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Fandom Living in a Dead Equestria


Obsessive Writer
Roleplay Type(s)
The magic looked like it... split... everything... wide open. It all just cracked, and I realized, it wasn't magic.

It was chaos.


Many older ponies remembered a time when Equestria was overflowing with life, and filled with colors belonging to smiling faces of all kinds of creatures, pony or otherwise. A young pony's most troubling worry is obtaining their mark, and adults looked forward to embracing their true calling for the rest of their lives, likely making families and friends along the way. But such times of color and hope were gone, and instead replaced with... mostly brown. A dark, dull brown mixed with gray, as was the color of poisoned dirt, which had successfully taken over Equestria, along with other cataclysmic events that seemed to have replaced regular weather.

Poisoned dirt made farming impossible in many area's, but early on ponies found that to be the least of their immediate worries. Vicious, unplanned storms would erupt, cracking the sky with lightening that invited explosions rather than simply just fire. Thunder would crush all glass and deafen some ponies. Rain would come down sometimes as enflamed pebbles, or harsh acid rain that ate through the roof of homes and burned victims. Even the ground itself was no longer steady in Equestria, as massive chunks of the earth would simply snap apart and crumble into deep, seemingly endless and massive fissures. More destructive and unpleasant chaos continued to shatter Equestria, and didn't seem to let up, resulting in the destruction of countless cities and loss of dozens of lives.

As the weather seemed determined to kill every living thing, the animals seemed to involuntarily join the chaos. Many were simply killed in the brutal and unnatural storms, while other animals were vulnerable to the destructive magic that seemed aimless and only determined to destroy everything. Creatures of varying sizes were mutated, sometimes even joined with strangers, changing into mindless monsters very reminiscent of the creatures from the Everfree Forest. It left all of Equestria as dangerous and unpredictable as that place.

Through the years living in their changed Equestria, ponies could only survive against all odds. Many banned together in tight knit groups, struggling to find food and shelter. After finding safe locations, groups naturally banned together, different factions cooperating for the sake of food or shelter that other factions could provide. One such safe location was found nearby a mountain.

The mountain had been covered by one side with tree's, most of which were dead or dying. The other side along the base of the mountain was covered in farm land, extending for many miles although much of the distant land was unused. The land was fertile and safe from the poisoned dirt that covered most of Equestria, and supported many survivors that banned together over time, each group coming with their own leader that tried to manage this nightmare of a survival colony. Cloudsdale was even transformed into a shell of it's former self, transformed into a Pegasi hub of watchful eyes and warriors ready to attack at the first sign of a threat that would approach the base of the mountain. It's ever-present shadow hanging over the mountain as a constant reminder.

As the newly transformed Equestria forces ponies to survive, rather than live, fewer and fewer young ponies could be found in this environment. Many infant ponies at the time of the "end of the world" breaking out had sadly perished, and any young foals were forced to grow up quickly or perish as well, leaving most of the population saturated with hardened adults. Foals were a rarity.

But two foals did exist in this camp set up at the base of the mountain.

The only Equestria they ever know is a dead one, and their journey starts here.
Brittle, unrelieved grey – staring across the ashen landscape, the young colt pawed petulantly at the ground. Chunks of volcanic pumice and grit skittered down the cornice of the overlook, spilling down the gentle slope that led out into the Old Equestrian wasteland. Sunset had begun to spill over the colorless, fallow fields, casting the world in an eerie silver-gold hue. The last dying rays of sunlight, filtering through the shadows of Cloudsdale’s looming bulk, only quickened the looming dark. It might have been a breathtaking view, were it not for the horrors that the impending night often brought with it. Things lurked in the shadows – in the cracks in the earth – sinister enough that it drove the most stalwart stallions to safety as soon as the sun dipped below the bend of the world. It was only foalish foolishness, and the chance to soak up the last bit of sunlight – to escape the ever present shadow of Cloudsdale – that brought Straylight to the edge of the encampment.

The foal’s shining silver pelt was spackled with charcoal-colored dust, the contrast making him look almost roan in the half-light. From mane to tail, the young colt was unkempt. A long, unruly forelock hung low of his brow, half obscuring the spiraling bud of a horn. A multicolored mix of dull grey, cobalt, and silvery white, both mane and tail were overgrown and wild. Feathered fetlocks and heavy hooves made the colt seem more earth-stock, offset by the spindly length to his limbs and body. Ash spattered his blank flanks – the obvious testament to his youth.

Another indolent flick of a front hoof sent another barrage of grit sliding down the landscape. Hunger pangs pinched in his gut, a steady and unwavering reminder that it had been last evening since he’d had anything but a bellyful of water. It was spring – or what served as spring amid the chaotic weather patterns – and the harvests had not yet begun good growth. Everypony was hungry, but those too young to contribute or otherwise overlooked had even leaner times. So engrossed in his own misery and hunger, Straylight missed the rhythmic hoof-beats of a pony coming up to join him on the overlook. Even though they were a familiar beat.

“It’s almost dark.”

Empty Promise’s pelt was so coated in grime; it was difficult to make out just what color the older colt might have been. Streaks of pale lavender-grey barely showed through the sweat and soil clouding the pony’s coat. The short bob of and messy half-length of his tail were tangled with brambles. There was listlessness in his grey eyes that suggested the young colt did more than his fair share of hard work. His flanks were lean, a bit overmuch for a stocky earth pony.

Straylight had near leapt out of his pelt at the sound of his brother’s voice. Gritting his teeth, the young colt tried not to flinch, and failed. Jerkily, the silver foal side stepped, almost backpedaling over the edge of the cornice as he rounded to face his brother. With ears pinned back, Staylight looked insolently up at his older sibling, more embarrassed than startled. Pride forced him to cover up just how tightly wound his nerves were.

“Stray-…” The older colt’s tone was exasperated, quiet.

“If you’re going to start lecturing me, save it.” Straylight stamped a hoof before briskly trotting away from the too-close ledge at his back.

Empty Promise only sighed; he knew well enough the bunt end of his little brother’s temper. Arguing with him was a chore, and the earth pony had had a trying day. There was just too little of him left to stretch that thin and get into an unwinnable argument with a blank flank colt. Shaking loose dirt from his mane, Empty Promise shoved his sibling roughly toward the path back to the encampment.

“Come on. If you want to eat tonight, we’ll have to make it back before sundown.”

Half tripping, Straylight rounded on his sibling. At the prospect of food, those pale green eyes were hopefully wide. Hope had washed away some of his bitterness. A staggeringly noisy growl came as his only answer for a moment.

“Really? But I thought -…” Straylight’s voice went an octave higher, pride forgotten in favor of a full belly.

“We managed to scrape enough together – half of what we planted early didn’t take, so it isn’t much.”

“Anything is better than nothing!” Almost merrily, the young colt began trotting back toward the path through the outskirts of the encampment and back to the general hub of the farmland.

Shaking his head, and with a somber smile, Empty Promise followed after his sibling. The heavier set, obviously tired colt took up a slower pace – his headstrong younger brother had left him in a cloud of volcanic dust and grit.
"What do you think, Silver?"

Barely on one side of the outskirts of the camp was a line of many tree's. It was clear that the area before the farmlands had been a forest. Most of the tree's had perished, and were nothing but blackened trunks singed from lightening. Some tree's had collapsed, others simply burned away... But a few remained standing. One particular tree was strong, and even had leaves... Tough, unpleasantly coarse leaves, but still, it was alive somehow. A tiny example of hope located on the edge of the territory...

Senkou was fortunate enough to have been able to set up a home in it.

"Yeah, there's probably not enough for everypony. Some of us are going hungry."

Over the brief years of his existence, Senkou had managed to gather up some leftover supplies, which now formulated the base of his 'tree house'. Wood panels were nailed and glued together, as the trunk of the tree held it up. No walls were erected in his little tree house, but the interlocking branches above him served well enough as suitable shelter. Sometimes.

"...well... I guess you're right... They probably won't give me a full share, but I bet they'll give me a bite or two at least! That's usually what they do."

A silver pegasus pony stood talking seemingly to himself, as the tree house was only populated by himself. Two suitcases wedged between branches contained several dozens of items, but no other ponies or animals. Instead, all of Senkou's conversation was directed straight to a tiny toy, a plushie in the shape of a cat. The toy was silver and white striped, with a pink nose and pink yarn whiskers, as well as black beady eyes. It stared unblinkingly toward the grey pony as he talked, aiding him in his decisions.

"So even if I don't get anything, it's worth going into camp. It'll be fine. No pony pays attention to me, so I don't have anything to worry about." A nervous waver in Senkou's voice made it obvious that the colt was trying to calm himself. Despite having lived in the remnants of Cloudsdale, and then this camp, for years, very few ponies ever charm him with friendliness, and the less interaction he had with the camp the better.

Taking a deep breath, Senkou dragged himself to one of the old suitcases and pulled it open, reaching in to pull a ratty scarf out to wrap it around his neck, "Nothin' to worry about..." He whispered a little breathlessly, turning to Silver to gently pick the doll up, raising it to his face and smiling, "They probably don't like it when they're mean to me... It's fine!" Sharing a nod with the little doll, he went to put it away in the suitcase.

Now that his treasured item had been secured, the colt turned with renewed strength, and went to carefully climb down the tree. His small wings prevented him from taking flight, as he still had yet to grow into them, but they offered enough power to help slow his descent as Senkou quickly slid down the tree, back hooves hitting dirt as he swung around with ease and launched himself toward town, running full speed with his head held high.

But his speed diminished as he entered camp, finding stallions and mares passing by him. His head lowered gradually as he went deeper to the center, where he knew food would be handed out, where more and more ponies were. By the time he reached the center, Senkou's head was lowered to his shoulders, ears tucked back and eyes utterly wary. How he wished he could have Silver on his back, sitting between his feathers, doing nothing except giving Senkou something to talk to... It's not much further.

Quickening his pace to a trot, he took a turn and- A swift crack came to his inner ears and the colt was suddenly knocked to the ground, having collided with ironically the only other foal in this camp. His head was ringing, and he swayed momentarily, hearing distant voices that never quite reached his brain as the colt dazedly looked toward the obstacle that had sent him down.
Sheer, blundering momentum fueled the force of impact. Even if Straylight had noticed the other colt barring the path, there hadn’t been any time to avoid the collision. The unicorn crashed full force into the silver foal. With a high-pitched yowling, Straylight ended up in a tangle of his own limbs. He landed with his muzzle planted squarely in the dirt and back end hitched up over Senkou’s side – effectively squashing the other foal. The generous sweep of both his mane and tail covered Straylight’s eyes, making him look all the more a fool. Groaning, teeth clamped together to keep his head from ringing, the colt tried to gather his limbs underneath him. A hind hoof was wound-up in Senkou’s scarf, but after a moment of panicked squirming, Straylight freed himself – but not before the colt ended up tripping frantically, flopping stupidly back into the dirt.

Straylight’s ears and cheeks were burning with embarrassment. By the time the colt managed a wobbly stand, he was so hot-tempered that he looked close to tears. Ears set back against his neck, the colt stamped an unsteady hoof. As young as he was, Straylight was proud – and took pains to seem dignified; aloof. Not like a foal. Being soft didn’t win anypony anything – the colt had seen that fact proven time and time again. Biting back tears, Straylight narrowed pale green eyes at the other foal.

“Are you BLIND?! W-Watch where you’re goin’ next time!”

Further up the path, Empty Promise had heard the initial collision. It had picked up the dull earth pony’s pace to a quick trot. Straylight’s yell sent a jolt of fear through the older colt, but his nerves quieted as he came around the curve. Down the middle of the pock-marked path, the lavender foal caught sight of the aftermath. That other colt – of course, Empty Promise recognized the only other colt in camp, even if he couldn’t recall his name – and Straylight. It wasn’t difficult to figure out what had happened; his impetuous younger brother had come rocketing around the bend and laid the poor foal out.

Empty Promise let an exasperated sign roll through his lungs when he heard Straylight start caterwauling at the other colt. Was there no end to Stray’s temper? It shouldn’t have mattered to the older colt. It shouldn’t have bothered him watching his brother picking a fight. But it did. Empty Promise was ever the bleeding heart. Even though the earth pony kept his head down and did little more than work, he couldn’t stand by if somepony was being wronged. Even if he was still too young to know what Equestria had been like, once, Empty Promise had heard all the stories. Had committed them to memory. And he had some bleak hope that the world could be mended, someday. Try as he might to instill the same sense of duty in Straylight, it just didn’t seem to stick.
Senkou... was... woozy.

The collision had come out of no where for the silver colt, and left him more than a little stunned. He'd be content to lie on the ground and recover (maybe fall unconscious for juuust a few seconds), but insistent tugging on his scarf caused him to gag some and rush his return to reality. Another insistent feeling of discomfort in his wings reminded the foal that the weight on his back wasn't imagined, and something most certainly had landed on top of him. All Senkou recalled was the initial impact, having gone from standing up to being on the ground with no time passing. And still, his head continued to ring.

Scrambling movement on his back told Senkou that something was moving, and he turned his head, honestly surprised to see another foal within such close proximity, before realizing with wide eyes that the foal was the one on his back. Frantically ducking his head to avoid getting accidentally kicked by Straylight's back legs, the silver pegasus watched the other foal frantically get up... after tripping foolishly and stumbling about. It looked like Stray may have taken two mouthfuls of dirt in the end. Honestly, it would've been amusing if Senkou wasn't feeling the sympathetic pains from the crash...

He'll go a little slower than Straylight when it comes to standing up.

The other foal seemed flustered, and wobbly, maybe even frustrated. All things Senkou vaguely understood, but was feeling too numbed out to care. The collision had stunned and startled the ever living hell out of the foal, but after recognizing it was but an ordinary, unimpressive event he was ready to move on with it, as he assumed the other foal would. But then angry words filled the air, and Senkou stared vaguely at a pair of green eyes until realizing the eyes were glaring. At him.

"Oh." This colt was angry? He supposed he shouldn't be surprised about this, but somehow emotions suddenly rushed back to him as Senkou got his bearings, immensely flustered and caught between wondering if he should be scared or angry. "O-Oh... W-Well, you-you weren't exactly watching where you were going, e-either!" He sounded unimpressively squeaky, tiny wings fluffing up and front hooves wringing over each other completing the picture of an immensely flustered Senkou.
Senkou was, of course, correct. Straylight hadn't been watching where he was going. Preoccupied with the prospect of a full belly, the silver foal’s focus had narrowed to a pinpoint. An apology started to form tentatively at the end of the colt’s tongue as he watched the Pegasus squirm uncomfortably but pride kept it from spilling out. Instead, Straylight lay his ears back flat against his head in irritation. There wasn’t a single argument that the colt could make; no rebuttal. A tangled riot of silver and cobalt blue obscured those lichen-green eyes as Straylight lowered his stance petulantly.

“And now…we’re both going to starve!” Fervently, the unicorn rose up on his hind hooves and hammered back down again. “Do yourself a favor and stay. Out. Of. My. Way.”

With each word, Straylight prodded Senkou with an outstretched hoof. Teeth clamped angrily, the foal began a slow, tense trot toward the encampment; limping. Every step was jarringly painful and his own sorry state made him pause to look over one shoulder at the other colt. Straylight felt…bad. Of course, he knew that Senkou hadn’t been at fault. And part of the colt wanted to rush back and apologize. Or at the very least, ask the other foal if he was alright. But self-preservation stopped Straylight from doting on the problems of others and forced him to stick to his own. Being nice to everypony didn’t get you anywhere, anyhow.
Ears still lay flat against the back of his head, and front hooves crossed each other nervously, no longer wringing the other yet still making Senkou look equally flustered and caught off guard. The aggression and harsh glares... It was what he feared when he left his safe treehouse. Being yelled at like this, and even threatened, to an extent. He tried to harden his glare, but his blue eyes were far too soft to make the furious, defensive expression look anything other than harmless. Each prod of the other colts hoof just forced Senkou further down toward the ground, lowering his body until Straylight finally turned away, leaving the gray pegasus to stare indignantly at him.

For a brief moment, Senkou stuck out his tongue toward the aggressive colt, before turning his head away and putting his tongue back in his mouth before being noticed.

The last thing the colt had wanted was to deal with aggressive ponies... And he literally ran straight into one. Somehow the situation had left him less mortified, and more... slightly annoyed. Well that was pointless. Shuffling his hooves back to sit himself up on his haunches, Senkou took a simple, short breath, and let it out. Anger and frustration left him quite swiftly, as thoughts of the unpleasant unicorn colt left his brain.

Checking that his sore wings weren't injured, and fixing the disheveled scarf around his neck, Senkou rose to his hooves and proceeded to move on, eager to simply refocus to the task at hand and forget about this little incident. Despite that he was fairly sure the food for today was all gone, he figured he may as well check in hopes of some scraps. Maybe he'll get lucky...

The deeper Senkou went into the camp, the more ponies there were, and by now he was nearing the center. It forced him to slow his trot to a walk, careful to not bump into more ponies (again). But he frowned as he watched the other ponies. They were leaving. Each adult stallion and mare were leaving with their own jealously-guarded tiny bundles of food, hidden away in cheap cloth that contained their goods, and no more ponies were going to the center. It was a sure sign that he was too late, and even as Senkou's frown grew bigger, he pressed on to the center, arriving at a large wall of ponies.

Echoes of angry yelling and demanding tones came from behind the group.


Senkou's heart sank, despite that he wasn't very surprised to hear this.

"What about the rest of us?!? I haven't eaten all day!"

More and more ponies clamored to complain. The gray pegasus knew better than to expect anything... Shaking his head slowly, Senkou lowered it to stare bitterly at the ground, ears slumped forward rather than back. He began to leave the area, not looking to stick around the other large ponies for too long.

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