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OOC Little Talks

There wouldn't be a lot to know in regard to his powers. He keeps them under wraps and only uses them in the most needed situations such as this one. I guess there could be rumors? :question:
I was thinking a more of knowing who he was way. Also, there's technically the chance that Violet could have seen him in the time that she spent in the orphanage that she grew up in, with the part of the backstory where his mother took him on charitable ventures. For now, I'll just say he's very vaguely familiar.

Also, Welcome Grey. I was kind of like "Woah, its Grey" when I saw your post X3
Well, you have to remember that Tharos (A'kal) is really 240 years old and his mother died in labor. And he really only left his homelands to fight in gladiator rings. The only time she would have seen him in her years would have been after he was knighted and was in service to the Kings of Asgard.

Also thank you for the welcomes. This is my first freeform game in... eleven years, give or take, so I am excited to see where we go together under Wolf's guiding paw.

Also, anyone with ties to the rebellion in or around Alicante would've heard of Valtieri, from what I understand.

such posts

so activity

liek old time

shibe very excite

And yes, I forgot to inform that since Grey' character is in the Resistance, and there's not many of his kind in the organization, at least Violet would have definitely heard of him (maybe Tharos too). Let's say they haven't met, but Articus: Feel free to have Violet suddenly remember the name. In turn, Valtierri does not recognize Violet because he had never seen her in person, but if she were to give her name he would definitely know about the second-in-command of the Resistance :tongue:

A decade, Grey? You have got to be joking! :oops:

I mean I always associated the name and picture with Exalted ever since the Great Community Merge, then later on with Crucible and then I just put you in the basket with all that stuff that I don't play :tongue: But it never occurred to me that it could have been such a long time since you've gone freeform. Well, that makes this even more of an honor... no! privilege! to have you in a freeform game, than just the usual having-you-in-Amaranth honor/privilege :D *bark*

Closely linked: I am preparing to write a substantial essay on the current situation of Freeform games, focusing this community but meant for large-scale application as well, with the purpose of... well, you see. Monitor the Roleplay Discussions, it will happen quite literally one of these days ;) I think you might be interested.
You're too kind, Wolf. I'm just happy to be here - so far it all looks better than I remember. Perhaps due to such a dedicated ST holding the reins.

I'll be watching closely for that essay, since you mention it.
Okay, then I'll have her realize after the initial shock of "Who the heck are you?!" and what not

By the way, I should inform you all
- I've just received word that I am to leave on a trip tomorrow, and while it's not very far (a few hours from home), it is a small village in a hunting area up in the mountains, at an altitude of 1200 m or more. I will have to spend three nights there, so I will be back on Friday. Thing is, I hear cellular signal is next to none but if I can get my paws on a wireless network by some miracle then I will be able to keep updating the game. If not, then I thank you for your understanding in advance over the next several days *bark*
Since a couple players tend to have minor... difficulties at times, I sometimes allow up to a few days of what seems like inactivity, but rest assured that I am here several times a day and always ready to respond. In case that nothing happens for longer than that, I advance things in my way *bark*

That said, those who are being waited upon have about 6-8 more hours left to post.
Storyline advanced. Sorry Articus, I can't wait indefinitely, especially when there's people waiting to post :/ I tried to make it as painless as possible :P

Let's focus on wrapping up the pleasantries and move on ;) *bark*
Players who have not yet had the chance to post can do so during what's left of today and tomorrow- at which point I will be advancing the storyline to the next key event. I'll do my best to kick it up a notch too ;) *bark*
New chamber, new challenge. And temple map updated.

Please let me know if you guys can effectively use this map, I see know that it turned out too small and when you zoom it by 200% that's how it actually should have been. If I have to, I'll remake it.

Sorry for my absence. Had a surprise visit from an old friend this weekend and was barely home. I'll post either tonight or tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay. I got hit with a rough 24 hour fever/sickness thing and I've been trying to catch up on stuff I missed because of it.
Sorry to hear that, mate. Best wishes from everyone, I'm sure :)

I do believe we're moving at a more than convenient speed (for my liking less than desired), so you should have little trouble catching up. Not much has transpired. Yet! ;)
In about eight hours from now, I will assume that these are all the posts we'll get for now and will advance the storyline as if everyone moved through the right portal *bark*
Area map updated.

By the way, I hope it's not painfully obvious that I have still not completely planned out the next challenge and am stalling for time <_<

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