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OOC Little Talks

I already have the next chamber thought out, and it is definitely a lot better and should force you guys to actually use your heads a bit :P

I will post very soon, but if it's possible I'd like all active players to confirm they're active by roleplaying their respective characters into the next room. This especially addresses the following players: @Admiral Calgori @Articus @Teh Frixz
Sorry, I've been crazy busy with several larger art projects that have kept me off the net for a while. I'll post in a bit.
Area map updated.

Still thinking this is too small but since no one ever complained I'm gonna shut up about it too. Just enlarge the picture by any means you can, if you need to *bark*

In case it wasn't obvious, I'll state the following to clear any doubts: All of the tombstone epitaphs as well as words on the signs attached to the bodies - upon being discovered by one character it automatically becomes known to everyone. Since nothing stops you from all taking a look at everything, it makes no sense to waste time doing that. So let's assume that one player's discovery becomes everyone's knowledge :P
Come on, team! You haven't even discovered all of the clues; you have no right to be stuck until you actually have to use your intellect :P *bark*
If you tell me this is too hard, I'm going to burn down a village. Or two.

People? Are you just otherwise occupied or are you actually stuck? Let me know. Use the OOC, for frak's sake *bark*
Well usually when I get the chance to post, I'm too exhausted to try and figure, really anything out. After December 18th I'll be back in the swing.

I've just been busy - and wanted to give other players a chance to puzzle over it. I'll attack it later tonight or tomorrow.
I see. Well, I didn't want the same player solving every challenge, but I'll take that over myself doing it through an NPC any day.

If it's just obligations then ok. For a second I thought you all gave up on cracking this nut :D
Sorry I've been absent. I've been crazy with final papers/portfolios and have no energy at the end of the day.
It's been a week, guys. As much as it pains me to do so, unless someone cracks this by the end of the week, I'm advancing the storyline into the next chamber. I was hoping to clear the challenges (spoiler: there are only two remaining) before everyone traditionally disappeared for the holidays :/ *bark*

Clearly, that won't be possible, but let's try anyway.
Usually I tend to dispense hints in character - using various NPCs. In this RP I have vastly used Meric for that purpose, including during the current challenge. If more than one person here thinks that all the tools you have right now are insufficient to crack the case, then by all means speak up. Don't assume you're the only one stuck and talk to each other in the OOC so I can see what's wrong and fix the problem.

Honestly, I admit I haven't made it too obvious, but I figured that it should still be solvable. Try following Meric's course of action and while you're doing so, everyone should post here and let me know their opinion - if it's too hard, in which case I will apologize and intervene :/ *bark*
I'm alive I swear. Family issues have kept me from the net entirely, but they are all solved now 'w'
The delay is caused by a joint factor of Minecraft and lack of inspiration for the next challenge. Soon, though.

Apologies *bark*
I hath returned! *howl*

Apologies for this inactivity on my part - we all have our dark moments, whatever they be. Important thing is, we're moving on :D

I hope you're all feeling as inspired and refreshed as old Wolf is ;) *bark*
Just want to say - that last puzzle? Good idea, but maybe too obtuse. I can't think of a logical, cultural, or linguistic context in which it becomes solvable (but I may just be ignorant of the correct one) without massive clues from the ST.

Might I suggest that if you plan to use it or something like it again, you make it a touch more clear in the epitaphs?

I'm not gonna lie - the clues within them, such as they are, felt more like unfamiliarity with the form than anything else.

Still, looking forward to moving on and seeing what else you have planned for us.
It was quickly put together, and thus turned out unrefined. Still, I have presented it to some people who aren't players in the RP, and they solved it without too much difficulty so I cannot be convinced that it was too hard or that there was a lack of clues. The thief's epitaph was the only one that did not specifically state guilt.

I have rough ideas for the remaining two challenges, but have not yet completely shaped them. I'll work harder *bark*
Hi guys. And gals.

Wolf is terribly, terribly sorry for these recent delays - I hope they're not going to kill the game :( - but as I have explained to Grey (whose PM was very helpful, thanks :) ), I have been suffering from a severe case of writer's block for weeks now, and it has made a significant impact on everything in my life. Not just RPdom and all the RPs I am involved here, but also my private writings, my android application design stuff, everything. So I guess you could call it a creativity block to be more precise.

Just to note, I do have a general idea on what I want to accomplish right now in Amaranth, it's just that I find it hard to actually think of a way to do it. Hopefully, I will resolve this soon and we will be able to get back to playing in full swing *bark*

Now, any thoughts? Place looks really dead so if you could each just post something, anything here in the OOC it would definitely make Wolf feel better and perhaps even inspire me ;) Thanks! *bark*
I have the patience of Bob Lee Swagger. If you don't know of him, he's got a lot of patience... a lot... of patience.
I'm still stuck xD

But honestly, I can't say I'm actively working to think it out, since I got cluttered with stuff to do recently, and because I am so stuck when I do try to work it out I usually give up before long... I'm sorry. I've never been so defeated in my time here. It's unheard of :(

not wow

is sorry

very shame

I guess I have no choice but take the advice of someone who told me to "cut the losses". Considering this now :/

Thank you for checking in, though. It means the world to me to see that people actually care (well, you and Petal at least, though hopefully the others can't be far behind) :)
If it means the world, then cheer up butter cup, and give us more to be checking in on than a barren forum. We have a good story going, let's not let it die due to writer's block.
We're back on track.

Quick and simplified map of the new area, for ease of understanding:


Self explanatory, I believe.

p.s. I apologize once more for this inexcusable inactivity on my part. I hope that it hasn't driven anyone away from playing the RP, and in that good belief allow me to assure it it will not happen again. I have rekindled the flame that keeps me going *howl*

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