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OOC Little Talks

I believe I already know who the new player is... I remember seeing in the sands of time the talk of a new character rising from the Forge of Creation. O:)

But that's just because I'm magical. ;)
Went for an ASCII map at first but that's too hard and glitchy in the end so here's a proper map of what's going on.


Everything is self explanatory, I think. But just in case:

black lines - walls

grey rectangles - pedestal and knight statues (inactive, non-winged, holding torches)

faint grey fields - floor tile path

red circles - winged knight statues

letters - player characters (lucky no one has the same name initials)
Just a reminder, specifically to Neltharion, but also to everyone else. The statues you're fighting are two times the size of your characters. Well, more than two times in comparison to Dina, and a bit less than two times compared to Xenthriss or Silverlane, but they're still much bigger. The swords they wield are made of stone; sharp and heavy. In such a situation, one would not be too eager to even think about parrying a blow like that, let alone attempt it. Sure, it is possible, but if the statue were to put full power behind it, the sheer strength could crush the defender through the parry.

Xenthriss is probably physically strongest and biggest of the fellowship, and has the biggest and heaviest weapon. This is why he was able to counter a blow already, though it is questionable whether or not he could do it again or survive a stronger attack. But by all means, I'm not stopping anyone from trying to cross weapons with this particular enemy - this is just a warning that I will not be held responsible for any critical injury your characters might suffer in the process. It isn't a good idea to try and meet these heavy attacks if you have any other solution at hand. It's possible, but you do not know how much strength will go behind each strike. Some can be parried and some cannot.
Ugh, sorry I've been absent. I did have a break, but a majot relationship crisis put me out of comission for a few days and then I was back at school again. I'll post tonight or tomorrow
I was actually operating under the assumption that you need to be autopiloted, so you'd actually need to tell me when not to do it (lol :P )

But thank you for the heads up. I wish everyone else was as forthcoming as you man :)

And good luck with your affairs *howl*
I don't feel comfortable autopiloting the only two remaining active players, so that's why nothing's happened from my end. I hope you're able to post soon. Should you require advice or clarification on anything to help you make your decision, please do not hesitate to come to old Wolf for guidance ;) *bark*
It's been three (3) days :P

Now that you have a way to defeat the guardians, I suggest you get to it. I've more surprises up my sleeve to throw at you ;)

Petal, I realize it might be frustrating to command a character not particularly useful in the current situation, but please bear with me. Dina's bound to have things going her way sooner rather than later <3
To be honest, that was never his intention to begin with. His goal is protect the balance and the pathway of time. O:)
Yes but, what did he mean by what he said to the guardian? That he's protecting the temple in some profound way? You lost me there :P
Okay, after a crazy weekend in which my relationship problems was resolved in the absolute best of ways and getting a handle on my work, I shall post tonight!
Okay, lost track of time because of youtube, and work, but I swear on my stripes I will post tonight. I started post though 'w'
haha :P

Good to have you back mate :)

Now, I've brought some reinforcements for you guys. A new player has been introduced to the story, and he will be posting his character sheet and first post ingame as soon as he is able. Once you guys become acquainted, I shall look forward to seeing some real progress! towards the death traps I have stacked in the next hallway. *bark*

Area map also updated.

Doc checking in. Been destroyed by a bunch of stuff I hadn't anticipated, but I am going to try and get caught back up in the next couple of days.

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