991

Religion seems to be one of the many things that Matthias is conflicted by, as indicated by his lack of any exact religious identity but hints of a small few of them. The more time passes, the more he seems to lean towards being simply Agnostic.

Languages spoken:
Dutch (Primary language,) English (Secondary language,) French (Secondary language, novice speaker.)



5'3" or 160.02 cm

116 Ibs

Matthias has a rather average build, if not, fairing slightly more on the thin side.

Hair colour:
Light brown

Matthias has straight shoulder-length hair with a hairstyle that tends to change depending on the situation. When in his casual attire, or for formal situations, he tends to keep his hair down with the sides sometimes tucked back. When working; however, he ties his hair back in order to keep it practical and away from his eyes.

Eye colour:
Light brown

Scars/distinguishing marks:
While it is not a severe scar, Matthias has faint and jagged marks across the top of his left wrist. While it has often been either not mentioned out of an attempt to avoid awkward situations, or has many assumptions about it, it's actually from an accident involving his sister a couple prior to the events of the roleplay.

Preferred style of clothing:
Matthias tends to dress rather plainly, his casual outfits and business outfits oftentimes consisting of many of the same elements. Usually, he wears a white plain long-sleeved dress shirt, along with brown, grey, or black slacks. Occasionally he will wear a muted-color cardigan or sweater, a tan jacket, or his lab coat when working. He seldom wears jewelry or hats but will occasionally opt for a scarf in cold weather.


Matthias tends to remain healthy rather easily due to his diet and active lifestyle. While he does not attend any gyms or participate in any particular sports, he tends to walk as often as possible due to his dislike of public transit. His diet can be somewhat large with plenty of snacks, but is often rather healthy and consists of mostly just fruits along with occasional sweets.

While occasionally struggling from stress stemming from overworking himself, Matthias has never been diagnosed with any mental conditions though admits to potentially suffering from mild anxiety, something that he has refused to officially seek help for many times. Despite his typical blunt honesty, he is not fond of discussing his own mental health or that of his family and tends to be quick to change the topic.


Matthias is an honest and kind intellect with a passion for helping others. At face value, he tends to come off as a timid and occasionally bubbly man who simply enjoys the presence of other people. When people get to know him better, it becomes easier to recognize that he is actually exceptionally observant of those around him and that he has a tendency to adjust his personality to those he is interacting with; almost as if it were mild manipulation.

While he is not a fan of dark jokes, he seems to be greatly pleased by more lighthearted and silly jokes -- particularly good old fashioned puns. When talking about things he enjoys, he tends to ramble and occasionally skip over some of the important details of whatever he is babbling about, oftentimes resulting in him losing his conversational partners in the details. In the few times that he has encountered people knowledgeable in his interests, he has been known to spend literal hours talking to them about the topic.

When upset or stressed Matthias tends to fall rather silent, occasionally losing focus on conversations, or simply try to spend time alone. He is quick to bounce back from these episodes, though it can be difficult to tell if these emotions have been resolved or ignored. He prefers to keep his personal life to himself and will occasionally omit details when conversations do turn towards himself. While suicide can be somewhat of a bitter topic to him, he tends to underplay how much it truly gets to him. Drowning and cutting in particular seem to be the most sore of the areas for discussion for him, but he will always put those issues aside for a patient.

He can occasionally be rather naive and somewhat sheltered due to both being raised in a rural area as well as living in one of the safer areas just outside of Gotham. He tries to understand where people are coming from and hardly ever acts spoiled due to this upraising, but can sometimes struggle to understand people from different circumstances.

Animals, tea, coffee, sweet foods, traveling, writing, helping people, talking, American candies, keeping himself busy, and reading.

Public transit, cigarettes/cigars/smoking, heavy liquors, discussing his private life, and violence.

Matthias has a small range of minor fears, such as a small fear of germs/catching sickness, and a very faint fear of public spaces. His more major fears are a bit more complicated, including a fear of not being able to protect those close to him and a fear of not being able to accomplish his goals/never having a legacy. These fears both stem from his sister's suicide, as he wishes to protect those close to him to avoid further guilt for his failure on her part, and if he does not have a legacy, then he would have no reason to stay in Gotham and believes that he would have no other option but to return to the Netherlands and help his parents care for Ellie.

Due to his time training to become a medical doctor, his schooling for psychology, and his childhood, he has a small range of skills and talents; some useful, some more akin to party tricks.

He understands how to perform basic first responder care for most circumstances, including heart attacks, seizures, overdoses, and more.

Due to his training for psychology, he is skilled in the area of trauma care. It was at his job as a trauma care therapist that he discovered his skill for talking to patients, oftentimes being able to improve their cases to some degree within at least two weeks, leading to his eventual recommendation to work at Arkham Asylum. It is this skill that has also lead him to be rather talented at analyzing people, making him decently fast at detecting lies, moderately good at convincing people to do small things, and good at generally talking to people. In addition to this, his most useful skill that has caused him to excel so much in his job is his lack of utilizing common therapy tactics and instead creating his own.

The less useful set of skills and talents is that he has a small talent for basic gardening, something learned in order to take up the next talent and hobby of his -- preparing his own tea leaves, something that has failed quite a few times for himself yet he still tries none the less.


Level of education:
Doctorate of Psychology

Current job title and description:
Arkham Asylum Patient Therapist, a title earned due to multiple recommendations in his previous job as a trauma care therapist. He works with the patients that are particularly difficult to treat either due to former knowledge of the tests used for analysis/treatment or for otherwise difficult circumstances. Typically, this means that he treats those who understand psychology and/or are of at least a threat level of 5 or higher. While Matthias primary skill set is in trauma aftermath care, he has come to find that it can help him see smaller details in his patients a lot easier than most others -- as even the smallest things can offset a patient dealing with trauma -- similar to how unpredictable some of the higher threat patients in Arkham can be.


Matthias has one older sister and a mother and father, all of which currently live in Matthias's birth country of the Netherlands.
  • His mother, Ava, lives with her husband and daughter in the Netherlands where she is retired. Similar to her daughter and son, she is kind and gentle with a heart of gold. She's just as protective of her children as her husband is, if not, more so. She is somewhat old for being a mother, currently being in her mid-sixties, making her a little frail. She has blond hair, is a few inches shorter than her son, and tends to dress in heavy wool skirts, jackets, and clothes, making her often appear as a pleasantly dressed old lady. While she is not as argumentative as her husband, she is very insistent.​
  • His father, Reid, lives with his wife and daughter in the Netherlands where he is retired. He is protective of his family and is a little less observant than the rest of his family, but is quick to state his opinions just like his son. He has brown hair and is in his late sixties and uses a cane to walk due to one of his knees often acting up.​
  • His older sister, Ellie, convinced Matthias to move to Gotham about ten years ago. It is here that she eventually began dating a popular Gothamite actress and eventually became distant to her brother. After a few years, she divorced her wife and returned to Matthias, attempting to convince him to return to the Netherlands with her as she had become tired of the city. When he refused, she attempted to both cut her wrists and bleed out inside his bathtub, eventually falling unconscious and nearly drowning. Due to oxygen not being able to reach her brain for such a long time, she was just barely able to survive but would be faced with the large chance that she will never return to the way that she was. She requires constant help from her family, has trouble moving by herself, and seems to have been mentally traumatized from the event -- leading her to believe that she did not survive.​
Matthias is somewhat of a solitary person, oftentimes merely blending into the edges of any friend groups and never quite being one of the main ones. Because of this, combined with his relocation in jobs, he does not have many close friends by the start of the roleplay. Despite that, it doesn't mean he is completely estranged either.​

  • Tiedrich is a maintenance repair worker at the Arkham Asylum. While Matthias and Tiedrich were never the closest of friends and had merely been roommates during college before Tiedrich had flunked out early in the experience, they still stay in touch just to see how the other is doing. Tiedrich and Matthias share different lifestyles, as Tiedrich spends most of his free time either smoking, drinking, or generally enjoying life. Due to having a family history of heart complications, and being likely to receive it himself, he prefers to live in the moment. Tiedrich is a larger man, in his early thirties, with long brown hair and a slight chin stubble.​
  • Dr. Mayson is a doctor that works in the office beside Matthias, tasked with calming down the more violent and aggressive types of patients. She tends to occasionally check on Dr. Mayflower to ensure he is fitting in but can come off as harsh at times. She tends to be rather aggressive towards both staff and patients alike. Due to this aggression, she is hardly ever the doctor to any specific patient and is instead used to get them to settle down during violent outbursts.​

Due to Matthias' status as a psychologist and therapist at the Asylum, he has a range of patients that he is tasked with watching over. Because he is rather new, as well as the threat level of many of these patients, he is not the only doctor that assists them but is one of the main ones that reviews their current mental statuses.​

  • Johnathon Crane is a patient who has formed an obsession with fear. Formerly being a professor at the Gotham University and a psychologist at Arkham, Mr. Crane is one of the more difficult patients of the facility -- leading Matthias to be appointed to him along with a few other patients.​
  • Harleen Quinzel, a bubbly and excitable girl with an adoration for one of Gotham's largest super-criminals, (If not, the largest one.) Harley was formerly a doctor at Arkham before falling for Joker. Since her fall, she has attempted to distance herself from Joker a few times but has always returned to him each and every time.​
  • Edward Nygma, a young genius with a strong sense of narcissism and a superiority complex, is one of Dr. Mayflower's patients due to him being quick to pick up on most psychological tests and making analysis quite difficult.​
  • Jervis Tetch, a relatively friendly but delusional man with an obsession with Lewis Caroll's Alice in Wonderland.​
  • Pamela Ivy, a woman with a hatred for humanity and a passion for vegetation, is one of the more difficult cases for most researchers due to her dislike of communicating with people.​


Matthias S. Mayflower was born as the second child to the Mayflower family, a small police family from the Northern region of the Netherlands. With his parents often working long and somewhat unpredictable hours, Matthias spent much of his early childhood playing with his older sister, Ellie. In comparison to each other, both of the children were wildly different. While the family lived a life of their dreams for the first few years of Matthias' life; the parents working on their job to save people and their two children playing at home and doing well in school, this would begin to crumble after a few years.

The first hint that something was wrong with the children was when Ava Mayflower found Matthias' bag to have a strange odor. As it was currently a few days into a break at the time, she originally believed it to be some forgotten lunch scraps or a neglected treat from school. As she went to pull the source out, however, her hand felt something much less pleasant than a molded PB&J. It was not food, but rather a few crumpled up young birds wrapped in a few napkins and tucked deep into the corner of the bag. This disturbed Mrs. Mayflower, leading her to question her son and eventually take him in for therapy when he repeatedly claimed he had not put them in there. He attended therapy sessions at the young age of five for only a few sessions, before the doctor promptly informed the Mayflowers that Matthias had nothing wrong with him and was likely just trying to help some fallen birds but sadly forgotten about them.

This became a reoccurring situation. The first time was the birds. The second time was a mouse tightly packed into a sock in his drawer, only discovered from it's quiet scuffling while Reid Mayflower read him a bedtime story. Again, Matthias was taken to multiple sessions before being turned away on the claims that there really was not anything that the doctors could find wrong with him. Of course, it also became a debatable topic of whether or not Matthias was beginning to show two of the main symptoms of early childhood Sociopathy, torturing animals and lying. Baffled by these claims, the Mayflower family chose to secretly install cameras within their son's room to try and get down to the real source of these acts.

The third time, these claims against Matthias were immediately dissolved. After all, there was clear evidence that this incident -- and possibly all before it -- were not from the boy, but rather the well-behaved and friendly girl. At 3:43 in the evening, Ellie arrives home early after school. She immediately enters her brother's room while he is out in preschool, drops her backpack onto his bedroom floor, digs a crumpled plastic bag from it, and tucks it carefully between his mattress and bed frame. Afterwards, she goes to the kitchen to make herself a lemonade and sits at the couch to watch television. Shocked, the Mrs. Mayflower brought Ellie outside to help her garden, while Mr. Mayflower investigated what it was. It was a young kitten. Hardly older than a few weeks old and still trying to wriggle free under the thin mattress pad, pressed so carefully into the bedding that nobody would have ever spotted it. Ellie's excuse was that she wanted to see what would happen.

Ellie was officially diagnosed as a sociopath at the age of only eight while Matthias was no longer a subject of debate among the psychology community in the area, even still, it was baffling that he had never once chosen to put the blame on his sister.

Matthias spent the majority of his childhood studying and rising to the top of most of his classes, while simultaneously walking on eggshells any time his sister was deemed well enough to come home. Despite the discomfort between them, they would still often spend time together when capable, though it became much more tense and would never quite return to the same way as when they had been younger.

During one of Ellie's breaks from receiving counseling, she convinced Matthias to move with her to Gotham so that he could study and she could meet up with a wealthy woman that she had connected with online. While she married the woman, Matthias was accepted into Gotham university for his exceptional test scores, GPA, and essays -- being particularly praised for his essay on the sociological study of morality in communities. While he originally wished to become a medical doctor, he eventually chose to become a psychologist, as the coursework for the medical field had been too strenuous alongside Ellie's sporadic demands. In this field of study, he was able to rise to the top few scores in his class -- being particularly recognized for a study of the morality of individuals in a community.

Soon after graduating from university, where he had slowly grown more and more distant from his sister over the years, Ellie divorced her wife and tried to convince him to return to the Netherlands. When he refused, she wrote a neat letter explaining why she would be killing herself and that it was Matthias' fault, then attempting to take her life in his bathroom after breaking into his house. It was an event that shocked the family, and has left Ellie permanently brain damaged, resulting in her being taken back to the Netherlands and Matthias to have been left behind in Gotham alone. Originally shocked from the situation, he later grew a sense of disappointment in himself -- both for not trying to help her, as well as disappointment in the fact that he was so relieved after learning that she would likely never be able to function by herself again.

Following these events, he went to work and began a job in trauma care, working at a facility for two years before transferring to Arkham due to multiple glowing recommendations. It is here that the story begins.​
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Dr. Jonathan Crane
Character Sheet



Full name:
Dr. Jonathan Hamish Crane

Nickname(s) or Alias:
Jon (Jonathan hates being called this and considers it highly impolite)
Dr. Crane (Professional name; this remains his favorite and preferred way to be addressed)
Scarecrow (The villain name that most people know him as due to his scarecrow-like mask)
Master of Fear (This is an ‘affectionate’ title given to him by his peers a long time ago and by the press once his villainy started)



1984, April 13th


Languages spoken:
Fluent in English and German.



135 Ibs, which is very low for someone of his height.

Jonathan is skinny, and not in an attractive way; he is practically all bones at this point and has shown a strong disinterest in eating more than enough to keep himself alive and mobile. This has left him with a face that once had a strong jaw but now seems rather hollow.

Hair color:
Sandy brown

Back in the day, Jonathan used to always have his hair down but well kept; this means that it was parted cleanly, it was always cut to just below his ears, and was fairly straight. Now though, Jonathan’s hair has phases. Part of the time it still looks like this, but the rest of the time it hangs completely unchecked. The hair is left to grow as long as it wants and the once straight hair is now messy, tangled, and sticking up in every direction.

Eye color:
Unlike the face claim, Jonathan actually has two dark brown eyes.

Scars/distinguishing marks:
Jonathan has a large number of piercing wounds caused by repeated insertions of needles; some were done willingly but others were roughly done by Batman in an attempt to poison Jonathan with his own toxins.

Preferred style of clothing:
Although he was long ago fired from his job as a professor and professional psychologist, Jonathan has shown a strong desire to continue to wear his white coat even when committing crimes. After all, no matter what anyone says, Jonathan still feels that he is a researcher. Although he will wear a casual suit if given the choice, he honestly cares very little about what he wears under the coat.

Jonathan likes his scarecrow mask as well. He is comfortable not wearing it, but he does prefer to have the mask on whenever working; it adds to the experience of the patient and himself. He will often be caught, and punished for, trying to make a mask out of his bedding or patient uniform.


Due to his toxin getting in his eyes so many times over the years as well as his long history of reading in dark rooms, Jonathan now has an extremely strong glasses prescription (made out of plastic for safety reasons). Without glasses, Jonathan can not make out more than outlines and blurs no matter the distance.

Batman has caused Jonathan to have many broken bones in the past, and unfortunately, some of them have not grown back as they should have. For example, Jonathan now has a permanent limp on his left leg and he can no longer run on that leg without it giving out completely. A few of his fingers also randomly twitch, which is something they did not use to do.

Additionally, Jonathan is rather malnourished. He does not prioritize eating, and even when he does, he never eats as much as is expected of someone his age and height. Either he doesn't care for the Asylum food or he is too focused on his work to care about self-care.

Jonathan is an addict, although not to drugs, but to fear. His mind and body craves the unique type of rush of adrenaline that fear causes in humans that cannot be found through any other kind of rush. The problem is that Jonathan exposed himself to his own toxin too many times and in too large of quantities, so now he is highly resistant to his own toxin; Jonathan is basically unable to feel fear, and therefore sate his addiction, without completely soaking in his toxin or being in the presence of his only remaining fear, Batman.

In the professional world, it is a large debate over whether or not Jonathan is clinically insane, or if he is sane but a psychopath. Even psychologists who have worked with Jonathan for a long time cannot agree on the matter. Is he clinically and uncontrollably obsessed with fear or is it just a passion taken too far? Often his behavior implies that Jonathan is still in control of himself and his emotions at all times, which is highly different than Harley Quinn, Joker, the Hatter, or other such super-criminals who have been diagnosed with disorders often simplified to ‘crazy.’ Jonathan is happy to let people think either way.


Jonathan Crane is a man defined and driven by one passion, fear. The study of how fear and paranoia impacts and influences human minds drives Jonathan to extremes, giving him a reason to live and work no matter how many times he is defeated. He is a man with a one-track mind, so if he is doing something you can almost guarantee that it is because it will further his ambitions in one way or another. Nothing else matters. Even acts that are considered shameful such as begging or admitting fault are things that he will do without hesitation, and that is what makes Jonathan so dangerous. He will do anything, good or bad if it means he will have a chance to witness true horror with his own two eyes. Murder is fair game for Jonathan, even though at the end of the day his goal is not to kill people, but to see them scream and squirm. So yes, he is willing to kill people to keep himself and his research safe, but more preferably the only deaths would be because a test subject killed themselves to escape the terror or they killed someone because they thought they were a monster.

Despite his actions and his exposure to his own toxins, Jonathan has maintained a rather sane and polite persona. He values manners, using please and thank you as well as addressing people as doctor when appropriate, but he does expect his manners to be returned in kind. Should you show him respect and be civil, he will talk to people for as long as he is able about all kinds of topics although obviously horror media, psychology, and most of all your personal fears are his favorite topics. He is also more than happy to teach or act as a mentor for younger or curious minds. The problem is, due to his obsession, any conversation is an attempt for Jonathan to psychoanalyze you and figure out what makes your brain tick, and most of all, what would it take to break your brain enough that you become catatonic or violent. He often will treat his own therapy sessions as his doctor's therapy time. This may be annoying, but it is only when you show disrespect and a lack of basic decorum that Jonathan loses his polite persona and takes on quieter but more threatening one. He may not have strength, but he is smart and will use his words to shatter your mind or find a way to poison you as he has done before.

The only times Jonathan seems to lose his calm mannerisms and displays emotional extremes is when Batman is the subject of conversation, he is being poisoned by his own gas, or he is witnessing a terror induced breakdown. Batman makes Jonathan visibly nervous when around, and just talking about the Bat seems to make Jonathan more reserved and hesitant when speaking. The fearless man is not a welcome idea in the mind of a man who loves fear. When he manages to infect himself, Jonathan does not scream and screech like many of his other patients, but instead, he laughs while tears stream down his face. After all, to Jonathan, fear acts like a high or adrenaline rush that he craves just as much as he craves seeing it in other people. It’s addicting and he seeks out his own fears whenever possible. Similar to this, Jonathan does show more extreme emotion when he sees people reacting to terror, but it is a tamer version of his own fearful reactions. He will laugh and smile, but there will be none of that crazed pleasure that cannot be turned off; it’s just an enjoyable experience that he is more than happy to preach about to anyone nearby.


  • Horror in all forms- Movies, games, books, theories, real-life horror, just about everything that could be described as terrifying. He even likes old, cheesy horror. He grew up in all of these things.​
  • Intelligence, his own and others- Although not an extremist like Riddler, Jonathan does appreciate people that use their brain to think unique ideas or create interesting inventions. He also does have some minor pride in his own intelligence and achievements.​
  • Humans- Although his behavior suggests otherwise, Jonathan actually adores the human race as a whole. He finds them fascinating even when not talking about fear, but when talking about fear, humans are completely captivating. He honestly wants to know what makes each individual tick.​
  • Reading- This applies mainly to horror or official psychological articles/journals/books. Jonathan keeps up with the sciences to the best of his ability, so whenever possible, he will spend hours reading high-level studies and theories. He can tolerate fantasy fiction if he has no other options.​


  • Penguin- The benefit of Arkham is that criminals like Penguin don’t get sent here and instead are just sent to Blackgate. Not only does Penguin care about nothing else but material greed, but he also tried to buy the fear toxin from Jonathan, and when refused, Penguin tried to have Jonathan killed. Jonathan is not seeking revenge, but he is unwilling to work with Penguin in any form.​
  • Liars- Although mind games are fun, they are unproductive to researchers such as himself. If he asks a question, he expects to be given the truth; lying to Jonathan is the quickest way to make his indifference turn hostile. Jonathan himself prefers to keep quiet rather than blatantly lie.​
  • Boredom- Jonathan craves mental stimulation and there is only so long he can entertain himself with nothing more than his own thoughts. A single book or some paper and a pen will keep him content, but without these things he tends to get rather antsy in his cell over time. And antsy is dangerous. Avoiding boredom is partially why he is always willing to talk with whoever passes by.​

Batman, and Batman alone. Jonathan does not fear death, a beating, or bats on their own, but he fears the man who seems to fear nothing. It is believed that if Jonathan ever figures out what truly scares Batman, then his only fear will vanish and leave Crane fully fearless. It is also worth noting that because Batman is his only fear in the world, someone can shove a loaded gun into Jonathan’s mouth and he will not feel an ounce of fear in response; he lacks survival instincts.


  • Drawing is a new skill of Jonathans that he learned while at the Asylum; it is a task used to keep his mind busy while his chemicals and books are away. Most of his art is horrifying, as expected, but some of them are highly technical diagrams of locations or the human body/brain.​
  • Sewing is a skill only used for practical reasons like making his mask or stitching up old clothing. He has no skill for artistic or medical sewing.​
  • As mentioned, a talent of Jonathan’s is that he is resistant to his own fear toxin. He is not impacted unless he is soaking in the gas for a while or it is put directly into his bloodstream; the gas mask is just so that he can stay in highly concentrated areas without having to worry about an unplanned episode.​
  • Considering that he was able to invent the toxin all on his own, it is safe to say that Jonathan is a skilled chemist and biologist at least when it comes to humans.​
  • Due to his own training in psychology, but Jonathan is very smart when it comes to mind games including manipulation, picking up on subtle cues, and breaking apart word choice.​


Level of education:
Holds a doctorate in psychology and a masters in chemistry.

Past job titles and descriptions:
A former lead psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum and professor at Gotham University. He specialized in the study of phobias and dreams/nightmares. As a professor, Dr. Crane was a strict grader but one who encouraged and rewarded passion; his class schedule always made room for students to explore their personal interests and he practically demanded that the students study each other over the course of the semester. Dr. Crane maintained his visible/obvious passion for fears, phobias, and nightmares even when the class topic was not about such themes; he sometimes made his student’s keep dream journals so that he could use them in his future studies. He was quirky but knowledgeable and contagiously passionate.

Current job title and description:
Currently, Jonathan is unemployed due to his on and off residency in Arkham Asylum, but he prefers to say that his occupation is of an independent researcher. Unfortunately, this independent research involves infecting people with fear toxin and then watching how the ‘patient’ reacts.



Victor and Allison Crane were good people who lived outside of Gotham for as long as they lived. Jonathan Crane was their first kid, born two years after their marriage, and he was raised by two people who loved him. But everything changed when Victor got in a car accident when Jonathan was 3 and became highly addicted to the pain medication; this addiction continued and became stronger for 5 years before anyone even knew that Victor had been lying for years. The reason they found out was because 8-year-old Jonathan had found some pills Victor had hidden around the house. Normally this kind of thing would tear a family apart, but Allison stuck with her husband to offer him support when he needed it most.

The pair tried to keep the drug addiction, and all attempts at recovery, secret and private from their son who they felt did not need to be burdened with these grown-up troubles. After all, at the same time, it became apparent that Jonathan was progressing in school faster than his peers could keep up with. So the two parents added one more responsibility to their plate that involved driving an extra half hour so that Jonathan could go to a special school for advanced kids that offered a faster and more challenging program. Jonathan continued to exceed in this environment even though he knew for a fact, even though no one told him so, that his father was a drug addict. After all, Jonathan was not a dumb kid, and he could identify the signs of addictions after one quick google search. Rather than be open about his knowledge, Jonathan instead took advantage of his parent's busy schedule and spent a lot of time watching and reading horror which he had an interest in even at this age. His parents did not let him watch it when they were around, but at the same time, they could not stop him when they were not. It is around this time that his obsession with horror and the feeling of being scared begun.

Jonathan was 10 when Victor, suffering from heavy withdrawal, killed Allison with a pair of scissors during an intense fit of hallucinations. Jonathan was watching ‘Scooby-Doo: Zombie Island’ in the other room when this happened and heard the screams from both parties. But he was watching his movie and ignored it for over an hour; when Jonathan finally investigated the screams, he found a note from his father telling him not to go inside of the bedroom but ignored it and instead went inside to find Vicor still twitching from purposefully overdoing himself and the mangled corpse of his mother. This resulted in Jonathan going to therapy for a few months, but the therapist eventually realized that Jonathan was coping and did not need to continue his treatment. Jonathan moved in with his Grandmother MaryAnn who lived in Gotham; she proceeded to spoiled him with his every desire and showered him with affection even when it was not unwanted. As if nothing changed, Jonathan continued his studies at the advanced school and eventually followed both of his parent's footsteps into the fields of psychology and chemistry. He did not cry when his grandma died from a gas leak accident around the same time he went off to college.

At a mere 22 years old, when most people only just received their bachelors, Jonathan had achieved his masters in chemistry and his doctorate in psychology. He got to work right away at Arkham Asylum, mainly interacting with the low-risk patients, but over the years his patients got more and more troubled and dangerous... to his pleasure. This allowed Jonathan to specialize in patients suffering from illogical fears, hallucinations, and paranoia; only in retrospect would people notice how similar this was to what happened to his parents and how deep into the world of nightmares he was going. This was all before Batman and the Joker were on the scene so things were less crazy then, which left Jonathan time to also be a professor at his old university when he was 27. He quickly became a respected name in the psychology world and gave many talks about how fear played a role in nearly all human decisions, but when this fear was heightened, that was when you developed extreme behavior ranging from displays of violence to self-induced catatonic states.

It seemed like everything was going well until he got an email from an anonymous donor offering him an opportunity to study fear like never before. Jonathan accepted, and it was during this time that he developed his scarecrow mask, the earliest formula of his fear toxin, and the beginning of his willingness to act immorally rather than just think about it. Batman appeared when Scarecrow was 29, and one year later Jonathan’s testing was discovered when Jonathan went further than his donor wanted and infected the entire Arkham cafeteria with the toxin just to see what would happen, causing an entire room of already crazy people to snap and go on a rampage that resulted in several deaths and many more injured. Jonathan had unintentionally infected himself at the same time and for the first time, which was how his role in the chaos was discovered. Doctors working during this time still remember how the entire building rang with the sound of screaming and weeping like never before, but the worst part about it was that the normally calm Jonathan walked into rooms with a creepy mask on and just started injecting people with this early fear toxin while he audibly wept about his future being over now that he was discovered so he may as well go out with the greatest experiment he ever performed.

At 30 years old, Jonathan Crane died and Scarecrow took his place. So for the last 5 years, Scarecrow has been an active menace in Gotham who only gets worse and more extreme as he constantly breaks out of Arkham thanks to his familiarity with the place and improves his formula.


Patient Number:

Threat Ranking:
5 (High)

Treatment Ranking:
4 (Resistant)

The third time that Jonathan escaped and was brought back by Batman, there was an issue with some goons who targeted Jonathan whenever he was in a semi-public common area. They did nothing physical, but they did shout at Jonathan and taunt him face to face whenever possible. Most of their comments were about how Jonathan was nothing without his fear gas and that was why he was allowed in common areas with everyone else. Although Jonathan appeared calm in response to the mocking comments, even laughing at them when brought up in therapy, he ended up surprising everyone when three of the tormentors killed themselves less than a month later. It turned out that Jonathan had been talking to those boys in their cells almost nightly, whispering things not picked up by the cameras, until the trio took their own lives using glass which came from Jonathan’s glass lenses; it is still unclear how Jonathan got out of his cell so often and how he broke what was supposed to be unbreakable lenses. Jonathan did not deny his actions when confronted about it, but he did say that he was glad to know that he was still capable of causing fear without chemical assistance. Since then, Jonathan has been given plastic lenses and has been left alone by the other patients who still remember what he is capable of when pushed.

Jonathan is bound to solitary confinement, mostly living and eating in that room every day of the week for the majority of the day. However, he can have guests (all visits supervised and conducted with a glass wall between them), he is only allowed to eat dinner in the patient cafeteria (the rest of the meals are in his cell), and after dinner he is allowed two hours of 'free time' that can be spent in the recreation room. Jonathan is forbidden from touching anyone under any circumstances or even be in the room where medication may be found; his hands are bound in front of him any time he is out of his cell.


Jonathan has no living family; their deaths were all suspicious in one way or another, but either the culprit was caught or the deaths were ruled natural.

  • Mother- Allison Crane- Allison went to college for psychology and graduated with honors, but when she met Victor, she instead decided to be a housewife so that she could devote herself to her family. And that she did. The house was always clean and Jonathan always had attention when he wanted it. She raised Jonathan to be the polite boy that he became, and more than that, she was the one who noticed how smart Jonathan truly was and advocated for him to start attending special schools where he could flourish; in all ways she was supportive. Even with her husband's addiction and lies, she stuck around to give him the support that he needed to overcome the drugs. And she had almost succeeded in repairing her family until Vicor’s withdrawal symptoms came back strong and deadly.​
  • Father- Victor Crane- Victor started out as a respected scientist in the chemistry field, but after a car accident resulted in him needing some heavy pain medication, Victor developed a serious drug addiction. It started out as a well-hidden secret, but eventually, Jonathan found pills and needles hidden around the house that prompted Allison to realize that her husband was on heavy drugs such as amphetamines, LSD, and ecstasy. Victor and Allison both tried to break his habits while also trying to keep Jonathan from realizing that there were problems… but Jonathan was too smart not to put the pieces together. Sadly, it wasn't uncommon for Victor to hallucinate when suffering from withdrawals, but one day his hallucinations turned violent when he thought that Allison was a demon and killed her in a panic. When Victor realized what he did, he purposely overdosed on the drugs he was working so hard to overcome.​
  • Grandmother- MaryAnn Hopkins- Due to the death of his parents at a young age, Jonathan was raised by his grandmother (Allison’s mom) in Gotham City. To make up for his parent’s deaths, she raised Jonathan with more affection than he honestly wanted. However, she was also a pushover who was so concerned with Jonathan’s happiness that she gave him whatever he wanted even when it was not appropriate for a developing (and likely traumatized) brain. She supported every one of Jonathan’s ambitions and kept him in the school for advanced youths even though she had to take money out of her retirement funds. The same month that Jonathan started attending university, MaryAnn died due to a leaking gas pipe in her house and suffocating during a nap. Her death was deemed an accident due to no signs of tampering.​

Back in the day, Jonathan was solitary and private, but despite that, he often was surrounded by fellow doctors or students who wanted to get close to one of the greatest minds in psychology at the time.​

  • Dr. Peter Caster- He was Jonathan’s closest friend when he was still working in Arkham, the pair often writing thesis’ together and discussed patients while also having lunch in one or the other’s office. Rumors suspected that they were intimate too. However, when Jonathan was caught testing on patients, Peter quickly distanced himself from the man and has not spoken to him since then; he is aware that Jonathan wanted to experiment on him next thanks to the many written and audio notes describing Jonathan's thought processes. Peter still works at Arkham, however, he refuses to tend to patients personally and instead now manages assignments, reassignments, and the other doctors; he is basically the doctor who treats stressed or traumatized doctors.​
  • Diana Merwin- This is a victim of Scarecrow, but despite that, Diana visits Jonathan every Tuesday at 3pm without fail; she is the only visitor that is not the press, a doctor, or something similar. It makes no sense why a victim would come to visit the cause of her trauma so many times, and it makes even less sense as to why the visits often appear to be pleasant. Whenever asked about these visits, Jonathan says that it is confidential while Diana will simply respond with ‘it makes me feel better’. There have been debates if Jonathan should even be allowed to receive guests at all, but due to his good behavior and the visits being heavily monitored, it is allowed for now.​

Fellow Villains:
Scarecrow is a villain who, more often than not, is working alone. He does not often have allies or thugs, but he is open to dialogue with them as long as they don’t try to use him or his toxin for their own selfish goals. If your goals and his goals match though, then he can be convinced. Even in Arkham, Jonathan rarely has companionship although he is open to it.​

  • The Mad Hatter- Perhaps it is because they are both doctors with a high understanding of the human mind and how to create illusions, but whatever the case is, Jonathan has been seen interacting with Jervis Tetch on numerous occasions. They have lively chats and both seem to enjoy these interactions, although sometimes the topic of conversation is often concerning so the guards tend not to allow the talking to go on for long. It is fair to say that they are friends, at least while within Arkham's walls.​
  • Joker- If not for Batman, Jonathan would likely fear Joker who has shown his own type of immunity to fear toxin. However, at present, Jonathan has shown no true fear for the killer clown and instead remains mostly neutral towards him. Jonathan will not work with the Joker and seems to prefer to be kept away from him rather than oppose him, but should the pair cross paths, Jonathan behaves civil but distant.​
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Edward Nygma
The Riddler
Character Sheet



Full name:
Edward Ridel Nygma

Nickname(s) or Alias:
The Riddler (The name he chose for himself and introduced himself to the world with)
Ed (This name is a gamble, sometimes he is okay with it and won’t comment on it, but other times he will shoot you for daring to pretend to be on the same level as him.)
Eddie Nashton (His old alias when he needed to pretend to be someone else over email, phone calls, or go undercover in any way; it used to be more successful before he became a household name.)
Edparadox (this is his username on some deep web forums. It is obviously just synonyms of his name).



June 8th, 1997

Hardcore Atheist; he’s unwilling to even indulge those who have faith.

Languages spoken:
English, Japanese, Morse code, and several computer programming languages.




150 Ibs, which is just a touch less than the ideal weight.

Edward is not unhealthy thin, but he could be considered rather lanky. The only muscle he has is in his arms, shoulders, and core caused by lifting and moving around so much metal in his life time and from working above his head a bunch; these muscles are only visible when he takes his clothing off though, so most people assume he just has no muscle at all.

Hair color:
A natural bleached blonde

Edward keep his hair rather long, just above his shoulders, but it is almost always tied back out of his face. It’s never neat though, not even the ponytails which are done as if he never learned how to do it right. When down, his hair remains just as wild because he never has taken a brush to it… even his fingers rarely go through his blonde strands of hair. He doesn't care.

Eye color:
Light green, although they are often slightly red due to lack of sleep and staring at screens all the time.

Scars/distinguishing marks:
Mainly there are scars and scratches on his hands from when he got scrapped by tools or burnt by a hot piece of metal. They are not visible from far away, but if you hold his hand and/or look close at them, you will see a checkerboard of marks. He has a handful of small burns and scratch scars on his arms too, but they are few and unimpressive.

Due to his stress and insomnia, Edward almost always has dark bags under his eyes.

Preferred style of clothing:
Just like his hair, Edward does not care at all. Sure, he likes green and will often choose to wear that color if he can, but truly it doesn't matter. Sweatshirts, wife beaters, formal suits, or jumpsuits are all the same to him. The only time he does care is when his clothing has to do with his trademark question mark, whether that be a suit he had made, hat, or just a jacket. Whatever he wears, he wants his question mark cane that is for looks more so than use.


Surprisingly, despite interacting with Batman a few times, Edward is still unharmed and without any lasting injuries. His wounds all healed as they were supposed to and he’s just fine. He does need glasses though, very badly since he can’t see anything clearly up close; he refuses to admit that he needs glasses though so he just glares at the world most of the time. Additionally, due to working with loud machinery for so long and his habit of blasting music in his headphones, Edward has weaker hearing than the average person.

  • Severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)- Although he often works in a messy environment (dust, oil, and dirt everywhere) he demands that things be in order. Tools are lined up neatly, symmetry is often upheld, and generally anything that is outside of the normal way he keeps things will push Riddler to fix the issue even if it takes hours. He can’t focus if things are not how he wants them to be.​
  • Insomnia- Riddler doesn't sleep, or at least he does not do it a lot. His mind is always racing and it won’t calm down enough for him to do so no matter how hard he tries. He refuses to take medication for this issue though, content to just work through the night on whatever his current project is. That being said, when he crashes after a few days of not resting, it is near impossible to wake him up.​
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder-Riddler thinks that he is great, the best, and he needs to be acknowledged by others to fully satisfy his ego. So in addition to blowing himself and his importance up to ridiculous degrees, he also has an obsessive/compulsive need for attention. control, and others approval. He can’t admit to being wrong.​
  • Hot-Head- As a result of the above, Edward has a temper and shows near constant signs of irritability. He’s quick to snap at others, quick to blame onto others rather than himself, and even a small slight at him can result in him putting together a month long revenge scheme.​
  • Compulsion to give riddles and hints- Many of Edward’s crimes would have succeeded if he had not left Batman or the cops a hint about his plans or where he was located. He knows that what he is doing is not the best for his plans, yet he can’t stop himself from continuing it. It frustrates him, and he has repeatedly tried to stop himself from giving clues, but he always ends up giving into the illogical desire.​


Within a ten minute conversation with Edward, you will know exactly what kind of person he is because he makes no attempt to hide it or even soften his personality. And unfortunately who he is is an unpleasant man with more of an ego than morals. In fact, there is nothing Edward won’t do if it means that he will win or make himself seem smarter than someone else. He’s obsessed with victory to the point that losing and failure at any level will send him into a boiling rage. And when Edward is angry, it’s never possible to know what he will do next. Sure, he hates brutish violence without a purpose, but he does throw things when mad like a child having a tantrum, or if not that, Edward will just be pissed off for weeks as he slowly plots out some sort of revenge scheme.

Although he is not a pleasant person, Edward is not necessarily an unhappy person. He doesn't ever cry, he does not mope, but he does get angry and frustrated very often as shown above. Still, he lights up at praise… even though he does not like to show just how much he adores it. Similarly, Edward does not like to show how much he enjoys working on computers, robots, and traps. Finding new things to bring into the world excites him greatly. Unfortunately though, he is also greatly excited by getting away with breaking the rules, cheating, and lying. All three of these things are just different kinds of puzzles/games that he wants to beat. For whatever reason, the only kind of happiness that Edward is not embarrassed to show is when he is laughing at his own mocking comments.

The final notes about Edwards personality is that he does not like to talk about his past or his childhood, but if asked about it, he will often just respond in simple one word answers which is far different than his normal long winded, ranting style of conversation. In fact, the only way to get him to actually talk about his family in more detail is if you purposefully get him upset and triggered to the point that he is so fuming that he can’t stop himself from complaining about his perverted father, whore of a mother, and his drunken hillbilly of a family. It is clear that he hates them all and is perfectly happy that he is free of them; he refuses all contact with them even when his doctors push for it. Edward never needed them as a child, so he certainly does not need them in his life now. He refuses to admit how much his father influenced who he is now.


  • Himself- As a narcissist it should be expected that there is a lot of self love going on. It’s not about his appearance or personality though, it’s all about his mind. Oh, he still thinks that he is better looking that many people, but not to the point of narcissism.​
  • Puzzles and Games- Although some see it as childish, Riddler actually adores mental games ranging from chess, to rubix cubes, to the Clue board game, to normal picture puzzles. Obviously the game does need some sort of intelligence or tactic element to it, but as long as that is there, Edward will happily play… although he can’t stand losing.​
  • Gambling- As someone who understands math and chances very well, Edward is a skilled gambler even when he doesn't cheat… but he does cheat a lot or at least count cards. He will sometimes gamble in casual situations as well, placing ‘bets’ on what is likely to occur around the asylum.​


  • Basically everyone, but especially Batman- Edward hates people, every single one he has ever met, and he is not secretive about that. Robots and solitude are far better company. Above all others though, Edwards hates Batman although he doesn't think that the man deserves the honor of being on the top of his list.​
  • Idiots- Although all humans suck, Edward can at least tolerate those with a brain. Thugs and ditzes are intolerable but often necessary tools that Edward is happy to dispose of when possible.​
  • Combat- The mind is stronger than the body, and so his complicated plans and tests being reduced to nothing more than a punching fight is pathetic and a waste of his brilliance.​
  • Being Ignored- As someone who needs to win and be acknowledged, being ignored by anyone is a quick way to set him off. Oh, he hates losing more, but this is almost just as bad. It doesn't matter if you are ignoring something he said or his accomplishment, he hates it and will always take it personally.​
  • Drugs- Since his mind is his pride and joy, anything that results in numbing it or altering it is a big no. As such, Riddler will not take anything to reduce his OCD, insomnia, or even pain. He will physically resist being drugged in any form.​

Edward mainly feels one fear, but that one fear connects to many others. Edward fears being less than other people, and stemming from that he dreads all forms of losing, failure, and making mistakes. His pride is so strong that anything that could remotely damage it is horrifying and either needs to be avoided or destroyed. Note that Edward does not fear Batman, he truly does not, but he does fear losing to Batman more than he fears losing to other people.


  • Skilled engineer and inventor- Using metal and wires, Edward can make seemingly anything from a computer, to weapons, to robots, to traps. His possibilities are limited only by his imagination and tools at his disposal.​
  • Computer programmer- His robots have impressive AI at times, and the more he builds in an attempt to reduce his need for human interaction and help from things, the better his AI is getting at measuring up to his high standards.​
  • Hacker- Give him a computer and a bit of time and he can get into any database. Rumors say that he is so talented he even got into Batman’s communication systems a few times, a feat the cops can’t seem to achieve.​
  • Escape artist- Edward has shown an ability to pick locks (cuffs and doors), unhinge doors with makeshift tools, and even pickpocket and smuggle small items. He’s no contortionist or manipulator though, just handy.​
  • Near perfect memory about anything he has seen or read- This is often a good thing, however, Edward also can always remember his own failures. He remembers every mocking word Batman as ever said to him, every second of Batman foiling his plans, and he remembers the laughter of those who watched him fall again and again.​


Level of education:
High school diploma, but he got it while in jail. During both his time in high school (in person or online), Edward actually had very bad grades. He often didn't show up to class, he was a loudmouth when he was there, and he never turned in a single homework assignment, paper, or project. However, when he showed up to take tests, he did magnificent which resulted in him passing most classes. ACT/SAT level exams were done so well that people suspected that he cheated… and he very well may have since cheating is not morally below him.

Past job titles and descriptions:
None; Edward refused to get a job less than him, so he just didn't get one even when his father threatened to punish him for being a lazy, spoiled brat.

Current job title and description:
Still technically none, but some people consider criminal a profession even though nothing Edward does is to get money… in fact, he has no money since he spends every cent he steals on more materials, hardware, or paying goons.



Edward was raised by his father, Edward Sr, who got legally forced to have full custody of the baby. The thing is, he didn't want a kid and so tried to avoid parenting as much as possible. Neglect is the word that defines Edward’s childhood. For most of his life, Edward was making his own meals and spending time alone in the house watching TV or playing video games; Edward Sr. never even bothered to hire a babysitter because he didn't want the baby sitter to rob him. Well, turned out that he didn't need to worry about that because Edward as a child started to steal money from his wealthy father’s wallet. The thing is though, instead of punishing his son, Edward Sr started hiding his money in more and more creative and hard to get to locations. The logic behind this was that he wanted to see how far Edward would go, and more than that, he thought that if Edward was going to be a little shit thief then he was going to have to earn it. This quickly became a game between the pair, and to this day, Edward can’t remember any other game that he ever played with his father. Rather than playing, Edward mostly remembers his interactions with his father being filled with silence, arguing, or his father's hand slapping across his face. His father called him a thief, a brat, a cheater, and worst of all, every kind of insult relating to the word idiot. Edward is not upset by his past though and talks rather plainly about it, but he will say that he was glad that his old man was so desperate to distract Edward that he bought him anything he wanted.

Edward started his criminal life early on, however, it started out rather small. When he was 16 he was already pick pocketing strangers on the street and stealing from stores; in fact, it was a challenge to himself to see the biggest thing he could take without getting caught. He had no use for most of the items though and would often just leave them in the mall parking lot on his way out. It was around this time that Edward started his hacking hobby too; using a computer he built himself he broke into databases and camera feeds just to see if he could. Unfortunately, a few months before he was 17, Edward pushed his luck and successfully got inside of the national security databases, which meant that he could see vital nuclear codes and private information about war movements. Maybe Edward would have gotten away with his seemingly impossible hacking accomplishment, but no one will ever know if he really would have because Edward had to brag about it on social media. He posted these codes and movements, and it wasn't even 48 hours later before Edward was arrested and charged as an adult. He was sentenced to 30 years in jail with no chance at parole… but unfortunately, Edward did not plan on wasting his life in jail.

A few months after turning 18, Edward broke out of jail with the help of a few very violent, dangerous men. These men helped Edward get to the main control room of the prison, and from there young Edward shut down the power of the entire place… but not before unlocking almost every door in the entire place including all solitary cells and the front gate. It was a prison riot and full out prison escape within the hour. Cops would later notice that Edward had been saying Open Sesame every time he passed the guard who carried the key leading into the control room; considering his later tendencies, this is clearly his early attempt at hinting at a crime before actually doing it. Immediately after breaking out, Edward continued his crimes only now as the Riddler. He put himself on television, directly challenged Batman (who was already two years into his vigilante career; Crane also already become scarecrow) to a game where the prize was survival and the cost of losing was the life of the very people Riddler had escaped with. Obviously, Batman beat the Riddler and since then Edward has had one goal… to win.

Now as an established villain, Riddler is considered a fairly good guy to work for. Yeah, he’s vain and bossy and will verbally shit on you the entire time, but he pays (and pays well) for anyone with some sort of intelligence or skill. He only betrays his staff on rare occasions… which is pretty good considering that most of the other villains in the city betray their staff often.


Patient Number:

Threat Ranking:
4 (Moderate)

Treatment Ranking:
5 (Defiant)

At Arkham, Edward is fairly hated by everyone from staff to other patients. After all, he complains all the time to the cafeteria staff and to his doctors, normally in rude or demanding ways with some colorful insults thrown in for spice. To make it worse, he has a bad habit of laughing at and mocking everyone. It has gotten so bad that a few patients actually attacked Riddler and sent him to the infirmary; it is said that even after they had him on the floor bleeding that he continued to call them monkeys and say that even with all of their brains combined he still couldn't call them a halfwit. He didn't shut up until he passed out from a kick to the head. Edward either did not learn his lesson, does not want to, or he is incapable of learning, and as such, he is now kept out of the common rooms as much as possible to reduce the chances of another incident. Everyone is happier now.

There are a handful of people in Arkham though that respect Riddler, oftentimes people who worked for him in the past or have at least seen him at work. These patients claim to have seen Riddler get out of his cuffs and then put them back on himself when he sees guards coming, that he is hoarding things in a compartment he made in his cell, and that he has a plan in the works to get out of Arkham.

Although he is at a lower threat level than many of the other super criminals, he is far more irritable, so it is common for his hands to be behind his back rather than out in front. He used to have permission to eat in the cafeteria and spend a fair amount of time in the common room, but after a few too many incidents with other patients and Edward trying to (or successfully) smuggling items out of them, he is now forbidden to leave his room unless heading to therapy. All doctors are advised to pay special attention to what they have before and after his visits.

In his solitary cell, Edward constantly is found scratting riddles, question marks, and even codes onto the walls with whatever item he manages to smuggle. He will use his nails though if he had nothing else to write with. These riddles tend to be semi threatening in nature and often should be taken as a warning; Edward always leaves clues to his crimes after all so the markings on the walls could be considered hints to some crime he has not yet done. The same ideas can be applied to riddles he says out loud. And Riddler talks to himself a lot, so sometimes it is best to pay attention to his ramblings.


Edward actually has a normal sized family on both sides that are all still alive, however, he has no contact with any of them and it is safe to say that the family dynamics are rather negative. He calls a lot of them alcoholics and/or hillbillies. There are only two people in Riddler’s family that ever had any real influence on him.

  • Mother- Ira Tibaud- In Riddlers own words whenever asked about his mother, he tends to offer a single word to describe her; Whore. She had Edward when she was only 19 after a one night stand with Edward who was 30 at the time. Although there is no confirmation to say that this is true, but Edward claims that his father bought Ira for the night for (he estimates) a mere $200. Due to the fact that she was so young, unemployed, and generally unwilling to raise a child, she went to court and argued that Edward Sr. should have custody. She ‘won’ and pushed baby Edward off on the older man. Since then Edward has seen more of the Tibaud family than Ira herself, but they have met many times. She doesn't even try to treat Edward like a son and instead acts like he is just a young friend during these interactions. Apparently Edward got most of his looks from his mother.​
  • Father- Edward Nygma Sr.- Considering that he never wanted children and just wanted to fuck some young hot chick, Edward Sr. is not too pleased that he got roped into caring for Edward… and that the kid was named after him. Edward Sr. went so far as to get tests done to see if it was even his baby. It was though, so he cared for the kid and called him Junior although even at a young age Ed hated that. Edward Sr didn't care though because his bitterness over having a son never left him nor did he try to hide it. Since he was working as an architect, he was very busy most of the time and left Edward home alone and without even a babysitter to watch him. It’s no secret that Edward was neglected. Additionally, his passions and talents were ignored or blatantly pissed on rather than encouraged. Edward Nygma Sr. has gone on record to say that he was not surprised “that little shit” became a criminal; he has not attempted to contact Edward even once since he was arrested for the first time.​

Edward has no friends, and honestly, he never has. He’s too vain and verbally cruel to keep anyone around for long. The closest ‘friends’ he has are people online that he will sometimes interact with when he has access to the computer, however, these chats are impossible to find due to most of them being conducted on deep web forums that are deleted and reopened in an attempt to make them untraceable. These chats are never personal either, and it is likely that these people have no idea they are talking to the Riddler; the few conversations that have been recovered contain these details. Edward goes as Edparadox online.

  • BoomBaby93- As the name implies, this username is often found participating in discussions about bombs; they had a handful of long private chats with Edward about what type of bombs they liked, why, and where they preferred to place them. Advice was given and advice was taken. No real names or locations were offered.​
  • TinhatJohn- On a forum about conspiracy theories, Edward made a surprising friend in one of the more extreme people there. This ‘John’ didn't believe anything was as it appeared, the moon itself was fake, the earth was flat, lizard people and clones ran the government, etc. Edward strongly disagreed with this man and had long angry conversations with the opposing but passionate stranger, but considering that they both keep returning to talk to each other even after months of silence, it seems like they enjoy their emotion fueled debates.​
  • Red- This simple name is not found on a chat forum, but on a site well known for live snuff broadcasts. Edward is not on this site to watch the gruesome shows though, he is there to test himself by figuring out who is being tortured, and more than that, where the show is being broadcast from. He posts addresses and specific coordinates in the live chat, and then when they try and fail to get his information, he mocks them in the same chat before dropping out of the live feed. This happened so often (but with no cops being called) that Red, the possible founder of the snuff site, talked to Edward on numerous occasions. Most of their chats can be summed up as Red asking Edward to stop, Edward refusing, and then Edward recommending ways to make their security better so that he can actually have a challenge next time. Red has taken his advice.​

Similar to Jonathan Crane, Edward prefers to work alone. However, unlike Jonathan, Edward is incapable of working with others no matter what. His pride, desire to be in control, and tendency to make complex (often self detrimental) plans make him impossible to work with… not that he wants to either way. As such, the only allies you will ever see Edward with have been brought to serve as muscle, his spies, or to do his leg work.
  • Poison Ivy- Most of the time these two don’t get along considering that Ivy is all about nature and Edward is all about technology. In fact, they are basically opposing powers. However, they do share one commonality which is that they hate humans. If forced to interact, they are capable of having a civil conversation about this one topic otherwise expect them to argue and fight.​
  • Penguin- The last time Riddler worked with someone it was the Penguin and that was only because they each had something the other one wanted. Penguin had access to a rare but strong material while Edward had the ability to invent weapons that Penguin desperately wanted. It is suggested that Ridder actually built Penguins new and improved umbrella gun during this trade, among other things. So no, they are not allies by any means since they still don’t trust each other, but they are open to trades with each other.​
  • Scarecrow- At least within the confines of the Asylum, Riddler has shown an ability to tolerate the ex-doctors company in small doses. If Edward has to interact with someone at least let it be Crane who has at least some level of intelligence left in his brain. The one major flaw of this matter is that Edward does not care about humans or the mind, and more than that, he doesn't care about fear. In fact, Edward hates the fear toxin more than anything and claims to have developed a gas mask that will shield him from the toxins should Crane conduct another attack.​

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Dr. Brooke Mayson
Arkham Asylum Psychoanalytisist
Character Sheet



Full name:
Brooklyn Jacques Mayson

Nickname(s) or Alias:
Dr. Mayson (Most commonly used at the facility and by her peers. This is also the name she uses when writing her signature.)
Brooke (Less commonly used, but when she states her name, she often chooses to use the shortened version of Brooke rather than Brooklyn. She prefers to be addressed as Dr. Mayson.)
The Red Queen (Used by the Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch. While she dislikes the name, she has occasionally acknowledged it out of exasperation.)
The Crimson Bitch (Used by Tiedrich soon after he learned of the nickname that Jervis Tetch used for her, eventually caught on to some of the other staff but tends to be used only behind her back. She refuses to answer to this name and is quick to snap when she hears it.)



May 28th, 1977

Atheist, she finds little reasoning behind any religion and cannot bring herself to believe in what she cannot see.

Languages spoken:
English (Primary Language,) and Dari (Somewhat rusty but can understand pieces of the spoken and written language. Has difficulty reading advanced Dari and writing it, though can hold a very basic conversation in it.)



5’5" or 165.1 cm

126 Ibs.

Dr. Mayson has a generally average build with nothing out of the ordinary, being neither thin or overweight with little to nothing remarkable. The only noticeable detail about her build is her somewhat androgynous figure, lacking in any major bust or hips.

Hair color:

Dr. Mayson's hair tends to be rather shaggy with little grooming, often just brushed straight and left as it is with no product or unnecessary accessories. She tends to keep her hair either shoulder length or just below. Contrary to the pictures, she does not wear any hats.

Eye color:
Her eyes seem to be a sort of greyish-blue color, often taking one or the other color depending on the lighting of the room she is in. While inside the Arkham Asylum, (Due to the artificial lighting,) her eyes tend to take on a more grey color and have a faintly clouded appearance. Outside or in dark areas, her eyes have more of a blue tint to them.

Scars/distinguishing marks:
While this seems to be an issue that occurs only a handful of times a year, Dr. Mayson has an autoimmune disorder that can cause blisters to form across her skin after facing even the smallest of infections; primarily on her face, hands, wrists, and ankles. These blisters, while painful and unsightly, only ever last a week or two at a time before mostly healing over. However, this time tends to be extended from her scratching at them, causing bleeding and scarring. When it is extremely bad, it can cause swelling, cracking in the skin and sores, and will lead her to take off work to avoid infection.

While this disorder has not been directly identified yet, it seems to mainly occur in the colder seasons and has occasionally been mentioned to likely have a link to some of the specific chemicals used to maintain the Asylum, primarily anti-rusting materials and some cleaners, as it has shown itself to often occur a day or two following the use of the chemical. When given a heads up by the staff that routine maintenance will be performed using this chemical, she has been shown to either avoid the areas it has been used in or simply take a few days off work, a habit that is uncommon for the woman.

Dr. Mayson seems primarily unbothered by this condition, merely calling it 'annoying' and 'irritating' when asked about it, though hardly ever seems self-conscious about the scars that have formed across her face as a result of this and will often still attend work even when it is in one of its 'episodes'.

Preferred style of clothing:
Contrasting the photos shown of her, Dr. Mayson tends to dress rather ordinarily and fairing slightly more on the comfortable side. She tends to wear loose-fitting clothes and sticks somewhat to the business casual region, though can occasionally be perceived as being underdressed. Unlike most of the doctors, she rarely wears her labcoat unless it is required, usually opting for a simple black jacket with instead. Many of her colleagues and former patients alike have poked fun at how her style of dress combined with her lack of any feminine features make it difficult to realize that she is even a woman.


Dr. Mayson is somewhat poor in her physical health, her immune system seeming to flare at the smallest things as well as a poor sleep schedule having caused her to be rather tired during the daytime. She seems to have an issue with scratching or picking at wounds, as shown by the numerous scars across the areas her blisters occasionally form -- making them almost always leave a mark on her every time they flair. Her diet is normal and she exercises enough to maintain herself, though can easily become awfully sick from the smallest nuances. It is due to this that she will often refuse to allow certain patients inside her room and instead have 'cell-sessions' with those that she deems to not be clean enough to her standards.

Aside from her severe anger issues, often including violent outbursts, Dr. Mayson seems to be mostly neurotypical.


Dr. Mayson is a brutally honest woman with a clear hatred for almost anything and everything. At first glance, many people are quick to notice the self-isolating habits of the woman; shown through her common verbal abuse of the smallest mistakes of her peers. She is known for her blunt hatred and rage that can start at the drop of a pen for the smallest things. While this has made her difficult to speak to as a therapist due to hatred of most of her patients and her refusal to work with most of her colleagues, it seems to actually be the prime reason she excels at calming some of the more difficult patients. While she does not look too far into this dynamic, it has been theorized by various colleagues that this relationship works by her intimidating angered patients back into submission. Her wrath is not simply 'shots in the dark' or guesses at a patient's weak points, she excels at finding exactly the areas to belittle others on.

At the beginning of the woman's career at the Arkham Asylum, about seventeen years prior to the start of the story, Dr. Mayson had actually been a somewhat timid and polite woman that had worked alongside some of the moderate and a couple of major cases at the asylum as a therapist. As time waned on, she became less friendly towards her patients and colleagues, beginning to snap quickly at those that worked both alongside and under her. Currently, she has adopted somewhat extreme views concerning the dynamics of the facility; primarily believing that nobody is going to recover and that it has merely become a prison rather than an asylum. While she is now much more harsh on the patients than she used to be, she has not taken on views extreme as notable staff such as Lyle Bolton and she still seems to hold a small scrap of ideals that improvement could come, though fails to admit this belief to others.

Outside of the woman's rage, she is rather reserved and keeps mostly to herself. She has been known to occasionally vanish from her office during her breaks, a detail that has caused many rumors to be spread about her. Some theorize that this is because she is actually about to snap like the countless staff members before her. Others believe that she is taking out her hatred for the patients in secret. A few even believe that she is just a depressed woman who has been making the preparations to end her somber life and can never bring herself to do it. In reality, the truth is rather disappointing, as she tends to spend her free time tucked away on the edge of the Asylum grounds by a sparsely wooded area, often merely resting or completing paperwork alone. This is a detail known only by a small handful of the staff; some of which have long retired or died throughout the years of her taking these breaks.

When not in one of her common rage episodes against patients or other doctors, she can come off as rather motherly and often checks on the new staff members to ensure they are fitting in well -- usually severing the connection between her and them within the first month and a half of them joining the facility after they have already settled down. She is bitter and quick to snap at small things, though seems to genuinely care about most of the staff, even being noticeably more somber following a tragic or untimely death in the faculty.

Dr. Mayson enjoys few things left in this world, though seems to have a small weak spot for honest and genuine people. While she seems to actively try to bring optimists back to reality, she is always careful with her words when dealing with someone who truly does not know any better.

She also greatly enjoys solitude, as shown by the common breaks.

To put it simply, Dr. Mayson has more dislikes than can be counted, many of which are even conflicting. This ranges from a dislike of quiet people to a hatred of talkative people. She hates the smell of cigarettes, most liquors, cigars, and even dislikes the smell of most types of cleaners, (Something that she often has to put aside when disinfecting her office.) She detests mistakes and will berate nearly anyone for the smallest slip-up, but will often criticize people who are perfectly fantastic at their job if she even begins to doubt their honesty. She dislikes silence, but will actively seek some sort of noise if it is too quiet. In general, there's a lot that irritates the woman.

Due to her numbed interior, she does not experience much fear these days and can rarely bring herself to feel much more than vague irritation at most people. However, one noticeable fear has lingered from her time in the military.

Her largest fear seems to be loud and sudden noises that mainly consist of gunshots, explosions, or fireworks. The volume of the noise alone does not trigger her fear response, meaning that this fear does not trigger from the Arkham breach alarms or from any old siren. This; however, cannot be said for sharp but sudden noises, such as someone slamming something sharply without warning and can cause her to be somewhat jumpy before lashing out at the source. When given warning, such as her seeing a gun and noticing it to not be pointed at her, she is not as quick to lose her composure though still visibly tenses.

Dr. Mayson is trained in a small range of forms of combat, stemming from her time in the military. This consists of general hand-to-hand combat, using guns, and basic martial arts. Combined with her average strength, and slightly above average speed, she has become decent in the area of fighting off most unarmed threats and will often accompany guards in re-securing a facility after a break-out. Due to her status as a doctor that interacts with patients, she is not permitted to use any weapon stronger than a taser or pepper spray and in-turn, she rarely will seek to assist with recontainment by herself.

Outside of her combat, she is actually a skilled leader due to her intimidation tactics and is knowledgeable about most of the high-threat level patients of the facility.


Level of education:
Doctorate of Psychology, a degree earned while she was simultaneously working in the military. While she refuses to talk about where she earned her doctorate, a few rumors have spread among the facility that she went to online school due to her being relocated too often in the military to attend a proper college. This is one of the few topics that she will snap at if it even starts to seem like it will be going there.

Past job titles and descriptions:
Marines Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Specialist, a job that she took soon after graduating high school and joining the Marines military branch. This was held for seven years before being discharged for a severe infection involving her immune disorder. She completed her education for two years following her discharge and moved to Gotham and joined the Arkham Asylum staff where she has been employed for seventeen years. For about ten years under this job, she was a therapist before being moved to a job with less patient interactions following a few incidents involving her patients, other staff, and herself.

Current job title and description:
Arkham Asylum Psychoanalytisist, she has held this job for about eight to seven years now.



Dr. Mayson had a rather difficult and almost cliche childhood, though most of it has become a blur to the stern woman. She recalls having a baby sister at some time in her youth, though does not remember her name but remembers it to be something like River or Moon or something flowery. When she was twelve, her parents divorced and she was put into a custody battle where neither of the couple succeeded and she was taken to Child Protective Services, (Where she eventually was seperated from the flowery named sister,). It is during this span of six years that she was passed between foster house to foster house, being too old to be adopted but too young to live on her own. It is also around this time that she began to start having the issues with her skin condition, leading to her to be often berated for her appearance.

The most vivid memory she has of her childhood, and perhaps the only one she can recall clearly, is the frigid walk to the recruiter's office, only the streetlights guiding her as she kept her graduation diploma crumpled in her the coat pocket, draped over her oversized and second-hand graduation gown.

She joined the Marine Corps with the intention to work as a Military Policewoman and help people, though was quickly placed into the Firesquad due to her high score on the military test and performance during training. It was here that she began to harden further, often taking the younger soldiers under her wing, many of them having come from similar situations as her. Some had been in abusive households where the smallest things could set their parents off, others were from neglected households where nothing was ever good enough. Some were just homesick.

She spent seven years in this position while also working towards a psychology degree with the belief that she could help some people with it, some of her final time being spent in Afghanistan before she had endured a brutal infection that caused her to be discharged. She continued her education after this before joining the Arkham Asylum faculty.

Throughout most of her life, she had always a been somewhat numb individual, though it was in Arkham that she began to change dramatically. For the first few years, she was kind and passionate and truly wanted to help people. She was able to accomplish this for a few people, though quickly began to lose her passion as time waned on and her patience wore thin. She became angry and bitter towards most of the patients, constantly disappointed by their lack of a will to improve. She began to believe that they didn't even want to get better. As time passed, this hatred grew. During this time, a few events arose that nearly resulted in her being fired; namely, she had engaged in multiple physical fights with patients, had nearly started a fight with one of the more vocal staff members, and one particular incident where she had threatened one of her superiors. While she was not disbarred and fired, she was moved into a less person-oriented position with a warning and has seemed to calm down a bit since then, though still verbally abuses many of the other staff and patients.

An adverse effect of the woman's rage towards her patients is the small amount of momentum she has gained among the more strongly-opinioned staff, often earning unwanted praise by those that believe it would be best to just lock all the cells to Arkham and throw away the keys -- never to even return to the facility again. It was also due to this stance that she eventually gained the attention of Lyle Bolton prior to his change into 'Lock Up'. She does not identify with this small portion of the staff and actively avoids them at any given chance.


Dr. Mayson, does not recall most of the members of her family, having little to no recollection of her mother or father prior to the divorce and cannot even remember the name of her baby sister. She has had numerous foster families after being taken by the Child Protective Services, though finds few to none to be remarkable.

As implied from her rather rage-fueled personality, Dr. Mayson does not have an abundance of friends. From next to no personal life outside of her job, and a dislike of most of those at her job, friends are just not a commodity for her. Regardless, those that she would consider as 'acquaintances' are listed below.
  • Creed, a janitor at the facility that is one of the few members of the staff that still works at the facility from around the same time as she was employed. Both seem to share a general hatred of both the patients and staff and she finds the old man to be one of the few she can tolerate being around. He is hygienic, checks the labels on the cleaners he uses before disinfecting her room, and does not voice his opinions unless asked. Despite her tolerance of the man, she cannot stand the man that he often works with and will often avoid him if she notices his junior maintenance and janitorial worker to be with him. Creed is one of the few people that knows where she goes during her breaks and has even accompanied her there a couple of times, having learned of it after seeing her walking towards the secluded and mostly hidden area while cleaning up around the outside of the facility.​
  • Dr. Peter Caster, while she does not consider him a friend, he seems to be one of the few people she has respect for in the facility. Perhaps this is due to him being a familiar face in the ever-changing roster of employees, or perhaps it's merely just a small nod to the fact that he hasn't snapped and tried to kill anyone yet. Regardless, he is one of the few to never catch one of her strong critiques or tangents.​
  • Dr. Lyle Bolton, one of the few acquaintances that she used to be vaguely friendly towards before completely losing her respect for the man following his fall into insanity. She does not speak about him much and tends to avoid the topic, merely claiming that 'our ideals were never as similar as he thought.'
  • Dr. Matthias Mayflower, a young doctor that she can't help but faintly see some of her old self in. Despite her harsh treatment of the doctor, her aim is merely to strengthen him before something happens, as has happened to countless doctors before him.​
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Dr. Jervis Tetch
The Mad Hatter
Character Sheet



Full name: Jervis Emil Tetch

Nickname(s) or Alias:
The Mad Hatter (Jervis introduced himself this way not long after the signs of his brain trauma became obvious, and since then, it seems to be both a name and a title to him.)
Dr/Mr Tetch (Unlike Jonathan who still holds onto his Dr. title, Jervis does not. He will respond to his name, Hatter, mister, or doctor without any clear preferences.)
Loon/Crazy/other insulting words for insane (When someone yells out ‘Hey, Crazy!’ Jervis will often glance up with the assumption that it was directed at him. This is not an admission that he thinks he is mentally unwell, but he does think that he is ‘mad’ which is basically the same thing to most people.)

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Birthday: January 27, 1990

Religion: Agnostic

Languages spoken: English; he surprisingly used to speak decent french too, but he has shown no skill with the language now. He doesn't seem to understand even simple phrases, and he can’t, or doesn't choose to, speak any either.




130 Ibs

He is, obviously, very short, and considering his lazy lifestyle and sweet tooth, he has packed on a touch of weight. Not too much, but it has made him a bit rounder in the cheeks and stomach. His build does not reduce his ability to move or run though.

Hair colour:

Back in the day Jervis kept his hair short, above his ears, but after his accident he grew it out in an attempt to cover his scar. Sadly, due to the way his hair parted and the fact that nothing will grow back in that area, the efforts were in vain, but he is too used to it now to think about cutting his hair. Jervis’ hair naturally flows down his face in waves and ends at his chin.

Eye colour:
Dark Green

Scars/distinguishing marks:
Jervis is fairly scar free except for his head. The most notable is the single, large scar starting slightly back from the center of his head and curving up like a rainbow before ending just above his right ear. It is an obvious bald patch that would not look too bad with just the scar there, but in addition to that, there are obvious signs of fingers being raked through the area until bleeding and further scarring as occurred. In addition to the scratching scars, there are many fresh and scabbed over wounds caused the same way. The hat hides most of the scar, and more importantly, wearing a hat stops Jervis from scratching himself raw.

Far less extreme are the very light scars located on Jervis’ forehead, temples, and behind the ears. These were caused by a mind control device, made not to be put on or taken off without caution, being ripped on and off his head by Batman. These are normally hidden by his hair though, and Jervis doesn't seem to care about them one bit; he forgets that he has them honestly.

Preferred style of clothing:
Obviously, hats are a major part of his clothing. He doesn't care what kind, he just needs to have something covering the top of his head so something like a tiara would not work. His favorite though is a green top hat, although any color tophat wins over other head ornaments.

Besides that, Jervis favors old-fashioned, formal clothing but in vibrant, non-formal colors. The closest era to his type clothing is Victorian, although he makes no attempt to be period accurate. He wears everything from a bow tie, to a frilly cravat, to a colorful tie. He never wears the same neckwear two days in a row, and most of the time he wears a tie that matches his chosen hat for the day… and he has a lot of hats so he also has a lot of ties. The only constant in his way of dress is the long, bright-green trench coat that he keeps mostly buttoned.

Basically, everything that is red in the face claim (except his hair) should be turned green


Jervis has a long history of severe physical injuries that are still relevant today.​
  • Head injury- The injury that started it all was a skull fracture. His skin and skull was broken, ripping Jervis’ brain tissue and causing blood clots. He also suffered from Coup-Contrecoup that put him into a coma.​
  • Coma/ locked in syndrome- This is an old physical issue, but for about 6 months, Jervis was in a coma where he was semi-conscious (he could hear and feel but not communicate) which has caused a number of his mental issues.​
  • Headaches- Jervis suffers from pounding migraines that can leave him bedridden. They are random and not easily treated; it is possible that they are untreatable because of their connection to his accident.​
  • Vertigo- If Jervis moves or is moved too quickly, he will be overcome with a spinning sensation that severely affects his ability to walk straight and keep his balance. He sometimes will vomit, hear a ringing in his ears, or sweat if the dizzying movement does not stop.​

Thanks to the trauma to his brain, Jervis has become very mentally weak and unstable. Therapy has been able to help him in small doses, but he always regresses back into his unstable state eventually.
  • Paranoid schizophrenia- Jervis suffers from many symptoms of schizophrenia including illusions of things that are not there (or at least seeing things different than they truly are), the inability to pay attention to one thing for very long, and an overriding distrust of everything and everyone… but especially doctors and guards. He does think that the doctors and guards are going to kill him, or worse, ruin/take away his Wonderland.​
  • Memory problems- Jervis can’t remember much long term. Short term he is fine and about average; he can remember some things after a month but there is no guarantee; he will remember nothing after a year. Jervis has forgotten his family, only able to recount random things like hair color or maybe a tune.​
  • Conversation problems- In addition to having trouble focusing or concentrating on one non-Alice related thing for long, Jervis has shown problems following normal conversation patterns, even obvious jumps in logic. However, even though he cannot follow you jumping topics, Jervis’ mind is scattered and so often will pick conversation topics seemingly randomly and often without realizing if he is making others uncomfortable.​
  • Emotional problems- Jervis suffers from strong bouts of anxiety and depression that often come with no warning. They often are self destructive, meaning that he may actually hurt himself if left alone. However, sometimes the bouts are born from anger. These outbursts (verbal and physical) are connected to his medically recognized mood swings. He has shown a complete inability to control his emotions or his reaction to them.​
  • Empathy- Jervis seems to lack the ability to feel empathy for others, or perhaps, it is more like he honestly does not understand that what he does hurts people. He sees blood and can order people to die, yet he does not attach any of that with actual consequences or harm.​


Personality: Despite everything, Jervis is a sweetie most of the time. All he wants to do is talk about tea, hats, and rhymes, most of which are harmless. He honestly appreciates talking to people, and when he laughs, which is often, he means it every time. He thinks people and the world around him are funny, although in a far more innocent way than Joker does. He does like physical contact, as long as that contact is not a surprise or touches his head. In fact, if he had any friends that would let him do so, he would hug them as a greeting and a goodbye. All in all, Jervis has been compared to a child, just a child with the occasional tendency for dark humor and threats. Also, even when like this, blood and gore still does not bother him; he will fear for his life, not fear or be disgusted by the blood itself.

And just like a child, Jervis can be easily distracted and upset. He can and will cry if shouted at, intimidated, or if he thinks that you are mad. This often leads him to cowering in a corner or in his hands while he answers every question for you that he can; as a defense mechanism, Jervis will eventually only be able to speak in rhymes and Wonderland quotes. Most of the time though, there is no need to get him to this point. And if he does get to this point, talking to him calmly will eventually soothe him; the alternative is to offer him treats or a watch (although obviously, it is not wise to actually give him the watch), both of which calm him down just as quickly as it would a crying child with their doll.

Truly, the dark side of Jervis appears far less often than his pleasant but loony side. Still, when it comes out, it comes out strong and often for an extended period of time. To be clear, his dark side is a phrase that can only be applied to Jervis when he is planning, because that is the only time that he is bold, confident, and capable of true malice. The rest of the time he is the above, kind, childish, and cowardly. When triggered by “Alice” like women, Jervis still will have fear but his determination to get her back will override that just enough to spur him into cruel action. And he can be very cruel. He is not a tortuer though, he has no reason to do that since he is no sadist, but he will have his puppets kill for him or kill themselves to protect him or buy time; he won’t and has never put a violent hand on them himself. Even in this state, he does not want to hurt people, he is just more willing to.

  • Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland- This single fact defines Jervis’ entire being to the point that saying he likes it is a waste of space. He lives the story and sees his entire world through Wonderland’s eyes. He is not seeing things that are not there, but he is taking real things and then re-painting them to fit his illusions. For example, Jonathan Crane is not just a person, he is the Cheshire Cat and as such Jonathan often comments on Crane’s nonexistent toothy grin or that his body flickers in the darkness.​
  • Hats of all shapes and sizes- Although Jervis is partial to tophats or at least green hats, Jevis will wear anything as long as something is covering his skull. For the hats he does not wear, he collects different variations and always keeps them in the best shape that he can. His main focus now is adding Batman’s cowl to his hat collection.​
  • Sweets- From a young age and continuing into adulthood, Jervis has adored sweets of all kinds although he is partial to cakes/cupcakes that have fruit on the top. It got to the point that sugar was almost all he ever ate. Surprisingly, considering it has been years since he ate a vegetable, he is still a healthy weight with only a little bit of pudge.​
  • Tea- Obviously, he loves tea due to being the Mad Hatter; however, he likes his tea burning hot. He has given himself blisters from drinking a large amount of scalding water at the same time. He didn't seem to understand what his blisters had to do with the tea and he fails to remember this fact no matter how many times it happens. Additionally, he adds a LOT of sugar to his tea although he will still happily drink it plain if he does not have an option.​
  • Roses- As expected, most of what defines Jervis his Alice in Wonderland, so when he likes roses it is because of the ‘painting the roses red’ scene. However, there is some sort of ‘mistranslation’ in his brain where even if he sees a red rose he will say that something is not right; it turns out he expects the roses to be covered in red paint and/or blood or else it is not good enough. This is a fact basically no one, not even doctors at Arkham, know.​

  • The Red Queen- Jervis has called many people this title before, but there is a pattern. It is always a woman, and she is always aggressive and scary to him. Dr. Mayson is the current woman who has this title; Jervis often says that he fears that he will lose his head the next time he sees her. His distress is genuine.​
  • Not wearing a hat- It may seem foolish, but Jervis’ condition greatly worsens when his head is bare. He is far more nervous and prone to violence/anger. Additionally, when these emotions overcome him, he will scratch at his scar until bleeding; wearing a hat stops Jervis’ self harming scratching habit due to it having a calming effect and giving his hands something to play with.​
  • Batman - Jervis seems him as a monster, cruel and a spoil sport who always takes his Alice away from him. As such, it is not unheard of for Jervis to use the Jabberwock or it’s poem to communicate his distress and dislike of the Batman. In fact, the Jabberwocky poem (that Jervis has managed to memorize) is how conversations about Batman always end; he mutters it to himself as he rocks back and forth.​

To be honest, Jervis fears too many things to list. He is a cowardly man, prone to flinching and whimpering. He tends to run away from problems ranging from the cops, to Batman, to low level thugs, to stray dogs. Confidence is, in fact, more rare than terror on this man. The only time this fearfulness changes is when he is around people under his hypnotic control, Alice, people he would consider ‘friends’, or when he is performing a plan to get people under his control; any changes or failure in the plan will make him scared again.

To be more specific though, he fears losing Alice and his Wonderland. Jervis seems to think that doctors are going to enter his mind and pollute Wonderland with their corrupt words and oily messages; he also sees doctors as the men and women trying to drag him out of his Wonderland. He feels safe in his Wonderland, he feels happy there, and all he needs to complete it for him is some friends and Alice… most of all Alice who is the guest of honor at all of his tea parties. All of Wonderland is designed for her, even he is, so of course he fears her absence or her coming to harm. That is why Alice is one of the few things that can override Jervis’ cowardliness and push him to villain status.

  • Hypnotism- Jervis is trained in most, if not all, forms of hypnotism around the world. His methods include suggestion (direct and indirect), hypnotic triggers (such as snapping, a bell, or a key word), hand/physical movements, visuals, and just plain old eye contact and spoken words. His favorite method of hypnotism though is the swinging pocket watch, a method based on eye fixation, “zoning out,” and whispered suggestions.​
  • Invention- Although not on Edwards level, Jervis can make mechanical devices (often hats or head rings) that serve to enslave the minds of those who wear it to his will. Batman destroys these before the press or anyone can ever see them, so it is not always clear how Jervis manages to make them. It is possible that the head rings only serve to enhance or maintain his normal hypnotism methods.​
  • Baking- Due to his sweet tooth, Jervis is a magnificent baker that can make everything from bread, to cakes, to muffins, to souffles. He eats a lot of his product before it ever reaches the oven, but he’s never gotten sick, so he will continue to do so.​
  • Poetry and Rhyming- It is a verbal quirk that started not long after his accident, but Jervis often speaks in rhymes. He does not always, but it is done often enough that it should be expected at least once every few minutes. He’s rather good at it too, coming up with rhymes on the spot and making them come out very naturally. This was not a skill he used to have.​
  • Tailoring- This is a new found talent, but Jervis can make clothing and hats from scratch. In fact, all of his Mad Hatter clothing items he made himself, and close examination shows some level of skill too. It started out as just knitting while recovering in the hospital, but once he got out, it became a regular thing for him.​


Level of education:
Doctorate in Neuroscience

Past job titles and descriptions:
Jervis was a neuroscientist focused on the study of hypnotism and suggestion in a general sense as well as when it came down to individuals. Although he was called a doctor, Jervis did not work in the hospital or ever treat brain injuries; he was more of a research scientist focused on experimentation. During these exams, he tended to be the person sitting in the room with the patient/subject and administering the tests since, out of everyone on the team, he was the best at actually hypnotizing people.

Current job title and description:
Unemployed; Jervis does not even consider himself a professional criminal. He just… does things and the cops keep locking him up as a result. He doesn't care about crime or even Gotham, he just wants to have his tea parties, Alice, and maybe even Batman’s unique cowl, and then he’d be perfectly content to never hurt anyone again.



Jervis was just a normal child, and like normal children, he had quite the imagination. He wanted to be a magician for most of his youth and spent a lot of time playing with toys, acting out games, and obsessing over his favorite kid show, which in his case was Alice in Wonderland. He loved the cartoon, so he named the family cat Cheshire and got into the habit of wearing an over sized tophat whenever his parents would let him. He calmed as he grew up, finding worth outside of his mind in the minds of others and allowing Alice in Wonderland to be nothing more than a fondness born out of nosolga. He became a scientist, married his college sweetheart before they even graduated, and was happy and successful. Considering that he grew up in Gotham, it seemed like Jervis had unnatural luck to be in such a good spot. But the luck ran out the day that he and Alice, his wife of six years, were driving to visit his parents when their car got hit by someone running a red light. The crash sent the car flying. Jervis’ head was crashed against multiple car walls and glass even got inside of his head, but Alice died before the car even came to a full stop.

Jervis was in a coma for months, apparently unaware that his wife was dead and unresponsive. But he could hear every word said around him like through water. It was all fuzzy, muffled, but he did keep hearing the word Alice echoing the entire time he was asleep. It seemed like he would never wake up, but one day the nurses came in to check on him to find him just sitting up in bed, scratching his skull like nothing happened. Everyone was ecstatic, even when Jervis refused to speak or even really look at them; at first, the doctors thought this was normal for someone who just awoke after a long coma. And slowly enough, Jervis started talking, moving, and looking around more. His first word was Alice, of course, but soon enough it became obvious that his memory was warped. He remembered so little, and what he did remember was flashes of his childhood, his favorite show, and blonde hair and blue eyes. He was even talking oddly, and his emotions were unpredictable. He may have been alive and awake, but his brain was clearly damaged.

It was deemed unsafe for Jervis to leave the hospital even if he were to live with his parents, so he was moved to a low security psychiatric ward where he would continue to receive medical and mental treatment under supervision. For another year he stayed there with no progress or major outbursts. If anything, his view on the world was deteriorating more and more. They knew that he had a deep connection to Alice in Wonderland, but they did not know that his memory was strong enough to remember how to hypnotize people. This all changed though the way that the guards were knocked out and Jervis walked out of the building with one of the nurses behind him and a pair of guards escorting him. He ran off and was missing for weeks until Batman found him and the Wonderland he had created. Jervis was 26/27 at this time. This fake “Alice” was in good health, although being controlled for so long and chained to a chair the rest of the time left her with a lot of trauma. Jervis has broken out and done the same thing over and over again in the past 3 /4 years, only getting better with time as he created the mind controlling rings and new ways of hypnotism.


Patient Number:

Threat Ranking:
4 (Moderate)

Treatment Ranking:
3 (Indifferent/Ambiguous)

Jervis does not stand out among the Arkham patients too much, positively or negatively. Jervis is just another crazy, although one with a few more skills than the average nutcase. Although Jervis does not have many friends here, he does interact a lot with other people. Oh, he avoids the more criminal of people like the plague and they are content without interacting with him too, but the other insane sorts get along with him just fine. Not only is this because he has more freedoms than most supercriminals, but it is because his crazy bounces off other people's crazy fairly well. They don’t question each other’s delusions, and some of the other loons even play into Jervis’ game whether that be his paranoia or his Wonderland. Jervis has been seen having fake tea with others over lunch. Some people suspect that Jervis hypnotized them because they are more susceptible to his tricks (and so don’t need a headring), but others think that it’s just crazies playing pretend.

On the other side of things, Jervis is not ignored or getting along with the guards. In a general sense, they dislike Jervis, and since he does not have a backbone to defend himself without his head rings, they are able to walk all over him like a bunch of bullies. It is safe to say that Jervis creeps them out too, especially when he starts speaking in cryptic rhymes. These are the people that tend to call Jervis ‘loon’ or ‘crazy’ instead of his name. They are also the ones who get rid of whatever thing Jervis is calling a hat on any given day, even when they know it is harmless.


It is all rather sad since most of Jervis’ family is still alive and concerned about their son, but Jervis no longer seems to remember them as family. He knows their names but can’t seem to recall any connection to them on most days. He says that they are not apart of Wonderland, they are part of the real world, and as such are part of a world he doesn't want to return to. They still come to visit on occasion, but it is always very taxing on the emotions of everyone involved.​
  • Mother- Johanna Tetch- Johanna was an old fashioned lady with a taste for the antique, which is why her kids have uncommon names. She actually worked at the Gotham museum until her arthritis kicked in to the point that she had to retire. Now that she has free time, she visits Jervis as often as possible with scrapbooks and teary eyes. He’s still her baby, no matter what he has done.​
  • Father- Maximilian Tetch- Max was a businessman, but he hated his job so always encouraged Jervis to chase his passions especially since that passion was the brain. Honestly, it was better than Jervis being a magician like he wanted to be as a kid. He and Jervis were very close even though their interests did not align (sports vs science, action movies vs fantasy movies, confrontational vs passive). It's hard for him to visit due to how close they once were, but he does still show up now and again.​
  • Older Sister- Lillian Valen- Married and took her husband's name. When Jervis was a kid it was Llillian who introduced Jervis to Alice in Wonderland and she was the one who read that story to him at night over and over again. As time passed, they grew apart, but they still loved each other and had a positive enough relationship. She actually got really close to Alice, but Lillian didn't really become part of Jervis’ adult life until after the accident. Now she is a frequent visitor.​
  • Wife- Deceased- Alice Tetch- Jervis and his late-wife were a very happy couple. They were the type who, even after being married for six years (they got married when Jervis was 19), were still in the honeymoon stage. They were talking about having kids. She died when Jervis was 25; both of them got in a brutal car crash, she died while he was permanently damaged. Although he does not remember her exactly, he is trying to find his Alice even still.​

If you ask Jervis who his friends are, the only names he will say are characters from Alice in Wonderland that may or may not have real, living counterparts. That being said, there are people out there who still see Jervis as a friend and come to visit him at Arkham no matter how many times he more or less ignores them. Some of them he doesn't even remember ever meeting before.​
  • Ex Coworker- Vince Chestnut- He used to work with Jervis on the hypnotism and suggestion study, he was the one who recorded most of the data while Jervis did the work. So he saw every single one of Jervis’ hypnotism, so now when he sees these skills being used for ill he is shocked. Jervis was always so gentle with the volunteers.​
  • Ex Coworker- Breanna Dewel- Bre also worked with jervis on the hypnotism and suggestion study, only her role was more overarching. She tried to find the patterns, she figured out the questions and the tests, and unofficially, she was the leader. She now sees Jervis, or rather the Hatter, as someone worth studying and his hypnotism skills inhuman. She still cares about her friend, but she is trying to make his illness have worth; its her way of coping and avoiding seeing him as only a monster.​

The Mad Hatter is a solo villain with no allies and the inability to work with others. They make him too nervous, so he either ends up being bossed around and bullied by them or Jervis ends up mind controlling his so-called ‘allies’ in order to be more relaxed around them. Jervis and his madness is a bit too unpredictable for most villains to want to deal with.​
  • Jonathan Crane- Jervis calls Jonathan by a number of names. He does say Dr. Crane, he will say just Jonathan, but he will also mix in names like Scarecrow, Cheshire Crane, or just Dr. Cheshire. Their friendship is built on the fact that Jonathan fully plays into Jervis’ Wonderland, even to the point that he will quote the book just to please Jervis; it works. Additionally, Jonathan is one of the few people that can make Jervis calm and focused enough to have a conversation about the neurological and illusionary side of things.​
  • Harley Quinn- She hates Jervis with a passion and will try to kill him if she sees him. This is because Jervis once successfully hypnotized her. After making her protect him from the cops, he made her dress as Alice, and kept her in his party room for about a week until Batman (not Joker) came to save her. Despite losing her, Jervis does not automatically see Harley as Alice anymore, but extended interactions will risk that memory coming back and him trying to hypnotize her again.​
  • Joker- Besides Jonathan and despite the fact that Jervis stole his girlfriend, Joker actually kinda likes Jervis. He finds him funny. Jervis does not like Joker though; he finds him horrifying. Despite this, Jervis will follow the Joker's instructions and he will do so fairly well despite his terror. It helps that Joker, like Jonathan, will play a bit into Jervis’ delusions. So even though their relationship is strained, this is Jervis’ second best villain friend.​
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Tiedrich K. Kiemer
Arkham Asylum Maintenance Worker
Character Sheet



Full name:
Tiedrich Kirk Kiemer

Nickname(s) or Alias:
Cap & Jacket (Often used by those who don't know his name.)
Van Man/Guy With The Van (A small inside joke between him and Matthias. Unknown to Matthias, this has also become somewhat of a pseudonym used during his side jobs.)



September 25th, 1981

To the surprise of very few individuals, Tiedrich is an atheist. Despite being an atheist, he often comes off as quite superstitious -- spilled salt over the left shoulder and all. His excuse is that he has enough bad luck as it is.

Languages spoken:
English (Accent is somewhat of a cross between Scottish and typical a Gotham accent due to both his grandparents from his father's side having been from Scotland while his mother's side originated from Gotham.)



6'8" or 203.2 cm

259 Ibs

Tiedrich has a quite large build, oftentimes towering over most individuals with little competition in the area of height. Even as a child, he overshadowed most other kids his age and even some adults, being taller than his father by the ripe age of twelve. Combined with his heavier than usual weight, he has always been on the larger side and seems to quite enjoy his size advantage over most people. After all, most people tend to avoid picking on individuals that could toss them around like a pillow.

Hair colour:

Tiedrich wears his hair as it grows, causing it to become quite shabby and often having a faintly greasy appearance. He usually gets it cropped when it passes ear-length, but will occasionally let it grow out from neglect. One notable quirk of his hair is the occasional hairpiece or decoration in it, often occurring once a week. Because his nieces enjoy decorating his long hair, it is not uncommon for him to show up to work with a little glittery pink bobby pin X-shape, or even a few messy braids. He always finds great pride for these little decorations, making sure to never lose any little flowers or barrettes that his nieces give him and often resulting in him having a pocket full of the little things to return to them when he sees them next.

He also tends to have a large amount of facial hair, giving him a slightly older appearance. Unlike his hair, his beard is still somewhat scraggly but tends to be trimmed a lot neater. He shaves it to a stubble in the summer.

Eye colour:
Tiedrich's eyes are mostly a grayish-green color, having a faint cloud to them from years of drinking.

Scars/distinguishing marks:
As a man with a lot of strength, very little common sense, and a desire for adventure, Tiedrich has spent most of his life collecting little scars and ticks across his body; all of which he pleasantly often shares the stories to. The one on his shoulder that looks almost like a deep bite mark -- wrapping in a circle of jagged cuts -- was from a bottle at a bar fight which ended with both him and his attacker enjoying a pint while waiting for the police to finish taking their reports. The small one under his eye is from a bird of paradise that he stole from a cramped shit-coated cage, then given to his sister-in-law as a surprise gift. The huge gash on his arm -- deep and violent -- from a dog that took a bite out of him and subsequently became a reoccurring face at his home. Tiedrich eventually learned the large dog had been part of a dramatically failed super villain plan, leading Tiedrich to slowly earn its trust with a large amount of treats even following the injury. The deep scar on his leg, equally violent, from trying to see how fast he could go in a friend's modified car, promptly losing control and spiraling into a ditch.

No matter the size or depth of the cut, there always seems to be some sort of funny little story to it, none of which he hesitates to share.

Preferred style of clothing:
Tiedrich dresses rather plain, refusing to wear the typical uniform for most of his jobs and instead choosing to take on a t-shirt, a black or brown outer shirt or sweater, and a bulky olive green bomber jacket. The jacket tends to be rather consistent with his wardrobe, often having a slightly filthy appearance with mud or dirt at some of the edges and cuffs, even a couple of neatly sewn patches in various areas. He also chooses to usually wear a brown or muted green cap along with his daily wear.


Tiedrich's physical health tends to be in-and-out of well, more-so aligning with being unwell. From years of heavy smoking and drinking, the effects have made themselves quite visible. Most notably, he tends to be more prone to sickness and nausea, and has had a few medical scares with high blood pressure, as well as has been informed numerous times that he is exceptionally likely to develop heart problems due to his father's medical history, and is well on his way to developing asthma from his own habits. These medical scares has lead him to occasionally take breaks from tobacco and alcohol, but has rarely kept him away too long. He has slowly adopted the philosophy that if he goes, then he goes.

His mental health is quite similar to his physical health, in the way that it has its good days and it has its bad ones. He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at a young age and has been managing it since with some days being better than others. This has caused him to have a slight fear of abandonment, a constantly shifting view of himself and his emotions, and to often exhibit strong amounts of compulsive and self-destructive behavior. Despite this status, he still manages to function rather well and has had a number of therapists help him out along the way. To put this aspect of himself simply, he is managing.

Outside of this disability, there have also been concerns from his friends and family that he may be a compulsive liar, another behavior that was exhibited at an early childhood. While his lies were often very small and entertaining -- such as him swearing that he just saw a squirrel riding a cat -- they troubled his family and lead them to try and convince him to be a little more honest. This would sink in for a few weeks before he would often slip back into his old ways. As he grew older, the lies became more exaggerated, but remained just as innocent in nature. It even reached a point where it became a sort of party trick, his friends using his outlandish but convincing stories to chat up girls and make them both seem more interesting. While he tells outlandish stories, he has reached a point of perfection in how he delivers these tales, even people that know his faults sometimes becoming convinced that they stories are true.


Above all, Tiedrich is a man that strives to experience the world and all it has to offer.

He is a loud and expressive individual who genuinely enjoys spending time with others regardless of who they are or their differences. It is this trait which has made him excel at making connections with people, as he is often able to find some sort of common ground with just a little basic conversation. It is these connections and his genuine desire to make people laugh, that can make him easily befriend a wide variety of individuals. He has even taken on a philosophy that he will always try to see how everyone laughs, just so he knows how to cheer someone up if they need it. After years of following this philosophy, he has even become somewhat quick to be able to tell the kinds of jokes and conversation that most people enjoy, making this philosophy often met rather quickly into small talk. Of course, this has also lead him to occasionally come off as annoying to more serious individuals, but he will often let up on his strong belief if there's no sign of a person giving.

As part of his loud an honest personality, he is sometimes prone to losing his temper, though rarely ever targeted at individuals and more often than not being aimed at minor inconveniences. That does not mean that there is not room for him to lose his temper at others, as it has occurred a few times in the past and lead to some of his long-time friendships ending.

To his family, Tiedrich is viewed as both a loving uncle, and a disappointing flunk-out. With his genuine intelligence and potential, his family have found themselves somewhat disappointed by his lack of direction in life and have taken to shining the light on his brother. Despite his brother holding the majority of the family's honor and being deemed the more mature one, Tiedrich has taken on the role of being the more friendly and loving one, as he has never turned down a chance to help family or friends. Still, there will always be that nagging fact that if only Tom was more open to the rest of the family, then he would likely seal away all of the family's affections.

Of course, very little of that applies to Tiedrich's nieces. They tend to dip back and forth between loving him for his awful baking skills and hating him for accidentally stepping on their toys.

When not cracking jokes, telling stories, or spending time with family, Tiedrich is actually a rather quiet and somber individual with a sincere appreciation for downtime. Starting to get a little up there in his age, he understands that he needs to occasionally take it easy and not live so fast, so little pauses of rest are genuinely a blessing for him. During these times, he will of course make an occasional joke to himself or spend time talking to small creations while working on them. Despite the softness during these times, it can be faintly unsettling to see him shift so quickly, almost as if everything else was just a well-rehearsed act. Anytime this side is ever witnessed, or he is pressed with a topic that he does not enjoy talking about, he is quick to move to joking and is a damn artist at changing the topic.

While Tiedrich has a loud and boisterous personality, he actually prefers to stay out of the spotlight. He's never had a skill for being 'flashy' or 'showy' by any means, and has always been more of a follower than a leader, as he finds it really strenuous to work with a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. It is because of this reason that many of his few achievements have always been under the name of other individuals, a particular example being a car that came in first in one of the major racing shows near Gotham -- a car with a motor that been heavily modified by the man at the request of a friend and subsequently lacked Tiedrich's name in the final product.

  • Modified Electronics & Mechanics - Ever since Tiedrich was a kid, he sincerely enjoyed toying around with electronics, primarily robotics. While it has never quite gotten much further than installing a beefy motor into a car that can barely move on its own, or just messing around with a small Roomba to make it shout profanities anytime it bumps into something, this has been a passion of his that he tends to pursue in his free time. This does not; however, mean that Tiedrich has a single idea of how to use a computer. Asking Tiedrich to download some software would probably be enough to lead to quite a few viruses from desperately clicking around in search of any solution.​
  • Family - Tiedrich has a large connection to his extensive family and spends almost all of his weekends with them. He often even jokes that he has quit some jobs just for the fact that he didn't think he'd be able to get out soon enough to taste his mom's casseroles.​
  • Telling Stories - It is no secret that he is often exaggerating when he tells them, but nonetheless, he sincerely enjoys telling stories and is honestly rather decent at it. This also ties into his love of just being around people in general, as both often coincide with each other. He is equally excited by stories from other people.​
  • Music - A side hobby of his that is hated by the numerous homeless individuals camped out on the docks by his home, Tiedrich enjoys both singing and playing the ukulele. Started out as a basic joke that he would look like an idiot with such a small instrument, it evolved into an actual hobby of his to play at night, all while shrieking whatever lyrics he makes up on the way. While his ukulele skills aren't bad, he has an awful gravelly voice that often cracks with such volume, causing the lyrics to ruin any sort of talent to his song. Many individuals have taken to throwing rocks at him while he plays on the roof of his home, leading him to often pick a random time during the night to start just to keep them on his toes.​

  • Lies - After so many years of stretching truths, Tiedrich has become rather quick to call people on their own lies. This tends to depend heavily on the situation and can be faintly hypocritical at times. While he is unlikely to call someone out on a small lie to explain why they're late to work, he is a lot faster to come for someone trying to explain why their partner has bruises on their face and how it was 'just them falling down the stairs'.​
  • Perfectionists - Tiedrich oftentimes finds himself clashing with perfectionists, as his short-lived Rube-Goldberg-style fixes rarely ever work to their standards. Still, with enough tries, he's usually able to come close enough to what is asked of him to get people off his back. Though he refuses to admit it, there had been a few occasions where he has perfectly understood what was asked of him, instead choosing to fail repeatedly out of spite.​

Tiedrich is an odd case when it comes to fears. His greatest fear actually stems from his very own predicaments -- Tiedrich tries to live life in the fullest because he is terrified of dying. This paradox has lead him to live a rather quick-paced and dangerous lifestyle, some of his experiences nearly costing him his life. Terrified of dying from heart complications in his early fifties like his father, Tiedrich has found himself in a cycle of trying to make everyday adventurous and trying to prolong the inevitable. Other than this single giant fear, Tiedrich is a bit less easy to frighten than the average person.

Despite his modesty, Tiedrich is actually rather intelligent and could easily be considered a 'Jack of all trades'. With a basic knowledge of automotive manufacturing, electrical and mechanical maintenance, construction, packaging and handling, and various more skills, Tiedrich has come to understand the basics of almost all trades involving creating and maintaining items. These skills have often been enough to get his foot in the door for most general jobs among the public.

As mentioned already, he also has some skill at playing music and general strength based skills, as well as his much more prominent skill at making friends even in the most outlandish circumstances. There are very few people that Tiedrich can't find a connection with, and once you have a connection with someone, that's all you need to get almost anything you want. Maintaining those friendships, however; he is not as skilled at.

Due to his large size, Tiedrich also has some skill in combat, a skill that he picked up rather early in his childhood. His fighting style is rather basic and focuses on putting his opponent on the ground while remaining standing himself. This means that he doesn't do any flashy kicks, flips, or petty punches once the opponent is already down. He doesn't know any martial arts or special moves and is quick to back down when he recognizes an unfair fight. He is, however, willing to use his surroundings to his advantage if he is particularly annoyed by the aggressor.

Tiedrich also has a quiet skill that will rarely ever skim the surface of a conversation; he knows when to shut his mouth, look the other way, and do as told.


Level of education:
Tiedrich is a high school graduate, having started college before promptly flunking out early in the experience.

Past job titles and descriptions:
Despite the man's lack of direction, he has a lot of jobs under his belt. His first job was a simple lawn-mowing gig that he held for a few years as a teen before quitting in order to be able to stay home and care for his family. A few years after this, he took up a bar-tending gig while using a fake ID so that he could get cheap booze. Once it was discovered that he was a year off from the limit, the bar was forced to fire him but chose to rehire him as a bouncer. He lasted a full week in this job before being fired yet again after attacking a man for harassing some girls at the exit.

After this, Tiedrich found his first experience in the darker side of Gotham, being hired by an observer of the incident. The first job in this field was simple. Park his ass at a bench with a bag beside him. If someone came and sat next to him and said the name Rob, give the bag to the man, wait a half hour after he left, then leave. It was such a simple job, even if it felt odd, but there was no debate that it earned him a nice chunk of cash -- enough to help pay for his father's medical bills and take the financial burden off his brother for a few days. Still, the whole experience left him with a bad feeling, leading him to pursue his next job; factory work.

Most of the guys in his family, his brother excluded, had all worked in the field at some point, so it was a given that Tiedrich would be taking on the task some day. He worked for a few years before falling behind after the death of his father, resulting in him being fired. After this, he worked in the automotive industry and was fired. Then mechanical engineering. Fired. Electrical repair. Fired. Maintenance. Fired. Construction. Well, he wasn't fired within the first month, made it all the way to the third before getting shown the door!

Eventually, Tiedrich returned to doing the more unpleasant jobs. Most were transferring small packages, occasionally the more demanding loading a few crates into his van before driving it out to the outskirts of the city. Overall, it wasn't honest work, but it was enough to make money. During the time that he began these jobs, he started finding himself putting in just enough effort to maintain his secondary jobs in order to keep a public face. Still, he couldn't help it if he occasionally had to switch.

Current job title and description:
Tiedrich's current job, having been held for about a year now, is as a maintenance worker for Arkham Asylum. It is a basic job, relying primarily on him fixing old alarms and security cameras, but it is an honest face job. Despite the paycheck including a bonus for being considered dangerous, he continues to work small outside jobs for Gotham's underground, always keeping it basic enough to stay out of trouble.


To say that Tiedrich has an extensive family would be an understatement.
  • Mother - Tiedrich's mother is a sweet but bold woman in her early sixties. She spends a lot of time worrying over her two children and the countless younger members of their large family. Unemployed due to a hand tremor, she spends most of her time cooking for her family and having guests over. She spends almost all her time at home and has steadily lost her vision, her sense of smell seeming to be on the way out too. She is in the care of Tiedrich's brother daily. A small chunk of Tiedrich's money usually finds its way to covering most of her monthly hospital check-ins.​
  • Father - Tiedrich's father died from a heart attack while Tiedrich was still rather young, the man having suffered numerous complications prior to his inevitable end. After Tiedrich's grandfather and great-grandfather passed from similar complications, it was pretty much a given that the man would likely never see his seventies. Still, it was no less devastating to the family. With Tiedrich being as close to his father as he was, it was his father's death that lead to Tiedrich's fear of dying. As a tough-loving man, most of the family loved him from a distance.​
  • Brother - Tiedrich's younger brother, Tom, is an intelligent man with an intense passion for aerospace engineering. Having been involved in his share of worldwide recognized projects, Tom has lead a bright and successful life, having already married and had two young daughters. Tiedrich has nothing but pride and awe for his brother, having been the loudest one to cheer at his graduation by a phenomenal margin. Tom cares for their mother with Tiedrich helping out where he can.​
  • Nieces - Mackie and Margot, a six year old and a four year old, are the daughters of Tom and are subsequently Tiedrich's nieces. Despite them not being his own daughters, he cares for them as if they were and enjoys spending time with the two. While he has not yet informed Tom or the girls, Tiedrich has set aside another small chunk of his savings for the girl's college.​

Tiedrich is simultaneously exceptionally loud, friendly, and welcoming; as well as having his own peculiar isolated aspect to him. While he enjoys meeting people, he tends to find trouble really connecting to people due to how reluctant he is to honestly open up. Despite that fact, he loves to consider everyone he meets as a friend.​
  • Creed - Most likely to hate Tiedrich's guts, his latest friend is none other than the elderly Arkham Asylum janitor who would probably spit on a child for even approaching him. Tiedrich loves the man for his honesty and will often talk the elderly man's ear off until the man has either developed a migraine or has shouted at him to stop bothering him. Despite the man's very clear message that he does not like him, Tiedrich enjoys spending his free time at the facility around the man.​
  • Dr. Mayflower - Matthias is an old friend of Tiedrich's from nearly a decade prior. Tiedrich remembered the friendship forming around the fact that they were roommates and Matthias could hardly string together a full couple of sentences in English. Because of this barrier, Tiedrich would drag him along when he hung out with his own friends, helping the freshman out wherever possible. They eventually became decent friends before Tiedrich flunked out of college, the two staying in contact and talking a few times a year before eventually fizzling out of contact fully a few years later. Recently, he met Dr. Mayflower again at the Arkham Asylum and often spends his free time trying to convince Matthias to hang out with him after work.​
  • Edward Nygma - A friend in the same sense as Creed is a friend. Tiedrich just likes to tease the kid and honestly sees him like somewhat of a little brother.​


Tiedrich K. Kiemer, is, and always will be; a ratty bastard who enjoys a good joke and a bottle of booze.

Born as the first son of a very extensive family in a very poor area of Gotham, Tiedrich spent most of his childhood just trying to keep up with his classes and spending time with other kids. His first drink was at a family gathering when he was only twelve, leading him to often find ways to slip another sip or two for the rest of his teen years before he found other ways to get what he desired. In the beginning, this was just to get a little bit of adrenaline while breaking small rules. He would crack jokes in classrooms, fool around with left behind equipment at construction sites, and even the occasional bit of graffiti. All of it was with good intentions, just meant to see what he could get away with, and was often done alongside his younger brother. After a family argument that he was being a bad influence, this would eventually change for the worse, with Tiedrich acting out even more but cutting his connection to his brother and instead doing most of his activities alone or with other neighborhood kids.

Despite numerous fights at his high school, he was given another chance and allowed to graduate, having the lowest GPA and just barely the right amount of credits with numerous marks on his permanent records, his higher than average test scores and friendliness towards most teachers being the only thing to save his ass. It is around this time that he was hired for bar-tending under a fake ID, a job which he often claims to have been his favorite. Sadly, upon the owners discovering him to be just barely under the age limit, they were forced to fire him but chose to rehire him as a bouncer, as he had already been skilled at intimidating a few of the usual less pleasant individuals out of the area. After encountering a guy harassing some girls outside of the bar, he quickly lost the job and narrowly avoided a lawsuit with the bar paying the man off and firing Tiedrich by request.

He next worked in a factory, growing even more distant to his family as his brother graduated high school and was given a full ride to Gotham University of Aerospace Engineering. It was after Tom's achievement that Tiedrich's confidence took a serious blow, being hired and fired by numerous job over a series of a few years. Almost every time, he would be kicked out of the job with a sincere apology, claiming that he was a fun guy, but 'not really what they were looking for'. It is during this point that he reconnected with his family after his father's death, Tom having taken care of most of the costs and in turn, being directly handed half of the inheritance. Tiedrich was written in the will to receive the other half, but only on the condition that he found settled down with a solid job, an actual house, and found a girl. To this day, the inheritance has never grazed Tiedrich's hands. Despite the final insult, his father left all his possessions for his wife to divide among the children as they wanted them. While Tom took some of the furniture that their mother had been trying to get rid of for years and some of their dad's baseball caps, Tiedrich chose to take the old olive-green bomber jacket their father had become so well known for, taking it directly from their father's body at the service much to the surprise of the rest of their family. While Tiedrich claims to have regretted such a bold gesture, he has never indicated that he would have let it be buried with the man.

While Tiedrich reconnected with his family and began to actually keep some of the jobs he worked at, he began to hold a dark secret that most of his current life was a facade. He would work his outside job at day, either manufacturing or factory work, and then would spend a couple of hours every night doing small tasks for Gotham's underground. While almost all of it remained small, primarily in transport, he found a few connections among the underground system and earned a small reputation as a reliable worker, being big enough that few people would try to mess with him as well as knowing to keep his mouth shut about his nightly activities.

About ten years ago, he took a break for a couple of years to try and get a degree in mechanical engineering, but quickly flunked out and resumed his former jobs. He continues to do these jobs occasionally, but became a little more selective following the birth of his nieces, choosing to only do jobs with minimum risk. After all, he'd hate for them to regret knowing him or even worse, to follow in a path like him.

His most recent job as a maintenance worker at Arkham has actually been one of his favorites, providing that nice spark of adrenaline that he desires while also giving him a nice paycheck to explain any particular expensive purchases he ever desires to make. With that aside, there are very few material things he desires and most of the money he has is currently being funneled into savings, planning to be used to pay off the girl's college as well as being saved for any emergency bills on Tom's side of the family with not even a cent of his savings being collected for any future bills for him. After all, as a heavy smoker and drinker, Tiedrich is not expecting to live long. At the end of the day, as long as he can get the girls a good start on their education and help them keep their dad around a lot longer than him and Tom had theirs, then he will be content.​
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The Clown Prince of Crime
Character Sheet


Full name:
While Joker's official name has not yet been released to the public, there have been plenty of theories to circulate among Gotham, causing the comprehensive list of Joker's potential names to be; Jack Napier, Joseph Kerr, Johnny Jape, Clavier Ankh, Blake Wells, Eric Border, and a variety of other theorized names. While these are all merely guesses for what his name could be, Joker has displayed no preferences for any of the names, even seeming to hold no special regard for his most infamous name of 'Joker'.

Nickname(s) or Alias:
Joker (This name was earned early in his experience as a criminal. Similar to his real name, the origins are fuzzy at best. A few theories have risen that he earned this nickname from playing a puppet of the same name during an old Gotham show that aired in the mid-90's, other theories claim that this nickname was the stage name of a magician known for using a joker playing card as his signature from 1999 to 2003, and another theory even goes as far to claim that he used to run a gimicky radio show that followed a storyline of a clown in the late 80's.)
The Clown Prince of Crime (Somewhat of a more formal and flirtacious name, Joker finds this name to be somewhat endearing but has no real passion for it.)


33 (Assumed age.)

While it is unverified, he has occasionally mentioned that his birthday is on April 1st, 1986. This date seems to align somewhat with his age and, therefore, has been used as the official date for many of his records.

Joker does not seem to be particularly religious, but many individuals have pointed out the uncanny similarities of his philosophies with that of LaVeyan Satanism, relying heavily on the foundation that humans are generally simplistic but temporary creatures and that they should use the time that they have and enjoy it, even at the expense of others.

Languages spoken:
Joker's primary language is English, but he seems to vaguely understand pieces of a variety of other languages common among Gotham such as Italian, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese. While he would certainly struggle to hold a solid conversation in any language but English, he is skilled enough to be capable of picking apart pieces of most discussions.




98 Ibs, putting him in the area of being exceptionally underweight.

Joker is a slim man with a rather uncanny figure. Due to him having such a thin frame and an excelleraated metabolism, most of Joker's bones tend to jut out slightly, giving the man an exceptionally malnourished appearance.

Hair color:
Joker has almost perfectly white hair, a feature that when combined with his unnaturally pale coloration of his skin, has supported the most popular theory that Joker was created within a laboratory. Others have simply come to the conclusion that he likely has albinism.

His hair is about chin length and is quite messy, laying exactly how it grows with little disturbance. His hair is quite thick, causing it to become tangled rather easily.

Eye color:
Joker's eyes are an very pale color, seeming to either be a very light shade of pink or almost a lightened grey color depending on the lighting around him.

Scars/distinguishing marks:
Joker is littered in scars all across his body, some of which are quite small and some of which are actually rather serious. This stems from many encounters with Batman, Joker often require severe measures in order to be taken down due to his lack of physical regard for himself. This has lead to many broken bones, deep scars, and even a couple of punctured organs -- though the latter was rarely ever from Batman. Most of these injuries have healed rather nicely but still give him a rather strange and ragged appearance.

His fingers seem to be the most damaged and scared area of his body, coated with small and jagged marks from years of compulsive self-harming. The large amount of marks across his hands, most of it seeming to be right at the tips of the fingers before fizzling black to plain flesh with occasional marks near his knuckles, has given his fingers a rather disturbing and almost plastic appearance from where the skin has never quite been able to heal. It is this feature that has also prevented him from being identified through his finger prints, as numerous scars and constant self-inflicted injuries have caused his finger prints to be a constantly changing detail of himself.

Another area that has become deformed but has attracted less media attention is his jaws. After many encounters with Batman, and prior to the events that made him the famous clown he is today, it has been noted that he has seemed to have numerous modifications to replace lost teeth, many of which has caused his jaws to slowly take on a different form than that of his first appearance in Gotham's history. It is due to this fact that the police have been unable to identify him through dental records. A more disturbing fact of his self-inflicted dental work is that there have been numerous cases of Joker using non-humanoid teeth as replacements. Due to the naturally weaponized use of these replacements, Arkham has been able to authorize the removal of any questionable teeth in the event that he arrives with these replacements.

Preferred style of clothing:
Contrary to what many have come to recognize as his signature outfit, Joker is actually not all that fond of the purple tinted jacket that has adorned him for a few times since his appearance as Gotham's Clown Prince of Crime, the suit having actually only have been used a handful of times for more formal events when he wanted to have a different feel to his appearance. Generally, he is actually a lot more mild with his clothes and prefers to opt towards things that are somewhat baggy and unrestricting. Typically, this means the dark jacket and sweatpants that he has found himself to be much more comfortable in.

Unlike many of the other villains and his own henchmen alike, Joker is more into practical wear, but is still willing to dress up for effect occasionally.


It has been noted by numerous individuals that Joker is a walking embodiment of death. From numerous health complications caused by fights with Batman and other Gotham villains, Joker has never quite had the time to rest or properly heal, leading to a large amount of permanant health defects. Despite these defects, none have lead to him being permanently incapacitated due to his many followers and his connections to another infamous Gotham villain and medical scientist, Doctor Hugo Strange.

A few individuals across the internet have compiled a list of both apparent and assumed health conditions based on media and accounts from victims that have survived the clown, as listed below.​
  • Numerous broken ribs - While it seems that some have been mended during his occasional downtimes, this is one of his most common injuries. While this is often a direct result from his encounters with Batman, there have also been many rumors that Joker has physically removed a number of his ribs in order to contort his body and perform more elaborate escapes. In one of Joker's most recent arrivals to Arkham, this theory was verified, as Joker currently lacks his topmost ribs on either side as well as is missing the two bottomost ribs.​
  • Other broken limbs - It is common knowledge that Joker and Batman do not play nicely together. Due to Joker's high pain tolerance, it often requires him to physically be incapable of continuing to fight before matters may be concluded, a concept that is easier said than done. Because of this, Joker has broken many of the bones within his body a variety of times.​
  • Fractured skull - It has been verified that Joker has a metal plate on the left side of his head after a particularly nasty quarrel with Harley Quinn, resulting in him having his head bashed against a wall and requiring a lengthy procedure to remove all fragments of bone. Surprisingly, Joker was able to make a full recovery but is reportedly incapable of remembering the event.​
  • Common (and uncommon) infections - Many Gotham professionals have made claims that almost all of the times that Joker is aprehended, he is found to have some various type of common infection -- often being traced to the various wounds across his hands. Despite these illnesses, they seem to have no impact on his daily activities and he manages them with little difficulty. Many Arkham officials have had a running gag that Joker probably has enough diseases to kill a person by just being around them. Of course, while this joke was amusing in the beginning, it quickly became more serious when a therapist was bit on the arm and required it to be amputated due to infection only a week and a half later.​
  • Fast metabolism - Joker has shown to have an exceptionally fast metabolism, a detail that most staff at the Asylum have taken to neglecting. In turn, Joker tends to enjoy his free time outside of the Asylum snacking on sugary foods between planning sessions.​
  • Phaeochromocytoma - A rare condition in which a tumor forms on the adrenal gland tissue, causing the overproduction of adrenaline. Many professionals have attributed this to being the cause of his fast metabolism and energetic behavior. Due to the tumor being small, benign, and Joker's own insistance that it remains, Arkham is legally incapable of removing the cancer, even if it would likely be able to subdue Joker minimally with it's removal. Overall, Joker is unbothered by it and lovingly refers to it as 'Harold'.

    It is common knowledge that Joker has been diagnosed with a whole fleet of common and uncommon mental disorders, many of which have even conflicted with each other. While none have been verified, certain details always seeming to stand out to bash down any theories on the clown, some of the popular ideas of mental illnesses that he may be affected by are as follows.​
  • Schizophrenia - As one of the more obvious illnesses that Joker has diagnosed with, Schizophrenia has become a widely debated term for what Joker is aflicted by. Many professionals and theorists alike have come to recognize the variety of symptoms that would align with this disorder, but the theory bases itself primarily on the fact that Joker has shown a tendency to mutter quietly to himself from time to time, even sometimes disturbing refering to himself in a variety of pronouns as if he is speaking for a collective, spaced in with the occasional 'her/hers' and 'them'. Combined with his compulsive self-harm habits, this has become a rather widespread theory. However, many have refuted this idea by the fact that he seems to find peace while under times of great stress, many even going as far to call him blissfully unbothered even while his plans fail in the worst possible way. When one also considers his surprisingly humble disposition and lack of any delusions of grandeur, the claim of schizophrenia barely stands.​
  • PTSD - Another common diagnosis for the clown, this claim likely stems from his erratic behavior, self-destructive tendencies, and emotional detachment from his victims. Some individuals have taken to this theory quite strictly, claiming that he was a war veteran who was wounded on a battlefield, causing him immense emotional trauma that would eventually lead to the creation of Gotham's prince of crime. Others simply theorize that he was abused in childhood. While this theory would seem rather solid in some of the footage collected of the clown, it can quickly be ignored when one is given an up close and personal view of the clown. Many have come to claim that while he seems distant to others, he is very close and personal to each victim, never once seeming to drift away from the moment or think of anything else then his task at hand.​
  • Sociopathy/Psychopathy - This is a term that is often loosely thrown around when referring to Joker, but also a term that can hardly hold its ground if one were to examine the facts. Simply put, Joker does experience emotions, even if they're a bit more jumbled than the typical person, and has even had a few rare scenerios in which he had empathized with his victims.​
  • Bipolar Disorder - Some have made this claim, and it remains one of the more fuzzy claims made to him. Some could verify it by how his mood seems to change so rapidly while others could point out the obvious that his eyes rarely ever show any changes in his mood -- that he simply is changing the exterior of his emotions while not actually feeling anything.​
  • Clinical depression - A similarly fuzzy claim, but also capable of being disproved by the details above.​
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - This is perhaps the most solid diagnosis on his records due to the very clear and obvious habit of chewing and picking at the skin on his fingers. Some have theorized that this is merely a tactic used to keep his fingerprints from ever having any solid basis, but others have pointed out that he never seems to make any other efforts to remain anonymous with his crimes. Overall, the likelihood of this disorder seems rather high. The only part to conflict with this theory is his emotional indifference when incapable of performing this habit.​
  • Multiple personality disorder - One of the few theories that Joker has openly mocked, even going as far to put on a rather offensive show of pretending he had multiple personalities for an entire week at the Arkham Asylum, choosing to rely heavily on mocking his fellow supervillains by having various characters based on them, such as 'The Annoying Question Brat', 'Cowardly Lion', 'Plant Fucker/Ecosexual', and 'The Guy With the Fucked Up Nose'.

    Overall, it is difficult to truly come up with any real diagnosis with the clown. With a personality that changes depending on those around him, most could state that whatever disorders he presents at the time is based solely on those observing it. Of course, even those claims have some rather unsettling implications when one considers his strange way of mirroring particular aspects of one's own self.​


Joker, despite his notoriously crazed persona that has become the painted image of Gotham's villain underworld, is truly an individual of no distinct personalitity, but rather a constantly shifting plethora of them that change depending on his circumstances. Most notably, all his personalities seem to carry a distinct sort of uncanny feel to them, many individuals coming to describe encounters with him as speaking with a nearly perfect recreation of a person's essence -- though there is always something slightly off about the man.

Typically, when interacting with most forms of law enforcement, civilians in everyday circumstances, and even most of his guards, Joker will simply mirror his opposites. When speaking with a polite and friendly individual, he will return the same pleasantries. When chatting with a trickster with a passion for mockery, you can assume that Joker will return any light jabs. Due to this fact, it has become increasingly difficult for therapists and interviewers to interact with the man, as they often explain that there is a horrible uncanny feeling to talking to someone so similar to yourself.

This peaceful disposition is quick to drop when he begins interacting with people that he has taken to lovingly refering to as the 'other side of humanity'. The people who he views as being useful in whatever his goals may be, the people that have already shed their own humanity in exchange to pursue their own wildly differing goals, and those that seem to just simply have something flickering beneath their skin that Joker just can't help but itch to rip out of them; they all hold this special title and similarly receive a variety of dispositions from Joker.

His behaviors can wildly change when interacting with these individuals, ranging between being kind and friendly to being an textbook psychopath. Some examples that have been viewed by Arkham staff include his behavior towards Edward Nygma, in which Joker has taken almost every chance to harshly critique and belittle, often even claiming that if the brat was any more simple minded, then he would probably only be able to survive by whoring himself off like his bimbo mother. Another known example is his treatment of Jervis Tetch, in which Joker will take to treating the man with only gentle kindness, only occasionally dropping this facade to see how far he can push the man until he snaps.

However, there have been some individuals that he has adopted a much more unpredictable disposition with, most notably consisting of Harley Quinn, Jonathan Crane, and the Batman. For each of these individuals, records of his adopted personalities while interacting with them are difficult to come by, but the few that stand tend to follow the theory that there is a particular trait that each of them share that allows Joker to openly and rapidly shift his personality around them, likely supporting the theory that whatever personality he is quietly displaying to these individuals is his true and sincere personality. While there is also data to support that he may adopt this same treatment with Dr. Hugo Strange, there are no recorded interactions between the two. Attempts have been made by many professionals to document these rare occurences and what sets these particular individuals apart from others, but all attempts have been unsuccessful.

While he is quick to change his personality around other individuals, and it has become increasingly difficult to even gain any sort of idea of what Joker is like when alone, a few details have come to light throughout the years that can give a vague image of what he may be like when truly left to his own devices. One detail is that he oftentimes talks to himself when alone, often in a rather quiet tone and occasionally choosing to alter pronouns. In one particular recording early in Joker's time at Arkham, it seemed as if the man had been holding an entire conversation between four individuals, of whom two used male pronouns, one used female, and another used plurals. While this has occasionally been viewed when in the presence of others or security footage, it seems that this is a somewhat compulsive behavior that is oftentimes surpressed around others -- similar to his tendency to pick off the skin on his hands.

The only truly consistent facts of Joker's personality is his exceptional intelligence, rivaling even some of Gotham's most brilliant minds, and his tendency to occasionally crack small jokes -- of which the humor often depends on the individual listening. Unlike some of the other rogues, however, Joker's intelligence grounds itself less in academics or general knowledge, but rather a highly developed understanding of how everything connects within the world. Joker is capable of quickly reading people, analyzing their friends and family, their favorite places to eat and where they take their partner out to get them in the mood, and most importantly; their fears, strengths, and weaknesses.

It is due to this ability that Joker specially tailors his personality to each individual he encounters, dedicating a large amount of care to fine-tuning his personality in order to bring out the very best and the very worst in people. Many professionals have come to recognize this fact, often making the claim that it is almost as if the clown puts on a very careful 'person suit' and wears it right up until the moment he is closest to his victims, only then dropping it to show people who they really are.

  • Jokes - As expected for the clown, he sincerely enjoys jokes, even the most horrible ones. His prefered type seems to be that of more macabre ones, but he is always fascinated by a simple pun or story-joke. While he is willing to laugh at anything, there has also been a few cases of him laughing at a joke one second and abruptly turning violent towards the person to make it only seconds later, though it is undecided if this is due to him not appreciating the joke or merely having a minor fit of laughter.​
  • Joker oddly seems to have a general appreciation for mostly -- well -- anything. Even if he does not enjoy a particular thing, he is skilled enough to connect it to something that he does enjoy, no matter the topic. To put it simply, there are very few things that Joker does not enjoy to some degree.​
  • Batman - His overall reason for being as many have come to notice, Joker's passion for his rival seems to have long-crossed the boundaries of Joker merely enjoying a small game of cat and mouse, instead crossing more-so into a complete full-blown obsession with the hero. Due to Joker's wide-scale and violent attacks, there is very little that can be done to isolate him from his object of obsession, leading this to be an ongoing delusion.​

  • There is surprisingly very little that Joker actively dislikes. Due to either his lack of emotions or exceptional ability to hide or manipulate them, very little can be told about what he does not enjoy, putting on a bright smile and loud laugh for even his most hated activities. Besides, when he does not like a person in particular, they're rarely ever given the chance to ever become something he hates.​

Similar to the rest of Joker's personality, there are many theories and very few facts to what his fears may be. At the end of the day, there is nothing that can be said for certain. However, many hints have begun to point towards the clown having a faint fear of being alone, a trait that has shown itself through both his obsession for causing chaos that forces Batman to interact with him, as well as his manipulation of Harley that has forced her into a cycle of chasing after him.

  • Eidetic memory - A less recognized talent that Joker has displayed countless times, remembering countless small details and storing them for later use. This skill is primarily utilized in order to recall his plans after breaking out from Arkham, often choosing to do his planning within the facility and to escape once his ideas are fully collected.​
  • Manipulation - As demonstrated many of times through his constantly shifting personality, Joker finds convincing people to be just as easy and dull as pulling at the arms and legs of a doll.​
  • Combat - Perhaps the most surprising trait due to his gaunt appearance and tendency to rely on Harley and his thugs for combat, Joker is actually an exceptionally skilled fighter that uses speed and feracity to take down opponents much larger than himself. With a lack of regard for his own health, Joker will endure almost anything to get a single strike on his opponents, often leading him to be injured alongside those that he lashes out against. With the added fact that he can turn almost anything into a weapon, there is very little that gets between him and doing as much damage as possible to his victims. Many who have survived being attacked or who have witnessed an attack have noticed that he is almost rabid when fighting and very closely resembles an animal sort of savagery.​
  • Martial arts - This is a bit more of a complicated skillset, as Joker is not actually trained in any particular martial art forms, but is instead exceptionally quick to read and analyze them in order to learn how to best counter them -- a skill that he has shown to be capable of performing within only seconds of entering a fight. Many samples of footage of both Batman and Joker fighting have shown this skill in action, as Joker will keenly watch how Batman takes down the various thugs before he himself will enter the fight, often being able to hold his ground much longer and deal much more damage.​
  • Contortionism - A fact that also surprises many people, Joker is a talented contortionist, rivaling only that of Harley Quinn. This is a skill that has shown itself a handful of times throughout the years, also requiring that any cell he is contained in cannot have any holes or slots that exceed 4"x12"​
  • Chemical engineering - While certainly not a genius in the area, Joker knows his way around a variety of chemical compounds, as has been proven by the creation of his laughing gas -- a gas that causes intense euphoria in individuals once inhaled. However, this compound is far from perfect, the most recent batch having only affected about 80% of individuals with 20% being unaffected and about 60% dying of suffocation within minutes due to the toxicity of the formula. Recently, with numerous chemicals beginning to disapear across town, there are rumors that a new batch is currently in the works.​


Level of education:
While there are no official records on Joker's level of education, it has been suggested that he has likely completed a high school education though is unknown if he has gone any further than that. Some theorize that he has the same knowledge of manipulation as a highly experienced psychology graduate, others claim that he could easily learn it from just having a keen eye. Due to the lack of any clear documents from his life prior to becoming Joker, his documents label him as being a high school graduate and nothing more.

Past job titles and descriptions:
Again, there is very little that is substantial evidence of his past life. Some of the theories are almost all that can provide any insight to his past careers, one theory claiming that he was a man by the name of Jack Napier who was a failed comedian in the late 90's. Another claim is that he was an actor named Joseph Kerr that made an appearance in an episode of Gotham's children's show Pleasant Streets in 1989. Another claim is that he was a radioshow host named Johnny Jape from the show 'At The Shows' that ran from 1993 to 1995. There is also the claim that he was a student named Clavier Ankh who was involved in a shooting at Gotham University in May 1992, a different claim saying that he was Eric Border, the kid that performed the shooting. Overall, you would have more luck with just picking a name and going with that as his background. He himself has claimed many times that his past doesn't matter, as he hasn't been that person in years.

Current job title and description:
Currently, Joker spends his time 'working', his work being planning his next scheme to attract Batman's attention. While this is not always the exact goal of his work, it is always a pleasant side effect to him. Unlike Riddler, however, Joker has no desire to give hints of his crimes away, beliving that the effect is so much better when Batman arrives and sees that it is already too late for some of the hostages, or that he came too slow and now he needs to take his pick between who he wants to save and who will die.

Joker tends to be rather slow at making his plans, choosing to be thorough and to make no room for mistakes. Most of his plans revolve around causing as much chaos as possible, as he really has a passion for seeing people to their core. After all, people are just animals pretending to have morals.



There is little to be said about Joker in the terms of his background, at least little in truth. All of it is, in the end, just theories. Even Joker himself finds most of these theories to be amusing, having been previously exposed to some of the less outlandish theories in an attempt to gauge a reaction. Overall, these are some of the more popular ones and the reactions provided.​
  • Jack Napier, a failed comedian from the late 1990's, killed a man for taunting him after a show in an alleyway. This theory goes to claim that Joker is Jack Napier, as the comedian was remarked to have used clown face paint for a particular gag that was reportedly the one that had been mocked before the murder. When confronted with this theory, Joker convinced the interviewer to go on a goose chase for footage of the comedy act, Joker subsequently talking over it the entire time in order to mock everyone within the footage, as well as eventually ejected the CD and slammed it into the mouth of a guard, splitting the edge of the guard's mouth by about two inches and requiring five stitches. It is unknown how he disabled the locks on his handcuffs.​
  • Joseph Kerr, an actor that played a clown puppet in the Gotham televeision show in 1989, Pleasant Streets, abducted and murdered a young girl who had guest starred on the show. Some theorize that he decided to go with the whole clown persona due to his past as the puppeteer. When this theory was proposed to him, he chose to explain what he would do instead, claiming that he would have kidnapped the girl and lead her family on for months by occasionally sending them pictures of their little angel. Pictures of her with stuffed animals, maybe some doodles with a date on it, the works. Of course, at the end of the day, when he finally convinced them to go to a field and leave some money and everyone was distracted with meeting him there, he'd go to their house and slit her throat then burn everything they have left of her; any doodles, any princess costumes, and surely the adorable bright pink elephant she always sleeps with, so that the family would never have anything to remind them of their little angel. The interviewer was unable to continue this line of questioning and had to be removed by guards after violently threatening Joker, the outburst being sourced to the interviewer having a small girl -- oddly enough -- who happened to have a bright pink stuffed elephant toy. How this information became available to Joker is unknown.​
  • Johnny Jape from the show 'At The Table' that ran from 1993 to 1995, a man that would eventually murder his wife and three kids on air after a dispute over what they would have for dinner. Joker was permitted to listen to the recordings of this theory and burst out laughing before making fun of the host's voice for about twenty minutes, the session ending after Joker fell from his seat and broke is nose on the edge of the table, still howling with laughter while attempting to mimic the voice.​
  • Clavier Ankh was a student involved in a shooting at Gotham University in May 1992, being shot in the head and subsequently causing permanent brain damage that would later lead to the murder of his mother half a year later. Joker dumbly stared at the interviewer for a few moments before asking if that was their special way of pointing out a bald spot he didn't know about. It was later decided that this theory had no reason to even be humored, as Clavier Ankh was already contained at the asylum. Even more outlandish is the theory that Joker is Eric Border, of whom died during the shooting and has remained so since then.​
  • Blake Wells, an army veteran who returned to the United States with severe PTSD, killing a local politician in the early 00's before vanishing. Joker spent a few minutes covering details of the case that had not been disclosed to the public, such as how the politician had been in the process of quietly cutting out a program intended for wounded veterans and how Mr. Wells had taken a large amount of money from the politician following the murder as well as some other objects that the police had never bothered to notice. When questioned further, Joker gave a single latitude and longitude, leading the police to travel to Millbridge, Missouri. Of course, during this time and with the more sparse police population, Joker was able to escape containment. Nothing was found at the location. Police have still been unable to identify how he knew the facts.

    As it stands currently, Joker has been cycling between being present and escaping the Arkham Asylum, rarely spending more than a couple of months at a time in his cell. While his attacks are somewhat sparse compared to other villains, his attacks are all the more brutal and often come with a large amount of fatalities and a surge in mentally disturbed individual. Joker also happens to have many goons among the city who have grown an attachment to his cult-like leadership. Overall, while Joker's attacks are few and far between, they have been some of the most devastating and chaotic events of the city's history.

    As his most recent event, Joker has been outside of Arkham for about a month and a half, having remained mostly quiet save for a few small attacks. All in all, it is the silence that has deeply disturbed most of the city, leading to wide-scale searches and the police working around the clock to search for the man. After all, Joker would not be so quiet for so long if he wasn't planning something big.


    Patient Number:

    Threat Ranking:
    Severe (6)

    Treatment Ranking:
    Hostile (6)

Joker has earned a specific reputation both within and outside of Arkham, one for being a generally violent and psychopathic individual with a passion for causing chaos. His skills for manipulation have also started to be caught on by many of the therapists and counselors, leading only highly specialized individuals to be permitted to treat him. Overall, few staff are willing to treat him due to his hostile nature and ability to easily escape confinement.

Joker is not permitted to interact with other patients within Arkham, but the widespread clown-themed attacks on the asylum have served well enough to illustrate the general impression that he has on his fellow crazies. Despite his lack of chatter with them, much of the Arkham Asylum remain faithfully loyal to the clown prince of crime, leading officials to believe his is communicating through other means.

Joker is likely the most deeply contained individual within Gotham, not being permitted to even interact with his staff at any point in the day outside of therapy and after any attempts to self-harm, where even then his contact is limited. His schedule consists of two meals passed through a specialized slot that allows the staff to place it in and transfer it without even a chance for contact. After his first meal, he is permitted one hour of discussion with a highly specialized therapist, the two of them communicating through the speakers installed in the room, Joker not being permitted to see their face and even cases of audio distortion being used by the speaker at their own discretion. He is given four hours to himself, another session -- half and hour this time -- and then is given dinner and eventually goes to sleep or spends the night entertaining himself. All audio sessions are recorded and documented, as Joker himself has openly expressed no desire to maintain patient/doctor confidentiality.

The only materials that Joker is permitted is reading material, numerous authorized staff reviewing it beforehand for hidden messages. He has occasionally made requests for writing materials but all requests have been denied due to past circumstances in which he has weaponized these materials. Typically, the reading material is skimmed over before being eventually turned into oragami items and returned through the slot. He is not permitted to have more than a single reading material within his cell at one time and must pass all elements of his past material through the slot before being allowed to request another.

Joker's containment area consists of a bed, a toilet and a sink. The only time that he is removed from his cell is three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 2 AM when he is taken to shower and permitted one hour of heavily supervised time in the recreational room, all scheduled to permit him not even a single moment around other patients. If viewed self-harming, six or more guards will stand by as a doctor will clean and bandage wounds, Joker being restrained, drugged, or both during these events.


Due to Joker being at the center of a constantly shifting web of villains in Gotham, he has made a lot of connections to a lot of individuals. He seems to have no qualms with working with other villains, but prefers to only do so when it is convenient for himself or the both of them.​
  • Scarecrow - Joker rarely works with this villain despite the similarities in their philosophies. While they both appreciate seeing particular emotions in people, Joker truthfully just finds Jonathan to be a bit borish. Of course, with a little dedicated effort, he could always try to crack open the other and get to the real grit and juice of him, but Joker feels like it would be a bit messy and not worth the effort. Despite that, the one area that Joker has expressd interest in is the Scarecrow's unique fear toxin.​
  • Dr. Hugo Strange - Perhaps the only individual outside of Batman that Joker consistently seems to enjoy, Joker keeps his interactions with the doctor under lock and key but oftentimes seeks him out shortly following his escapes from Arkham, particularly inclined to see him when requiring medical assistance.​
  • Harley Quinn - Joker and Harley have a rather complicated relationship. Founded on the basis of a one sided love, their relationship has had many tests in the past, seemingly to constantly be flickering to a start and abruptly dying. Surprisingly, however, the relationship is not as single sided as many have come to view it. While Joker does have some vague feelings for Harley, his passion for his art is much more pulling and causes him to oftentimes lash out at her. Despite this, there have been some tender moments between the two and Joker has demonstrated his own unique love for her a few times. While he never lifts a finger to break her out of Arkham when she is unneeded, there have been a few circumstances where he has saved her from more dangerous and life-threatening circumstances, showing that he truely does care for her wellbeing.​
  • The Mad Hatter - Joker generally sees the man as little more than a pet to dot on and occasionally kick around. It's all in good fun, pampering the strange man and treating him as if Joker genuinely likes him, but it is all the more satisfying to break him down once he believes that they're truly friends. While Joker has often maintained his appearance of enjoying the other's company, he is actually quite disgusted by the man and his obsession with Alice, a fact that Joker has made apparent a handful of times. In one particular situation, Joker even chose to emphasize this fact by brutally torturing and murdering one of Jervis' 'Alice' girls directly in front of him. Of course, Joker promised it would never happen again.​
  • Edward Nygma - A whiny brat that Joker has very little respect for, Joker sees Edward as being little more than a tool that he can manipulate, use, then toss out whenever he has finished serving his use. His typical method of manipulating him is to treat him as if he were a moron, lead the boy on to an area that Joker could see him having a use for, manipulate him into doing what he needs, then toss him out afterwards. While Joker sometimes sees the need to work with the man for various schemes, he oftentimes sees it not being worth the effort.​
  • Poison Ivy - With their first true interaction being him attempting to murder her for trying to turn Harley against him, they never quite got off on the right foot. While Joker has occasionally regretted that fact, he figures that they would never see eye to eye anyways due to her love for plants and his complete disregard for them.

  • Batman - Joker has a rather apparent obsession with Batman, seeming to see him as a true rival and something to distract himself from the ebbing boredom of life. Overall, despite his many attempts on Batman's life, he would actually be rather displeased if his equal were to die, Joker having even made a rather concerning amount of jokes that if people want Joker to really be gone, then all they need to do is get rid of the bat and he'll do the honors of off-ing himself. Of course, he had no qualms with injuring Batman as much as he possibly can and even putting his life on the line, as he knows that Batman would never forsake his dramatic sense of justice even if it meant saving countless lives. One notable event has revealed that there is a high probability that Joker knows the Batman's true identity, a fact that has lead to Joker's fair share of brushes with death from wanna-be supervillains.​
  • Jim Gordon - Joker has expressed his distaste for the police commisioner a variety of times. This hatred is little more than a petty dislike for the man, Joker often claiming that his taste in music is terrible and he much prefers riding in Batman's car to Arkham while the hero just loudly scowls and ignores him -- Joker claims it's quite peaceful and that it's just their general afterplay ritual.​
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