Live Work

Medelsvensson said:
Explain this to me
Well, there was a thread over on /tg/, which is the roleplaying (and other traditional games and also /d/-lite sometimes) board of 4chan.

And in this thread some guys were discussing mythic magic, or low magic, rather than the highly standardized, demystified, and psuedo-scientific magic of, say D&D (I am always dimly surprised that in 2013 some people have never played outside deeundee).

So I took the three ideas presented in the thread and, as one anon put it, fucking sprinted with them.

In the most spare of my time, I've been hacking away at making a wee game from it.

Of course then no one supplied any real feedback so I let it slip. Such is life in indie-dev.
I'd like to play around with this a little more - does anyone have literally anything to say? Like it, hate it, confused by it?
I think this is an excellent basis for deeper story telling / setting games. I really like the ideas you brought to the table with respect to the magic and its weaving. This could be a great system for say ancient Celtic or Arthurian setting/campaign or even a wild Norse type setting. I like it, particularly as I lean more toward the Roleplay end of things and this system would be more reliant on these skills.

I think it really opens up the Roleplay opportunities for character depth in anything from Bards, Skalds and Druids, to Wizards, Witches and Warlocks. Really allows the concept of magic to be woven into the fabric of the world, and inspires all the respect it deserves in the eyes of the mundane world.

Great work Grey! I'd like to see this come to out to play...

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