Lintha PC


just wondering, how would someone go about making a lintha? i understand it would be hard to play one but i want to. Should i just make a regular demon-blooded, and if thats all i am doing how many inheritance points would he start off with? What kinda charms would you suggests? Could i use some Mountainfolk combat charms?
I posted a similar thread a while back entitled Lintha godblooded in the auto core forum.  You could check that out.  Main point avoid blood thirsty pirate cliche's.
Lintha are powerful God-Blooded, as reflected in the stats that they get in Blood and Salt.  They are a unique type of God-Blooded.  I would give them an Inheritance 5 and require the PCs to automatically buy God-Body 4, Dynasty of Inheritance, Breed True (there is no other explanation for how their blood could have survived three millennia of pollution), Longevity, Awakened Essence, Magical Attunement and Essence 2.  As for their Heritage Power, I would make it the same as the Demon-Blooded.  As for their Charms, they can buy Spirit Charms like any Demon-Blooded.
i seriously cannot find that old thread, but OS you have a great idea i have to say. i may just roll with what you tell me, i just wanna see the other thread to take on it.
i guess it makes sense but, its dissappointing that all the lintha are, are just really organized Demon-bloodeds. i always thought they were a breed apart from anyone else.
Then you missed the memo I suppose.  Blood and Salt has all you really need to know.  

Most especially, that if you want to play a Lintha, you'd best get used to playing a castrato...
lol better to play one then actually be one, besides its not that fun roleplaying getting laid. unless you larping it hahaa. anywho, i dont wanna have to buy that dumb book just for lintha info, hell i am trying to save enough to buy GoD
in the BaS did it talk about what most Lintha look like physically? Where their certain traits that were common amoungst them? if so give me a few so i can draw them.
If you really want to play a Lintha, get a hold of the book.  Seriously.  It's a great resource, and it covers so much more than we can touch on--about the family, the history, the practices--without getting into some trouble with the nice folks at WW.  

Borrow it.  Get your ST to buy it and then yank it from his hot little hands, while he yawps and squawks.  But if you really want to play a Lintha, get the dang book.  Don't pussy foot about it.  GoD is out of print.  You can get a proper, legal, version on-line.  Download both the fuckers if you have to--but do it legally, because it sends cash to the nice folks who deserve it, and who worked hard to make the game you like.  It's the nice thing to do.

But if you really want a castrato Demon Blooded gangster/pirate, then you're going to have to pick up the dang thing.
funny isnt it, i hate being storyteller but i usually end up getting the position because i know the most about exalted out of the whole group. I actually know quite a bit more then i guess i show on this forum, but i just dont like to share my wisdom. I perfer crackin jokes in the wyld, and askin Q's. But even so i have all the main books so i know the whole dealio about the exalted world ( at least about the exalted and their perspectives on it). The reason i never got the smaller splat books was because i had a friend who planned on purchasing them himself, but he hasnt been able to make any funds and everyone lives so far that i dont hardly play exalted except by myself... but i guess i should buy the books. I guess i should buy BaS, but sometimes its like i am spending alot of money on certain little things i needs and alot i dont.
Lintha are not normal Demon-Blooded.  They have a fixed beginning potential, from their association with their mother, and are among the most powerful of God-Blooded.  A child of an elemental dragon might come close to the same power, as might a child of two elder dynast or a child of a millenia old Celestial Exalt.

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