Lim Bo Seon


Fandom Fanatic



Name: Lim Bo Seon "Boseon"

Age: 20

Birthday: July 22, (year???)

Hair: black

Eyes: dark brown

Height: 5'10''

Weight: 139lbs

Build: thin but toned

Body Markings: Scar on right jawline & left eyebrow, Hangul tattoo above right hip that reads: "No Rules/Accomplish Something"

Orientation: Bi-curious


Intelligent, soft spoken, and a bit shy, Boseon believes in hard work and never giving up on your dreams. He's not typically a social butterfly, but he will voice his opinions openly when he feels a stand needs to be taken.

Very smart in a mechanical way. He loves tinkering with building things, usually made out of junk parts from other things. Creating helps ease his mind when he's stressed.



*Thomas Edison is his hero

*Old junk

*The smell of motor oil


*Being outside




*People who let other people walk all over them

*Worms (seriously, he can't stand them. Like, what are they and why do they exist to make the world disgusting? Stick one in his face--it'll be funny, trust me)

*Tyranny, naturally

*People touching his things without permission. That shit's valuable. 




Boseon, despite his stance on things and his outward appearances, was not born into the lower class of society. His father is a top executive of one of the leading weapons manufacturing companies in the nation, and his mother created a line of fragrances that upperclass women cannot seem to get enough of and are willing to pay just about any price for. While his parents certainly work for their money, they were also born into it from the start, their prestigious bloodlines allowing them the opportunities to learn and grow into the societal roles that people of lowerclass status are not allowed to fill.

That being said, Boseon is lucky that his parents are of the few who do not look down upon the impoverished and often treat their employees better than most labor companies do. They are still restricted by law in how much they can pay out in wages, but Boseon grew up watching them work around that by offering gifts in the form of food or clothing to those who were in dire need. As a boy, Boseon was encouraged to visit his parents' factories as often as he pleased, getting a taste for what it was like to live on the other side, to see what work ethics really were, to become someone who would treat people as equals and not look down upon them as so many in their privileged class often did. When he was old enough to ask why, his parents told him this: "Because mankind can only suffer under cruelty's thumb for so long. History always repeats itself, and it is full of violence and vengeance from those who will suffer no more. When that time comes, we don't wish to be seen as the enemy just because of our birthright. We want these people, the ones who fight with the most passion, to know that we are on their side."

With those ideals in mind, Boseon wound up making more friends with the children of his parents' employees than he did with his stuck-up classmates and wannabe princes and princesses of the social order. He learned what it was like to live out the real world, dressing down so he could fit in, getting dirty running through dust-covered streets, and discovering his love of mechanical engineering not through his father's corporation, but from an odd little man on a corner block who built wind-up cars and music boxes for the local kids. Boseon went from watching him work to becoming an assistant to offering new suggestions to eventually taking over entirely when the old man passed away from sickness...sickness and not having the funds to seek the proper medical attention to cure it.

That was when Boseon really came to realize what the world outside his safe little circle was like. People weren't just poor; they were actually dying, and from diseases that could easily be treated if they were only born into the right family lines. Boseon quit school after that (he was seventeen) in favor of working full time out in the city, still building toys for the kids with whatever scraps he could scrounge up from other people's trash (usually rich people's trash and whatever his father deemed safe for him to scavenge from the failed projects at the factory), but also working under the radar to craft more useful things for those in need. One of his bigger projects included a water wheel and pump system that brought water from the river to people's property, complete with a filtration device, so the people wouldn't have to make the choice of either hauling and filtering it by hand, or purchasing already-clean water from the city at ridiculous prices that no one could really afford. It was a beautiful system, but some "unknown vandals" destroyed it four months later...unknown vandals with hefty government paychecks, Boseon was sure. His method of retaliation? He pieced together and repaired the engine to an old flatbed truck, then got a few volunteers to help him run water and supplies for those who were suffering the loss of his pump system. The government didn't even try to cover their involvement in the destruction of that one. The MP barricaded a road to stop him one day, hauled him out of the truck, and beat him down when he tried to stop them from opening fire on his beloved vehicle. With the guns his father's company built.

That was the day Boseon earned his scars, and was also the day he decided to turn against his own social status for good. Not that he really had a choice in the matter. The law dictated he was a dishonor to his family line, and it was either his parents strip him of his inheritance or they would be cast out with him. They almost decided on the latter, but Boseon wouldn't let them. He wouldn't let them take the fall for raising him to be a good human being. It was bad enough that they were publicly humiliated because of their son's actions, but that would pass in time when some other scandal of the elite class made itself known. Besides, it was good having them where they were, where they could send him messages and supplies through their own workers. It was exactly as they'd told him when he was a kid--be good to the right people, and good would come back in turn.

Now Boseon is the odd young man who lives on the corner block making toys for the local children.

And now Boseon is also the shadowed young man with a chip on his shoulder making toys for those who aren't children anymore, the passionate ones, the ones who are looking for history to repeat itself. He knows what the MPs are equipped with. He helped build them after all. He knows he can do better.

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@RegalWindstar Kay, he's done. That took a lot of tinkering on my part to make it look like I wanted, lol. Note that I discovered another glitch--when you expand the hidden portions and shrink them again, the tables underneath do not move back up the page to where they should go. If you just refresh the page it'll reset everything though. Never mind. Somehow that got fixed already between when I made the initial template and now, lol.
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