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Fantasy Linda's Comet

"You two be careful. Try not to go overboard with your new powers." Alison smiled and skipped towards the two men to give them a hug. "I'm sure everything will work out great."
Elliot cleared their throat, not wanting to interrupt the 'touching' moment between the others, but kind of needing to. They glanced around between the others, still a little hesitant. They started speaking anyway, knowing it was important.

"Yeah, I'm sure it will too, and one of those great things would be if someone could help me fix my car?" They asked, looking between them all. Elliot knew a little bit about car maintenance, changing tyres, oil, stuff like that, but they didn't even know what was wrong with it this time. "Dad will actually kill me if I bring a broken car home. Actually I wouldn't be able to bring it home, it's broken. He'd still kill me though..." Elliot trailed off, imagining how the situation would go. It wasn't even an impressive car, but Elliot's dad is very frugal, wanting to get the most out of his money no matter what. That included any car, even his kid's.
((Sorry about being inactive, yikes!!))

"It's not though." Villian trailed off, she gently touched the hood above the driver side head light and the engine roared to life, "Also it'd be a good idea to flush your coolant." She looked at Elliot, and smiled, fascinated by what she could do. "Guys, this is literally the coolest!" She closed her eyes and felt the electric pulse of the car next to her. It was almost as if it had a life now, she felt it like a heartbeat, steady and rhythmic. She new her father would like that. Wouldn't he? Should she really tell him? She likely would never leave the shop with how much business they would have... She decided it would be best to keep it a secret, at least for now.
"Bye Ali." Danny said completely forgetting what he had to ask her earlier. "I could always just sneak in." was the last audible thing that the group could hear from Danny as he walked off with Fletcher. 

(Whenever it is the next day Danny will be back.)
Fletcher waved as he walked backwards, grabbing his split and charred guitar as he did. "Well, we'll see you whenever." He noticed the Danny had gotten further ahead due to him walking backwards, so he jogged to keep up. They walked in silence for about an hour or so before reaching his house. "Welcome to my castle." He joked as he pulled the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. The keys were warmer than usual, but other than that we're unscathed.

He walked in, sighing in relief when he realized his parents weren't there. The inside was well lit with the walls a pale lavender, much to his mother's delight.  "So, you coming?"
"See ya!" Elliot waves goodbye to Danny and Fletcher as they left, then turned back to Villian listening to her advice. Coolant, huh? Sounds reasonable. 

"So how do I do that?" Elliot asks, then shook their head. "It might be better for you to do it actually, especially with your new car whispering powers," they added, wiggling their eyebrows at Villian.
"Man as long as we've been friends i can't believe i've never been to your house, it looks great. Waaaay better than mine." Danny said walking into the house. He really wished that he could live anywhere than where he already lives because his parents have become so distant that he almost forgot their faces even though they are always fighting each other. "So where is your room?" 
Fletcher was surprised how fine Danny was with being here for the first time. "Yeah, its nard to believe. Thanks, I- take care it myself." He put on a fake smile, shoving his keys back in his pocket. "Oh um, it's in the basement." He walked over to the living room where a door for what appeared to be a closet stood. He opened it and walked down the stairs behind it, turning on the light as he did. "Well, here it is. The room was clean and the dim light showed his simple bed and dresser. On it was his phone, which he promptly took and looked at. Seven texts and two missed calls? I'm in serious trouble. 
"Dang this is a nice room way cleaner than my house. Who texted you?" Danny walked around the room and plopped himself onto the bed. He thought about what happened and how he was going to go about life with these new powers. He played around with a fire making it go to his finger tips and to his palm then extinguishing it. "So what did you get from the storm animal communication?
(Sorry for being a bit slow) 

Fletcher looked back at him, a grin settled on his face. "Thanks. Like I said upstairs. I cleaned it myself." He quickly scrolled through the messages...

Where are you?! You need you to clean the house!  

Come home right now!   

You'll regret this.

He skipped the rest of them. Though the messages scared him, he closed out of the texts and looked back at Danny, the pain well hidden. "It's just my parents. They're just worried about me." He put the phone back his dresser and clapped his hands together. "So is there anything you'd like me to do for you?"
"Dude you don't need to do anything it's not like your my butler." Danny sat back and looked at the ceiling since his phone was completely wrecked. "Wonder what th others are doing."

(Uhh guys where u at)
(Sorry. I was really busy.)

"We should get going. I don't want my parents to start fussing at the police that I haven't contacted them in a while." Alison smiled and began to gather her things, though most of it was charred from the lightning. "Anyone need a ride?"
"I do," Elliot replied, pulling the charred phone out of their pocket again in the hopes that it had somehow magically fixed itself. It really hadn't. If anything, the speed and teleporting had made chunks of it fall off. "I'll come back for my car tomorrow, see if I can find what's wrong with it," They nodded slowly. It seemed like a better plan than fumbling around it in the dark, and they were tired. It's not like they had work tomorrow. As fun as running back home seemed, Elliot didn't know if they had the stamina to run that far.
(Sorry for being quite a bit slow)

Fletcher grinned at Danny's last statement. "Naw man, it's alright, I've been doing things like this plenty of times before. If you want, you can just come up and help me on it." He thought back to the texts, hoping his parents wouldn't come home soon. He went into a daze for a second, but came back when he heard Danny's voice. "Huh? Oh yeah. They are probably either going home to rest or trying to actually fix the car."
"Ok dude let's cook some shit. What you got that we can make into a masterpiece." The others didn't know but Danny took a cookery class last year and aced it. "Hey maybe i can practice my "power" and cook it "by hand"." Danny said making a fire appear in his hand and bursting out laughing.

(Get it BY HAND cuz he can make fire from his hands.)

(yeah we should time skip)
Though Alison assumed everything from last night was just a vivid dream, her theory was broken as she saw her classmates gossip about the intense storm that happened yesterday. She could hear then talk about how lightning kept crashing around, but no reports of anyone killed or injured from it.

She sighed and tossed her bag on her desk with a thunk. If that was true and everything really did happened, she worried about her friends and hoped nothing bad happened in the few hours they were apart.
"Hey beautiful mind if i sit next to you." Danny said taking a seat next to Allison. "So you find you *whispers* power? If you did or not i was wondering if i could help you find it over a dinner at Le Cordon Bleu the new fancy french place." Danny hoped that Alison picked up that he was asking her on a date.


(Guys lets get back) @Puggie @TheOne @RomanticDaffodil
Alison raised an eyebrow as she looked at Danny. "Isn't that a little fancy?" She tapped her chin as if in thought before shrugging. "Sure, I'll go, and no I haven't discovered any new powers." She sighed. "Nothing special here."
"You sure about that because i see something very special in front of me. Someone hotter than any flame i could make." Danny said with a wink. Something about the powers made Danny way more confident. "Don't worry i'm sure you got something. Here catch." Danny said tossing an apple her way but she didn't seem to see the apple flying her way.
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"Huh?" She looked at the apple and flinched suddenly, believing the red fruit would hit her. Instead the apple flew in mid air in front of her, almost like it was levitate by something. Alison's eyes widened and she hesitated for a moment before grabbing the apple.
"0-0 I think i found your power." Danny stood there for a little while dumbfounded. "Holy crap you may have the best power of us all. Try something but be discreet i hope no one saw that i don't know if anyone else knows about this."  
Alison nodded and looked around the hallways full of bustling students. She hesitated for a moment before reaching out and, as hard as she could concentrate, caused a locker to suddenly slam open. 

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